
The Priestess

The Priestess of the Southern Empire fell asleep for a hundred years and when she roused from her deep slumber, so did the Demon King.

mspremier · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Master..." Mugu muttered as he cautiously stared at the man with a busted lip. He wanted to ask if it hurts but knew that his master would make him bleed as well to answer his question.

"My poor Shen Shen, she's became too weak." The man said in a dazed manner as he looked upon the tattered ceiling of where they were staying at.

Too weak? Would you prefer she had her previous strength and knocked off all your teeth then? Mugu thought with a grimace.

As to how they were in stuck in an old abandoned hut could only be blamed to Mugu's aggressive master.

After Nu Shen agreed to the man's demand, the man did not waste any time in finding trouble. He tried to climb Nu Shen's bed so many times that the priestess resorted to barricading the bed with enchanted knives and burning talismans. He also tried touching the priestess in inappropriate places and that did not end up well either. The last thing he did which resulted to his bruised lip and them being chased out from ABD with flying fire balls was when he stole a kiss from an unsuspecting Nu Shen.

Mugu shook his head remembering everything that happened in the past three days, "Master, what are we going to do now? You have angered the mistress so much, I don't think she would want to see us any time soon."

The man seemed to think about it for a second before a grin appeared on his face, "Shen Shen just wanted to play and I love playing with her."

Mugu blinked his eyes in confusion and tried to figure out what his master's word meant. Still not understanding his master's logic, Mugu came to the conclusion that his master has truly and sadly, lost his sanity. Not like he was sane before but yeah, you get the idea.

The man stood up and stretched his limbs, "Go back, I can take care of Shen Shen from now on."

Mugu's face brightened after hearing what his master said. His suffering has finally came to an end, or as he thought. He happily jumped up from his seat and was about to give a long speech of gratitude but with a flick of finger from his master, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.




Back in the ABD, Nu Shen was leisurely drinking wine while watching the men performing in front of her. After kicking off Mugu and that ridiculous man, she finally found peace and she planned to enjoy every bit of it.

Raising her hand, a servant came and refilled her glass. The night was young and the joyous mood lasted til the morning with Nu Shen drowning in alcohol.




"Miss, no costumers tonight..." A servant reluctantly reported.

"Not even one?" Nu Shen's brows furrowed.

The servant nodded in confirmation, "I think everyone is going to this new brothel that opened a week ago."

"A new brothel, you say?"

Once again, the servant nodded.

For a week, the business at ABD had slowed down, terribly. Every passing night, the costumers coming in became lesser and lesser and tonight, not a single person had showed up. Just how good is the new brothel that it managed to steal all of ABD's clients in just the span of a week?

Nu Shen stood up from her seat and gestured to the servant, "Take me to this new brothel you are talking about."

The servant hastily made his way out of ABD with Nu Shen in tow. They haven't even arrived yet but the loud singing and the mesh of instruments playing can already be heard. The towering building looked so bright and cheery with all the enticing red lanterns hanging from its windows and walls. A huge banner with the brothel's name boldly printed on it, CUM TO ME PAVILION, welcomed everyone from its carpeted footsteps.

For some unknown reason, Nu Shen felt that whoever thought of that name was intentionally messing with her. She felt more agitated when she entered the brothel and saw most of ABD's clients inside having the best time of their miserable lives. Pei! Pei! Pei!

A servant from CTMP approached them with the best smile one can offer and led them to the table on the furthest corner of the brothel since the front seats and the VIP rooms were all occupied.

"Miss, we have the best guys and the best wine in the entire empire! Not even the shabby ADB can compare!" The servant boasted with a wide smile, not even realizing that the owner of the brothel he bad-mouthed was the icy lady in front of him.

The servant who came with Nu Shen felt so uncomfortable from his seat that he just wanted to bolt out of there but Nu Shen gave him a too sweet smile that it was sickening. He quietly looked down at the table and mentally blocked everything from the outside world and started playing with his made-up friend inside his head.

"Then bring me your best guy and your best wine." Nu Shen answered and the servant happily obliged, missing the deadly aura surrounding the priestess.

After a few minutes, the servant came with a jug of wine. Nu Shen cautiously took a sip while her servant greedily drank half of it and knocked himself out.

"Where's your best guy?" Nu Shen raised her brows on the CTMP servant. While waiting for the wine, Nu Shen took the chance to look at the men working at CTMP and was somehow relieved that the men working at ADB were better looking. Even the wine wasn't as good as the CTMP's servant's claim. If that was the case, why did her clients still transferred here?

The servant kneeled in front of Nu Shen and whispered, "Miss, you're really lucky. Our best entertainer agreed to meet you!" The servant said a quick "Enjoy!" before disappearing into the lively crowd. As if on cue, a man appeared and sat in front of Nu Shen. He took the glass from Nu Shen's hand and shamelessly drank from the same spot where Nu Shen's lips were on a minute ago. His tongue gently circled his lips afterwards and gave out a satisfied sigh.

Nu Shen's face darkened seeing the all too familiar man in front of her.

"Did you miss me so much? You even CUM TO ME in your own will!"