
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Training and misunderstanding~ (part 2)

[Race: Undead (Zombie Rat)

Rank: F

Level: 2

HP: 40 MP: 1

ATK: 5 MAT: 1

DEF: 4 MDF: 3

SPD: 4 LUC: 5

Skills: (Low-level Appraisal skill necessary for viewing)]

Instead of picking the door with the monster that possessed the lowest amount of malice after the Zombie Dog, Zorey stopped by the one with a medium-sized undead with rather weak stats.

The undead rat was a single being but was larger than the Artificial Rat King. It had matted fur, which was standard as far as furry undead counted, but this particular one was missing its front left paw and a large portion of its lower jaw, causing its bluish tongue to hand down its throat and drag on the floor. Or maybe it wasn't even tongue but just a loose piece of flesh ir skin – who knows?

As far as the young priest of death could tell, during its life, the creature must have been a giant rat – a common monster that had its spawning ground all over Anterllen – including his own village, New Herbal.

It was a bit similar to the Artificial Rat King; although the amount

differed by a whole lot, this undead seemed too weak compared to the amount of malice it had.

Without the Artificial Rat King, the Zombie Rat had the strongest grudge.

"Lesser prayer."


Zorey called out, and the Skill activated without a hitch.

"...wheee... (...took pity...)"


The Zombie Rat couldn't screech, but even the long whistling sound it released got translated into words in Zorey's head, instantly making him feel uneasy.

"Wheee...! (They took pity on me...! ME...!) Wheee! (They cut off my jaw and paw, but still didn't finish me off because I looked miserable!)."


The Zombie rat trotted in place, wheezing furiously, unknowingly causing Zorey's eyes to widen as a memory flared up in his head.

Vernlily, looking away in shame, embarrassed over the new scar she got after not finishing a giant rat fast enough...

...because it looked miserable...

It was a level 2 giant rat that even a person with a non-combat Class could defeat...

...it... Basically, all matched...

"Wheee! (It hurt! It hurt so much!) Wheee! (Talking about pity when they clearly enjoyed watching me suffer!) WHEEE...? (I WILL NOT KNOW PEACE UNTIL I WILL HAVE MY REVEN...?)"


The Zombie rat wheezed, flaring up in righteous anger, but got interrupted by the sound of the latch being pulled and the sight of the door to its cell opening.

"...whee...?! (...huh...?!)" *WHAM* *THUMP*

The next moment the monster barely managed to release a confused wheeze when a heel of a human foot reached its head, slamming its head against the stone floor.

"Revenge?! You want revenge on MY FUTURE WIFE?! As if I'll let you!"


Infuriated, Zorey roared, continuing to stomp on the undead until there was no sight of movement from it.


"Check status!"

[Race: Undead (Zombie Rat)

Rank: F

Level: 2

HP: 0* MP: 0*

ATK: 0* MAT: 0*

DEF: 0* MDF: 0*

SPD: 0* LUC: 0*

*(Debuff – incapacitated – time remaining 00:04:48)

Skills: (Low-level Appraisal skill necessary for viewing)]

The young priest of death ended up cracking the undead rat's skull, and only then did he use the command to confirm the creature's Status.

"Appease undead. Although it's too good for you!"

The boy activated his Skill and scoffed.



The warm light filled the room, and the monster's corpse cracked, having a white spectral figure of its original form emerge from within.

"Scree. (You're a weird human.) Scree? (Why would you want to have anything to do with a cruel monster like Drafted Baboon?)."


The spectral giant rat squeaked in confusion, making the black-haired boy freeze in place with his jaw hanging open.


The spectral figure didn't have any more time to talk as it dissolved into hundreds of tiny 0s and 1s that floated up and disappeared while its earthly remains turned into a pile of dust.


[You have successfully appeased the undead (Zombie Rat)]

[EXP points granted]

All the usual notifications popped up, but Zorey was still standing in the same spot, too flabbergasted to budge a muscle.


Then, the boy's face suddenly grew crimson rest, and he crouched down, burrowing it in his hands.

"I am such an idiot...! I thought it was the giant rat that left Vernlily with a new scar, but it was about another monster...!"

Zorey cried out, feeling so embarrassed that he could die.

The misunderstanding ended up working almost as well as the soul-breaking screech that the Artificial Rat King used against Zorey earlier that day.

The only positive side of the situation was that there was no one else in the basement to witness the shameful display.

Actually, there was another good side – the black-haired by realized that he actually wasn't in a condition to continue the training without making any rash decisions and decided to return to his room...

...to scream in the pillow for a while, unable to accept that he accidentally compared Vernlily to a beast like Drafted Baboon.

Zorey made a promise to himself never to let this information slip and to look for some additional present aside from the ATK-increasing ring.

The following day certainly didn't start as the young priest of death hoped it would.

Early in the morning, while he was preparing to start the day, Brigitta came by his room to pass an apology from Gael.

It turned out that the case he had been called to work on ended up being a really complicated one and required him to stay in the noble's mansion for the whole next week.

The red-haired woman was asked to watch over the black-haired boy's study sessions – the practical training could continue as long as Zorey would keep to the one-hour time limit.

"Gaelizeartivoius said that he feels bad that he pressured you with the one week and asked to tell you to take your time. It's a training that first and foremost has to get you used to your Class. You were trying your best each day, and he saw you growing more and more restless recently, so he encouraged you to take a break. Gaelgealierouts promised that once he returns, he will walk you through the appeasing process step by step. I have time after breakfast, so I'll be waiting for you."

Brigitta added, waving her hand as she left the wide-eyed Zorey at the door.

"B-big sister...!"

"Hmm? Oh? Do you want to have a day off from theoretical practice too?"

The boy soon regained his composure and rushed after the red-haired woman catching up with her next to the bathroom.

"Not exactly, but remember? The teacher was supposed to show me around the city today, and I even invited someone else to go with us, so..."

Zorey made an upset face trying to get on Brigitta's good side and possibly have her replace Gael as the guide.

"Hmmm... If you invited someone else, then the two of you can go on your own. Don't worry. Everyone here knows their way around Grand Herbal. That said, if you don't require teaching, this big sister is going back to sleep~!"

The red-haired woman tilted her head and thought for a moment before smiling sleazily and turning right around, going back to her bedroom without even looking back.


That certainly wasn't the outcome Zorey expected, and honestly, it made him worry a bit.

Will he have to cancel the plans he made with Kaipo...?

That thought stayed in the back of his mind all the way until the young necromancer showed up by the west wing of the Temple where the young priest was waiting.

"Hey, hey... Kaipo, listen..."

Zorey raised his hand and immediately began to explain the situation to the greenish-blond-hired boy who this tie around wasn't wearing the dark necromancer's hooded robe but fancy red ones, and he wasn't even hiding his face.

"Ah! That's no problem! I know the way to nice shops and the adventurer's guild in case we would run out of mana and want to sell the monster corpses!"

Kaipo wasn't discouraged in the slightest and proudly puffed out his chest, giving it a light smack which ended up making a bag he was holding by his side sway around.

"That's great! Now I feel kind of silly about worrying. I shouldn't doubt my seniors at the Temple, tehehe~!"

Zorey cheered out in relief and chuckled.

"Umm... are you okay with people recognizing you? AH! I mean, you're not wearing the robes of the priest of death anyway; sorry for being nosy...!"

The greenish-blond-haired boy gave the black-haired one a taxing look and asked, raising his brow, before suddenly gasping in realization and getting red in the face from embarrassment.

"My clothes? I just wore the usual stuff. The teacher said I will receive a set of robes when I appease all the undead in the basement."

"A-all of them?! Priests of death have it rough! My teacher gave me my first necromancer robes right after I introduced myself!"

Zorey shrugged his shoulders and looked over his simple lenient shirt and pants that complimented the villager-boy look together with worn-out handmade sandals, accidentally creating some misunderstanding even he was not aware of.


Let's embark on another adventure~!

(And as you add this story to your library to be notified of a new update, why not check some of my other stories? Like:

Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant


The Villainess and I, her Zombie)

Sound_Hammercreators' thoughts