
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Time to return

"It suits you."

Gael looked at Zorey donning the black robe with a white sash – the official uniform of priests of deat – and nodded with approval.

"Thank you... although I must say that I didn't expect it to be hard to move in..."

The black-haired boy nodded before furrowing his brows and doing a few sidesteps that weren't as agile as they were supposed to be because of the length of the robe.

"Well, or Class isn't combat oriented, and if we have to participate in an encounter, it's at the very end when the combat is done. You can wear something else, although it would be best if you keep the sash as a marker. Usually, people get upset when others try to hide their Class; it makes them suspicious."

"I understand, teacher."

The blond-haired man pointed out, and the black-haired boy nodded, already planning to change into the new set of clothes that Beli got for him.

To his surprise, he didn't have to worry about a news staff at all because Geal ended up getting him one that accidentally was identical to the one that ended up getting destroyed.

"Although this one isn't the strongest, using a new piece of equipment gives you more EXP points, and if you hit the point of mastery, there is a chance for a skill to be bestowed to you by the system, so always make sure that its the case before changing your weapon. Usually, smiths and weapon shop owners have the appraisal-type skill that allows them to do that."

Seeing the gaze of his student on the dark red staff, the middle-aged priest of death pointed out, using the chance to give whatever advice he already didn't say.


Zorey nodded his head with excitement as this, indeed, was something he was not aware of.

"Also, I don't remember if I told you or not, but being a priest of death will compliment the bound guardian knight perfectly. That girl you are interested in can protect your village from normal monsters while you make sure that no corruption takes place and the land is free from the undead – and considering that the cycle of life and death continues ceaselessly, there will never be a time when you two will run out of work. Oh, right, and I don't want to pressure you into pursuing getting one, but having a flying-type undead would be an excellent idea. In case you would require help, sending one over would be faster than any of the conventional methods, so if you end up appeasing an undead like that and it will stay behind, make sure to form the pact with it."

"Tehehe~! I know. I will do my best, teacher!"

Gael added, leaning to the side as he spotted the group of traveling merchants with adventures as escorts moving towards them while Zorey chuckled.

"And I will tell you this one last time. No matter what, always charge people for your services. Always. We, priests of death, restore balance in the World System. It might be a noble mission of a higher purpose, but if you starve, that's it. Make demanding fair pay for your work a habit and stick to it. Always. And don't get fooled by people – people that try to appeal to your conscience or sense of duty and have you do your work for free are just trying to scam you. Keep that in mind. Oh, and make sure to get better at lying. You will understand why very soon."

"I... I will try, teacher."

Glancing towards the approaching group, Gael leaned in towards his apprentice and whispered in a deadly-serious voice, making Zorey gulp down his saliva nervously.

"You're a good kid."

The blond-haired priest of death smiled and nodded before straightening his back and acting as if nothing had happened, so the black-haired boy copied him.

"Oho! Well, well, well! I certainly didn't expect this to happen! So, New Herbal and Little Barn will get their first priest of death!"

The brown-haired merchant, who was the one Zorey's parents entrusted the boy with, approached the Temple and called out while the leader of the escorting adventurers and the head merchant were off to the adventurer's guild to extend the escort contract.

"I really hoped that you would become a merchant and become my apprentice for a year or two, but I guess System knows best."

"Hello, mister Powelialle!"

The merchant nodded at Gael and turned to the black-haired boy, who cheered back at him with a bright smile.

"Yes. Hello. Let's go back; we aren't stopping here for long this time."

"Okay~! Goodbye, teacher!"

Powelialle was definitely acting colder toward Zorey than before, but the young priest of death didn't seem to mind it and followed the merchant after waving his hand to Gael.

"...I hope those merchants will know how to behave..."

The blond-haired man, who was already used to how people with his Class were treated, even by those who climbed to respect them, muttered to himself, glaring at the back of the brown-haired merchant before turning around and returning to the Temple.

"I guess I have something to eat and go appease all the undead in the basement. There's barely any malice around, so they must be nice and docile... Haaa... I should have taken the kid there yesterday and instructed him how to do things properly..."

Gael sighed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly while walking to the dining room.




After a meal, the blond-haired man went straight to the Temple's west wing and was about to descend the staircase to the basement when someone bumped into him, letting out a confused yelp.

"Oh, it's you."

"Zorey's teacher...!"

The person bumping into Gael backed off so fast that his hood fell down, revealing messy greenish-blond hair that made the priest of death recognize who it was.

"Judging from your appearance, the grudge of that Artificial Rat King you created is still strong..."

"Sir priest, can I see Zorey? Yesterday we... huh...? Artificial Rat King?"

The two started talking at the same time, but Kaipo froze up for a moment, looking at Gael, feeling completely lost.

"Yes. That experiment of yours. And about Zorey, sorry, but you are a bit too late. He's going back to his village, and by now, the caravan he is with must have already left Grand Herbal. Now come with me. You look like you have learned your lesson for not messing with life and death, so I will appease that creature for you."

The blond-haired man nodded before shrugging his shoulders with a sigh and waving his hand at the young necromancer while walking down the spiral staircase.

"Umm... sir priest? What are you talking about? Zorey had dealt with the Artificial Rat King over two weeks ago..."


Kaipo's shoulders dropped at the news of Zorey leaving Grand Herbal, but he also felt so confused about Gael's words that he felt the need to inquire about it, making the blond-haired man turn around and look at him in silence.

"...excuse me, but... what did you just say...?"

Gael blinked a few times and shook his head, leaning in as if he thought that there must have been something wrong with his ears, so he decreased the distance between them.

"The Artifical Rat King has been appeased by Zorey over two weeks ago... Umm... Wasn't that part of the training you left him with? Appeasing every undead in that basement, that is. Zorey said..."

"Young man."

The surprised greenish-blond-haired boy repeated himself and asked before the blond-haired man put his hand on his shoulder with an intense expression.

"You and my apprentice. Tell me everything."


Gael demanded, causing Kaipo to cower instinctively.


The way back to the New Herbal was a lot lonelier and quieter than Zorey expected. Everyone was a lot more distant to him than before, but the black-haired boy was kind of prepared for it, so he didn't take it too personally.

As much as he didn't like it, he did have some experience with being isolated.

Besides, he was sure that back home, his parents and Vernlily would not act like the people he was surrounded with now, so it was easy to endure.

Maybe because of that, or out of sheer spite, Zorey didn't change his clothes as he intended to and even made sure to hang out in plain sight.

"Mister Wild Defender, did you get promoted to C rank?"


When they were still about two days away from their long stop at Small Barn, the young priest of death called out to the adventurer he recognized, causing the man to let out a shocked gasp and look around as if he expected to see someone else behind him to which the boy was talking to.

"Everyone from your party did great, but no one could deny that without you, it would be over for us all."

Zorey continued speaking while the large man was staring at him, taken aback, not really sure how he should act.

"...I didn't get promoted. I still have to get above level 30, and I'm still only level 27."

After a moment of hesitation, the wild defender decided it was acceptable to answer the question and reveal.

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