
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Some know something's off and some don't (part 2)

Hands that became twisted into claws, where formerly human nails grew to outrageous lengths and thickened into proper weapons that could also be used to dig in the ground – after all, ghouls were also known as corpse-eaters and therefore had to have a way to get to the corpses.

Monster's feet also had claws, but shorter and less sharp, more fit to have a tight grip on whatever the undead decided to hold on to... which included living beings and not just the dead...

If, after his death, lord Maynard would become just your normal everyday ghoul, that would be it.

Unfortunately, because he got that – Demonized – part added to his new race, he got a few additional parts befitting it.

From his back as well as his... them... waist... dozen of gross meaty appendages were reaching out, wiggling around disturbingly, constantly seeking something while oozing with nauseatingly sweet smelling mucus that dripped on the floor.



Gael didn't bother keeping count of how many times this past week he used that Skill, but he repeated it once more to have a conversation with the undead.

"Lord Maynard, have you reconsidered your request? Please think of your family and have your data cleansed and returned to the System."

The priest of death breathed out in an annoyed manner and made sure his voice carried the bare minimum of courtesy.

"Ghaargh...! Bleurhgh...! Fghaaaah! (Filthy commoner! Women! Bring me fresh and perky women that I could have fun with, and I might forgive you for locking me in my own playroom!)"

The demonized ghoul moved and blabbered out come incomprehensible mumble that got translated into a rather outrageous demand right into Gael's mind.

"No. I already told you that from the looks of this place, you already had enough of that so-called fun when you were alive."

The priest of death shook his head and pointed out while glancing around the torture room as his expression grew colder.

"Gabhugh... faaah... mugblgh! (Don't bullshit me, you filthy commoner! I have the power to decide what happens with dirty peasants!) Hpfhaaah! (Those commoner bitches have the honor of serving me!) Pbpgfh! (They were granted the blessing of entertaining me with their deaths!) Fgpfghaaaafh! (My body itches for the sensation of flesh!) Hfghaaaah! (I want to have more fun with the powers I was granted!)"

The ghoul became really talkative, spitting whatever liquid replaced its saliva and moving around, causing the restraints he was chained to the wall to jingle, as his meaty appendages raised up disturbingly according to its will.

"Your family tried to comfort you like that before calling for me, and as we all see, that didn't have any positive effects. Could you perhaps come up with something less disgusting? Maybe try using those... tentacles of yours to explore your own body until the ultimate climax and be returned to the System afterward?"

"Gbwhaa...? (What is that supposed to mean...?)"

The blond-haired man nodded his head up and smirked at the undead while raising his hand encouragingly, making the demonized ghoul confused.

"I am telling you to go fuck yourself until your HP drops to 0 so I can appease you already, you disgusting degenerate~"

Gael's smile took over his face as he wholeheartedly explained to the monster.



The undead trembled from anger and howled as its meaty appendages shot through the air in an attempt to reach the sitting man.


*plop* x10

"...hblgblrghh...?! (Y-you,... how dare you...?!)

Before the disgusting fleshy tentacles could get anywhere close to Gael, something shot out from the man's abnormally large and dark shadow, too fast to be recognized, severing the appendages and causing the cut-off bits to smack against the floor with a sloppy sound as the demonized ghoul slobbered in exasperation.

"Thank you, Angie."

Gael tilted his head and nodded at his shadow, and focused back on the undead in front of him.

"Out of the seven sins that could twist the already corrupted undead, it just had to be lust..."

The priest of death took a quick glance at the bits of tentacles wiggling disturbingly on the floor despite being severed from the main body and groaned.

"Lord Maynard, you should already know that it will not work. Let me remind you that the only reason you weren't beaten up to a pulp and appeased while suffering the – Incapacitated - status is that I am showing a respect to your former humanity... even though there wasn't much of it even when you were still human as we can see..."


Gael sighed and pointed out while the ghoul glared at him in silence with its crimson eyes full of hatred.

"I swear, originally, I was bummed out that I couldn't bring my apprentice here to witness how to deal with a former human respectfully, but now I am glad I wasn't allowed to. When someone from the intelligent races gets corrupted into an undead, all of their darkest, most disgusting, and filthy desires and feelings are laid bare for the world to see. It's way too soon for Zorey to experience meeting something as filthy as you."

The priest of death snickered and revealed.

"When undead like you get appeased, their spectral forms stay silent while those of normal monsters are always talkative in the same situation – the supposedly better species are too ashamed of having their darkness be exposed like that, you see. And I am certain that it will be the same for you."

Gael shook his head as his eyes showed pure disgust.

"Ghaaagh... blaphaaa... (It won't because I will not get appeased... unless you bring me commoner women that I can use.)"

The undead responded mockingly, confident that it was only a matter of time before the priest of death succumbed to its demands because of what kind of human it was before dying and having its data corrupted.

"... that's enough..."

"Ghaagh...? (Done for the day already?)"

Gael breathed out and stood up, walking towards the door, and the demonized undead laughed at his back.

...the thing was, it didn't notice that the blond-haired man's shadow didn't move together with him but only extended...


Gael grabbed a large latch and blocked the sturdy door, cutting the room from the outside world.

"Pbglaah...? (What... what are you doing...?)"

"Mykel, you've also had enough of him, right?"

The former human mumbled in suspicion but was ignored as the priest of death lowered his head and asked the floor.

The next moment, without making any sound whatsoever, something emerged from the man's shadow.

A humanoid figure – an androgynous person dressed in a white hooded robe, with two stubs dressed in bandages sticking out of their backs like some sort of remains of avian wings.

Only the lower half of their face was completely exposed, as the rest, partially hidden beneath the hood, was covered in even more bandages. The visible part was delicate and beautiful as if it was crafted by the world's most skilled artist, giving the idea that the rest must be just as captivating.


"...ghpghaaa...?! (Wh-what is that thing...?!) Fpblghaafhh...! (What in the System's name have you brought to my house?)"

The undead struggled to break free, causing the chains to let out loud jingling, and slobbered furiously as its appendages spread out, making it appear larger and more menacing.

"Mykel. A guide for lost data like yours and my most trusted contracted undead."

Gael turned around and explained, facing the former human with a nasty smile.

"When my persuasion fails, he is always there to make stubborn undead like you realize that returning to the System is the... best choice they have."

The priest of death chuckled and took a step forward, putting one hand on Mykel's shoulder.


When he did that, the contracted undead raised its arm, and its long sleeve got pulled back, revealing a dried-up hand of an old course with only three fingers but two thumbs on opposing sides.


As if treating its contractor's gesture like a command to show off, Mykel straightened its back, and a spark ignited, creating a massive ball of howling fire atop its palm.


The former human started howling as its bulging red eyes almost popped out of its head while it spits out whatever liquid had replaced its saliva at a remarkably long distance, almost reaching Mykel's fireball.

"The respect will be shown, don't you worry."

"...pbfhaa...? (Wh-what...? Then...?)"

The priest of death assured, and the demonized ghoul gasped, taken aback.

"As I said. Mykel will not - Incapacitate - you. He will make you beg for getting appeased~"


Gael pointed out, and his contracted undead silently raised its hand about to throw the fireball at the former human.

As it moved, the bandages on Mykel's face loosened up and dropped a bit, revealing empty eyesockets of a naked skull that knew no hatred nor love...

...and no mercy...

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Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant


The Villainess and I, her Zombie)

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