
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Monster village (part 5)


As the sound of a ping and a new notification popping up in Zorey's clearing vision popped up, the boy's skin gained a metallic sheen and released a cloud of steam only milliseconds before kicking off the ground, gaining enough acceleration to appear as if he vanished to everyone present be it a man or beast.


The human mage called out, clenching her staff, but was unable to finish her sentence as the black-haired priest of death appeared next to her, grabbing her by the ankle and knocking her off balance, making her fall face first to the ground and lose a few teeth.


Her fate was already sealed. Without loosening his iron grip, Zorey swung the woman's body, using her as a weapon and slamming her as a makeshift mace against the first adventurer, who didn't manage to move away and turning both of them into a blood mist and scraps of gore.

Even more horrifying was the fact that the power of the attack carried on and killed everyone in the direct line behind the eviscerated pair.

{You have killed multiple fellow players}

{Immidiately return to the command center and report to your commander}

[EXP points granted]


[You leveled up!]

[Level 58 → Level 59]

[All base stats incressed]

[Your skills have leveled up]

Despite the warning appearing as green text on the black background, the usual white text on the blue background seemed completely fine with whatever had been happening.

"G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gemstone creation! F-f-f-f-fire! Th-th-th-th-thunder!"

*krk* x10

*whoosh* x19

*WHOOOOOO* x5 *ZAAAAP* x5 *crack* x9

After stuttering with enough practice that he sounded as if he was glitching, Zorey acquired ten additional projectiles on top of the orbs procured from Lesia and immediately threw them, having all of them hit either an adventure or a wolfman tribesman without fail, showcasing the capability of a maxed-out Skill coupled with its advanced version.

{You have killed another player.}

[EXP points granted]

{Soldier! Immediately return to the command center to report the reason for your actions. Otherwise, the punitive protocol will have to be initiated!}

Notifications, this time consisting of one more emotional one, appeared, but Zorey merely shook his head while glaring down at the adventurers and monsters who lost their heads in the renewed and much worse chaos.

"Wolfmen tribesmen. The ones that aren't immobile can fuck right off. Follow the smell of your offspring and take them to the beastmen kingdom..."

The young priest of death spoke over the commotion while walking over to the largest humanized wolf, the same one who called for the rest of its tribe to rally up against him.


Before the wolfman tribesman was able to open its mouth, its head got cleanly punched through by Zorey's fist that blew the monster's brain out, and the continuing shockwave finished off the remaining immobilized creatures.

*SQUELCH* *thump*

[You defeated humanized wolves (wolfmen tribesmen)]

[EXP points granted]

As the status effect could not be maintained on a dead body, once the young priest of death removed his hand, the monster's corpse dropped to the ground with an unpleasant sound.

"...because I will no longer tolerate your presence in the area."


Zorey finished his sentence and didn't even have to turn around to watch how all the fighting spirits evaporated from the monsters, and they ran away, abandoning the corpses of their brethren.

Some of the adventurers who were unaffected by the boy's earlier attack had already run away, but surprisingly, most of the group stayed and even managed to regroup and even surround their trapped or wounded comrades, trying to save them.

"You...! Are you on the monster's side or not?! You! You will not get away with this...!"


The adventurer who took charge called out to the indifferent priest of death, but his voice cracked, revealing how close to breaking down he was.

The paralyzing fear made the humans stay in place too anxious to make the first move, to which Zorey simply leaned down and grabbed a piece of stone from a destroyed fireplace...


...and effortlessly crushed it into fine gravel...


He then moved his hand as if he was trying to estimate the approximate weight of the debris in his hand.



|Expereince points granted|

The next time Zorey opened his mouth, he activated his AOE Skill, and the entire monster village was engulfed in a warm light that erased the black mist gathering en mass in the surroundings.


The adventurers looked at each other in confusion, wondering what in the world could the red-named player be planning.




... Zorey's arm released a cloud of steam before moving so fast that the actual sound resounded with a delay to its movement, and the gravel he tossed became a spreadshot that tore through the human flesh as if the adventurers' bodies were nothing more than soft butter.


[EXP points granted]

{Shutting off Candace's Biomechanical enhancement training and maintenance protocol}


[You leveled up!]

[Level 59 → Level 60]

[All base stats incressed]

[Your skills have leveled up]

[Loading the prerecorded message from the high command...]

"...the what now...?"

The usual notifications were followed by a brand new one that forced the taken-aback scoff out of the black-haired boy before sending out another completely detached one.


"This is General Willhalm Bearhearts."

Without the consent from the boy, a brand new window opened right in front of his vision, translucent enough not to block the outside world – initially dark, the window lighted up, revealing a stern man sitting behind a large desk and reading the script from the document in front of him.

The man was wearing unfamiliar clothes that appeared to be some form of camouflage – judging by the pattern, at least – and his facial hair was rather peculiar, too... long sideburns that connected with an impressive mustache. The man had dark, almost black hair, although not without some gray mixed in, and his dark brown eyes were filled with determination.

"Soldier. Your hard work has paid off. If you are seeing this message, it means that you have reached the strength that would allow you to not just defend the rest of humanity but to actively fight the Alien invaders and their magic beasts to reclaim the Earth. From this moment, you are transferred directly to the Attack Force. You might think it's unbelievable, but thanks to the zeptobots that you were injected with, your body was rebuilt on the molecular level, which put you on the level of the strongest magic beasts... meaning that just like them, you are no longer vulnerable to any conventional weaponry including the nuclear warheads."

The man spoke, and the wall behind him lighted up and showed pictures of lizard-like monsters standing on top of debris of architecture that was completely unfamiliar to Zorey. Then the wall changed and showcased fur-clad humanoids with crimson red skin and massive tusks sticking out of their lower jaw, destroying some sort of metal carriages with pipes sticking out in the middle of a deserted wasteland.

"...strongest beast? What are you talking about? You are showing me pictures of Lesser short-tail Draconis and Crimson Ogres, which are both C rank monsters, and are talking about them being the strongest? At least try to make it believable, Mister General. However, the artist who drew them is incredible. Still... I am a bit busy, so good luck with those invaders you speak of."

The young priest of death frowned and shook his head, speaking towards the mustache man, while walking over to the pile of defeated adventurers and crouching down by the one who appeared to be still hanging on to life.

"Indeed. With the indomitable human spirit and the advancement in technology, we were able to breach the shield of magic that the Alien invaders granted their forces. Whether you are the very first Soldier who ever reached this kind of power or whether it's the hundredth time your soul was transferred into a new body and you've trained to this point – you are now a member of the group that will spearhead the humanity's counterattack!"

The mustached man reached out his hand and looked directly at Zorey, although it was obvious that he either couldn't hear him or was flawlessly acting as if he didn't hear the boy's indifferent comment.

"What in the System's name is a -soul- supposed to be...? Don't you mean data?"

Zorey's hand froze halfway towards the head of the last surviving adventurer, and he tried to question the man in the window one more time... but it all came to the exactly same effect as the previous attempt.

"In the name of humanity. Give them hell."


"And you're not even listening to me."

The mustache man declared, making Zorey roll his eyes at him, and then the window disappeared as suddenly as it showed up.


The young priest of death stared in the distance for a few more seconds before breathing out and sitting down by the gravely injured adventurer.

The odd intermission was so out of place that the Wrath Skill had lost its effectiveness and deactivated, causing the boy's thirst for blood to disappear, replaced by the crushing emptiness.

{Initiating the additional recording...}



Surprisingly enough, the notification in black and green showed up, and the centered window appeared one more time...

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Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Sound_Hammercreators' thoughts