
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Good Stats (part 2)

"Ah...! But contacting the main Temple might not be a good idea just like that. First, should we check his Status for ourselves? It's usually something considered rude or even a crime, but in this case!"

"...I...! I want to go back to my village to see Vernlily...!"

The priest of life was a step away from jumping around while getting hyped up on his own words, but it seemed to be a bit too much for the village boy as his eyes began to sting, and he muttered, doing his best to hold back tears.



Before Zorey knew it, he felt someone's hand patting his head reassuringly, and when he looked up, he saw the priest of death crouching in front of him with a comforting smile.

"Now, now. You are a priest of death now, so you shouldn't cry so easily. We have a reputation to uphold."

"I...! I'm not crying! I just have a place to return to and don't want to get taken away by adventurers or nobles!"

The blond priest said gently and even chuckled, stirring Zorey's to hurriedly wipe his eyes with his forearm and respond feistily.

"Don't pay attention to that guy. No one will take you away."

"No, but listen! I told you about the normal stat points distribution and all, right? If your Status at level one is better than a hero's, then there will be a lot of people jumping on the chance of paying for your training and tuition and...!"

The priest of death waved his hand dismissively and assured him, but the priest of life approached them and continued the sermon, even trying out a side job in the advertisement.


Zorey's chin trembled as he took a quick glance at the excited dark-haired man and then turned back to the blond priest with a look of betrayal all over his face.

"Say... Was this guy the first person who told you about the Classes and status point distribution at level 1?"

The priest of death took a deep breath and asked, pointing his thumb over his shoulder, pointing it at the priest of light behind him.


Zorey nodded with a sulky expression.

"And most of your stats look completely abnormal or similar to the high-ranked Classes... even though our priest of death class is more of a middle-ranked one? One of the better middle-ranked ones, but still."


The blond-haired priest inquired and smiled, seeing how Zorey's face got longer from shock.


The boy nodded his head more vigorously, completely focused on the priest in front of him.

"Then, by any chance, do you have a little - * - by all the stats? And is there a - * - and information that says something like - (Sacred ground buff applied) - under the list of your stas?"



The blond-haired priest asked, which caused the dark-haired one behind his back to let out an embarrassed gasp and look away, blushing, making the black-haired boy confused.

"I... I'll check again... Status. Open."

[Name: Zorey

Race: Human

Class: Priest of Death

Level: 1 HP: 66* MP: 11*

ATK: 2* MAT: 11*

DEF: 11* MDF: 11*

SPD: 11* LUC: 11*

*(Sacred ground buff applied)

Skills: Appease undead (active) (level 1)

Lesser prayer (active) (level 1)

Pact (active) (level 1)

Staff proficiency (passive) (level 1)

Lesser poison resistance (passive) (level 1)

Number of contracted undead: 0/1]

Zorey said with a worried expression and said the command that brought the Status Window to the center of his vision.

"Yes! It's exactly like you said!"

The boy carefully checked the translucent blue window with white writing and gasped.

"There you have it, priest Thiago. Do you still want to inform the main Temple about his status?"


The blond-haired priest pointed out to the dark-haired one, and the latter just straight up turned away, withholding any sort of commentary.

"In that case, let me ask you this."

The blond-haired man turned back to the black-haired boy and said.

"Did you ever heard about Classes that got buffs to their stats if they are in a certain location?"

He asked.

"Yes! Of course! The girl I will marry is a bound guardian knight of our village. She gets 50% buff to her stats as long as she is in the village's vicinity."

Zorey nodded and instantly started boasting proudly.

"Well, you don't have to worry about your status being abnormal because for priests like us, being in the area registered by the System as sacred grounds works in a very similar way. The thing is that depending on the sacred ground, it differs how much percent it raises. This Temple buffs all of our stats for a full 120%."

The priest of death revealed, explaining the mystery and clearing up the misunderstanding.

"And what about the skills? I have five of them..."

"Summed up, right? Let me take a look. Say Share – cough - Status Window."

Zorey furrowed his brows, still concerned, to which Gael waved his hand dismissively and instructed, using the fake cough as a way to stop his own Status Window from appearing.

"Share Status Window."


[Your Status Window is visible for others for the next five minutes]

The boy said, and a Ping and notification in the upper left side of his vision informed him about the result of his command.

"Hmm. Nope. Everything is in order, young Zorey. Those first three skills are the ones that were added. The other two are the ones you had a talent for, and the proficiency you accumulated over the years made them appear in this form."

The blond-haired priest squinted his eyes while looking at something in front of the boy's face before nodding his head and reassuring him with a big smile.

"This easily-exited priest of life will write it down for the kingdom's registry, and I will be able to show you to the room where you will be staying for the next two wee..."

"Priest Gael. This boy is from New Herbal, and the caravan that he will be traveling with is apparently returning in around a month, so he will be under your care until then."

The older priest of death explained, but the priest of life cut him off to give some additional information.

"Really? That's great! In a month we could get some proper training done. I visit Little Barn and New Herbal twice a year to cast a prayer and minimalize the chances of undead spawning because of the lingering malice, so I will be able to check on his progress. I mean yours, of course."

Priest Gael hummed in satisfaction and gave Priest Thaigo an encouraging slap on the back before tousling Zorey's hair.


Let's embark on another adventure~!

(And as you add this story to your library to be notified of a new update, why not check some of my other stories? Like:

Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant


The Villainess and I, her Zombie)

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