
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Good deeds that were rewarded (part 2)

Still, that order didn't keep for long as the necromancer's condition wasn't his good quality, and both his friend and temporarily contracted undead overtook him before they reached the halfway point.

"Hold on!"



As they were about to walk out of the forest, the greenish-blond-haired boy reached out his hand, stopping the other two.

"That girl saw us with the undead rath while we were dressed up as monks and fire magicians – if we want to keep our Classes hidden, we can't really show up with this one. It will be easy to explain that we used the raise and subdue undead gemstones, but both of those have a time limit, and we are way over it by this point in time."



Kaipo explained, pointing at his undead, making Zorey gasp and exchange a sad look with the creature.

Zorey was the type to become attached easily, and the undead he and Akipo spent over half a day with wasn't any different.

"...I get it... You did a really good job, Wiggles."


The priest of death kneeled down by the Zombie rat and patted the mangled fur on its head as it let out a sad screech.

The black-haired boy took off all the monster corpses from the undead's back and patted it once again before standing up.

"Alright. I'm ready. Lesser prayer."


Zorey breathed out and nodded, casting his skill on Kaipo just in case.


[Race: Undead (Zombie Rat)

Rank: F

Level: 9

HP: 60 MP: 4

ATK: 13 MAT: 2

DEF: 6 MDF: 5

SPD: 9 LUC: 8


Lesser poison fang (active) (level 4)

Lesser poison (passive) (level 3)

Bite (active) (level 3)

Scratch (active) (level 2)

Thick hide (passive) (level 1)]



The greenish-blond-haired boy furrowed his brows as he focused the next moment the Zombie rat's Status Window popped up – although it didn't seem willing to attack at all, which honestly made Zorey breathe out in relief as he didn't want to fight the creature he began to like.

"Bye-bye, Wiggles..."

"...scree... (...bye-bye...)"

Zorey did his best to smile at the undead, whose weak screech also seemed to carry out sadness as the young priest of death reached out his hand over it.

"Appease undead."


Zorey called out, and the skill activated without a hitch, making the Zombie rat's body light up...


...but the sound of its earthly remains cracking open to let out its spectral form did not resound, making the black-haired boy blink a few times in confusion.


"... what's going on...?"

As the light of the skill was still on, but nothing was happening, Zorey let out a confused voice which made Kaipo look at him with a worried expression.

And then...

*THUMP* *whoosh*


A loud sound similar to a heavy boot stomping against the stone floor resounded, and the Zombie rat's body released a flat swirl of white mist that spread out horizontally before disappearing, leaving the creature intact.


[You have successfully appeased the undead (Zombie rat)]

[EXP points granted]

The ping resounded in Zorey's mind, and the usual notification after the successful appeasement showed up in the upper left corner of his vision...

[Name: Wiggles

Race: Appeased Undead (Zombie Rat)

Rank: F

Level: 9

HP: 60 MP: 4

ATK: 13 MAT: 2

DEF: 6 MDF: 5

SPD: 9 LUC: 8


Lesser poison fang (active) (level 4)

Lesser poison (passive) (level 3)

Bite (active) (level 3)

Scratch (active) (level 2)

Thick hide (passive) (level 1)]


"...scree...? (...eh...?)"

...at the same time as Wiggles updates Status Window...!

"...screee...!? (I... I can stay with master and master Zorey...?!)."


The Zombie rat climbed on its hind legs and screeched in disbelief which prompted Zorey to let out a gasp of amazement and hug the undead, raising it up and spinning together with it.

"Wait...! Hold on! Zorey?! This undead...! Wiggles stayed after being appeased?!"

Kaipo called out in shock mixed with amazement, watching the touching but slightly disturbing scene.

"Yes, it did! Look at it! No malice whatsoever! Wiggles can become a properly contracted undead now!"

"... screee...! (...yes I did, master...!)."

Zorey laughed in excitement, turning the undead rat around to switch to hugging it from behind and nuzzling his cheek against the mangled fur on top of the monster's head as it wiggled its paws and screeched happily.

"...ah... so who should...?"

Kaipo's smile turned into a troubled expression as he realized that both he and Zorey were able to make a contract with the undead.

Of course, he wanted it for himself, and it made more sense for him to do that as he had more slots for the contracted undead than Zorey right from the get-go

But seeing how much the black-haired boy came to like the creature, the greenish-blond-haired boy's desire couldn't pass through his throat.

"Kaipo, you should take it! Without you, that Stone fang dog would have killed me – I got the staff, but you ended up with nothing besides some EXP."


Suddenly, the overjoyed Zorey declared without a shred of hesitation, making Kaipo falter and step back in shock.

"C-can I...?!"

The young necromancer asked.

"Yeah! In the first place, it makes a lot more sense – if I make a contract with Wiggles, it will turn to dust the moment I try to break the contract, but with your class, that won't happen!"

"Ah! You're right!"

The black-haired boy explained, making his friend gasp in realization.

"What do you think, Wiggles?"

"... screee...! (...I want to stay with master and master Zorey...!)."

Zorey asked the undead rat in his embrace, and the creature wiggled its paws and screeched, making it sound as if it was already contracted to both boys.

"Alright – here I go... Contract!"


Kaipo gulped down his saliva and nodded, reaching his hand towards Wiggles's face and activating the necromancer's version of the Pact Skill.

[Name: Wiggles

Race: Appeased Undead (Zombie Rat - contracted)

Rank: F

Level: 9

HP: 60 MP: 4

ATK: 13 MAT: 2

DEF: 6 MDF: 5

SPD: 9 LUC: 8


Lesser poison fang (active) (level 4)

Lesser poison (passive) (level 3)

Bite (active) (level 3)

Scratch (active) (level 2)

Thick hide (passive) (level 1)]


Wiggles's newly updated Status Window popped up once more, and Zorey laughed happily, nuzzling against it again.

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Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant


The Villainess and I, her Zombie)

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