
The priest of death will do his job

Priest of death is a Class in the World System that is responsible for appeasing malice that lingers on the earth after a creature of the System - be that a monster or a member of intelligent races - dies while harboring strong negative feelings. Zorey is a bright twelve-year-old human boy with the ambition to marry one of his village's guard - an older girl, Vernlily, with a bound guardian knight Class. When Zorey leaves the village so he can get registered in the World System in the Temple in the city so he can receive a Class... ...that he hopes would allow him to support Vernlily the best way possible... ...he could never even dream of how their fates would become intertwined forever. But not exactly in a way he hoped for.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasy
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92 Chs

A boy and a girl + promise

"Friends from New Herbal, next month my son is getting married and the ceremony will take place near Grand Anter, the new capital. As such, we will be returning here not in a month but in two instead. I know it's an inconvenience for you all, so I promise that we will buy and exchange your HP potions for 120% of their value as well as bring you some commemorative gifts."

A large jovial man climbed up the chair and announced from up high while the other merchant caravan was preparing to depart from New Herbal after completing all transactions and safely packing all the unsold and freshly bought wares into their carts.

"Congratulations, Head Merchant. Please pass best wishes to the young couple and pass on our blessings for their future. We thank you for your generosity."

The village chief, who was sitting together with the head merchant in front of the village's inn, also stood up and expressed his approval of the conditions.

Not all villagers seemed to be on board with the idea, but since the chief had already made his choice, there was little they could do.


The one who seemed to be hit the hardest was the village guard, the girl with the bound guardian knight Class keeping watch by the gate.

Her expression turned miserable as she thought the two months were more than enough time for Zorey to find someone much better than her.

"Whoa! Two months?! I will be able to earn some money with my Class!"

On the other hand, Zorey, who was putting whatever little baggage he was taking with him on the cart of one of the merchants, gasped in amazement as his eyes sparkled.

"Oh? You sound like you have a predisposition to become a merchant or adventurer!"

The brown-haired merchant who agreed to keep an eye on him during the travel chuckled and tousled the boy's head.

"If I can get enough money, I could buy a ring that adds gives bonus points to the ATK stat!"

Zorey cheered out excitedly while looking up at the amused man.

"Whoa there. Aren't you too hasty? ATK is good and all, but until you confirm your growth rate, it's better to hold back on buying equipment. It is always possible that instead of ATK, you would like bonus points in DEF, HP, Mana Points (MP), Speed (SPD), or Luck (LUC). And unless you get some Incredible Class like Hero, Paladin, Sage, or High Priest, you won't get enough money for equipment that raises your MDF or Magic Attack (MAT)."

The merchant advised him while nodding his head wisely.

"There is a lot to consider, so you know. Be mindful and try to properly weigh the pros and cons of your decisions."

He added.

"I know! But the ring with bonus ATK will not be for me anyway!"

Zorey nodded his head vigorously, soaking in the advice like a sponge and showing the brown-haired man a bright smile.

"Oh? Then who will you give it to? Your dad? You're a good kid!"

The merchant raised his brows and chuckled while glancing towards the boy's home, where the equipment by the wall suggested the man of the house had a low-rank Character Class of a Lumberjack.

"Nu-uh! I will give it to my future wife! She is worried about having low ATK, so as a good husband, I have to help her out! Just like my mom and dad support each other!"

Zorey declared, raising his head high and knocking his fist against his heart.

"Well, well, well! That's a manly thing to say! Keep it up, kid!"


The merchant laughed in amusement and kept tousling the boy's hair which made the young boy giggle proudly.

It was still before noon on the third day of the caravan's visit, but the merchants were already leaving.

While the carts and their exports were passing by the village's gate, Zorey grabbed Vernlily's hand and led her to the side.

"Hey, the merchants are going to leave without you."

The older girl tilted her head and pointed out with a troubled smile while the boy was busy taking off her gloves.


She didn't think h was serious, so she let out a shocked voice when he actually took them off.

Vernlily pulled her hands back, clenching her fists to hide the calluses from years of sword practice, but Zorey grabbed them and gazed upon her face so intensely the older girl couldn't help but blush.

"Wh-what is it...?"

The girl felt her heart flutter but tried to hide it by acting harsh – but even that didn't work out as she stuttered and her embarrassed expression revealed everything.

"I will be gone for two months; it's a long time, so, you know..."


Zorey breathed out and said in a serious voice, lowering his head which made Vernlily tilt her head and lean in slightly, curious about his the boy's next words.

"... don't cheat on me or anything, okay...?"

He said without raising his head.

"Wha...?! Pffft! You... You cheeky brat...! We are not at a stage where you can say things like that!"

Vernlily gasped before scoffing and steeping back with her face burning red from embarrassment, trying to make it into a joke.

"N-no one else is worthy of you! So don't get seduced by some sweet-talking playboy while I'm gone! You heard that, everyone?! Once I become an adult, I, Zorey, will take the cutest, most hardworking girl in the world, Vernlily as my wife! Hmph! Bye!"


...but she wasn't the only one blushing – Zorey's face was even redder as he ran away, climbing the cart of the brown-haired merchant and calling towards the stunned bound guardian knight in shabby equipment as well as the entire village of New Herbal.

The boy, embarrassed by his own words, proceeded to hide inside the cart while the entire caravan burst out in laughter and amused whistling.

On the other hnad Vernlily...


...got weak in the knees and plopped on the ground hiding her face in her hands.

That boy...

That cheeky boy!

He made a declaration like that while everyone was watching...!

"...you dummy... don't you know how stubborn bound guardian knights are...? Once my heart is set on you, it's over for me...!"

The girl with a flushed face mumbled to herself while making spaces between her fingers to peek at the leaving caravan while continuing to hide the uncontrollable silly smile that would not disappear no matter what.


Let's embark on another adventure~!

(And as you add this story to your library to be notified of a new update, why not check some of my other stories? Like:

Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant


The Villainess and I, her Zombie)

Sound_Hammercreators' thoughts