
Gun goes bang. Bang goes "Too slow."

Tobi and Sirius entered the kitchen where Situra was already setting three plates on the table. The smell of food became much stronger and the stomach of the green-eyed teenager rumbled. The woman raised her blue eyes and silently looked at the two men for a couple of seconds as if judging their souls. She was slightly shorter than her husband and had a small scar on her cheek but it was partially hidden by her long red hair.

"Well, young man, we need to talk about your life choices. But first, you'll eat, you look like a living skeleton."

After lunch with the Hagakure family, Sirius sat down across from Situra and Tobi, the adults trying to look stern, but their interested gazes shattered the menacing picture.

"You, young man-"

"Call me Sirius." Black interrupted.

"Okay. Sirius, give us one reason why we shouldn't call your parents."

"I never knew them. My aunt burned every photo that had my mother's face and the photos of my father are non-existent, I don't even know what they look like. Petraria - my aunt - said they died, so I'll be very surprised if someone answers the phone."

The married couple looked at each other, slightly unnerved by his cold response.

"What about your aunt?" Tobi asked carefully.

"She along with her husband and son were burned to death by Endeavor's fire three years ago."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be. Not your fault."

Sirius was not upset by the death of his aunt - he really needs to find out about his name - she was even worse than the Dursleys, which in itself is an achievement. But he also did not want to jump with happiness after he saw their charred corpses, he just went the other way and disappeared into the crowd.

An awkward silence hung in the room, but it was interrupted by Sirius's cough. His throat still hurt like a bitch.

"Then the other guardians? Surely you cannot live alone, you are still a child." Worry was audible in her voice.

Sirius sighed heavily and closed his eyes. He remembered why he never drank outside his house before, because of such situations. Sometimes he had to Obliviate Muggles to whom he told too many secrets, and now he cannot even do that.

The teenager opened his eyes again and looked at the couple, they still stared at him like a wounded animal. Sirius couldn't say he didn't understand them. In their eyes, he is a child who almost fell into an alcoholic coma last night, so that he could accept pity and worry for his life. They didn't know that he was four-hundred-something-year-old in a young body.

'Even though I feel like I'm thirteen. Fucking hormones.'

Sirius took another sip before speaking.

"I've been living alone since I was nine and I'm still alive, you don't need to worry about me. I have food and a roof over my head, that's enough for me."

"It's not right anyway. Yes, you can survive, but can you live? Do you at least go to school?"

Sirius snorted.

"There is nothing they could teach me. I finished all of my studies in a previous life." The study of Alchemy sounded much more interesting than the high school material anyway.

"Back to the original problem." Situra decided that it was best not to ask Sirius about this to stay sane. "Why did I find you drunk in an alley? Children should not drink alcohol, especially not until they pass out."

"It's a little tricky. . ."

Sirius didn't know how to explain to them that he just wanted a drink. In all his four hundred-something years, he could legally drink at only twenty-seven of them. It sounded sad.

"I don't know when my parents died, but I decided to honor their memory anyway. I don't even know where their graves are." He said in a small voice. "I think I got carried away. . ."

This was partly true, he did not know the day of the death of these parents. But he still felt dirty to use their memory to get out of a slippery situation, his inner Slytherin hissed in approval.

Situra's eyes shone with unshed tears and her husband frowned, looking at the floor. During this short conversation, they noticed a lot of problems. Probably a homeless orphan who drinks liters of alcohol just to remember his parents. Judging by his words - and the scars that Tobi saw on the kid's shoulder when he was sleeping - his relatives abused him. Oh! And let's not forget about his education! The complete lack of it.

In short: the situation was complete shit.

"Thank you so much for looking after me and sorry if I was rude. I haven't spoken to so much in five years give or take." They did not even notice how the child appeared at the exit of their house. "I hope we meet again, you two are wonderful people."

Tobi got up from the couch and tried to stop Sirius, but the kid disappeared through the door in the blink of an eye. Situra sighed heavily and dropped her face into her hands, it hurt her to look at Sirius, his problems reminded her too much of Toru.

'And I wanted to help someone else? I can't even help my daughter.' She glanced at the closed door. 'I hope he'll be okay.'


After another week, Sirius was pleased. His shadows became second nature to him in a short time of four weeks. His Alchemy progressed slowly but steadily, although on several occasions he was too close to death for his comfort.

So now he took up another problem: his body. Yes, a normal diet and exercises brought his body back to normal, but he was still weak - in comparison with the rest of the people nowadays. So now he needed a martial arts teacher.

In all his lives, he has never studied martial arts. Wizards, just like Selim, were ranged fighters. They just didn't need to get closer to the enemy than they needed to. Only this did not mean that the enemies would not approach them. Selim Bradley himself died due to his uselessness in close combat.

The problem was that all places required parental permission and some real legal documents. Sirius had none. So he found the only dojo that would accept people without these requirements.

Bang's Dojo was not the most popular place in the area. From the information he found on the internet, it was controlled by a retired Hero, so Sirius couldn't understand why that place had such bad reviews.

[Do not go there.]

[This place is Hell on Earth, the worst time of my life.]

[I couldn't move for a week after my first workout.]

"Well, I don't have much of a choice, now do I?" Sixteen-year-old Sirius grunted and began to climb the mountain on which the Dojo was located. The climb itself took thirty minutes and by the end of this walk, the teenager was already on his last breath.

"Thank Higher Powers, I am already in a tracksuit."

The building was VERY Japanese, which was not so strange, but it also looked like it was the target of a hundred very angry slav gopniks - Sirius looked like one right now. Almost every window was smashed, and there were holes and impact craters in the walls of the building. Sirius was surprised that the building itself could still stand.

Finally catching his breath, Black straightened up and looked towards the Dojo, only to see someone standing at the entrance. It was an elderly man with light blue eyes with white spiky hair, bushy eyebrows, and a bushy mustache. Bang Silverfang.

The old man looked at Sirius with interest, not even hiding his amusement. Black - like any other Lord of the House of Potter and Black - knew how to be polite when required, so he decided to use his politeness now.

"It's an honor to meet you, Silverfang. Even if I don't know at all what you did to become so respected, I didn't care too much to check." Well, his politeness no Jutsu has become rusty, he'll have to work on it.

"Hmm. . . You'll be the second this year to have the courage to come here. Great results! My ad finally paid off!" Bang said happily and turned around with unexpected speed. "If you came here to learn, then you came at the perfect time. My other student is just starting to warm up. Oh, by the way, I need to know your name."

Sirius could only look with huge eyes at - apparently - his new Sensei. What the hell just happened?

"Si- Black Sirius." Yes, he is still not used to the correct pronunciation of his name in Japan. What are you gonna do about it? "And yes, I came here to learn."

"That's good. If you were just another reporter, I would throw you down the mountain steps."

"Amen." Sirius said, recalling his own experiences with reporters. Bang just laughed and led his new student into the backyard.

While they were walking, Black was able to look around, noticing that a hundred gopniks had also been inside the building. Seriously, everything inside was destroyed, even the fucking ceiling was looking like swiss cheese. He could swear he saw a human skeleton in one of the holes.

"Nice place. . ."

"Don't be too surprised. I know what you're thinking. The building was completely intact a couple of days ago. Honestly, how irresponsible Toshinori could be to bring the Villains here?" Bang kicked the door, that was only held on the frame by a miracle, and it fell inward, revealing a view of the courtyard.

'Well, Sensei is annoyed the very first day. I hope this Toshinori bloke hits his pinky toe.'

On the other side of Japan All Might, Hero Number One, Pillar of Peace, and many more titles, hit a cement block with his pinky toe and broke it. His pinky, that is.

"Any previous experience with martial arts?" Bang asked, distracting Sirius from his curses.

"No, I haven't even thought about them before."

"That's good. I don't have to beat bad habits out of you."

Bang was almost beaming with happiness. First, he has a new student with excellent analytical skills, and now he has a "blank" to work with! Something big died in the forest that made such luck fall on his head. At this rate, he will be able to restore the former power of his Dojo at no time!

Unfortunately for the old man, he wouldn't. But he will be able to raise several very strong Heroes of the new generation.

Finally, they reached their destination, where there was already a green-haired teenager twisted like an impossible pretzel. Sirius could only stare blankly at his level of flexibility.

"I'll have to do the same, won't I..?" He muttered, but that was enough to alert the green-haired man of their presence.

"Have you got a new student, Sensei?" He un-pretzeled himself and stood up.

"Higher Powers, the pretzel can speak!" Sirius said in disbelief.

"Yes, in time you will do the same. Midoriya, this is Black Sirius. Black, this is Midoriya Izuku. He is your Senpai, but for fuck's sake don't call him that, I've always found it strange."

Izuku and Sirius stared at each other for several minutes, each looking for something different. Both came to the same conclusion at the same time.

'Not the happiest kid in the world.'

The signs on Izuku's body were very obvious, he practiced in a tank top and shorts, without even trying to hide the many scars on his body. His calculating gaze completed the picture, giving Sirius all the information he needed.

Black, in turn, still looked half-starved with huge black circles under his eyes. His situation was worsened by his sixteen-year-old form, which weighed the same as he weighed at thirteen. Why doesn't he just stay in his usual form then? He just didn't consider himself a child and didn't want to look like one.

"Welcome to Hell."

Izuku extended his hand to the teenager who was a head taller than him. Sirius accepted a handshake, noting that the green-haired teen was in much better shape than he was. Well, that means it needs to be changed.

"Feels like I'm back home." Sirius shook Izuku's hand.

After this short greeting, their training began.

Sirius worked on his muscles by doing the weirdest exercises to make them stronger, but retain the elasticity of the body. Izuku sparred with Bang. Well, it felt more like a beating to the broccoli boy than actual sparring, but the improvement in Midoriya's attacks was impossible to miss. He closely watched his Sensei's every move while slowly copying his style.

When the green-haired teenager realized that his hobby of analyzing Heroes had developed into something more, he dropped the notebooks in favor of his mind. Why write down information that is burnt inside your skull? Every movement can give an opening for an attack, any nervous tic can be a sign of Quirk recoil. He needs to work a hundred times more than the rest if he wants to become at least someone in this life.

If God decided to fuck him over from birth and create him without a Quirk, then he will tear everything in his path without it, using only his body and mind.

Izuku dodged a kick in the jaw by a hair and punched Bang in the side. However, his fist connected to the old man's knee, sending a wave of pain through the teen's knuckles. The next second, a fist slammed into Midoriya's cheek and sent him to the floor.

Bang didn't show any pity and kicked the lying Izuku with such force that he rolled on the ground towards Black, who was doing push-ups. Sirius just kicked off the ground harder than usual and ended up in the air for a couple of seconds, allowing his new friend to roll under him.

"Good reflexes." Praised Bang as he leaped over Sirius in pursuit of Izuku who got to his feet and prepared for the second round. "This will help you in the future."

Sirius just grunted something back. His Junior Auror training was focused on reaction speed. When hundreds of spells are flying on the battlefield, it is very important to react quickly. So dodging a body that flies at you at a slower speed than lightning was a trifle for him.

Izuku kicked Bang to the side, but Bang caught his leg and swept, forcing the teenager to fall again. But the green-haired teen expected this and with incredible flexibility twisted in the air and hit his Sensei in the temple. The blow connected and for a moment, Izuku felt euphoric. But he was immediately crushed by the return blow to the jaw from Bang.

"I think you're at the level of low-ranked Heroes right now." Bang said and threw Izuku on the floor.

"This is not enough," Midoriya said abruptly and rose to his feet, his eyes burning with determination. "Again."

After a while, Midoriya and Black both lay on the ground trying to catch their breath. Oddly enough, Sirius's body was much more bruised than Izuku's, and the occasional rocks and chunks of earth were difficult to dodge.

"Yeah. . . Definitely feels like home." Groaned Sirius.


Fusihira Namo was a very serious man who took his job responsibly. He worked for a pharmaceutical company that found a cure for people with Quirks that were overly influencing the body of their owner.

His latest research focused on a boy whose Quirk sucked almost all of the iron from his blood every day but made his hair silver in return.

Yes, it was that bad.

His Quirk could not be controlled in the usual way, but it could not be suppressed for more than one day, it is fraught with dire consequences. Quirk Suppressors were of several kinds: injections, handcuffs, and other Quirks.

The injections were used on very rare occasions and weakened Quirks for a few minutes. They were used during childbirth if the woman had a powerful Quirk. Nobody wants women with enhanced bodies to crush their babies.

The Suppressive Handcuffs were used for the Villains and caused irreparable damage to the body. The most brutal and uncontrollable Villains in Tartarus wore these on a daily basis, so even if they could ever escape, they would be useless.

Finally, Quirks that "erased" or somehow limited other Quirks. There were literally six people in the world with such Quirks and three of them were unregistered.

Namo was walking home reading the file with the description of the boy's Quirk and did not notice how he turned the wrong way, his feet led him into an unfamiliar alley. Shadows surrounded him, hiding him from the outside world and no one even paid attention to the terrible crunch that came from the alley.

Namo stepped back into the light and straightened his tie, looking displeased at his reflection in the shop window.

"Damn, couldn't he pick someone prettier? I hate that ugly face." He sneered at himself, but quickly returned to a serious expression. "I forgot the mole under the eye, I won't let that catch me a second time."

Red lightning flashed under Fusihira's left eye and a small mole appeared in place of the smooth skin. The man nodded to himself and continued walking home reading the same boy's file.

"A dying brat? He'll be good fuel for my Stone."

Homunculus Envy smiled cruelly and continued walking thinking about their future plans.

"I hope this mission ends quickly."

I'm a little dumb. But!

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Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts
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