
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

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Yo, I'm back. Somewhat.

For those who only read this novel of mine, I will explain a couple of things. For starters, since the hiatus, I've started writing three new fanfictions:

"Journey Home – Multiverse, starting at the Avatar TLA."

"Winx: The tale of Immortal Sorcerer."

"Konosuba: The Champion Of Blacklight."

All fanfiction already has the first chapters, but I started writing the last two quite recently, if you want, give them a try.

Now, about my return. To be honest, I still consider this as my first story. Of course, I rewrote it from the first chapters, steering the plot in another way, but the idea was still the same.

What happens if we take Harry Potter and put him in the world of Magic, Alchemy and Quirks? The beginning is very strange, now that I look at it now, realizing how crazy it was to give Harry memories from his unlived life. I could write that he died much later and just say that he ate the stone in his first year – gotta love the rock eating jokes – but I didn't.

In any case, I'm going to update all of my fanfics one at a time, trying not to keep readers waiting too long. I would like to think that my skill as a writer has risen at least a little, and that now my translations reads much better than before, but I myself can't say anything about it.

Again, if you don't know, the original versions of my chapters look like a chimera of Russian and English, where some words are horrible ugly children of the two. So, I only translate everything after I finish writing the chapters. Thank God that no one sees the originals except me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new chapter, even if it's a little short. Enjoy!

Simple Russian Boi returned.


Sirius and Momo watched in silence as Gin dodged Mina's acid. While Hatsume was promoting her inventions in the literal sense, Gin decided to show their effectiveness by winning the Festival. Sirius didn't expect this, but decided it was a good tactic too. Both opponents were pretty good, so the fight wasn't going to end anytime soon.

Momo didn't know how to talk to her teacher now. The fact that he lived in the twentieth century was ground-breaking enough, but the fact that he was Salazar... The worst thing for the girl was that she didn't know if he was the Vigilante or the Dark Wizard born in the ninth century.

"Black-Sensei? If you are Salazar, then why are you a teacher at the School for Heroes? Doesn't that threaten your secret identity?" She asked, trying to understand just WHO her teacher was.

Sirius raised an eyebrow and the gears in Yaoyorozu's head began to turn. "But it won't be a problem if the staff knows about it... But then why not become an Underground Hero? Wouldn't that allow you to continue living the way you did, but without legal problems?"

Black laughed softly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was already a Hero once, I didn't like that life, I'm not going to become one again and I'm definitely not going to be on the leash of the state. As for teaching, well, I like teaching, it's nice to see brats become adult brats." After some thought, he decided to give her a hint. "Because you were the first to know my secret, I'll tell you an interesting fact. In my life, I was a Villain and a Hero once, and at about the same time, now that I think about it. But I was a Villain for much longer. About three hundred and eighty years."

Sirius will admit that he enjoyed watching the shock on his student's face.

"Wanna cookie?" He pulled a cookie out of thin air and showed it to Momo. The girl just stared at him for a couple of seconds before she could find her voice.

"Sir, you have just admitted that you are a wanted Vigilante who kills people. I think you will understand why I'm going to refuse your offer."

Sirius rolled his eyes and ate the cookie in one bite, increasing the size of his jaw so that it would fit in his mouth. He swallowed the cookie and sighed heavily, not even trying to deny her words.

"Yes, it's true. My moral compass is fucked after all the shit I've seen, but I would like to see a man who has lived for more than four hundred years and has never taken a life. If you're talking about the time I burned down the Yakuza base… well, their head decided that all the Quirks are a disease and swore to get rid of them. And what do you know, the easiest way for him was to torture a six-year-old girl who had a suitable Quirk for the task."

Sirius could barely contain his anger so that his magic wouldn't spill out of him in a wave, his voice was too calm to be normal. He didn't even notice how Momo was getting paler with every word he said.

"I saw his thoughts, read his memories. He didn't even perceive her as a person, only as a cursed tool to achieve his goal. And none of the Yakuza even thought to help the girl. Some of them even though that her screams were... Arousing." Sirius let out an empty laugh and finally looked at Momo. The girl was surprised to see how dark his usual green eyes were. "So yes, I am a murderer. But so is All Might, Endeavor, Ereaserhead, Present Mic, and even my lovely fiancé Luna. All Heroes sooner or later take lives protecting others, and I pray to Gods that you don't have to walk the same path as us. Even if I know it's useless."

Momo couldn't say anything and only stared back, her morals colliding with the cold logic in her head.

'I have to tell someone about this! But to whom? Even All Might allows him to continue his work, and I doubt that anyone weaker than him can capture Black. His... Quirk is too weird, just like his magic. Moreover, he can simply change his appearance and leave Japan.' Momo looked at her Sensei and frowned. 'As much as I hate to admit it, the best thing to do would be to leave him alone and hope he focuses on the Villains.'

Momo stared. If what he said was true, then she might even thank him. In her eyes, pedophiles weren't human – thanks to several kidnapping attempts in the past. Thank God that every time the kidnappers wanted her delivered intact.

"And what will you do with this information?" Har– Sirius asked, tossing his hair back. In the arena, Mina slid around Gin, hoping to hit her with his acid. But every time her attacks came too close, Gin would lift thin sheets of metal from the ground and block it. After another block, Gin took out something from her belt and threw it on the ground, and the arena instantly filled with smoke.

"I... Don't know." Momo whispered. "I don't even know what to think now. In his Harry Potter entries, you were... different. The hero of Magical Britain who left too soon, the shy child who had few friends but too many admirers."

Sirius nodded as two Gins appeared in the arena, but one of them was a hologram, and a very good hologram at that. The girl definitely will get an internship offer.

"You, on the other hand, are someone who tried to get as far from Harry's life as possible." Momo hesitated, but continued talking. "Black-sensei, I don't think that's... a healthy mindset. You can't just dismiss the life you lived before."

Sirius snorted. He finally took his eyes off the arena and looked at his student. "You sound just like Luna. But if I do that, it would mean also accepting the life of a four-hundred-year-old monster living in the shadows. Although looking at it now, I think it wasn't that bad..." He grimaced. "Not counting all the murders and technical racism."

"How can racism be technical?" She muttered. "But if you just refuse your past, then how will you move into the future?" She asked louder.

Sirius looked at Momo strangely. "You're channeling your inner Luna far too much. Stop that, it usually ends... Well, not bad, but weird."

He really did not want to think about what he became after being reborn. All Philosopher's stones consisted of human souls, from the minds of people who were once alive, walked the same earth as him, fell in love and rejoiced... And now their souls have become the energy for his use. 'I'm worse than Dementors.' Sirius shuddered and gripped the railing tighter, it howled under his grip.

"Oh, look, the battle is over," he said, breaking his dark thoughts. Gin took out another strange device from nowhere and threw it in Mina's face. The pink-skinned girl fired acid from her hands straight into the contraption, only to be electrocuted.

Mina fell to the floor unconscious, leaving Gin as the winner.

Seeing the happy smile on the face of the girl with steel hair and steel will, Sirius couldn't help but smile himself. A young woman was standing in the stadium. She was a winner. Yes, it was a small victory, but it meant something more to her.

"She looks happy," Momo remarked.

Sirius chuckled. "Of course. For her, as a woman with a 'weak' Quirk, it's something special. She defeated a student from the Heroic Department with her mind and Quirk, proving that she is stronger."

Momo nodded and looked at her classmates who were sitting on the side. Now she wanted to de-stress after talking with Black-sensei and felt that right now she would be better off among friends.

"Black sensei, I'll go back to my stands. I don't think I'm in the right state of mind right now," she said and Sirius nodded.

"Of course, just keep my names a secret for a while. We don't want to spoil the secret, do we?" And with that, Momo left, leaving Sirius alone again.

He took a deep breath and calmed his nerves as he returned to the present. This conversation had scratched enough of his old wounds. He didn't want it to happen again soon. So with one thought, Sirius disappeared and reappeared in the commentator's booth.

Aizawa and Hizashi flinched at his appearance, but Luna only lifted her scarf up with a proud expression. Although calling the finished product a scarf was true only because of the shape. The final color scheme was so bright that Sirius's eyes threatened to melt in his skull.

"Siri, look, I'm done!" Luna lifted the scarf from her lap and showed it in all its glory.

Sirius looked at the scarf and noticed a pattern which made him raise an eyebrow. Luna, sensing his silent question, nodded and wrapped her scarf around her neck. Turning into the cat form he used for Christmas, Sirius jumped onto Luna's legs and curled up.

"Oh, come on! You just got back and going straight to sleep?" Hizashi said without screaming for one time. "Don't tell me you're going to copy Aizawa."

Luna placed her hand on Sirius's head and began scratching behind his ear. "He does. Sleep is a good way to get back to normal, I heard."

Rolling his eyes, Hizashi turned towards the arena, waiting for the next round.

Sirius started carrying cookies with him from the day he met Eri. He also has apples in his pocket and even a couple pieces of cake, they are all under a stasis charm.

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