
Chapter 8 Sorry (8)

Qin Youbei was fully on guard.

The supreme man's gaze upon her was like that of someone appraising a beautiful sacrifice before them.

She could hardly contain herself and, like a ruffled little beast, blurted out, "I... I warn you, you'd better not mess around, or I'll turn you into a char siu bao!"

Gu Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, a dangerous chill emanating all around: "..."

Qin Youbei felt as if her heart had leapt into her throat!

She took several deep breaths before she could calm down and asked weakly, "I really don't know you, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Gu Xiao didn't respond, simply gazing at her, then suddenly stretched out a hand, his masculine palm grasping her jaw, forcing her to face him, brazenly scrutinizing her features.

Upon seeing the flash of panic in her eyes, he smiled very cruelly, "Breaking ground on a big festival, what do you think I want to do?"

Qin Youbei shuddered.

It was over, this terrifying man, he wouldn't be thinking of taking her life as revenge, would he?

Wuwuwu, wasn't it just for the sake of survival that she had forced a kiss on him, but he had taken advantage of her too, nearly compromising her chastity; how could she end up with such a fate.

Qin Youbei's face fell, indignant thoughts racing through her mind.

"Mister... handsome guy..." She struggled to put on a smile, but the expression was uglier than crying: "I really don't know what has happened, I've only seen you twice today!!"

Deny everything, must deny everything till the end.

Sorry, it's not right to confess now...

Gu Xiao completely ignored her, just fixated on her with those dark eyes, his gaze not missing a single detail.

The car drove on for a long time.

Through the dark-tinted windows, it was apparent that they had left the city far behind.

The surroundings grew desolate, numerous tall trees swiftly falling away.

They seemed to be driving up a mountain road, with the driver, Chenmo, continuing to ascend into the darkness.

Qin Youbei hung her head, her hands clenching each other; surely he didn't really intend to take her life and abandon her body in the wilderness...

She wouldn't sit idly by, awaiting doom!

Just as she was thinking this, the car entered the grounds of a private residence nestled beside a mountain stream.

Forcibly removed from the car, she found herself standing in a spacious European-style garden, adjacent to hills and waters, surrounded by stone walls two persons high, covered with climbing vines, lush and green.

Gu Xiao pulled her by the hand, leading her through the green lawn, past the archway doors and meticulously decorated gardens.

Qin Youbei instinctively tried to break free from his grasp, but he wouldn't let go, forcefully dragging her to the mansion's entrance.

The driver went ahead to input the code and open the door, the man then pulled her straight inside the house.

The interior was lavishly decorated, extravagant yet tasteful, even the floors were made of jade sandalwood, making one marvel at the insane wealth on display!

What was meant to be flooring seemed like a spread of red RMB.

As Qin Youbei subtly surveyed the place, she couldn't help but spot a unique emblem on one of the walls, very special, unfamiliar to her, but she guessed it might be the crest of some famous family.

Just who had she provoked?

They called him "Mr. Gu" and said falling into his hands would be even worse.

What exactly was he planning to do?

He wouldn't be plotting to rape and then kill, would he?!

He wouldn't dare! Qin Youbei glared furiously at Gu Xiao, but upon meeting his sweeping gaze, she quickly lowered her head, realizing... perhaps now was the time to play nice, seeing as the enemy was strong and she was weak.