
Chapter 10 Sorry (10)

If she had known she would tangle with Mr. No-Brains, Qin Youbei would have preferred to go up against that Director Gu directly.

Now, she truly regretted it.

Apart from denial, she couldn't think of any other way out.

With a defiant stance, she looked straight at Gu Xiao and said, "I think you're doing this on purpose. Are you smitten with my beauty, so you're using any excuse to bring me here? Do you plan to rape and murder me, murder then rape? I'll tell you, that's against the law."

Seeing her still playing innocent, Gu Xiao's cold lips curved into an intrigued smile. It was just a slight arc, yet it bloomed on the corner of his lips like an evil flower.

He said, "You wish."

A sense of embarrassment from being seen through left Qin Youbei nowhere to hide.

Qin Youbei really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

She sighed, bringing her hands together in earnest prayer and looked at Gu Xiao sincerely, "That day, I was studying in the dorm with my roommate. They can all testify for me. So, handsome guy... you've really, really, really, really got the wrong person! By doing this, you're letting the real, real, real, real culprit go free!"

Gu Xiao didn't immediately respond to her.

He appeared thoughtful, and after quietly contemplating for a few seconds, he suddenly asked, "Did I really get the wrong person?"

Seeing a glimmer of belief in his eyes, Qin Youbei quickly nodded like a pecking hen, "Yes, you really got the wrong person!"

A lie told once goes unnoticed, but when it's repeated a thousand times, you're bound to believe it.

"If that's the case, I am very sorry," he said.

The man suddenly became so amiable it startled Qin Youbei, her eyes wide with shock... Her heart soared with joy, but his next sentence once again left her newly settled heart hanging.

"As an apology, I invite Miss Qin to share dinner," Gu Xiao said with an upturned lip, smiling, but there was not a hint of mirth in his eyes.

Damn woman, daring not to admit her fault.

If it weren't for this woman playing tricks on him, he might actually admire her composure and calmness. Gu Xiao's slightly narrowed eyes held a sense of malice—cold, dark, cruel, and merciless—as if a poisonous flower were blossoming.

He had originally planned to torment her, then feed her to the sharks in the sea.

But now, he had changed his mind.

He had a better way to get revenge—to relieve his anger and have her kneeling and begging for mercy in the end!

Qin Youbei knew he was not kind-hearted, but she had no idea what this man was up to. Without hesitation, she quickly declined, "No need, no need. Anybody can make a mistake; there's nothing to apologize for."

Gu Xiao said, "We're in the suburbs; there are no taxis here. After you have dinner, I'll have someone take you back."

She didn't believe a word he said, not even the punctuation. Qin Youbei forced a pleasing smile, "There's no need for such courtesy. I can call a taxi right now."

Gu Xiao said indifferently, "It's not safe for a girl to take a taxi alone at night."

It isn't even night yet... Qin Youbei wanted to say something when Gu Xiao had already given his order, "Uncle Wang."

Immediately, an old butler hurried out, "Young Master, what are your instructions?"

"Arrange a room for her." Saying this, Gu Xiao turned to leave, but after two steps, he stopped again.

Turning to look at Qin Youbei, he spoke with deep implication, "My name is Gu Xiao. The 'Gu' as in 'consider,' and 'Xiao' from 'a night in spring is worth a thousand gold pieces.'"

He spoke slowly, with a deadly danger in his voice. He pronounced his own name with such deliberation it was as if he was hinting that the real drama had only just begun!!