
The Price of Feathers (GL)

Raven Valentine is an orphan with only one thing on her mind. Running away with the girl she loves, Sage. One hooded figure, a car crash, and a curse served to derail that plan. Raven finds herself in a world where dragons, demons, and fiends are all very real. One choice and two gorgeous sisters stand between her and death as she faces a months’ long deathmatch to reunite with the love of her life. This story promises life-or-death fights, characters without any sense of personal space, and a game master that is hell-bent on bringing the worst out in his players. Will Raven be able to pick to make the right choice to win the death tournament and return to the woman she loves or will she fail and pay the ultimate price?

Lexsitra · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Lovers' nest

Raven winced as she tried to sit up on the couch, her body still sore from the ambush. Gentle hands pressed her back down. She allowed herself to sleep for a few hours but enough was enough and she needed to get back to real life. 

"Easy now," Angelica murmured. "You need to rest."

Raven sighed but complied, too drained to resist as Angelica lifted her head onto a pillow on her lap. With tender strokes, the angel brushed Raven's hair from her face, the intimacy of the gesture making Raven's heart ache.

"I'm sorry about what happened," Angelica said softly, looking down at the girl resting in her lap with loving eyes. She whispered: "You have no idea how much."

Raven shook her head. "Wasn't your fault."

Angelica's jaw tightened, anger flashing in her violet eyes. "If I'd known their plan..." She took a deep breath, composing herself before continuing more gently. "Let's not dwell on it now. You're safe here with me."