
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

chapter 8

The first thing Sampson realised when he woke was that there was a heavy weight lying on top of him. It was too light to be a person and this object that was lying on him didn't seem to be moving or making any sound at all. He feared it was the night beast that had come for him and it was waiting for him to wait before it sank it's teeth into his flesh.

He moved slightly and the object moved with him, covering his entire body. Having no other choice he opened his eyes but what was lying on him wasn't deadly at all. The Prince had draped his red cloak over Sampson's body. He had only ever slept under thin worn blankets and most were flea ridden with several holes in them.

The Prince wasn't lying next to him. Sampson rose to his feet in an instant, afraid that the Prince had gone to kill the night beast without him until he saw the Prince walking up the clearing carrying a pouch filled with water. "You should have woken me I would have gone to collect the water. You brought the firewood last night". "I tried to wake you this morning but you refused to budge". Sampson narrowed his eyes, he was a light sleeper and always had been. The Prince clearly hadn't tried hard enough or you hadn't tried at all. He probably thought a simple task as collecting water would be too difficult for him given he thought Sampson was good at nothing.

"We have to move quickly. Night beasts sleep during the day and hidden deep in caves". Sampson recoiled, the last thing he wanted to do was hunt a night beast in a dark cave. "Why don't we leave the forest whilst it's still asleep?".

The Prince let out a ragged breath. "Do you really know nothing? It has your scent, even if we leave the forest once it wakes it will wake you". "Forgive me for not being an expert at night beasts", Sampson spoke as politely as he could muster before he turned away from the Prince. He picked up his red cloak and dusted it roughly with his hand before handing it back to him. The Prince took it and draped it around his back.

"You didn't have to give me your cloak, I would have been fine". "You were shivering and you kept clawing at your clothing. I thought you had caught a cold". "You didn't need to be concerned, I was perfectly all right". "I wasn't concerned. If you became ill it would be a mighty inconvenience if you couldn't train. We've already wasted enough time as it is".

If only all the Princesses that had fawned over him in the grand hall could hear him talking like a pig they would be sure to change their mind about their Prince then. He was the most eligible bachelor in the land and the most intolerable. Sampson felt sorry for any woman that would be lumbered with him.

"How are your legs?". "Fine", Sampson answered. It was true that he felt no pain from his legs anymore. "Good, you're going to need them to catch this night beast". The Prince started walking back through the forest path in the direction they came and Sampson followed closely behind. "Wouldn't it be better if it did come to the castle where all the knights are? There would be more people to kill it".

"It's too dangerous, it could kill people in the villages". Sampson doubted he cared for the people that lived in the villages, more for the sheep and cows they reared for slaughter. Toombak had the largest export of meat than any other Kingdoms, which was one of the reasons it was the wealthiest.

"Have you killed a night beast alone before?". "Do you think I would attempt to kill one now if I hadn't", he responded tiredly. It was easy for the Prince not to be worried because he was covered in armour, if the night beast tried to take a bite out of him, all it would get was a mouthful of metal. Whereas Sampson was in nothing but his robe that couldn't even protect him from the cold let alone a medieval beast. It was warranted that he was worried.

They were walking hurriedly through the path when the Prince suddenly stopped and looked up. Sampson did the same, finding they were looking up at the mountain that was ahead. "The night beast will be sleeping in there". He carried on whilst Sampson stayed stagnant. How many times had he, Minnie and Perity chased each other through the woods without a care in the world what could be lurking in it?

The Prince was already far ahead by the time Sampson resumed his walking and so he had to jog to reach up to him again. He had made it to the bottom of the mountain by the time Sampson had reached his side.

"Keep vigilante, there aren't just night beasts in these woods". He started to think the Prince was doing this on purpose, punishing him because it was his reckless decision to escape through them in the first place. "I'll be sure to let you deal with whatever beast we encounter next", Sampson spoke through tight lips.

The mountain path pinched at his feet causing him to take longer steps. He had to stop every now and then and rub the rocks that had stuck to his feet. "Where are your shoes?", the Prince asked after some time. "I don't own shoes". "You are part of the royal household. You must wear shoes". "Why? They look uncomfortable", Sampson murmured sceptically.

He had known no one that had ever worn shoes, even Master Duncan who thought he was shy above the rest was not permitted to wear shoes. That was because the servants of Toombak weren't going anywhere and if they did they would likely be hanged if they were ever caught. If you did go missing, you were presumed dead whether you were alive or not.

"They are not uncomfortable, they will protect your feet and prevent anymore damage to your skin". The way the Prince spoke Sampson thought it irritated at how scarred his skin was but he quickly realised it wasn't because the Prince cared for him more because if anyone else were to see them they might not be so forgiving.

"Stop dithering and keep walking". "How can I go any quicker when the rocks are pinching me?". "It wouldn't be an issue if you were wearing shoes", the Prince absentmindedly spoke. Sampson grumbled, pulling a face behind his back he continued hiking. They had walked for two hours when they finally reached the cave. It was cold but with all the walking Sampson back was soaked with sweat and temple. He sat down outside of the cave and picked the tiny rocks that had imbedded themselves into the small crevices of his skin.

The Prince stood for some time whilst Sampson did so. In the end he took his sword out of his holster, by that time Sampson had finished and was standing next to him. "Stay here, I'll deal with the night beast". The Prince began walking but stopped when he realised Sampson had remained by his side.

"What are you doing?". "Coming with you". He stared at Sampson for longer than necessary and Sampson's ears started to redden. "Your highness?". Instead of answering he leaned forward and clapped his hands harshly over Sampson's ears causing him to twist his head and out of the Prince's clutches. "What was that for?", he demanded rubbing at his abused ears. "So your ears do work. Stay here".

"Wouldn't it be better if we both went? You can't take on that thing on your own". Surely the Prince was being too proud. It was twice the size of him but he wasn't sure which out of the two was more menacing. The Prince who looked like he was about to explode clutched tightly on his sword like he was contemplating leaving the night beast and making Sampson his target instead.

"I have killed many night beasts on my own before and this particularly one wants to eat you. The moment you step into that cave it'll waken and be ravenous for your blood. It won't stop until it's ripped you apart". Sampson kept is poignant expression on his face. He had been close to death many times before and he wasn't afraid. There had been a time where he willed it so much he had tried to drown himself in the pond that he loved so much.

"Didn't you say we've missed out on training? Isn't killing a night beast a valuable lesson for me to learn". "You are not coming into the cave", the Prince threatened. His tone was thunderous now but for some reason that only spurred Sampson to tease him further. Maybe because he trusted know that the Prince wouldn't kill him or beat him.

"I'd like to see how you can stop me your highness. Are we not in the deep forest and out of Toombak? Surely you don't own the cave so you can't tell me I can't step inside it". The Prince's face reddened so much the veins in his neck bulged. Sampson smile faltered knowing he had gone too far.

"If you attempt to come into that cave I will make good on my promise to chain you in the dungeon and only let you out to train", he spat venomously. "Is that understood?". Sampson nodded. He huffed a breath before he walked inside. Sampson waited outside of it, kicking the rocks with his bare feet.

He worried for Minnie and Perity and if they had got into trouble because of him. The Prince had said that no harm had come to them but he couldn't be sure he was lying. What if he came back and they were lying in the dungeons for assisting him? He balled his hand to a fist and hit his temple. He had only wanted to protect them but the only thing he was doing was putting them in danger.

As soon as he returned he would keep them close at his side and never let them out of his sight. He would never do anything to put them in harms way, he loved them too much to ever be selfish with his actions and yet he thought maybe the safest thing for them would be as far away from him as possible. The thought struck him like a blow to his chest. He had never experienced loneliness but without them he would be truly alone, it was a fate worse than death.

Sampson waited for the Prince, pacing up and down the mountain path before he sat cross legged and attempted to get the rock to float from his palm once again. He thought of every painful moment he had ever experienced but the rock refused to budge.

The Prince would have to accept that even if he might be the lost son he may not possess the same magic that the Toombak's had. If he knew he possessed magic surely it would have presented itself by now. How many times had he wanted the long brush to vanish into thin air or for Master Duncan to beat himself with his cane instead of Sampson.

Sampson began to grow bored of waiting for the Prince. He had been gone for almost two hours and in all that time he hadn't heard a single sound from inside the cave. The longer he waited he grew concerned. If the Prince was in danger he would have no way of knowing and it wasn't like anyone was coming for them. It would be a day at least before the knights tracked them here and by then the Prince could be dead.

Sampson stood outside the cave the looked as black as the night beast. It could be watching him now, waiting for him to step inside so it could crunch his bones into dust. Sampson's pushed the thoughts down into his stomach and took a step inside.

The first thing he noticed was how putrid the smell was, he almost ran back outside by how revolting it was. He was sure he was smelling the bodies of it's last victims and he was stepping on them too. He didn't dare to look down at what the crunching sound from his feet were making other than he knew that they couldn't possibly be from branches.

The cave narrowed the further he walked. He was surprised such a big creature like the night beast could fit through such a small gap. He was having trouble himself, the narrower the path the more he had to stay vigilante. It hadn't occurred to him before deciding to go in and save the Prince that he had no weapons to defend himself. He had the blood and bone of his hands and the night beast had huge fangs and searing teeth.

Finally after some time the gap began to increase once more. Light was starting to fade and so he used his hands to guide him, keeping them pressed against the cold wall of the cave. Every now and then he would feel what could only be described as thick, foul smelling liquid under his fingers. He wiped it back on the wall and kept moving. That horrid smell only got worse the deeper into the cave and Sampson worried for what it's origin would be.

He was coming to the end of the tunnel now and once he was inside the scene he saw in front of him was the last he expected. The night beast lay curled up on it's side, it's long legs were tucked under it's body making it look almost pitiful. It was still growling in it's sleep, creating a low humming noise that bounced off the cave walls and shook the ground around it.

The closer he approached he realised there was something stuck underneath it. He could make out two outstretched legs and the heavy glint of armour. He couldn't see the Prince's face and he feared that the night beast had already beheaded him and was keeping the rest of his body for when it woke up and needed to feed again.

Given that the he thought the Prince was dead all the conscious decisions left his head like white noise replaced with reckless thoughts that he needed to save his body to bring back home to Toombak to be buried properly.

He felt incredibly guilty, if only he had gone in then the Prince may still be alive and not only that a deep ache resounded in his chest. It wasn't enough that he was sad because he felt something else entirely. Something that resembled grief which was absurd because he still strongly disliked the Prince even if he had to gone to great lengths to save Sampson from death.

Every time the night beast inhaled a breath it created a small gap between it's body and the Prince's. Sampson crawled on his hands and knees towards them, being mindful that the night beast could most likely smell his blood and it wouldn't be long until that thirst for his blood woke it up.

He waited until he got close enough and he almost gagged when that horrid smell was coming from the night beast itself. It inhaled a breath and with great strength he grabbed the Prince's legs and dragged him out from the night beast.

The first thing he saw was the Prince's head was still in tact. He was overjoyed until he realised the Prince was not dead at all, in fact he was very much alive and staring at him, his eyes were burning intensely with anger. He rose to his feet and tugged Sampson back towards the entrance. "What the hell are you doing here? Get out", he hissed. "You're still alive. I thought you were dead", Sampson whispered. He checked the length of the Prince's body, even his armour was still in tact.

"Of course I'm still alive. I thought I told you to stay put", he warned. "I was worried why you were taking so long so I came in to check. It's a good thing I came, you were trapped underneath it". The Prince's hands curled at his side as his eyes turned a few shades darker.

"I was lying underneath it to kill it. There's only one spot on it's body where you can pierce straight through to it's heart". Sampson's mouth formed an 'o' shape. It hadn't occurred to him to call out or shake the Prince first to see if he was alive or not. No one in their right mind would lie underneath a night beast unless they were already dead.

"Go back now before it wakes up". The Prince pushed Sampson towards the entrance once more but something behind him caught his eye. "I think it's too late for that". The night beast had woken and it was standing with it's pulsing eyes staring straight at them. Up close Sampson could see it was salivating, saliva dripped out of it's mouth and onto the floor. It had woken up with a heavy thirst for blood and it didn't just have one prey but two.

"You idiot this is why you should listen to what I say", the Prince hissed. Before Sampson could think of a reply the night beast charged at them. The Prince pushed him to the side before it could sink it's fangs into Sampson chest and instead charged straight into the Prince, sending him down to his feet. The Prince stabbed his sword through it's body before it could take a bite out of him and it backed away.

"Sampson". His head had hit the side of the cave wall when the Prince pushed him making him feel dizzy and terribly sick. He felt hot liquid run from the top of his head as he slowly rose to his feet. The first thing he saw was the Prince trying to stab his sword into the night beast. It was too fast and the Prince kept missing.

It could smell the heavy scent of Sampson's blood running down his temple and it knocked the Prince to the ground and bit into his chest. Sampson heard a crunch of bones as the Prince's body deflated. "Your highness". Sampson ran towards him but the night beast had already apprehended him. It knocked him into the cave wall causing more blood to leak from it's head.

He got to his feet and ran before it could hit him again, running for the Prince's sword that lay behind him. He was almost there when the ground was swept from underneath him. The night beast had both of his legs in his jaws. Sampson grabbed the Prince's sword before it dragged him away, raising it and stabbing the night beast. It let out a pained sound before it dropped him. Sampson ran towards the Prince.

"Your highness". His armour was half torn leaving his chest exposed. The wound was deep, Sampson could see the bones of his ribcage. "You idiot, run", the Prince spoke hoarsely. "I won't leave you behind". He got the Prince to his feet only for them both to be knocked down again.

The sword was knocked out of Sampson's hand and far from his reach. The night beast lay on top of him baring at him with it's fangs as it tried to desperately bite his head off. Sampson pushed at it with his hands but it was much too strong.

He knew that he couldn't hold it off for long and the Prince was too injured to help him. Sampson accepted death, he knew no matter what he did or where he went it would always be in the cards for him like it did everyone. There were many memories he could think of but one struck out to him. He thought of those two boys in the woods that had fought with stick branches and pretended they were knights. At that time he thought he could have been anything and that boy was the only one that did too. He hoped they might see each other again.

He closed his eyes as the fight left him, his hands fell to his sides as he waited to be ravaged by the night beast. There was no pain for a long time and if it wasn't for the rocks that stuck sharply into his back he would have thought he was already dead.

His eyes flickered open and he gasped. The night beast was raised several meters above the ground, kicking it's legs in the air distressed as it wondered what was happening to him. Sampson looked at the Prince but his eyes were closed, his breathing low and shallow to show he had passed out.

Sampson's eyes averted back to the night beast that was still rising, it's body now moving frantically and it's smell legs were kicking as it desperately tried to reach for something to grip onto. He wasn't even thinking of making the night beast float he had only willed it away from him and when he thought of that memory he had willed himself to do it. The night beast had gone so far up it was now stuck on the ceiling of the cave with nowhere else to go. Seeing it up there, Sampson almost felt a bit sorry for it but he knew if he were to let it go now it would only try and kill him again.

He picked up the King and dragged him back towards the entrance of the cave, stopping halfway before the path started to narrow again. He checked the Prince's breathing once more, it was still as shallow. "I'll be right back", he murmured, getting up and running back towards the middle of the cave.

The night beast was still high above him. Sampson thought about leaving it there forever but then he wasn't going to torture it. He closed his eyes again and willed for it to drop. He only opened his eyes again when a resounding thud spread throughout the cave.

With such a great distance the night beast had landed on it's round head, but it's legs where still moving, moving up and down but not as frantic now. Sampson picked up the Prince's fallen sword. He could see the weak spot the Prince was talking about. Thick skin lay on two sides of its body but there was a small strip of thin skin that ran in the middle. Sampson pushed the sword through the middle and it's legs stopped jerking almost immediately.

It's small body seemed to be growing bigger and Sampson stepped back questioning whether it was really dead. A small popping sound sounded before bile and bone flooded from it's mouth. Sampson gagged at the smell as he ran back towards the Prince.

As Sampson waited he thought about what had happened back in the cave. He really did possess magic which meant he could no longer deny what he already secretly knew, that he was the lost son of the Vahda tribe.

The Prince groaned in his sleep and tried to turn, Sampson had to hold onto his shoulders tightly so he didn't. That only seemed to irritate him and he pushed at Sampson's hands. "Shhh, stop moving. If you do I'll tell you a secret", Sampson bargained.

He leant down by the Prince's ear, brushing the tendril of hair away that had fallen over it. "I am that boy you met in the woods. Happy now?". His soft words were soothing and he stopped resisting, no longer trying to move to his side. Sampson wiped at his face with his sleeve that was covered in mud from having laid on the ground underneath the night beast.

"You don't look so much like a prince right now, you know", Sampson murmured. That dirty face and sullen look was how he looked when they first met. A young boy running through the woods with no direction. It was almost like they were fated to cross paths.