
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 17

When Sampson came to there was a damp cloth over his head and his body was being warmed from the fire. The moment he saw them he rolled to his side to avoid the flames. "You're afraid of fire?", Linshanth murmured. He had been sitting on the other side, cooking meat on the fire. "I don't like the heat that's all", Sampson replied. It was only to save face.

Ever since the day he got burned any time he was around an open flame he got as far enough away from it as he possibly could. He could still remember the smell of his flesh burning, he thought of it every time he saw the mark on his hand. At the time Linshanth had marked him by accident and didn't actually mean to cause him harm. If he had he was sure there was no way he could ever be as civil with the Prince as he was now.

"What happened?", he asked as he sat up, taking the wet cloth from his head. "You fainted and fell out the tree. I only just caught you in time before you hit the ground". Sampson shuddered. It was a steep fall and had Linshanth not caught him he wouldn't have survived it. If he had known he was going to fall out of the tree he would have never gotten up there in the first place. He figured it was right that since Linshanth was the one that forced him to climb the tree, he would be the one to save him from falling from it.

"How long have I been asleep?". It was coming to dusk before he fainted and now the sky was dark and illuminated with stars. "A few hours".

"Thank you for saving me". "If it wasn't for the fact we have the Kings and Queens coming tomorrow to see you perform I would have let you fall on your head. It might have knocked some sense into you". Sampson glared at him from across the fire.

"I would have died if you didn't catch me". "With such a thick skull like yours, I doubt it".

"You were burning a fever. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?". "You would have said I was making it up", Sampson answered. His head was still pounding but the sleep had made him feel marginally better. His stomach growled and he placed his stomach as if it would stop it from making noises.

"Your stomach has bee making those noises all day. You ate a feast enough for at least five people at breakfast and yet you are still hungry". "I have a large appetite, that's all", Sampson murmured. "Those noises started before we even left. Be honest, you didn't eat at breakfast did you".

Sampson met Linshanth's eyes from across the fire. They looked hazy and he almost looked worried, he must have been seeing things or the smoke from the fire was making him see things that weren't there. "I…". "You shouldn't have asked Master Duncan to lie for you. If you didn't eat, you should have told me".

Sampson's mouth gaped open but then he had no reason to be shocked. The Master Duncan Linshanth knew was nothing like the one who beat Sampson mercilessly and taunted him every chance he got. He had always been loyal to Linshanth having served him for so many years. There was no way Linshanth would believe Sampson over him and so those words he wanted to say before he fainted about Master Duncan couldn't get past his lips.

Linshanth came over with the meat he had burned in the fire. He looked at Sampson, his face twisting in disapproval. "What?". Linshanth reached over and touched Sampson's cheek. He flinched the moment their skin made contact like he'd been burnt. "Your fever is getting worse".

"It will pass soon enough". It wasn't the first time Sampson had gained a fever but he worked to the bone whether he was sick or not. There was no sympathy for servants, if you couldn't do your job they would find someone to replace you in an instant. "You should eat". "I'm not hungry anymore", Sampson muttered. His appetite seemed to have disappeared the moment he woke up.

"That's the fever talking. Here". He handed Sampson a small piece of meat he had been burning in the fire. Sampson chewed it slowly and when he was finished the Prince handed him another piece. This continued until he had almost finished it. "Why aren't you eating?".

"I am not hungry". "You didn't eat breakfast either, you must be". Sampson took the small cube of meat Linshanth had given him and pushed it towards his mouth. "You have it. You need it more than I do". "You'll only get sick too if you don't eat". Before Linshanth could respond he reached over and held his jaw in a firm grasp, pushing the meat passed his lips.

"Chew slowly, the meat is tough", he murmured before dropping his hands away. Linshanth looked like he was in a daze, his eyes were expressionless but his lips were curved into a tight frown. "Is there something wrong?".

"This meat is tough. I should have cooked it for longer", he responded quickly, moving away from Sampson to sit a few yards away from him. Sampson continued to chew on his meat slowly, swallowing the last of it before he lied down on his back.

"Is there anything you're afraid of?". "Why do you ask?". "Everyone's afraid of something. I want to know your fear". "So you can one day use it against me". "This is how a friendship works, we tell each other thinks about each other". "I do not think of you as a friend", the Prince remarked.

"Companions then. We have already been through so much together you can't say we are still strangers", Sampson continued. "If you tell me your greatest fear I will tell you mine". "You have already shown me your greatest fear", he spoke as he gestured towards the fire. "I'm not afraid of fire. I just don't like it", Sampson murmured.

"I am not afraid of anything". "You must be afraid of something", Sampson goaded. Linshanth pinned him with a fierce expression that said more than enough. He was the Prince and so that meant he was fearless, Sampson should have known better to ask.

"Fine, you're invincible and I'm not", he murmured with a dismal tone. "What are you afraid of?". Sampson crossed his arms over his chest. "Have you never heard of an even trade? I can't tell you anymore information about me until you tell me something else about you". "What is there you need to know about me?". Sampson wracked his brains.

There was already a lot of things he knew about the Prince without Linshanth having to tell him. He knew his favourite food was apple pie and his favourite sport was fencing, he liked to follow a particular routine which meant him sleeping and waking up at a certain time every day, if he was disturbed any time between them he was irritable and his behaviour incorrigible for the rest of the day.

The only other things the Prince liked to do was read his scriptures and fight. He didn't enjoy the company of others unless it was the other knights.

"What is your most favourite place?". "Why is that important?". "It isn't but it's an even trade. I get to know something about you and you get to know something about me". The Prince knitted his as if it wasn't as simple as it sounded.

"I do not have a favourite place". Sampson exasperated a loud breath. He might as well be talking to a stone. It would have offered better entertainment than the Prince. "You must do. If there is anywhere you could be right now where would you be?". Linshanth looked deep in thought, his eyes flickered through his emotions, at one point he looked angry and the next his eyes dropped sullenly like something had upset him.

"The battlefield is my favourite place to be. I never feel more useful than when I am defending Toombak from our enemies". Sampson hadn't expected Linshanth to be so honest, so when he did finally speak Sampson didn't answer for some time. "What? Did I not say the right thing?". "I didn't expect that to be your answer, that's all", Sampson replied. It was exactly the answer he expected but for some reason it wasn't the one he wanted to hear. He wanted to believe there was more to Linshanth than what meets the eye but he was yet to see it.

"I answered your question, now you have to answer mine. What is that you're most afraid?". "You'll only laugh at me if I tell you". "It is an even trade, is it not?". Sampson frowned, now Linshanth was using his own words against him.

"I afraid to be alone. My whole life I've had people around me, whether they were good or bad I have never been on my own and I wouldn't want to either". "That is an irrational fear. You cannot be surrounded by people forever". "You asked and I answered". He didn't need Linshanth to play on his fears and tell him how stupid they were. He was beginning to regret bringing it up in the first place. "I am going to sleep". Sampson lied down on the blankets and closed his eyes before Linshanth had a chance to taunt him over his fears once more.

He had only just closed his eyes when hear the galloping sound of a horse approaching them. "Stay here", Linshanth muttered, reaching for his sword. He tugged Sampson behind the shelter of a nearby tree. "Who do you think it is?". "Keep quiet", Linshanth snapped looking behind the tree.

The sound of hooves crushing the ground came closer. The rider dismounted and Linshanth ran from their hiding place, clashing sword with the rider. Sampson continued to stay hidden, shrinking himself down to the ground and trying to make himself smaller when he heard Linshanth starting to laugh. He peeked his head from behind the tree seeing Onyx and Linshanth greeting each other. It was just about the last person he wanted to see.

Onyx and Linshanth conversed for most of the night whilst Sampson took to sleeping behind the tree and away from their view. They laughed and shared wine not bothering to include Sampson in their conversation, not that he would if they did.

All the talk of Sampson being in trouble and to not leave the Prince's side was forgotten. He could sneak away now and Linshanth would be none the wiser. He thought about doing just that but he couldn't risk being caught again and Linshanth using the Poraine string and binding their wrists together. It had been a burden when they were alone but he would never live it down if he were to present such behaviour in front of Onyx.

Onyx had ridden ahead to check their path was clear before the King and Queen, in protection with the rest of the knights arrived. It was clear through the night that he had been drinking too much, his words became high pitched and slurred whilst he talked about all the ladies who had an interest him but spared no thoughts of his wife.

Sampson had never seen his wife but he felt for the poor girl. To spent an eternity with Onyx was worse than the death sentence. Where Onyx was loud, Linshanth barely replied and if he did it was short monotonous words.

Sampson did his best to ignore them and instead tried to focus on the pain riveting through his back. The knots always got worse at this time of night. He wasn't sure why or how he had been cursed with a body that was already failing him at the age of 20. He fought with his body to get some peace so he could sleep but in the end he gave up, sitting up against the tree once more.

"Why aren't you sleeping?". Linshanth was standing a few feet away with him with his hands clasped behind his back. Sampson didn't even hear him coming. "Where's Onyx?". "He drank too much. He's sleeping now". "Didn't you drink with him? Why is he so drunk and you're sober?". "I never drink on duty. The alcohol affects the brain and makes us slower".

"I wouldn't know, servants aren't permitted to try alcohol", Sampson spoke whilst shifting his body to the side. "What is wrong?". "Nothing", Sampson muttered. Linshanth had helped him with the pain in his back before but he had too much pride in him to dare ask again.

"Is it your back?". "No". Linshanth lowered himself down to his knees and brushed his hand over Sampson's forehead. "Your fevers gone but you're sweating". "I'm fine, just leave me alone", Sampson spoke pushing his hand away.

Linshanth ignored him and instead began to undo the sash of Sampson's robe. Sampson's cheeks turned pink as he swatted Linshanth's hands away. "What are you doing?", he asked, tying his sashes once more so tight he could barely breath.

"I will massage your back like I did last time". "I told you I was fine, you don't have to". "You're in pain and your condition will only worsen". "I said it was fine". "Why are you being so stubborn?". Linshanth demanded. It was true he was purposefully not accepting Linshanth's help. He didn't like the idea that Linshanth was kind to help him because his whole life he had loathed him.

"I'm not. I said I was fine and I mean it". He expected Linshanth to give up but he began to mumble some words under his breath that sounded a lot like an incantation. "What are you doing?". Sampson began to feel his arms and legs numb. "You are being too stubborn for your own good". "I don't need your help", Sampson argued. He was surprised Linshanth hadn't glued his lips shut to prevent him from speaking. It was clear by the fierce expression he held on his bronzed features that he wanted to.

He began to untie Sampson's robes again causing him to blush again. "Why are you undoing my robe? Can't you do it over my clothes?". "Your robes are too thick. The knots in your back are deep rooted. It won't work over the robes".

"Then don't do it at all. Hasn't anyone ever told you it is rude to undress someone without their consent?". He wasn't actually mad more terrified for the look on his face when he saw how disfigured Sampson's body was under his clothes. "We are both men, what is there to be shy of?".

Linshanth slipped Sampson's robes from his shoulders and Sampson held his breath. He waited for the laugh like Master Duncan but the Prince remained silent for several minutes. "Some of these scars are fresh. Only a few days old", he murmured. Linshanth's tone surprised him, he sounded like he was hanging on by a loose thread that was close to snapping. "The cook didn't only like to whip my feet", Sampson muttered. After Linshanth accused Sampson of having Master Duncan lie for him there was no way he would believe it was him that had made the scars on his back. He would accuse Sampson of lying and he would only face the dire consequences of Master Duncan later.

It was a strange feeling having someone touch his back. It was the one place he had always dreaded feeling another person's touch. Linshanth's hands were surprisingly delicate as he kneaded his fingers into Sampson's skin. His touch was so light you would have thought Sampson was made of glass.

At first it was enjoyable but the harder Linshanth pressed into his back the stronger the pain become until it riveted throughout his whole body, he could feel it in his stomach and his numbed arms and legs. He started to feel breathless, taking to low pants to try and control the pain. After a while he couldn't take it any longer.

"Linshanth that's enough now. It hurts too much". "I am almost finished". "I can't do it anymore". Sampson's head rolled downwards as he tried to ignore how much pain he was in. It hurt even more than last time. "Linshanth are you listening to me? I told you to stop". "It will hurt more if I don't continue". Sampson gritted his teeth. His arms were numb and so he couldn't push Linshanth away and being that he had no use of his legs he couldn't escape either. He had to sit there and endure the torture.

His fingers grazed over one of his fresh wounds and he hissed in pain. It felt like his skin was splitting open all over again. "These scars are different from the one's on your legs". Sampson felt his blood run cold. "Was it really the cook that gave them to you?". "Who else could it have been?", he answered. Sampson kneaded a particular spot that caused him so much pain he could barely breath. He bit his lip hard, to the point where he could taste blood.

"Does it still hurt?". "Of course it hurts", Sampson murmured barely being able to get the words. He leaned his head forward and hunched up his knees, resting his head against them. He had never felt so utterly miserable in his life.

"You should face me instead". Linshanth didn't wait for him to follow with the instruction, most likely realising Sampson was passed the point of listening. Instead he got up and positioned himself in front of Sampson, making it so his head rested on his shoulder. "What are you doing?". It took Sampson most of his strength to speak the words out.

"You will break your neck if you keep moving your head like that", Linshanth muttered whilst still massaging his back. Had Sampson been in his right mind he would have realised it wasn't common for two men to be in this position but he was anything but sound minded. His ears buzzed and he began to feel pain stretch from his head to the tip of his toes.

"I really can't do this anymore", he muttered, breathing the words out. "If you can hold on until I am finished I will give you a reward". Linshanth's tone was light and it made it sound like he was teasing him. Sampson screwed up his face in disgust. "What do you have that I could possibly want?". If it was money or jewels he wasn't interested and that it was the only thing Linshanth knew to offer.

Sampson felt one of Linshanth's hands move from his back to cup his neck, bringing his face out of his hiding spot. His temple dripped with sweat as he looked at Linshanth through his blurred vision. He massaged a certain spot on Sampson's back and he felt himself losing his breath. "I'm beginning to feel like you're doing this on purpose", he remarked sultrily. "You are thinking about it too much. Think about something else".

"You make it sounds like it easy. You're not the one in pain", Sampson snapped. He was beginning to lose his patience with him. How could he still act so pompous whilst inflicted horrible pain onto him. Linshanth's hand that was cupping his neck came to rest on his cheek, wiping the sweat away from his cheeks. Their eyes were locked, Sampson wanted to tell him to look away but he lost his nerve. With the stormy expression emblazoned on the Prince's face you would have thought he hated him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You are not on the battlefield now and I am not your opponent". "I doubt you could match me on the battlefield", Linshanth scoffed causing a tight lipped scowl to appear on Sampson's face.

"Who knows, if I train a bit more I might", Sampson muttered and he shut his eyes tight. He could feel pressure starting to gain on his back making it feel like he had a boulder pushing against his back. He opened his eyes once more and found the Prince had shifted closer, so close their chests were almost pressed against one another.

"Linshanth don't you think we're a bit close?", Sampson murmured. "Do you want me to move back?". Sampson shook his head. He liked resting his head on his shoulder, without the support he would have already fallen forward. He felt the Prince brush along his temple once more. "Your skin is still burning".

His arms no longer felt numb, Sampson put his hand over the Prince's and pushed the hand that was on his face away. "You shouldn't do that". Linshanth's expression twisted for a moment and before Sampson could ask why he looked so mad he leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Sampson's face was incredibly hot and the Prince's were incredibly cold almost like he had been chewing ice before he placed their lips together.

Sampson's brain was full of white noise as their lips weaved together slowly as Sampson could taste the burning taste of alcohol in the Prince's mouth. He had never kissed someone before, having the sensation both wet and warm against soft lips was the strangest of sensations. By the time Sampson was thinking a little clearer they had been kissing for a while and the pain in his spine had only increased.

The prince kissed him through his pain, twisting his head with the hand that cupped his cheek and using it to open his mouth. He was at the mercy of the Prince's tongue that made that burning taste Linshanth's mouth taste sweet.

When Linshanth eventually pulled away the pain in Sampson's back had completely disappeared followed by the euphoric feeling that he was lighter than the clouds. But as soon as that feeling came so had the dread with what they had just done. Linshanth's face was still too close to his where they looked more like lovers than friends or companions. He must have been more drunk than he was letting on. He would have never engaged in such behaviour if he was thinking straight.

Sampson was the first to move, shifting his body so he was no longer in front of the Prince but beside him. He felt awkward now, covering his body back up with his robes. "Thankyou, the pain is gone".

"Good". The word came out as hard as granite and Linshanth's jaw tightened to the point it looked close to snapping. "Shouldn't you stay beside Onyx? He's drank a lot", Sampson murmured. His face had cooled from Linshanth's cold features but it was quickly back to burning hot again. "He will be fine", Linshanth answered. He moved putting a good few yards between them. "I should get some rest".

Sampson waited for Linshanth to leave but he remained in his seated position. "Don't you want to sleep next to the fire?". "I will be fine here", Linshanth answered, draping his robes over his legs for warmth. There was only one blanket and it was the one that had been wrapped around Sampson's legs. Sampson removed it from where he had wound it tight around him and pushed it towards the Prince.

"Here". "You keep it". "No need. I'm not cold", he answered quickly out of fear that the Prince suggest something ludicrous like they share it. Linshanth took it from him and wrapped it around his shoulders. Sampson moved to lie on his back, rolling to the side with his back turned to the Prince.

Now that the Prince couldn't see him he traced the seam of his lips with his fingers. He had wanted to save his first kiss for someone who he truly loved. He imagined that rite would go to Minnie since he planned to propose marriage as soon as he returned. It was just his luck that something so sacred had been taken by someone like the Prince. A merciless tyrant, whom he had always loathed.