
Chapter 40

5 years later


As Helios fumbled around for his shoes, I whispered to him, "Hold on, let me just comb your hair first," and then I proceeded to do so.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm no longer a baby. I can do it myself, "he answered with a gleaming grin over his teeth.

I said, "Okay then," and handed him the comb. He leaned down and planted a quick kiss on my cheek before walking away to check his appearance in the mirror.

"Where are my two tiny twin infants at this very moment?" I yelled, despite the fact that I was aware that they were only hiding behind my back. When I heard them laughing, I turned around to face them.

While I was mending their clothes, I said, "Oh, there you are!"

Sky winked at Ice as they both smiled at me and said, "Mom, it takes a long, long time until you will look good, like us." Ice and Sky both smirked at me.