

Alice_Abraham_0860 · Teen
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7 Chs


Dami went home excitedly, she told her mother and her brother about the scholarship.

MRS BIMBO:(Smiles) Dami, God loves you, wow....., this is a miracle.

SEYI: Finally you will go to a better school, in fact one of the best schools in Lagos, I'm proud of you Dami

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) Save your pride for when I get in, and I've been wondering, transport from here to that school is expensive oh, with this fuel scarcity.

SEYI: Don't worry, I'll take you to school, and bring you back personally.

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) Really, Brother Seyi?

SEYI: I promise.

DAMILOLA: Thank you brother.

MRS BIMBO: Whether the devil likes it or not, my daughter will be that professional medical doctor, in Jesus name.


The form was brought for her, she filled the form and returned it to Amanda. Dami read, read and read everything readable, her family gave her time to prepare for the exams. The day for the exams finally came, Dami went very early to the hall, she said a little prayer and the exams started. All heads were down, all pens were scribbling, after two hours the exams ended. They were told the day the scholars will be announced and they all left.


Dami went to Amanda's house to visit her, she saw her sitting at her usual spot, then she joined her.

AMANDA:(Smiles) Tomorrow is the big day.

DAMILOLA: Yeah (smiles) I'm super nervous.

AMANDA: Don't be, I trust you.

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) Thank you. So what's K&Q High like?

AMANDA: What do you want to know?

DAMILOLA: Everything (she says excitedly)

AMANDA: Okay, like you already know, it's a school for sons and daughters of millionaires, multi millionaires, billionaires, multi billionaires, and so forth and so on.


AMANDA: And it's a hierarchical school.

DAMILOLA: Hierarchy?

AMANDA: Yes, there are five class of people in K&Q High.

DAMILOLA:(Confused) Five classes?

AMANDA: Yeah. The first class and number one on the hierarchy board is the RTIDs.

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) Isn't that Kizz Daniel's song?

AMANDA: Yeah, he has a song with that title, but in K&Q High these are sets of people. The richest set of students in K&Q High.

DAMILOLA: Why are they called the RTIDs?

AMANDA: Because they were born with a golden spoon, no matter how hard the country or even the world gets, they will still continue living their daily rich lives, that's why they are called RTIDs which means Rich Till I Die.

DAMILOLA:(Impressed) Wow....

AMANDA: The next class is the H&H class.

DAMILOLA:(Confused) H&H?

AMANDA: Yeah, Heirs and Heiress. They are the future heads of big companies and organisations. They will inherit all their parents possessions.

DAMILOLA:(Chuckles) What a school (Amanda laughs).

AMANDA: The third class is the Shareholders.

DAMILOLA: Wait, you mean there are shareholders as students in your school?

AMANDA: Yeah, I'm also a shareholder, the Queen of Shareholders.

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) Queen?

AMANDA:(Smiles) Yeah, it means I'm the richest female shareholder in K&Q High.

DAMILOLA: So every class has their King and Queen?

AMANDA: You're so smart. Yes. So the fourth class is the New Money. People who just started making money. And the last class is the Scholars, people who get in through scholarship.

DAMILOLA: My class.

AMANDA: Don't worry, you don't go to school to showcase your wealth, you go to school to showcase your intelligence.

DAMILOLA:(Smiles) You have your way with words.

AMANDA:(Smiles) Let's toast to you becoming a scholar (she takes her glass of wine, Dami also did same and they drank and continued chatting).