
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 15

Calvin enjoyed making Chloe Moan.

He cummed inside her again before he removed his huge dick, staring at her for a while.

She was intrigued staring at him as well.

"I can't believe you actually fucked me like a tissue paper..." Chloe said as Calvin took quality steps towards her in return.

Calvin then held her by the waist using his dick to rub against her pussy as he looked into her eyes gently, intriguing her for more sex.

She squeezed her leg together indicating that she was still horny and then he held her by her laps raising her into the hair before he opened her laps over himself and inserted his dick into her pussy while holding onto her body laps and she moaned badly whilst in the air.

Her pussy was so wet while she corked her neck with Calvin's own as he fucked her pussy non-stop.

"Calvin... Gosh... You're incredible!" She comments.

Then Calvin pulled out his dick from her pussy and inserted it into Chloes ass.

"Fuck!" Chloe screams holding him tighter as he fucked her ass more deeper and deeper before changing back to her pussy and digs more into her.

Calvin then turned her... In a manner that her back was over his chest while he was standing before He continued fucking badly into that pussy.

She was screaming on top of her voice.

He loved how chaotic her screams sounded.

"Aww! She moaned.

"Gosh..." She cums.

"Hah!..." She vibrates.

"Ahh!" She screams.

"Oh my god!" She moaned when Calvin went deeper inside her warm wet pussy walls.

"My mafia." Chloe moans while Calvin drilled her pussy like a demon.

"Ahh..." He moaned in response.

Chloe felt fucking sweet... cumming thrice wasn't enough to measure to the sweetness of her pussy.

"Ishh." Calvin moaned some more as the urge to fuck her more was rushing through his veins.

While fucking and drilling that pussy... He walked towards the wall and turned her over.

Chloe was now facing him with her eyes staring at him like he was some sort of monster fucking her innocent tight sweet hole and trying to expand it.

"You are a fucking predator." She said as Calvin pinned her over the wall while teasing her with the head of his cork as she moaned.

He was indeed up to be her predator right now.

He wanted to taste the feeling of her womb.

"Baby." He called to her while teasing her pussy.

"Yes..." She responded.

"Can I go in with my full length?" He asked her.

Calvin didn't want to injure her from taking his full length because he indeed had a long huge dick.

Not all females could take his full length so he had to ask her for permission first before doing that.

"Yes, my Lion... Fuck me." She says, looking at him.

Her innocence and excitement was energizing and Calvin wanted to fuck her crazily like how He would normally fuck for his selfish pleasure.

"Can I selfishly fuck you baby?" He asked her.

"Yes baby...Use me to your satisfaction." She said and he began to penetrate her pussy in return.

Her pussy was so wet and so sweet at the same time that Calvin could not even deny that fact.

He began to incline into her pussy non stop.

Feeling and seeing as his dick went in half way into her sorry tight pussy... Expanding it before it had reached half length... She was shaking over the wall as He inclined in and out.

"He loves you baby." He said to her before he reached full length while her body was shaking terribly as his dick passed through her womb.

Then he began to fuck her like a monster.

Calvin was digging into her soul and body with his dick as his dick veins began to enlarge and the urge began to rise again... She was nearly fainting as the sex had lasted for over two hours.

Calvin then took his full length into her again seeing how her stomach rose with his dick in it, before He cummed inside Chloe.

He gently held her and placed her over the bed as they covered themselves up with his dick still inside her wet soft pussy.

"Damn!" Chloe moaned out.

Whilst Calvin was just getting Started!

Calvin's Powers activated.

"Calvin, would you like better sexaul comfort?" The voice in Calvin's head tells him.

"Sure!" Calvin replied before Boom!

He finds himself with Chloe at a hotel front.

"What just happened?" She asked, shocked.

"It's a surprise Chloe, we are in a hotel now." Calvin said as they were now over a bed, then a knock occurred over the hotel room's door.

Chloe began to acknowledge Calvin's Meta Powers.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Hotel service sir, you ordered for dinner." The staff replied.

"What!?...Oh I'm sorry, come in." He responded knowing his system requested for that.

The hotel staff came in and dropped his dinner. As he was about to leave he suddenly remembers something and turns back at Calvin saying;

"Excuse me sir." The attendant greeted.

"Yes..." Calvin responded.

"The hotel is hosting a little all night party for our hotel guests, if you don't mind, Sir. you could come downstairs to the open hall and enjoy." The attendant said with a smile.

"That sounds nice but I don't think I'll be coming down. Thank you for the offer." Calvin replied.

"If you insist, sir. but there is a card under the tray. In case you change your mind sir, that's a VIP pass for the party." The attendant added.

"Okay I'll give it a second thought." Calvin said as the staff nodded and left the room.

"The party can't be all the bad…" Calvin said as he picked up the VIP pass card and wore his shirt, together with Chloe who dressed up before they left for the hotel's party, that was now ongoing.

"Calvin, you haven't answered my question." Chloe asked, holding onto his hand.

"What?" He asked her.

"How did you bring us here… Do you have Chi' powers as my grandma accused you earlier of?" Chloe asked him seriously.

"Chloe do we have to discuss that now?" Calvin asked her back not worried.

"You indeed have a Chi - take me back!" Chloe requested from Calvin.

"Take me back home." Chloe added.

"Why?" Calvin asked.

"Because of my so called Chi?" He asked.

"Chi powers led my grandfather to his death!" Chloe said as she called for a driver from home.

"You lied! you always lie and I am fed up Calvin, nothing you say is ever true, you are hiding something from me and if it's not just your Chi... I will find out whatever it is." Chloe threatens and Calvin follows her from behind her.

"Stay away from me too! I am better alone with people I can trusts." Chloe said slamming the hotel rooms door over Calvin's face.

Once again... Calvin felt heart broken.

He definitely Expected the outcome with Chloe rejecting him once more as he had presumed.