
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 12

The Demon, Pete peterson steps in.

"What's happening here?" Pete asked.

"Oh well..." Granny was about to explain to him before Chloe interrupted her.

Calvin couldn't believe what he was going through.

"I was the one that let you all humiliate and belittle him and I was humble to play the game, Calvin didn't give up but I am sick of that now... Let it be me that punishes my husband from now henceforth!" Chloe said as Calvin looked at her.

She then walks towards him, who is still putting on his patient dress and begins to pour her red wine over Calvin as tears drip off her eyes before she throws the cup away in pain.

She then holds his head into her hand.

Calvin could swear that she was hurt and sorry.

He could swear that she hated what she did.

Calvin thought she hated him due to his mistakes.

Or is it that Chloe has been strong enough to hide her feelings from him, all these while?

"Good!" Mrs. Uzaron said and Chloe immediately walked away from the place.

"Now Calvin, I will ask you this question, one last time, do you have possession of a Chi?" She asked again.

"I don't have any." Calvin denied.

He could not accept exposing his system.

Having a system was something sacred.

Letting others know can lead to serious danger.

"Fine, follow me." Mrs. Uzaron said as she entered the parlour and turned on the Television.

Calvin watched carefully to see a man whose face and hair glowed green, the man even jumped off a building with lightning striking all over his body and he even landed in the same power.

The man wore patient clothes too.

This man was Calvin.

"Isn't that you?" Mrs. Uzaron asked calmly like a witch.

"It isn't me, I only escaped here, I came here on a bike, Mrs. Uzaron." Calvin said to her.

"Indeed." She said with a smile.

"I would like to take my leave now." Calvin said to her before excusing himself from her premises.

He then received a call from Arthur.

He picked the call while in the mansion's garden.

"Calvin, I have taken control over the monarch company, although the present CEO agreed to keep working for us." Housekeeper said to him.

"Okay, that is good, I will tell you what to do when the time comes." Calvin said to him before cutting the call.

"It's funny to see you could even afford a phone… I wonder who was able to purchase that for you, wait, let me guess... Chloe." Pete peterson mocked Calvin from behind him before he turned to look at Pete all dressed up in a suit.

"Why do you despise me so much Pete, I just got to know you and you have been the most foolish person I have ever seen." Calvin said to him and Pete opened his eyes in shock.

"You..." He said in annoyance.

"You this poor dirty beggar!" He screams as he grabs Calvin's patient dress.

"Think about it clearly, the real dirty one here is you who could waste his time grabbing on dirty things." Calvin said to him and he attempted to punch him but then Calvin dodged.

"Calvin! How dare you!" Olivia, Chloe's cousin, tried to restrain Calvin's hand so that Pete peterson could have a better chance to beat Calvin.

At this point... Calvin felt like nodding Pete peterson and giving another light nod to Olivia.

But then he could see Chloe's father coming.

Olivia attempted to kick his leg before a lion's voice roared through the garden.

"What nonsense is happening here?" Chloes father asked.

"Well, it's Calvin, he came here to abuse Pete peterson." Olivia said to him.

"I don't care, Calvin, don't you think you should start getting ready to completely leave this house, my daughter listens to her parents, there's nothing you can change about that." Calvin's father inlaw said, looking at him.

"Yes! And you should never touch my son in law again! He isn't like you who is a lowly guard boy or some nobody who can't do any task given by his mother." Chloes father warned him concerning Pete peterson and Calvin smiled in return.

If only they knew what he was up to.

"I was also preparing to visit the Monarch corporation, before I got to meet this bastard." Pete peterson said and Chloe's father walked towards him, arranging his suit even more properly for him to go out.

"You know I have never seen anywhere in his life where a good for nothing rag man is given the opportunity for my daughter's class, ensuring that this fool leaves Pete." Chloe's father said to Pete before he left us standing there.

"Lol, rag thing, you heard what her father said right?... She's mine." Pete said to him.

"There is nothing you can do about it, this is what happens when you are a good for nothing pauper!" Pete said before spitting away.

"God forbid!" Pete said hitting Calvins phone off his hand and caused it to fall to the ground before he walked away with Olivia who rubbed his back.

Calvin was burning in rage.

The entire family made his stay horrible.

He was going to crush them like burnt papers.

Calvin picked up his phone from the ground.

He cleaned it over his patient dress.

Then he called the number Arthur sent earlier after their call, to talk to the acting Manager… Emelda.

"Hello! Greetings sir, my father extends his greetings to you for the billion dollars you had purchased Monarch corporation with." She said and Calvin smiled on hearing that.

"Good." He said exhaling properly.

"I want you to do me a favour." He said to her.

"I can do anything for you, my entire family is grateful to you, so tell me, what would that be?" She asked Calvin.

"There's a man called Pete peterson, I am sure you already know him?" Calvin asked.

"Yes, of Peterson corporation?" She asked.

"Yes, he will be coming to buy the major assets of Monarch in a few minutes and I want you to deal with him for me, do you understand?" He said to her and she stayed mute.

"Well sir, that is my specialty." She said

"Good! I want you to humiliate him, embarrass him, and then throw him out of Monarch like a rag thing, just like it happened with his younger brother Felix Peterson at Rian, Am I clear?" Calvin said to her and she laughed shortly.

"Yes boss!" She answered.

"And your company placed a bank ban on Chloe Uzaron's account, remove it immediately!" Calvin orders and Emelda swallows on her saliva.

"You don't need to worry, I will deal with it and him in manners never known before, For Pete, it will be ten times worse than what happened at Calvin group to his younger brother." Emelda said and then Calvin cut the call before heading into Chloes room where he saw Chloe crying badly with a short knife in her hand as she cried.

Calvin feared for Chloe.

He couldn't believe Chloe wanted to commit suicide because of the challenges they were facing.

"Chloe." He called as she raised the short knife.

"Don't do it." Calvin begs as he falls to his knees.

He wasn't ready to lose his Chloe at all.