
A fake wall?

The kid kept their eyes on the door. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was a series of knocks before the kid heard someone say in a slightly muffled yet respectful voice, "There's something behind this wall..." 

"A fake wall? I wouldn't be surprised," another voice sounded. This one sounded confident and calm. "Break it."

"Yes, sir!" said the first voice.

"Yes, sir!" the kid repeated the words under their breath. 


"Argh!" the kid yelled again when they heard the loud bang before clamping their mouth shut with both hands. 

"Stop!" the calm and confident voice said again. "Did you hear that?" 

"No, sir. What did you hear?" asked another voice.

"I thought I heard it wrongly earlier..." the calm and confident voice said. "Be careful when you're breaking down the wall. I wouldn't put it past that pig to hide someone in there." 

"Yes, sir!"