
Special Circumstances

Tomorrow Zan Li Feng will come to New Zealand with some employees for the interviewing process. Thinking about it, Liu Lian went back to the villa. She decided to work overnight so she wouldn't skip her studies. Usually, she would have completed her project by now. But her fever came in the middle and destroyed her plan. so, she has to work overtime to complete her work.

After getting a hot bath she sat on her bed with the laptop and the company documents. As she was finalizing the materials for the interview her phone began to ring.

"Huh. Who is calling now? It's nearly midnight." Feeling puzzled Liu Lian got her phone which is being charged beside the bed.

"It's Hong gege"

Liu Lian: "Hello Hong gege."

Jiang Hong: "Baby sis what time is it now?"

Liu Lian: "Huh? It's 12.45 in here. Why gege?"

Jiang Hong: "So you know it passed midnight there noo?" His voice is becoming a bit strict. And Liu Lian can feel that even his face is becoming strict without seeing him.

Liu Lian: "Yeahh." She answered doubting.

Jiang Hong: "So what do you think you should be doing now? Baby sis?" His tone becoming dangerously calm. Suddenly it hit to her that what is he talking about.

Liu Lian: "Usually I should be sleeping." She said guiltily.

Jiang Hong: "Then what are you doing now ahh?"

Liu Lian: "Completing some office work?" She answered hesitatingly.

Jiang Hong: "That's right. Then what about your sleep hmmm?"

Liu Lian: "I said usually means today is a special circumstance." She tried to act smart.

Jiang Hong: "Ohh. Special circumstance. What is the special??" He sounded amused.

Liu Liang: "Gege I have a project to complete for PHD and my office work is not even complete. I need to complete some to balance everything. It should have been completed by now. But you know I got sick and on bed rest."

Jiang Hong waited patiently letting her speak. Then he replied in a gentler tone,

Jiang Hong: "Yet you should not overexert your body baby sis. You should get a regular rest. You know?"

Liu Lian: "Yeah. I wouldn't stay up long. Just another hour then I will be done."

Jiang Hong: "Ok then. But should not wake up early. Wake up two more hours late than your usual schedule. Promise?" He instructed her worriedly.

Liu Lian: "Sure. What about you? Are you in the office?" She tried to divert the topic as she knows that she would get a long lecture.

Jiang Hong: "No. I came out for some inspections in our new sites." He understood that she is diverting the topic, yet he let her be.

Liu Lian: "Ohh. Be careful then. Sites are dangerous. Have dressed in the safety gears?"

Jiang Hong: "Yes baby sis. Don't worry. I called to check up on you. Ok then I'll hang up." He said with a smile lacing in his face.

Liu Lian: "Ok then goodbye. Be safe."

Jiang Hong: "I will. You should get enough sleep. Goodbye." He warned one last time and hang up.

Liu Lian smiled. Knowing that they are worrying about her caring for her made her heart feel warm.

"I'm forever grateful gege for having you guys as a family." She mumbled to herself and started working again.

Sorry guys It's a little bit small. I'll try to give another update later today. Not a promise though.

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