
The President's Ex-Wife

"I don't care if you sleep with someone else, but my dear Hooligan, remember this, I will be the only one to fulfil your last wish." … "The only world to which I belong is you, is your heart." … Two men, with two different mindsets. But at last, it was her heart that would only beat for one! _____________________________________________________ Excerpt: "Whom do you choose Mr. Mighty President," The leader smirked, looking at the lady under his capture he continued, "Your ex-wife or the country?" Ian looked at the woman who had betrayed him for her own good reasons now denying to look into his eyes. Though he wanted to protect her, he couldn't at the risk of millions of people who unlike her at least trusted him. "Evacuate this place." His hoarse voice echoed in the whole haunted house. Mia looked at the leader of the terrorist group and sneered, "Dude, didn't I clear it when you first attacked me? We are on new slates now and he won't care even if I die! Tch Tch, you should have kidnapped his fiancé!" While the leader just couldn't accept the turn of events as he believed Alex still loved his ex-wife; at least that was what rumors revealed, Ian inched close towards her ignoring the guns that were pointed at him. "I am sorry, I have to leave you behind!" He said holding back the tears that still held warmth, cupping her face he kissed deeply, maybe a goodbye one! And as soon as he left, the leader took out his gun and pointed directly at Mia's head! Bam Bam Bam His rage overpowered the guilt and he needed to end her life according to the contract he had made! ++++ She was a happy-go-lucky lady from the heart but had a 'fierce fox' tag in the outside world. People wanted her to sit back and be a 'lamb' but she showed them her paws and pitied none. But fate played its cards and threw her into a hue of darkness. She was forced to leave the ones she loved and accept her destiny! Will she come back? Even if she did, who would she choose this time? The guy she loved or her childhood friend who loved her the most? --- Note- This book needs heavy editing as I wrote it during my freshman year. Life got busy during high school, so I had to take a very long hiatus. Now that I have returned, I will try to edit them slowly so please bear with it X﹏X

KwimZhi · Urban
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175 Chs

Revenge (Part 2)

"Ma'am I have a suggestion." Gabriel moved towards the bed and showed her a presentation.

"Stardust will complete it's 4 years and every year we arrange a grand success party. Why don't you and Boss join in?"

"Hmm. We still have two days for that. Yup, ok release it only after clearing bro's scandal tomorrow. And arrange everything and inform your employees too."

Gabriel excitedly nodded. Every year, their boss never cared to show up in such ceremonies and since it's the first time ever, he was sure it would hype the city.

"Anything else, Young Miss?"

"Arrange our tonight's outfit."

"Ok. And about walking on the runway?"

"Leave it. Just like other models, Ria will also follow the procedures." Mia answered with a grin.

"But Young Miss, since you are already going as Mia what's there to again act like Ria, "

"We need to boost our surprises. And walking on a runway as a model is one of my fantasies so let me enjoy it." She grinned and Gabriel nodded.

"Sorry for all this extra trouble, Gabriel " Mia pursued her lips in apology and he shook his head,

"No No, Young Miss. It was my honour to be a part of your master plan and its quite fun to do all these things."

"Thank you for your hard work." Elisa commented with a smile.

"If there nothing else, I will go and work on these things."

They nodded and he left the place.

"What about pictures?" Elisa asked in curiosity.

"I have already ask someone to do it."

"Naomi?" Elisa questioned with a grin to which Mia nodded.


Naomi's Dorm.

[ Boss, Mia as asked me to help her in defaming Isla ] - Naomi.

[ Her love Rival? ] - Monster.

Startled by the sudden reply, Naomi placed aside her laptop and concentrated on texting.

[ Yes, Boss ] - Naomi.

[ Good Good. That means Mia is trusting you. Help her and make sure to gain her trust. The better your bond is, the easier for you to execute the mission. ] - Monster.

[ But Boss, didn't you ask me to create a barrier between Ian and Mia? If I help now, wouldn't they get close? ] - Naomi.

[ Let them live their love life. Just 5 more months and later on we can work on our Mission. Concentrate on being her best friend, that's the only task you have right now ] - Monster.

Naomi blinked in surprise. Even though she was a part of this mission, she was unaware of most of the things related to it.

"This witch is planning something big." Mumbling to herself, Naomi replied with a thumbs up and sighed deeply.

'Our actual plan was to kidnap Mia by next month in Xuan's enlisting ceremony and produce her to HELEN THE WITCH. But, why do I feel there are many things well hidden from me? Do they consider me as a traitor? Did they stop trusting me? Or Am I that useless in their eyes?'

Shaking off these strange thoughts, Naomi worked on her task assigned to incarcerate Isla.


Later that Noon.

"Mia Mia Mia!" Naomi rushed to her room only to see her peacefully sleeping in her brother's arms.

Tiptoeing, she slowly walked to her side and patted her cheek.

"Mia, wake up. It's 2 in the noon. You have less time."

Groaning at the disturbance, Mervin was the one to wake up.

"What are you doing here?" Carefully adjusting her head on a pillow, he freed his arm and got up.

"I was here, " She stopped when he gestured her to be quiet.

He slowly got up from the bed and walked out.

"Why are you here?"

"Actually, Mia assigned me to take these pictures." She passed a file and Mervin opened it.

As he scanned through all the pictures, his smirk whirled wider and wider.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir. I will leave now."

"Wait." Naomi turned around and Mervin looked at her.

"Since you are close to Mia, you can call Brother. No need to be formal."

Naomi was taken aback.

Was he the same Demon she had heard about all these years?

"As long as you don't hurt Mia, you are free to be yourself. But if by chance, "

"No No No, sir I mean brother. I promise to never hurt her."

He nodded and asked,

"How did you get these?"

"I know a bit about hacking and other stuff."

"Hmm. These pictures, "

"The first one is from yesterday. Mia had asked me to drug her drink and later on you know, " She scratched her head in embarrassment.

She had done things which she was unable to explain.

Chuckling at her flustered face, he nodded.

"And these are all old ones."

"And what about this?" He asked taking out two of Isla's pictures, entering and leaving BlueMoon hospital.

"Haha, she actually came for plastic surgery but Mia wants to portray it as you know abortion."

He nodded and then took the Pendrive.

"It has all pictures and information."

He nodded at her quick reply and smiled at her flawless work.

"Take an invention card from Elisa." He passed the file and turned around to leave.

"For what?" She questioned in confusion.

"Stardust's fourth Anniversary."

Her mouth grew wide and she blinked at his retracting back.

Elisa who was standing in the corner eavesdropping their conversation nudged Naomi with a grin.

"Hehe, do you expect anything else from him?"

Her question brought Naomi back to the world.

"Lisaaaaaa." Hugging her tightly she pinched herself and cried in pain.

"Ouch. It's real."

"Hahaha. Yes, it is real. Now come on, let's wake the sleeping beauty."

Naomi nodded and both walked towards Mia's room.


4 pm.

Mia's Room.

"Here you go." Naomi squealed sending pictures to Gabriel through Mia's laptop.

Finishing her last spoon of lunch, Mia dusted her hands and took out her phone.

"At least drink water." Elisa passed her the glass and she gulped in one go.

A maid came in and took the tray and other things away.

"So, should I just write a note or make a video?"

"Video." Both Elisa and Naomi said unison and the trio laughed out loud.


"Naomi get me the gimbal. It's next to the study case, the Third drawer."

"Eli, get my bag ready for the runway. You know my things, right?"

When both nodded and moved their feet, she rushed towards her walk-in closet.

Taking a short denim skirt and a cat print pink top, she walked towards the bathroom.


"I am ready." She came out and both frowned and Elisa was the one to comment,

"Argh, at least wear something formal. What's this casual daily wear?"

"I should be more realistic." Saying that she wore her flip flops but the right one in the left foot and vice verse.

"Hmm, is a statement released?"

Scrolling through her laptop, Naomi nodded,

"Stardust has released a statement about your public appearance."

"We are honoured to announce that our Young Miss as finally decided to make her first public appearance. Today on the Stewie's Fashion Runway, Miss Mia Brown and Mr Mervin Brown are the main guests. Hope you would shower your love equally to both of them."

Elisa read it out and then the few comments,

"OMG, Are their tickets still selling?"

"My goodness, The Goddess as finally decided to show up."

"Marry Me, Mia. I will always love you."

"My Idol. OMG, My Idol is showing up. I want to see her. I want to see her beauty."

"Arghh, you really have a lot of female admirers than male." Naomi commented scrolling through the comments.

Every media was now bursting out her name. Every press, every channel had already started releasing articles and the former news was slowly curbing down.

"Is their Rumour still roaming around?" She questioned looking at Isla's pictures.

Naomi checked and nodded.

"It's still at the top but yours is already in the top 10 trending list. Don't worry, in an hour you will curb them down." Elisa added.

"And these pictures?"

Sitting beside her on the couch, Naomi pointed at the teenage kissing picture and said,

"This one is real. She was blackmailed last year for money by a reporter and I was able to get it."

Then pointing at another picture of Isla being intimate with a guy, Naomi added,

"This one is 5 years old. She is really pure. Except for kisses, there are no more explicit scenes she did with anyone else. She really loves Ian a lot."

Elisa nudged her to speak less and Naomi zipped her mouth.

Mia looked at a few more pictures and sighed,

"I would have let her free. But she really crossed her limits. Because of her, he was beaten up by his own father."

"Yes Yes, I understand. We will take our revenge don't worry." Naomi mumbled fisting her hand making the other two laugh out loud.

"Ok. Now time to shoot."

Taking the gimbal, Mia adjusted her phone and passed it to Naomi.

"Puffin, release it as soon as I walk on the runway."

Elisa nodded and gave her room to record.

"3 2 1." Naomi counted and Mia nodded.

And as she was about to greet, she looked down and the first thing which got recorded was her


She interchanged her flip flops and wore it in the right way.

Elisa smiled and Naomi controlled her chuckle.

"Hello everyone." Waving her hands, she smiled.

"I am the infamous Mia Brown, hehe. Yes, finally I have decided to make my life public."

Scratching her head, she roamed through her room and Noami followed her.

"Its actually my first time and I don't know what to say."

"Anyways, you guys have known me as Mervin's sister, General Steven's daughter and for my Huh what should I consider them, my brutal breakups and beatings around the town."

Pinching her ear in embarrassment, she mumbled,

"From now on, I hope you would know me just through my real identity. As portrayed I am not a gangster or Playgirl type, it was just a weird habit of mine to beat bad guys but now I am all GROWN UP."

Elisa and Naomi chuckled out loud making her pout in disappointment.

"Sorry Sorry, continue." Elisa said and Mia turned towards the camera.

"I always liked to be a low-key but now I have finally decided to socialize. As you can see in my just publicized accounts, I really love to post and flaunt what I do and all these days it was restricted for only a few but from now everyone can follow me and know my better self. Hope we can connect and you guys can understand my real personality."

"Since none knows what do I do and everything else. I will be officially introducing myself in this video."

She walked towards her dressing table, taking out her white coat she showed the BlueMoon badge and said,

"I am professionally a doctor in BlueMoon hospital. I have completed my internship a week back and now working in the surgery department. My life is quite simple and just runs around the people I love. I like to speak my heart out and I have temper issues too."

Scratching her head, she said,

"I know whatever I am speaking it's just unrelatable and doesn't make sense. To conclude this big rant in a line, I wish to see you people around and I also hope you would love my real self and treat me one among this internet world. Thank you. Bye Bye."

Naomi turned off the camera and smiled with pride.

Elisa patted her head and said,

"You were really your true self."

"Argh, I really messed up the video "

Looking at the time, she cursed and took out her shoes.

Lacing them up, she asked,

"So between you two, who wants to be my assistant."

"Me Me Me." Naomi took her already packed bag and Elisa took out her laptop.

"You guys head out. I will handle the posting and everything else."

Mia nodded and added, "And don't forget to send Isla's pictures at the hospital to Gabriel."

"Yes Yes. You guys get going first."

They both nodded and rushed out.


Square-Space Entertainment.

Departing the cab, Mia and Naomi rushed inside.

"Hi, This is Ria." She greeted staff at the door and she blinked in surprise.

Mia didn't wear her mask today and as guessed everyone admired her flawless face.

Even the staff took a minute to scan the goddess and shaking her thoughts she mumbled,

"You are finally here. Alison Ma'am as specially asked to take care of you. Come Come I will take you to your dressing room."

Holding her hand, the lady rushed her in and Naomi followed her glancing around the big place and the big stage getting tidied up.


Common Makeup lounge.

As soon as they reached, every model turned around and glanced at the newcomer.

Some widened their eyes while some gasped admiring the beauty but soon sulked at the new competition.

"So, she is the one." A model walked and stood in front of her. She was, of course, older than her and her tall features clouded over Mia.

Ignoring her, Mia scanned the room and sighed at the glaring gazes.

"You are here." Andrew greeted her with a warm hug.

Mia grinned and hugged him back.

"I missed you so much, darling."

"Same here, Andy."

Everyone frowned at her closeness with Andrew.

"So, how are you? You really have grown up into a goddess, I must say." Scanning her, Andrew grinned.

"Are you a judge too?" Mia asked with a smile.

"No No No. My dearest wife has asked me to personally take care of her little kitten and I am here to follow her orders."

Mia smiled and bowed,

"Sorry for this extra trouble and thank you for visiting me."

He ruffled her hair and only then looked at the curious eyes trying to pierce her skin.

"Beware of these models. Since you got a chance at the last minute, they will try all their vain to defame you." He slowly whispered and Mia nodded.

"Sir Sir Sir." A staff rushed towards them and panted to catch a breath.

"What's wrong?" Andrew asked to which he replied,

"Ria Ria Ria's dress as been split into two. There There is no extra outfit for the night."

The tall model who approached her a minute ago smirked at the victory. Of course, she wouldn't allow a mere newcomer to snatch the title.

How do you think Mia will react?

Will her plan work or backfire at her?

Let me know your thoughts through comments!

And, sorry for the irregular updates T_T

I am trying my best to write whenever I can and publish it :(

KwimZhicreators' thoughts