
The President's Ex-Wife

"I don't care if you sleep with someone else, but my dear Hooligan, remember this, I will be the only one to fulfil your last wish." … "The only world to which I belong is you, is your heart." … Two men, with two different mindsets. But at last, it was her heart that would only beat for one! _____________________________________________________ Excerpt: "Whom do you choose Mr. Mighty President," The leader smirked, looking at the lady under his capture he continued, "Your ex-wife or the country?" Ian looked at the woman who had betrayed him for her own good reasons now denying to look into his eyes. Though he wanted to protect her, he couldn't at the risk of millions of people who unlike her at least trusted him. "Evacuate this place." His hoarse voice echoed in the whole haunted house. Mia looked at the leader of the terrorist group and sneered, "Dude, didn't I clear it when you first attacked me? We are on new slates now and he won't care even if I die! Tch Tch, you should have kidnapped his fiancé!" While the leader just couldn't accept the turn of events as he believed Alex still loved his ex-wife; at least that was what rumors revealed, Ian inched close towards her ignoring the guns that were pointed at him. "I am sorry, I have to leave you behind!" He said holding back the tears that still held warmth, cupping her face he kissed deeply, maybe a goodbye one! And as soon as he left, the leader took out his gun and pointed directly at Mia's head! Bam Bam Bam His rage overpowered the guilt and he needed to end her life according to the contract he had made! ++++ She was a happy-go-lucky lady from the heart but had a 'fierce fox' tag in the outside world. People wanted her to sit back and be a 'lamb' but she showed them her paws and pitied none. But fate played its cards and threw her into a hue of darkness. She was forced to leave the ones she loved and accept her destiny! Will she come back? Even if she did, who would she choose this time? The guy she loved or her childhood friend who loved her the most? --- Note- This book needs heavy editing as I wrote it during my freshman year. Life got busy during high school, so I had to take a very long hiatus. Now that I have returned, I will try to edit them slowly so please bear with it X﹏X

KwimZhi · Urban
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175 Chs

Only Her!

As they rushed out, what caught their sight was Isla parting away in the private lift.

Panic, fright, anxiety started curbing their faces and Ian was about to take the normal lift but Mia stopped him.

She was the only one standing all calm even in front of that huge storm trying to free itself.

"Quick, warn the security on terrace." Mia ordered Jose who nodded and tapped his Bluetooth in the ear.


Isla was caught just before she could reach the terrace and was pulled back to the main hall where everyone was waiting for her.

"Leave me Leave me, I need to prove. Leave me, I need to prove my love."


A tight slap fell on her face making her land on the floor with a thud. Mia was the one to slap.

Her cries echoed the big hall clenching his team's heart who didn't have a clue about what had happened inside.

"You wanna die, right? Then come on, let's go."

Mia held her hand and made her stand on her trembling toes.

Mia dragged her so badly making the onlookers disgust the hazy Lady.

Pushing her in front of him, she yelled,

"What's wrong? Speak now. You wanted to prove, right? Prove now. We all are a witness."

"You cannot. You can never because you know Isla! You clearly know that it's not worth. It's not worth to die for someone who never loved you, never liked you for a second."

"Stop it." Isla fell on her knees and closed her ears as tightly as she could.

"I will. But what about your heart? It always warned you, told you he never loved you. Did you ever heed to it?"

"It will tell you Isla, it will always unfold the reality in front of you. How far are going to run?"

"Aren't all these years enough? All these years of lonely love, that love which was just a bogus wasn't enough? You still want to,"

"STOP It." Isabella's loud voice made her halt.

"Mr and Mrs Margaret." Few bodyguards made a way and Isabella was the one to rush and held back her daughter.

Looking at his daughter, Mr Wilson Margaret sighed and looked at Ian,

"I never knew it was the actual case. I always thought you both liked each other through all those people and articles I have made to read. Sigh"

"I am sorry, son. I couldn't teach my daughter well."

"No, Uncle. It's not your fault." Ian bowed in respect.

"Sorry for the trouble, we will be leaving now," Wilson mumbled and then looked at Mia.

Isla clung to her mother who was glaring daggers at Mia.

"I am sorry Mia. I never knew she was this wrong to you."

"Please Uncle. It's not your fault." She bowed in respect to which he smiled.

She at least stood true to what his friends description. Mia had a different identity among elders who often visited Brown Mansion Or Brown Empire for business. And seeing her respecting elders, soothed his heart.

"I would never like to see you again." Isabella declared and Mia nodded.

"And please stop messing your daughter's mind." Isabella was about to retort but William glared at her.

He knew what Mia meant and he knew he should have controlled them long back.

"She is suffering from OLD. I request you guys to visit a doctor soon." Mia bowed and her voice had a hint of concern surprising Wilson.

"Major General is really lucky."

Walking towards her, he patted her head,

"It's rare to find someone like you."

Looking towards Ian, he mumbled,

"Treasure her."

And with that, he turned to walk out and Isabella followed him.

"Isla, I hope you are clear now." Kiara's words stopped their way.

"To him, it has as always been her only her." Kiara's words stiffened her body. But Wilson was the one to nod and escort her out.

"Come here." He called her out, gesturing his hand for a hug.

With a deep sigh, Mia turned and walked into his embrace.

Who knew better than him about her traumatic heart.

Snuggling in his embrace, she mumbled,

"It was nerve-racking."

Kissing her forehead lightly, he let his hug soothe her heart.

Kiara smiled at the couple. Even with so many onlookers, they didn't care to flaunt their love. Looking at sulking guards and his team, Kiara crossed her arms,

"Pack your backs and go home, the show as handed."

Turning towards Jose, she mumbled,

"Let's go. Come on."

"But Ma'am, Sir still assigned me a few works. We both still wanted to discuss,"

"I pity your wife. A lot actually." Shaking her head, she mumbled.

"Let's call it a day. Come on." With that, she dragged him out.


Looking around the secret small house inside his office, Mia gasped.

A small open kitchen, a tiny hall with a couch, the portable TV on the front wall everything surprised her. A classy yet a cosy house for one to comfortable with, exactly her taste.

"Here." Placing a pair of slippers in front of her, he squatted down to unlace her shoes.

His sudden touch brought her back to reality and she blinked in surprise.

"What what are doing?"

Once done with the lace, he got up and gestured with his eyes to remove her shoes.

Wearing the slippers, she squatted down and took her shoes even before he could touch it.

"I can do it myself." Placing them inside the shelf beside the door, she walked inside.

"I will take a shower. Roam around and later we can have dinner."

She nodded and he left with a smile.

She stood in the middle of the hall, looking between the front interior and small balcony and she decided to go left.

And as she reached it, her eyes widened.

A beanbag with a glass table welcomed her. Glancing around, she touched the glass wall. The city lights and huge skyscrapers with the dark sheet up covered in blinking stars, it was no less than a 3D cyberpunk picture.

She touched the glass and the coldness tickled her tips. As she roamed her fingers, something flickered her skin and boom.

A thin line started cracking in the wall, startling her. She retracted her fingers and took a few steps back.

Soon the upper glass slid up and disappeared into a small cave which was engraved on the top.

"Woah." Left her mouth, as she looked down. She was unable to find the ground from except for a few guards who more looked like minions from that height.

Enjoying the beautiful glittering lights of tall buildings and gleaming stars on the top, Mia left the place to find few more surprises.


As soon as she entered the bedroom, she blinked in surprise.

The sound of waters was what attracted her the most from the bathroom covered only in glass.

Even though nothing was clear and everything was covered under blur crystal, she still gulped and closed her eyes shut.

She slowly made her way back towards the hall.

"Arghh, what's going on?"

She touched her hot cheeks and wild pictures muddled her mind.

Shaking off her thoughts, she made her way towards the open kitchen.


As he came out, he saw her swivelling on the yellow kitchen stool.

"What are you doing?"

"Ohh," Whirling around the chair, she showed the knife.

"Cutting vegetables and fruits."

And he peeked only to chuckle out loud.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you ever entered the kitchen?" He asked glancing at the messy slab.

She had cut almost all vegetables into unruly shapes. It more seemed like she was battling with them to chop or to not.

"Yes, I always enter to fill my jar."

Controlling his chuckle, he nodded.

"You watch some cartoons, I will do it."

"Ohh, it's ok. I can help you."

Pushing her out of the kitchen, he mumbled,

"I won't need distractions."

"Sit here. I will be back in a minute."


After having a peaceful midnight dinner, they laid in each other's arms.

As she was about to doze off, he waked her up.

"What about your meds?"

"Arghhh. Let me sleep." Snuggling in his embrace, she retorted.

"Mia, stop being careless." He chided and got up.

"Mia, answer me. Where are your tablets."

After lots of struggles, she finally sat up with her droopy eyes.

She was about to fall back when he held her and patted her cheek.

"Where are your tablets?"

Clinging to his shoulder, she mumbled something before dozing off.

"A 4-year-old is better than you." Mumbling to himself, he searched for her backpack.

Minutes later.

"Mia get up. Mia." When she didn't bother to answer, he sprinkled a few drops of water.

Groaning in frustration, she rubbed her droopy eyes and looked at him.

"Get up." He held her slagging shoulders and passed her the tablet.

"I won't take them." She said trying to lay back when he held her tightly.

"You have to." Patting her cheeks, he mumbled.

"These are just vitamins. I am not weak anymore." She mumbled clinging to his shoulder.

"Whatever, you have to take."

"Arghhhhhh." Groaning in frustration, she gulped down the tablet and dozed off.

"Such heavy sleeper and yeah a violent one too."

Every time, cuddling with an aggressive bear was far better than with her in sleep.


As the sun delighted everyone with its shine, the media was already in a mess.

"I thought Isla would come today."

"Maybe, she is too shameful of her acts."

"Whatever, what she did with our future president isn't good."

"I get it right. He never glanced at her and still, everyone believed her rumours."

The reporters whispered among themselves when the hotel management informed about the press meet cancel.

Everyone left the place and cursed Isla for wasting their time.

Last night, anonymous articles were released about the exact things which Isla has done and even though disgust rushed their veins at her name, most pitied her One-Sided-Love Story.

Of course, Mervin himself supervised while the articles were released about her.

Last Night, he had seen that love spark in his sister's eyes, after almost all their strives, trough all these years and in no way, he would let anyone destroy it.

Of course, with his power, he had cleared the mess which Mia has created. He arranged a scapegoat to ramble about hindering Isla's reputation due to some old grudge and what came out yesterday about Isla was all fake. Thanks to his heavens, people believed it and many even pitied her condition.

But soon a new article came out about her hiring people to boast and spread rumours about her crush and that made them disgust her to hell. For most, Ian would be always their first priority and right now Isla was getting mixed reactions on the internet.

But that wasn't the end of the day.

"He never loved Me. He was never Mine. He always loved..."

Her post which was released just a minute back was again confusing people. But she was nowhere to answer as all her accounts have been deleted right after that post.

"If not me, then no one else can have him." Isla mumbled curling up like a fetus on the floor.

Her phone buzzed but she didn't care.

She knew people would sure consider her as a white lotus and would support her if they publicised their relationship.

And Mia would be tainted again. Again as what she as has always believed, a BITCH!