
The President's Ex-Wife

"I don't care if you sleep with someone else, but my dear Hooligan, remember this, I will be the only one to fulfil your last wish." … "The only world to which I belong is you, is your heart." … Two men, with two different mindsets. But at last, it was her heart that would only beat for one! _____________________________________________________ Excerpt: "Whom do you choose Mr. Mighty President," The leader smirked, looking at the lady under his capture he continued, "Your ex-wife or the country?" Ian looked at the woman who had betrayed him for her own good reasons now denying to look into his eyes. Though he wanted to protect her, he couldn't at the risk of millions of people who unlike her at least trusted him. "Evacuate this place." His hoarse voice echoed in the whole haunted house. Mia looked at the leader of the terrorist group and sneered, "Dude, didn't I clear it when you first attacked me? We are on new slates now and he won't care even if I die! Tch Tch, you should have kidnapped his fiancé!" While the leader just couldn't accept the turn of events as he believed Alex still loved his ex-wife; at least that was what rumors revealed, Ian inched close towards her ignoring the guns that were pointed at him. "I am sorry, I have to leave you behind!" He said holding back the tears that still held warmth, cupping her face he kissed deeply, maybe a goodbye one! And as soon as he left, the leader took out his gun and pointed directly at Mia's head! Bam Bam Bam His rage overpowered the guilt and he needed to end her life according to the contract he had made! ++++ She was a happy-go-lucky lady from the heart but had a 'fierce fox' tag in the outside world. People wanted her to sit back and be a 'lamb' but she showed them her paws and pitied none. But fate played its cards and threw her into a hue of darkness. She was forced to leave the ones she loved and accept her destiny! Will she come back? Even if she did, who would she choose this time? The guy she loved or her childhood friend who loved her the most? --- Note- This book needs heavy editing as I wrote it during my freshman year. Life got busy during high school, so I had to take a very long hiatus. Now that I have returned, I will try to edit them slowly so please bear with it X﹏X

KwimZhi · Urban
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175 Chs

More Like Friends!

"Hahaha, Mia is really something." Kiara's excited voice ran through the halls.

"Only if, " Everyone held their breath as Ria continued to rule on the screen.

"You disrespect me again!" Everyone looked her in confusion.

"That means you aren't dumping her tonight?" Andrew asked surprise all over his face.

"I won't. She is from a good family and I know she will learn to respect me and others in future."

"Ria, are you sure?" Alison inquired as she knew this little kitten won't go so easy on bystanders.

"Yup. What's fun without foes, right?" Her eyes had a glint of fiery, a nasty air enveloping everyone around her.

"She is really something," Alison commented with a huge grin.

The show was again cut to a longer extent this time.

It was the same dumping ground with a different king, the Fiesty Queen's real King.

"So Ria and Alex, King and Queen for three consecutive tasks. How does it feel?" Alison looked at the power couple ready to pierce every single one with their intense decisions.

"Great, actually." Ria looked at Alex with a smile. His wide smile was enough to melt every girl under his eyes.

"What about you, Alex?" Andrew was the one to question this time.

"Great." Short yet sweet reply, like always.

"Let's actually ask the curious question. Is there a big change in your relationship?" Alison clasped her hands in excitement.

They looked at each other in unison and their unanimous smile was dam cute for eyes.

"It's just been a week since we started talking with each other. After our first task together, the night date helped us to connect a lot. He is quite calm and composed while I am a little rebellious, "

"Ahh, little we all know how little." Andrew commented and everyone chuckled.

"Let her speak." Alison the curious cat, smacked her husband's hand.

"and extrovert type so we connected a lot. And the next two tasks have really brought us together. So, "

Ria paused adding the spice to the curious ears.

"We are more like friends. It's just a little early to understand and rush our feelings, in my opinion."

Everyone sighed.

All they wanted to hear was either yes we have feelings for each other or we love each other but too sad they wanted to have a turtle tale of their own!

"Be honest Ria, have you started feeling for him?" Alison keenly observed but all she had was a cute smile.

No blush, No shy, haha how could she even expect that from this Little demon of hers?

Ria just shrugged brushing off the question in the air.

"What about you, Alex?" Andrew looked at him only to get a casual shrug.

"It's you know just amazing how they brush the questions in a similar with just a shrug." Alison chuckled.

"I don't know about you guys, but seeing the way you communicate, you connect and understand each other without words wants me to sail your ship." Andrew said and Alison added,

"And it's awesome to see how they wanna take it slow and steady. In this show, we have seen people just like jumping into relationships and like loving each other in just a week but yours is a really unique tale to remember throughout."

Ria looked at Alex and their eye to eye interaction was much adorable to watch.

Alex just held her hand and smiled again melting greedy hearts.

The show was cut again leaving the dumping part and morning sunshine.

"So it's the fifth task today and we see someone missing." Alison scanned the contestants.

"Kelly is hospitalised." Kevin said with a sigh.

"Why? What's wrong?" Alison looked at Riya who was Kelly's only best friend on the show.

"Yesterday night she really had a bad cramp." Ria sighed.

"I understand. I understand." Alison nodded.

Of course, women sometimes have a lot to suffer every single month.

"So today it's girl's turn to choose their partner." Andrew said and continued,

"Let's s start with Ria."

Ria eyes fumbled between Alex and Kevin.

"It's Kevin."

"What?" Alison stumbled in shock.

"Why?" Andrew asked with a pout. How badly he wanted to see his favourite couple win for the fourth time.

"I don't know. I just feel I need a change."

"What's wrong?" Alison looked at her in concern.

And then there was a sudden shift in the screen.

It was in the villa were contestants stayed and everything was calm until the storm burst out in front of the camera.

"You Ria, come out." Isla yelled standing in front of Ria's room.

The door opened and Kelly was the first to come out followed by Kevin. And then slowly but surely Ria came out.

"You wore, You bit*ch, You bloody shit how could you just do that?"

Isla was still in her dumping shoot's clothes while Ria had changed into her PJs.

"What did I do now?" Ria walked down the steps.

"How can just eliminate my best friend?"

"Why should I care about your best friend?"

"Here starts one more catfight." Kevin sighed.

"Because I care about Alex."

"Why should I care about that?"

"Because you performed with him."

"Sigh, Isla grow up. This stupid conversation doesn't entertain anyone."

"I am sure your mother has thought you some black magic. I think that's the only reason why Alex is still behind you."

"You dare to bring my momma, "

"Haha, I totally forgot you snatched her life at the very start. You didn't leave your own mother. Haha, how can I expect you to not to leach on Alex?"


Isla glared at her and was about to raise a hand when Alex came in between.

He just tried to calm down Isla not caring about the girl looking at him from behind.

And the screen went back to the fifth task location.

Ria held back her tears and clenched her fist.

As Andrew and Alison completed watching the scene on the small TV screen, they sighed.

They both knew Ria was brought up only by her father through her application form.

It was shared by her to on the 4th day of their stay as she couldn't hold back her tears when other contestants in the villa received personal letters from their mothers.

All the girls resided in one wing so they have heard Ria's whimper, but boys who stayed in another wing of the villa were unaware of it.

"Isla apologize to her right now." Andrew had a dark look on his face so did Alison.

"I am sorry. I never meant those words."

"I would have never cared about her words as it was her usual fight every single day but, "

Ria couldn't hold back her tears. Her body started to tremble and her throat went dry.

"Poor girl." Charlotte's eyes moistened.

Alison walked towards her and pulled her into a hug.

She tried her best to strengthen Ria and take back to her usual fierce self.

Once she nodded and her tears went dry, Alison walked back.

Alex was confused the most. He noted to talk to her later.

"I will win this task at any cost." Ria determined words hung a smile on everyone's face.

The task and other things were cut and were straight taken to the next dumping zone.

"And here again, with the first king of this season." Alison smiled seeing her cute kitten with her fierce coat.

"It's just amazing how strong Ria is. She sure wanna stick to the throne throughout the season." Andrew smiled at her and Ria grinned back.

"Kelly is resting but she is fine now. Doctors have approved her to perform tomorrow to everyone's note." Alison said and Kevin sighed deeply.

"So now, who do you wanna dump?"

"Alex and Isla." Her words baffled everyone including the author!

"What the ***?" Andrew was the one to burst out this time.

So did Noah and Kiara, the intense viewers.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! PLEASE VOTE for me!

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