
The President's Ex-Wife

"I don't care if you sleep with someone else, but my dear Hooligan, remember this, I will be the only one to fulfil your last wish." … "The only world to which I belong is you, is your heart." … Two men, with two different mindsets. But at last, it was her heart that would only beat for one! _____________________________________________________ Excerpt: "Whom do you choose Mr. Mighty President," The leader smirked, looking at the lady under his capture he continued, "Your ex-wife or the country?" Ian looked at the woman who had betrayed him for her own good reasons now denying to look into his eyes. Though he wanted to protect her, he couldn't at the risk of millions of people who unlike her at least trusted him. "Evacuate this place." His hoarse voice echoed in the whole haunted house. Mia looked at the leader of the terrorist group and sneered, "Dude, didn't I clear it when you first attacked me? We are on new slates now and he won't care even if I die! Tch Tch, you should have kidnapped his fiancé!" While the leader just couldn't accept the turn of events as he believed Alex still loved his ex-wife; at least that was what rumors revealed, Ian inched close towards her ignoring the guns that were pointed at him. "I am sorry, I have to leave you behind!" He said holding back the tears that still held warmth, cupping her face he kissed deeply, maybe a goodbye one! And as soon as he left, the leader took out his gun and pointed directly at Mia's head! Bam Bam Bam His rage overpowered the guilt and he needed to end her life according to the contract he had made! ++++ She was a happy-go-lucky lady from the heart but had a 'fierce fox' tag in the outside world. People wanted her to sit back and be a 'lamb' but she showed them her paws and pitied none. But fate played its cards and threw her into a hue of darkness. She was forced to leave the ones she loved and accept her destiny! Will she come back? Even if she did, who would she choose this time? The guy she loved or her childhood friend who loved her the most? --- Note- This book needs heavy editing as I wrote it during my freshman year. Life got busy during high school, so I had to take a very long hiatus. Now that I have returned, I will try to edit them slowly so please bear with it X﹏X

KwimZhi · Urban
Not enough ratings
175 Chs

Have you ever liked ME?

City B

As soon as she got down the jet, a huge smile curled her lips.

Spreading her arms, she let the homely feel embrace her.

"It's been almost 6 months, isn't It?"

She excitedly nodded at Steven's word and looked all around.

After all, it was her birthplace and it had witnessed every change in her life.

Soon a track of the army scouts came in to salute their master.

And they left the place leaving behind Mia who wanted to enjoy the feel.

She had spent almost all her holidays and weekends in these military camps.

As she roamed through the lane of memories, many familiar and unfamiliar faces greeted her and she bowed back in respect.

Finally, after getting a bit tired she walked out only to see a Wrangler waiting for her.

There they were, two men, one with his droopy eyes and other with a smirk.

That That smirk, huh how she wished to wipe it away.

"Cheer up." Mumbling, she walked towards the jeep.

"Xuannnnnnnn." She yelled and ran towards them.

Sleepy and oscitant, Xuan fought back his yawn and blinked his eyes. While Xavier sighed deeply, yes she would never greet him first!

Startled by the sudden bear hug, Xuan came back from the world of sleep and hugged her tightly.

"Ahhh Ahhh Ahh, Mia, Muffin I missed you soo much."

She grinned and both squealed in excitement.


His sudden voice drooped her cheerful vibe along with those bunny ears.

"12th Law, 2nd amendment!"

Pouting at his words, she clasped her hands,

"I beg you. It's my first day. Let me enjoy it. Please Please please!"

He crossed his arms and looked at Xuan.

"Ohh, yeah. I memorised it."

Clearing his throat and adjusting his imaginary court, Xuan said,

"According to 12th Law in the Book of Han Clan, if an individual uses his/her Han identity in the first year completion of their retirement, then he/she should bear the consequences of paying heavy deft as a compensation for the inexpiable sin."

"Ohh, yeah the 2nd amendment!"

"And if an individual fails to pay the deft then he/she may make it back by serving the Han Clan till the leader wishes too. The retirement will be forfeited only after scrutinizing the individual's physical as well as mental ability!"

"3rd amendment!" Xavier spoke with a smirk.

"And if the individual fails to prove his/her ability, then they would be put under a strenuous training before rebounding them back into the clan!

Thank you."

Xuan completed with a smile and looked at Mia.

"And I am soooooo happy. You will be back in the Han Clan again! Past six months, Han Clan as been lifeless without you and now, yes I am so happy."

"But I didn't use my identity nor did I kill anyone." She retorted only to hear a mocking laugh.

"2 months back. You were kidnapped and you killed the leader of 'BlackHawks'."

"Yes Yes Yes. We even have a picture as proof."

Xuan grinned taking out a picture inside his zipper.

"Here Here. Look. You are covered in blood and they all are kneeling in front of you. Woah it's an epic picture, isn't it? And that sword glistening in blood, and the way you are supporting yourself on it and yeah your perfect glowing face."

"Amazing, right? Dad even put a copy in your glory album."

Xuan looked at her and blinked in surprise.

The two evils were now having an eye war. None didn't bat their eyelid, with the same intensity and fire. While one was smirking and the other was glowering her anger.

"Time up. Time up." Xuan waved his palm in between trying to curb the fierce air illuminating from their cold war.

Xavier removed his hand and continued to stare in those golden eyes while Mia tried all her best to unleash him with her stare.

"Guys Guys, you can do this later on. I am getting chills from your battle, let's go home."

Xuan said while pushing Mia to the other side of the car.

Xavier smiled and shaking his head, he took his driver's seat.

The whole journey was filled with silent as Mia was only staring out of the window.

Her mood was polluted.

'Of, course. It's my fault for expecting him to be less cruel.' Blaming herself all the way, she didn't talk with any of the two.


Han Mansion

Everyone was waiting for her arrival. It was a long-lived ritual of visiting Hans first which steven grumpily followed today.

"They have entered the first gate, Madam."

And at the maid's message, Audrina gleamed in happiness.

"Honey, she is finally here." Clinging to her husband's shoulder, she grinned.

"Hahaha, Look at you." Arthur patted her head and looked at the grumpy man aka Steven Browm.

"Of course, I am eager to meet my future daughter in law."

"Don't you dare." Steven got up and huffed in utter annoyance.

"Can't you throw this bug out."

Audrina commented glaring at her long-lived enemy right from school days.

"I will sell her out but would never marry her to your rotten son."

"You You You. How dare you? Look at your own blood," She pointed at Mervin and continued,

"Still an eligible bachelor. Such a waste of time."

"He already loves Elisa. Don't you know that, Miss Duckling Buck Buck."

"You You You. Stop calling me that!"

"Duckling Buck Buck, Duckling Buck, Duckling Buck Buck."

Steven yelled performing a chicken dance.

"Here, " Passing the grim Mervin a headphone, Elisa mumbled,

"The old school mates will start their fight again."

"Thank you." He mumbled and instantly connected it to his phone. Of course, it was beyond annoying to see the grown-ups act like kindergarten students.

"What about me?" Arthur looked at Elisa who just shrugged.

"Honey, say something."

Audrina looked at him and Steven was the one to answer,

"Stop taking his support, old lady."

"You You fatty fish, how dare you call me old?"

"I am not fat."

"You are."



"Mia Mia, wait. Don't rush. Mom planned you a surprising welcome."

Glaring at him, she stopped and turned towards him.

Her next move made Xavier chuckle out loud.

"Ahhhhh. Ahhhh. Some Someone someone help me."

Xuan battled in the cold water of the swimming pool. At least he didn't deserve that push from her or he did for poking the angry young woman.

Mia's sudden barge at the entrance door made both of them stop and straighten themselves into grown-ups.

And as she reached nearer and nearer, Audrina bright smile somehow made her sigh.

"My dear." Pulling her into a tight hug, Audrina started her nag,

"Look at you."

"Can't you feed well your only daughter?" Steven glared at her comment and continued to hold back his anger.

"I missed you, aunty."

"Ahh, then why did you do it to me?" Xuan walked in shivering and hugging his droop wet body.

"Omg, what's wrong?" Audrina scanned at Xuan covered only in water from head to toe.

"She She She pushed me in the swimming pool."

That alarmed them of her current state.

"Whatever, go and change." Arthur cut him short and looked at Xavier.

Xavier just shrugged at his father's glare and sat back on the couch.

Mia was of course forced to sit beside Xavier with Audrina on her other side.

"Look at you."

Audrina continued to nag but Mia was busy in her own world.

Tea and snacks were served and everyone finally calmed down as Mia went back to her normal state and happily chatted with Audrina.

"I did give her a day."

Xavier announced receiving glares all around.

"She has only two options. Either rejoin Han Clan or pay,"


The whole tea in Mia's cup was now on his shirt.


Steven yelled because it was nowhere good to act recklessly.

And it was not the end.

Xavier got up and took the jar, he poured water all over her making everyone stand up in surprise.

"And here they start." Elisa sighed so did everyone else.

But steven who observed Mia's next move immediately held her back.

"Leave me, Dad. Today either he will die or I will murder myself."

"Did you call Ian?"

Steven's words somehow soothed her fierce face and that change didn't go unnoticed by Arthur.

"You should. He might be waiting?"

"Ohh yes. I forgot he would be unavailable from noon."

And with that, she just took her back and scribbled in for mobile.

"Aunty, my room?" She turned around and at Audrina's nod, Mia rushed towards the lift.

"As always, she would like to live here for around a week." Steven addressed the Han family who was dumbstruck at Mia's unusual behaviour.

"Meet me at noon, if you are free." He said and got up to which Arthur nodded.

"And you,"

Pointing at Audrina, Steven continued,

"She finally found someone after years of loneliness. You dare to spoil their relationship, you will be dead."

And walking towards Xavier, he patted his head and mumbled,

"I don't have anything against you. I would be very much happy if she ever loves you and be with you. But it's not the case."

Xavier nodded in disappointment.

"But that doesn't stop you from sharing your feelings. No one would stop you. You sure deserve a chance, a try to win her heart."

A small smile crept his lips at his kindness.

"It's rare to see a father like you, Uncle Steve."

Chuckling at his comment, Steven stuck his tongue at Audrina and left the place.

"Take care." Mervin passed back the headphones to Elisa and walked out.

"Come Come Eli. I will let you taste my new dish."

Audrina tugged Elisa and walked out.

"Clean yourself." Arthur patted his shoulder and left the place.


Later that night.

"Xav, are you up there?" Mia screamed but he didn't dare to reply.

She carefully climbed the ladder and peeked on the rooftop.

With a deep sigh, she climbed up and carefully walked towards him.

Placing her phone aside, she sat right beside him and stared at the beautiful sky.

"Why are you here?"

"Why didn't come to have dinner with us?"

"Why do you care?"

She pouted and looked at him.


"Why are you acting strange?"

"Huh, where were you when I begged not to leave the clan?"

"You knew my reasons. Dada would sure have a heart attack if I continue to go on missions. And I always wanted to be a doctor"

"Then what about me?"

"What about you?"

Shaking his head, he leaned back on the roof and stared at the sky.

She followed his suit and mumbled,

"For how many days?"


"For how many days, would you ignore my calls texts, give this cold treatment and treat me like a stranger?"

"I don't know."

"Huh, please. You know I cannot live without your annoying pranks and lame jokes. You are my best friend."

"Huh, like really? That was the reason you didn't receive my call that night?"

"Come on, I was in much stress that day. From planning that scheme to Isla's suicide attempt."

"And you still consider me as a friend? Why didn't you ask me or call me first before doing such rubbish things?"

"I should have. But you didn't receive my calls over a week before those things happened and I thought,"

"Stop reasoning out."

"So now it's my fault?"

He didn't reply and just closed his eyes.

"Come on, Xav. We know each other from year one! If not you, who will understand me?"

Her words somehow soothed his heart but not mind.



"Mr Grumpy Bear!"

And after all her tries, she sighed in defeat.

Silence prevailed with low instrumental tune coming out of his iPod.

"Xavier, " Her whisper brought back his attention.

"Have you ever liked me?"

And her question startled me in the cold breeze.

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