
The President's Ex-Wife

"I don't care if you sleep with someone else, but my dear Hooligan, remember this, I will be the only one to fulfil your last wish." … "The only world to which I belong is you, is your heart." … Two men, with two different mindsets. But at last, it was her heart that would only beat for one! _____________________________________________________ Excerpt: "Whom do you choose Mr. Mighty President," The leader smirked, looking at the lady under his capture he continued, "Your ex-wife or the country?" Ian looked at the woman who had betrayed him for her own good reasons now denying to look into his eyes. Though he wanted to protect her, he couldn't at the risk of millions of people who unlike her at least trusted him. "Evacuate this place." His hoarse voice echoed in the whole haunted house. Mia looked at the leader of the terrorist group and sneered, "Dude, didn't I clear it when you first attacked me? We are on new slates now and he won't care even if I die! Tch Tch, you should have kidnapped his fiancé!" While the leader just couldn't accept the turn of events as he believed Alex still loved his ex-wife; at least that was what rumors revealed, Ian inched close towards her ignoring the guns that were pointed at him. "I am sorry, I have to leave you behind!" He said holding back the tears that still held warmth, cupping her face he kissed deeply, maybe a goodbye one! And as soon as he left, the leader took out his gun and pointed directly at Mia's head! Bam Bam Bam His rage overpowered the guilt and he needed to end her life according to the contract he had made! ++++ She was a happy-go-lucky lady from the heart but had a 'fierce fox' tag in the outside world. People wanted her to sit back and be a 'lamb' but she showed them her paws and pitied none. But fate played its cards and threw her into a hue of darkness. She was forced to leave the ones she loved and accept her destiny! Will she come back? Even if she did, who would she choose this time? The guy she loved or her childhood friend who loved her the most? --- Note- This book needs heavy editing as I wrote it during my freshman year. Life got busy during high school, so I had to take a very long hiatus. Now that I have returned, I will try to edit them slowly so please bear with it X﹏X

KwimZhi · Urban
Not enough ratings
175 Chs


Military Hospital.

Three days had passed along with the cool breeze but for them, for him every minute shattered hopes to see her glistening eyes which were still shut in a calm sleep.

"I I Ia Ia Ian." Her soft whisper alerted everyone in the room so they moved towards her.

"I I will call the doctor." Noah was the first to react. So did Kiara who rushed out to call someone.

Her fingers started to tap the bed and her eyes slowly blinked the blurred vision trying to open and see the world.

Slowly she opened her eyes and yet everything was still dizzy. Her deep sigh echoed the small oxygen mask covering it with a hint of mist.

"Mia." Arnold lightly patted her cheek to which she responded with a slight nod.

As her vision got clear in the next few seconds, she tried to sit up only then she noticed a tight hand holding hers.

She looked at him still in a daze as he carefully helped her to sit, her hand still held tight.

"You really need to be tied up. Don't you?" Arnold checked her pulse and then helped her to remove the oxygen mask.

She was still weak, her body was still aching in many parts after all the battle was a brutal one.

"Her bruises are getting better and her wound too. It might take months to dry the mark but ask that old man, he may have some traditional herbs."

"How are you feeling?" Ian's question rang her ears, it was sweet and she could sense the concern through his eyes.

But she was still in a daze, why would he still accompany her. Her real cover was blown out, who would like to love a lady like her, who only knew to hunt her enemies like a hoax.

"You can ogle him later on. First, answer my questions." Arnold brought her senses back and she nodded tightly holding his hand.

"Miss trouble-venturer does the wound still hurts?" Arnold chided to which she smiled.

Touching the treated wound beneath her hospital gown, she shook her head.

"Do you still feel weak?"

She shook her head.

"Are those bruises hurting you the most?"

She shook her head.

With a deep sigh, Arnold shook his head.

"Stev, let her stay here for a week."

"Uncle." Her voice was more like a whisper but her pout made Arnold sigh.

"Ok, three days. No bargaining."

"But, she said she is completely fine?" Noah asked in confusion.

"Do you think, the great Mia would ever admit her weakness? Would ever share her torments?" Elisa was the one burst out this time.

"She only knows to lie." Arnold said and walked out anger throbbing his every nerve.

"Didn't you already retired from That bullshit clan? Then why? Why Lil bean? Why you only care to worry me, to distress me? Weren't all these years enough?" The angry father who was of course still in his civil dress from last three days broke out.

"Dad it was not related to the clan." Mervin tried to defend his sister but too bad was shut with a glare from the old man.

"Ahhh, it hurts." She held her wound and shut her eyes trying to endure the pain which was growing up.



Both Elisa and Steven rushed towards her and held her hand.

"Ouch, seems like it would calm down only with a dada hug and a big box of pancakes."

"Ouch." Elisa who almost teared up smacked her hand while Steven sighed and turned around.

"Dada, I missed you."

"Dada, I really missed you all these days."

"Dada, I want a hug."

Steven shook his head.

Yes, it was his genes, the same genes which knew to soothe any human, trap angry wolves under the act of cutesy.

He lightly hugged afraid of hurting her already bruised body.

"I am sorry." She mumbled and he kissed her forehead.

As Ian was about to free his hand and give them some privacy, she tightened it confusing as well as surprising him and everyone else.

The family banter continued and finally, everything was at ease and even Arnold was trapped under her cuteness.

His phone rang and he freed his hand. He got up but only to be held back.

He turned around and looked at her worried crease. Kissing her forehead lightly, he assured,

"I will be back soon."

She hesitated a bit but finally let go of his hand with a nod.

"Excuse me, " He bowed to the elders and left the room.

"Hahaha, look at you. Smitten by his charm." Elisa chuckled.

"Yeah Yeah, what do you young one's call that? Something P, D,"

"Its PDA uncle." Noah gingerly answered to which steven nodded with a chuckle.

"Yeah Yeah PDA. You Lil brat, I need to teach you a lesson. You were in touch all these years and you hid it so well."

"Even I need to bash you. How can you not share with your best friend?" Steven and Elisa chided her.

Scratching her head, she mumbled,

"Even I don't know. I never thought it was him. And when he proposed I just agreed."

'Damm Mia, you literally forgot the act.' She mumbled.

"Ohh! How did he propose to you? Through a document, I mean love letter?" Mervin carefully observed her changing expressions.

She knew she can fool anyone but not her brother.

"Yes. I am hungry. Can you go and bring something?"

"Yes Yes. Mervin go and bring something light." Steven ordered.

"You need to rest Old-Man. Looking at your clothes I am sure you would have spent all your nights here." Mia nagged her father to which he surrendered.

The room was quiet as she sent everyone back home and only Elisa stayed behind.


"He really loves you a lot." Elisa's sudden words crinkled her eyes.

Helping her change into a comfortable set of PJs, Elisa continued,

"He stayed beside you all three nights. He even took care of uncle and everyone else."

A smiled covered her lips.

Helping her towards the bed, she continued,

"I know its all a lie."

Adjusting the pillow behind her, she helped her sit on the bed.

Covering her with a napkin, Elisa spooned her like a baby.

"How How did you know?"

With a chuckle, she answered,

"Ma'am, have been with you past 20 years. Do you think you can fool me?"

"I merged your act only to make uncle happy. I know you guys are doing it for elders."

"Bu But we are really dating. I actually wanted to surprise you at our meet."

Wiping the corner of her mouth, Elisa nodded with a smile

"I know. Naomi passed the message."

"That gossip queen." Mia grunted and made a mental note to strangle her to death.

"But I know your wooden-head and dumbass soul will never acknowledge your feelings."

Mia glared with a pout.

How could she deny the fact that she was actually dumb when it came to love and feelings.

"You have got a new chance. Don't waste. He is as a stubborn soul which only want to be with you and you are an egoistic idiot who only knows to jump in the pit of troubles."

"At least don't be mean. I am sick." Mia pouted as she was unable to digest her food with those words.

"Just think about that one month you spent and this last one week you have been with him. Don't always wait for him to approach you, put some efforts."

"Mumma bear, to bring it up, last time I was the one who visited him and took him on a surprise date."

"And where did you get that idea?"

"From Google-Chan of course." And the next moment she bit her tongue.

With a deep sigh, Elisa fed her last spoon of porridge and said,

"Listen, babe. I know you very well. Do what your heart tells you too. These relationships work with hearts, not with brains. If you feel like hugging him, do that. If you feel like you wanna scold him for something, then do it. If you are insecure or suspicious, clear it out. Don't let your vicious brain work here, listen to that pure heart which of course is yearning for love."

Even though Mia understood less than what Elisa was expecting, she nodded.

"But how can brain and heart work on separate plates. Isn't Heart in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain in case of emotions and feelings. According to studies,"

Her deep sigh stopped Mia from proceeding further.

"What should I do with this egghead." Elisa mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"Sometimes I don't know whether to consider you as a brainiac or a dunce!!!"

Her words made Mia huff in annoyance.

Elisa knew it was better to teach a four-year-kid than this big brain!

"Just go with your heart. Meaning doesn't think twice when you wanna do something for him. Got it?"

She nodded and wiped her mouth.

As she continued to nag her the door finally opened and Mia was glad.

Finally, she would be pardoned from these Love-Lectures.

But seeing him, her heart started popping out. Uneasiness started to flood her mind.

'What if he hates me?'

'What if he stops seeing me?'

'What if he never wants to see me?'

Of course, anyone who had witnessed her other side, the brutal one would sure distance themselves.

Who would love to spend time with the demon always entailed with danger?

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Please VOTE for me!

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