
The President's Desire

It isn't normal when no one actually loves you, or is with you since highschool! We've heard of so many highschoolers, even nerds having boyfriends. But i think Novalie Greens' case isn't ordinary! When she gets a job as the President's PA, will she rather back off because the President is the beast from her past? Or will she put up with his torture, finally like him but his big secret destroys them! VOL. 2 The President's Woman She shapeshifted....... And everything became clear..... He had been out with Amanda all this time, thinking its Novalie.... He had announced briefly in front of everyone in Washington D.C He was in love with Nova and ready to marry her.... He is on a mission to have Nova with him Once and for all.

phyinfoluwa · Fantasy
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16 Chs

To Be Sold

"Hey! People don't refer to me as disgusting, am sorry." Jasmine kept a straight angry face. Roman kept looking her in the eye and sighed.

"Novalie - isn't that your name?"

"Novalie? That name sounds strange. My name is Jasmine."

"Babe, you don't have to hide - "

"and you don't have to speak." Jasmine pushed Roman hard on the couch and started caressing him all over.

"Always remember something. You're handsome and irresistible. If not because of the respect i have for my clients, i would have made you my boyfriend...I can romance you for hours and hours without stopping...and i would have loved it if i had a taste of your lips...but...but that's not my job." She said in a really seductive tone.

"Novalie...i love you too but, but please be honest with me -"


"SHUT UP BITCH!" He snarled at Jasmine who was already fuming.

"Am sorry Novalie." He tried to apologize but Novalie stormed off.

"Novalie, NOVALIE!" He called out. He sat on the couch, pissed off. He could never mistake her face card to anyone else. So what was this Jasmine stuff? Was it a prank? He checked his watch and left the club. He took off his mask and throwing it away, he settled in a shed.

"Hello, Alan."

"Man, i was sleeping."

"Shut it, and come pick me up." He snarled and in 10 minutes, the car was in the area again to take him back home, and no one knew about it.

He ran upstairs without saying anything to his maids. When he reached the room, he destroyed things and was so pissed, he drank a bottle of alcohol. Someone knocked the door and in his rage, he threw a flower vase at the door.

"And who are you?" He roared.

"Its...its...its... Quinn. I heard some noises over here so i came to check."

"Come in...." He was on the ground. Quinn knelt before him, and her hips were visible from the dress she wore.

"You are a whore, aren't you?" Roman asked drunkenly.

"Whore? Am not a whore sir, am your maid. Oh no, you got yourself dru -" Quinn gasped as Roman thrust his hand under her dress.


He lifted her and threw her on the bed. He tore her whole dress and caressed her bare body.

"Sir, please stop...." His hands went behind to unhook her bra, but she pushed him with all the energy he had in her and ran out of the room. The other maids were shocked to see her half naked.

"What happened...what happened..." Her best friend, Harley who was also a maid asked.

"The President...he...he tried..."

"Sh....There are cameras around the house, you should leave, we'll talk later." Quinn grabbed a blanket and ran out of the house.

After an hour of running, she reached her grandma's hut, breathless and gasping for breath. She drank water.

"What happened my dear? Why are you here? How did you get in?" The old lady asked.

"I don't even know...." Quinn said crying bitterly.

"What happened sweetheart? Why are you crying?" The old woman asked.

"Grandma...i...i..i..i was almost raped..." She wept.

"Raped? That's huge! By who?"

"President Roman...." She lied.

"What? Roman? . He is so shameless! Let me - "

"No grandma! Let him be. We shouldn't ruin his image by spreading stuff like this, plus, he was drunk."


The sun rays entered Jasmine's room. She opened her eyes and was shocked to find Peony and one other colleague Sasha next to her, snoring heavily and drooling.

"You guys should wake up!" Jasmine yelled, but they didn't. She picked up her phone. There were seven missed calls from some unknown numbers.

"And who the hell are these people." She called one of the numbers and she gasped when she heard the voice.


"Gawd babe, why did you call me? Its too early...."

"Good morning."

"How did you get my number?"

"You're still using the same number."

"Its strange....it feels like you know me from somewhere. Point of correction, my name is Jasmine." Jasmine introduced.

"YOUR NAME IS NOT - Let's see in person." He calmed down.

"I don't leave the club. You have to come here."

'Please do. Let's meet in a restaurant."

"Fine by me." She shrugged and hung up. She smiled, Peony and Sasha were staring at her.

"Who is that man?" Peony asked.

"He's some hot guy from last night. His name is...wait, i actually don't know."

"Woah Jasmine. You should know your clients name."

"how come i have clients and anyone else doesn't."

"Because everyone wants to have a private dance with you! You're so alluring!" Peony complimented. Soon, Peony's phone rang too.


"Hello. My name is Jackson."

"Jackson? Do i know you? My name is Peony and am always available if you need some hot girls to make your day." Peony advertised.

"I don't need girls. I need girl. One beautiful, hot girl from your place. She has beautiful, striking, captivating, mirror eyes, she has pink and soft lips, her hair is silky black, and is a bit curvy. Her hips are so mad!" Jackson described.

"Hips?? We have Sophie, Joyce, Cece, Ashley, Jordan and Jasmine."

"Jasmine. That's the girl."

"Wow. What do you want with her? If you need her, come to the brothel."

"I want to buy her."

"WHAT THE HECK? I don't sell girls, what's wrong with you? Who are you? Who sent you?" Peony thundered.

"Am a millionaire. And you can get six million dollars from the girl."

"Six million dollars? Al...al...alright..i...i will give it a thought...uh...uh..no problem sir. Visit our brothel." Peony slowly hung up and Sasha's face had smiles.

"Six million dollars? Who wanna pay that?"

"Mr Jackson. He seems like an angel, sent to our brothel. He wants to buy you, Jasmine."

"WHAT?" The earrings Jasmine was wearing fell from her hands.

"Buy me? Do i seem like a commodity to you?"

"Shut up! Even you will benefit from the money."

"This is not a joke Peony! You wanna sell me off to some man! Do you even know how old he is? What if it is a grumpy old man? I can't believe you are not even remorseful about the step you wanna take! I hate you Peony! You're so pathetic!" Peony got up and slapped Jasmine, twisting her arm.

"When two parties - the buyer and the seller makes a deal, i don't think the commodity has a say."

"So am the commodity?" Jasmine asked in tears. She burst out of the room with her phone and handbag, and called Roman again.

"Hello, babe." She called sniffing.

"What happened No - i mean Jasmine?"

"Babe, we'll talk when i get to the restaurant."

"Get here soon, am worried."

"Okay no problem." She hung up and took her leave. She was wearing a sleeveless body hug dress, which was explicit.