
Chapter 81: Is This Retribution

What dignity is needed for a woman who even has trouble eating and renting a house? Even if she could save a meal or go to sleep on the street, would she let her mother live like this?

Although hated, Fang Jinghua is the only person in this world who she can't let go. The moment Xia Yuxi closed her eyes, she lowered her head to reality.

The person carrying 200,000 debts is incapable of stubbornness anymore. What about the situation before her?

For a long time, Xia Yuxi blushed and said, "That's bothering you, as soon as I rent a house, I will pick her up. She said, as she looked up and looked at everyone without emotion. She turned by Wei Zexuan around by his arms so weakly.

"Xiao Xi..."

Xia Yuxi shook her hand backwards. She didn't want to listen to what Wei Zexuan said. She didn't have the face to listen to anymore. She vowed that she don't need his help, but she still have to rely on him?

With her front foot out, Li Ranqing couldn't help asking, "Let's go like this? What the hell is this!"

Wei Zexuan glared at his mother, then quickly ran out of the door.

"Xia Yuxi, it's too late. There's no car here. I'll give you a ride. Along the way back, the woman kept her shoulders together and stuck her head in her chest, looking as if she had just been showered by a pouring rain.

Wei Zexuan tried to comfort her several times, but she was afraid that she would cry again if he said something wrong.

"Where do you live now?"

"Don't you know?"

Wei Zexuan was embarrassed and raised his hand to show off his temple, but Xia Yuxi was indeed right.

He even knew where Xia Yuxi was working and what he didn't. How could he not know that she lived in Country Garden? What's more, Wei Zexuan also knows that He Yiwei and her are in the same community, so Xia Yuxi would live in such a high-end house. He didn't mention it because he didn't want to cause embarrassment for two people.

"Relax, your mother lives with me. I won't let her go out again. There is Sister Joe at home, and I don't need her to do anything. I'm usually busy at work. I leave early and return home late, naturally I don't have time. What to even communicate with her, so let her live in peace, don't worry about finding a house yet."

Seeing that Xia Yuxi didn't speak, Wei Zexuan was hesitant, and he hesitated to say, "If you are not so busy at work, you can come and see her often."

Xia Yuxi doesn't understand. What Wei Zexuan said carefully was afraid of irritating her sensitive nerves again. But she still had something sensitive, her face was completely torn off.

She turned her head and saw Wei Zexuan holding an awkward smile. Xia Yuxi said calmly, "Thank you, my friend."

A friend pulled the relationship between them far away, so there is no need to talk about it anymore.

Until Wei Zexuan parked his car in front of Country Garden, it was a gated community and outside cars couldn't get in. The man got out of the car and helped Xia Yuxi open the door. Then he stood in front of the car and said with two big hands, "It's also very dark in the community at this time, or I'll walk you downstairs!"

At this moment, the headlights of the car flickered not far away. Wei Zexuan was stinging his eyes unprepared. He blocked his arm and blinked a few times quickly. When everything became clear again, he found He Yiwei is coming in this direction. He Yiwei was very busy during this time. He didn't have much time to take care of Xia Yuxi, so was this an empty hole?

He approached biting the root of his teeth, and his blame fell on Xia Yuxi's face. She said that she wanted to avoid Wei Zexuan and the two talents moved in here, even if she didn't know that He Yiwei bought the house again for her. Did she forgot your injury?

However, his eyes did not receive any response. To be precise, tonight's Xia Yuxi was a bit sluggish, and he didn't know what was thinking. He Yiwei secretly thought of the excuses, stood directly next to her, and then, unconcealed, took the woman's shoulder and said, "Did you just come back? Let's go.. with me."

Wei Zexuan in front of him looked like air. He Yiwei didn't even look at him, and took Xia Yuxi's body to walk towards his car slowly.

Passing by, Wei Zexuan took his arm. He Yiwei stopped his pace and turned his head slowly, "Can President Wei have any more to say?"

"You guys..."

"Living together. "

Wei Zexuan gave a grin, and when he got to his mouth, he swallowed. He Yiwei's straightforward words made him feel that it was unnecessary to say anything.

So is this retribution? At first, he drove He Yiwei out of his villa fiercely. After a few months, he could take his wife and say with confidence that the two lived together.

Wei Zexuan clenched his fists, but he could not ignite, because the arrogance in front of He Yiwei was given by Xia Yuxi, and he was helpless in the present Xia Yuxi.

"Help me take good care of her." At last, all the anger in his heart turned into a soft word, followed by the man's shoulder, looking very weak.

"Without you, I will too."

Wei Zexuan didn't listen to what he said, but looked at the woman in his arms persistently. He hoped that Xia Yuxi would give an explanation at this time, or simply break free.

But she just said dullly, "I'm tired today, let's go back."

Wei Zexuan saw the enlarged smile on He Yiwei's face and defeated him like the army.

Watching He Yiwei's car go into the night, Wei Zexuan began to doubt his behavior for the first time in such a long time. He wholeheartedly wanted to get back with Xia Yuxi, but was it too late? When a person goes all out to do something, he suddenly feels a failure, and his heart starts to suffer.

For example, Wei Zexuan put down his dignity for Xia Yuxi, and even a little humbled her knees. If this is still her departure, can he bear the result?

Or just let it go! He doesn't give up without trying, at least he can leave a little bit of confidence in the man.

Xia Yuxi didn't know how much her performance just hit that person. All she thought about at this moment was the mother who caused her a headache.

He Yiwei chattered around her. "Xiao Xi, what the hell is going on, why did he send you back, have you been in touch recently?"

Seeing Xia Yuxi holding her forehead and not answering, He Yi's only foot brake stopped the car downstairs and turned off the fire again, but there was no idea of ​​going upstairs at all.

"When did you get in touch? Did he keep pestering you? Why didn't you tell me?"

Xia Yuxi shook his head weakly. "Yiwei, don't you ask me anything tonight? I have a headache now, and I want to rest."

Xia Yuxi was sitting in the dark car, her hands slowly raised her cheeks upward, her long fingertips fell into her long hair, and her hair was tightly pinched. She looked tired, with vicissitudes of her age on her face.

Even if He Yiwei was anxious again, he swallowed it back to his throat. He shouldn't doubt Xia Yuxi, maybe she has encountered some difficulties recently!

"Do you need money? I still have a little deposit."

Xia Yuxi shook her head quickly, "No need, nothing.." She couldn't owe him anymore, she always had to give herself a little face.

The woman waving her hand pushed He Yiwei into the distance once more, leaving good intentions to nowhere. However, panicking in his life, Xia Yuxi was an accident. She is the only first one who has let him clenched his fist but cannot touch.

In the face of such a woman, all he can do is sigh, "Okay! If you need it, feel free to tell me. I just want to be the first person to help you."

This sounded familiar, and Xia Yuxi stared at He Yiwei, thinking of Wei Zexuan again. They all want to be "the first", one that she don't want, and one that she can't afford.

Xia Yuxi couldn't help but her chest swelled twice quickly, and then she turned and pushed open the door. "Go back first. It's late at night now, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

A few hours later, the night passed, and she was sitting at the bed still couldn't sleep. When she lived in the house of Wei's family before, she was thinking about the pain in her heart everyday and when she can be free.

But now, the pain was as thick as the cakes on the corner breakfast stalls, but she didn't have time to think about what Wei Zexuan brought, or what her mother gave.

Reality has been pressed on the eyelashes, and even the blink of an eye feels exhausting.

Xia Yuxi picked her eyes, and found the pen and paper from the bedside table, remembering a string of numbers on the top, 'All possessions, two hundred yuan.'

One month's living expenses, transportation expenses, basic daily necessities... She gritted her teeth, "One thousand."

If her mother were to move out of that home next month, the rent and purchase would need to be at least 10,000.

She wants to pay back Wei Zexuan and He Yiwei every month, then... Xia Yuxi scratched her head anxiously. Even if she paid the salary in advance this month plus the money for working in a restaurant, it would be a sloppy salary.

She thought in her heart: otherwise, 'I would pay back 200,000 nights a month! But this month has passed, will there be no expenses next month?'

To put it bluntly, it is still in a state of making ends meet, but the debt has dragged on, and the character and reputation have fallen. Even if she could blush with He Yiwei and wait, how could she open her mouth with Wei Zexuan?

What I can do now is to realize times. It seems that the work of this fast food restaurant can no longer be continued.

Early the next morning, Xia Yuxi stepped on her work ring to the studio. She hurriedly greeted Yin Mojun and quickly returned to her seat to work on her job.

This morning, she was very efficient, and she completed the task at hand in almost two hours.

Yin Mojun thought she should rest, but when she saw the woman turned to the secretary's office outside the door, she came back with a stack of newspapers and sat there nodding around. He leaned strangely over there, but he was too far away to see what Xia Yuxi was doing.

Yin Mojun turned his head, took the cup at the corner of the table and drank it, and then took the empty water cup and paced to the desk.


When Xia Yuxi heard this, the little man subconsciously covered the newspaper in front of the document, and then stood up respectfully, "President Yin."

"Ok." Yin Mojun put down the cup in his solemn hand, "What happened this morning, I feel thirsty?" She took the water cup and nodded, then quickly walked out of the office.

Looking at the door opening and closing, Yin Mojun turned back and carefully opened the document pressed on the newspaper. The section in the newspaper that was circled by Xia Yuxi was a well-paid adverts, 'A wine salesman,' High salary, free time...

Seeing this, Yin Mojun took a sighed, and Xia Yuxi, who has no social experience, probably did not know what kind of job the "Wine salesman" was. President Yin who was frequently entertained could not be more familiar. This is what she wants...

The office door creaked behind him, Yin Mojun had a moment to cover up the document in a panic before he thought about it, and then he embarrassedly took a pen from the pen holder and played with it.

"President Yin, your water." Xia Yuxi walked over and gave him a strange look.

The man's old fox skin, which he has trained for many years, naturally can't see any panic. He throws his pen at the table casually, "I'm going to go downstairs to work around. Would you like to join me? Come with..?"

Inspection is the most common thing. She can go with or without Xia Yuxi. Even if she goes, she just follows Yin Mojun behinds.

The woman looked down at the job advertisement under the file and weighed it in her heart, "I won't go."

One topic got around the embarrassment for himself, Yin Mojun nodded logically, "Okay, you stay, I go for a walk." Then he squeezed the water glass and walked out the door.

When the door was closed, Yin Mojun's face became cold for a moment. He pushed the quilt to the secretary's desk, and immediately called Han Ruowei. "Why again? Don't you make a few calls a day for fear that I will forget you?"

In the past few days, Yin Mojun has been very entangled with her. Han Ruowei, who answered the phone, was somewhat impatient. But having said that, she did pick it up.

"Don't be anxious, business, business." Yin Mojun said flatteringly, looking back at the door of the eye carefully, and then quickly walked over his phone. "What happened to Xia Yuxi and your brother? Why is she suddenly..? Looking for a job and getting angry again.."

Han Ruowei over the phone frozed, but she didn't know how to answer. After feeling guilty, the woman bit her lip and said, "I don't know, just ask my brother."