
Chapter 69: Irritability

On the way here, Han Ruowei is guessing that Xia Yuxi might be bored. This is totally different from "bad life".

It is logically impossible! Everyone has found it back. If Wei Zexuan is not good for her, isn't that the brain is sick? But then she thought, there is no absolute thing in the world, isn't her brother a "experienced person?


So she asked carefully, "What happened?"

Xia Yuxi didn't speak, she just glanced out the window, and Han Ruowei immediately understood her meaning.

"Liu Zhiyan provoked you again? She dare?" The woman who ignited was about to rush out, "Xiao Xi, wait, I won't believe in evil, is she great with a child? Or I was worried that I had no time to deal with her at the hospital!"

"Don't do it."

Xia Yuxi quickly held her arm. "She didn't drop by much, but I was upset."

"That's her fault, too." Han Ruowei's enthusiasm to help her cousin came up. "Isn't my brother saying that she had moved out? Why is she still living next door, Wei Zexuan had mentioned. Now I blast her out without problems."

Did Wei Zexuan really do that?

Xia Yuxi had a strange feeling in her heart, but no matter what the person did, it would not change her decision.

In a hurry, she hugged the good sister's shoulder, "Don't go, please."

Han Ruowei's annoyed and said, "Xiaoxi, why are you still so stupid now? You are not the same as before, you don't need to look at anyone's face again. Live, you have my brother's love in your hand. No weapon is more lethal than this."

"Nine of the ten wars between Wei Zexuan and me were because of Liu Zhiyan. You haven't experienced it before, and you don't know what it means to be afraid. You haven't been born and raised, and you can't understand the feeling of being a parent to your child."

Xia Yuxi said he shook her hands and looked weak, "Forget it."

Han Ruowei really couldn't understand the feelings in her words, just a sentence, let out helplessness and tolerance, and she felt distressed.

"Xiao Xi."

She rubbed her sister's shoulders and sighed, "I really aggrieved you. I know there are some things you can't tell my brother, but you can tell me, even if you say it unhappily."

When Xia Yuxi looked up, she smiled a bit bitterly. "It's a trivial matter. It's not necessary to say it, but it has accumulated over a long period of time. It's better to accompany me out to relax!"

"This is a good idea!"

Han Ruowei agreed without a second thought, "Success, no problem! Isn't this a trivial matter?"

It's not easy to do a trivial matter. The two women go out when they are ready, but they are stopped by the two big men outside the villa.

"Miss Han, this is what the old lady meant, not even you."

Han Ruowei crooked her head and turned her waist, with a look of disdain, there was nothing she could not do in her concept.

"Do you fear my aunt is not afraid of me? Do you know who is in charge of the Wei family now and who will be in the future?"

The two men looked at each other, then one of them came up and said something in Han Ruowei's ear.

Han Ruowei glanced at Xia Yuxi. It turned out that her aunt really put Xia Yuxi under house arrest, so she couldn't go out the door.

Because Li Ranqing's overdoing made Han Ruowei blush slightly, she simply saved her preaching and directly threatened, "Let me go! Otherwise, you two don't need to report to my aunt, you can get off now!"

No one knows Han Ruowei's reputation in business circles, let alone Wei is a family.

Externally, she is a recognized confidant of Wei Zexuan. Internally, her little cousin is the only one. Even the elders of many foreign relatives have to respect her by three points. Otherwise, whoever provokes others will suffer because she has already played unreasonably. The most vividly, not to mention the two hired people infront of them?

Without grandma's steps, they could only find the steps for themselves.

"Miss, why don't you do it in three hours? We help yoU, you can help our brother."

Han Ruowei originally did not agree, but Xia Yuxi standing beside her was frightened, because this opportunity was lost, and she did not know who else could help next time.

So she pulled her sister's arm, "Three hours, that's enough."

Xia Yuxi also said so. Han Ruowei didn't want to make things big, so she took her sister's arm, got into her car, and left the villa.

After seeing the scenery outside the high wall again, and half a month had passed.

Xia Yuxi didn't know what the mood was at the moment, but said that the release was somewhat depressing, so she looked at the door of Wei's house through the rearview mirror as the car drifted away.

"Xiaoxi, where are you going to go? I want to say that we go shopping! Don't we all say that women feel the most happy when they spend money? Today we come to fight!"

Han Ruowei said something, and threw a card into Xia Yuxi's arms. "You're welcome. This card belongs to my brother. He originally asked me to give it to you. I was afraid you would not accept it."

Xia Yuxi took the card in her hand and slowly looked back at Han Ruowei's face seriously. The words in her mouth could not help but pop out, "RuoWei, I'm sorry for you."

"Have you being stupid at home, what do you say?"

Han Ruowei cut out a laugh and made Xia Yuxi aware of her emotions. When she lowered her head, she concealed her mind and explained, "Because of my affairs, you are made troublesome."

Her little hand was tightly held by her sister. Han Ruowei said to her while looking at the road infront of her, "If you know that I'm for you, just go with my brother, and come back to me when you get old. It's not too late to say sorry."

Xia Yuxi opened her lips and said nothing, but the psychology was repeated over and over again, 'RuoWei, it was me that was wrong. I shouldn't lie to you, but that person and I really couldn't get back, sorry, sorry...'

An hour later, the two stood infront of the mall door. Han Ruowei was going to step in first, but was held by Xia Yuxi behind her. "RuoWei, infact, I am a little thirsty, should we go and drink something first?"

"Okay! What do you want to drink?"

Xia Yuxi glanced blankly at this commercial street, and then said solemnly, "Starbucks, I want to drink something sweet and bitter."

Xia Yuxi is a very tasteful woman. She never touched anything that everyone sought after, just because Han Ruowei didn't like it, because there are too many people in Starbucks.

However, people will always become.... Han Ruowei thought so, so happily agreed, "Come, then Starbucks."

Starbucks' doorways are always filled with young people.

Xia Yuxi followed her sister and looked around.

"Sit down first. I'll get you something. Would you like a snack?"

She responded with a bit of dismay, "Well, okay, you take care of it."

People were everywhere, and Xia Yuxi was uneasy sitting in the deck. Suddenly she saw a familiar figure in a corner outside the window. The woman lower her body, and squeezed her palm tightly.

Not far away, Han Ruowei was standing in a long line. She looked impatient, but her tutoring kept her the proper etiquette.

From time to time, she lifted her toes and counted the people infront of her, sometimes turning her head over and flipping her cellphone.

Looking at such a Han Ruowei, Xia Yuxi swallowed nervously. She slowly got up, started to say sorry again towards the back, and then turned around without hesitation and ran straight out the door.

"Xiaoxi is here!" He Yiwei beckoned to her.

When the two hands were put together, Xia Yuxi turned her back and looked at Han Ruowei over the window.

"Don't watch, let's go." He Yiwei hurriedly urged.

When Xia Yuxi turned her head back, she murmured, "Yiwei, you shouldn't give me such advice, I..."

She is a kind woman. How could He Yiwei not know, but there is no way to cheat Han Ruowei. The man twisted his eyebrows and grabbed the woman's back with his big hand. "Sorry, but do you regret it now?"

Xia Yuxi didn't regret how the way go, she shook her head stubbornly, then followed He Yiwei's footsteps and left quickly.

"Miss, your two cups of coffee and dessert."

Han Ruowei smiled at the waiter and took the tray infront of her.

It's really not easy to line up. She can't understand why young people like this thing. The taste is not as good as any of the varieties collected by the Wei family. If it is fast food, it's a long time to wait in line. Cheap, like people are willing to spend money and suffer, they have to rank themselves in the ranks of high-end people, but the real high-end people, who would drink Starbucks?

She smiled silently, turned around and went to Xia Yuxi, but the table was empty.

Han Ruowei put her things on the table, and stood looking away. Did she go to the bathroom? It is not impossible.

After standing for two minutes, Han Ruowei felt that her feet were soft. She simply sat down and sipped the coffee in the cup while looking at the direction of the bathroom.

As time went on, Han Ruowei couldn't sit still until ten minutes later.

So she stood up and walked towards the washroom.

"Xiaoxi? Hey... is Xiaoxi inside?"

It's not a glorious thing to find someone in the washroom. Han Ruowei knocked on the door awkwardly and embarrassed until the last hope was shattered, but even then, she never thought she was cheated by her 20-year-old sister. .

When she came out, she hurriedly called Wei Zexuan in a panic.

"Something?" The voice of her cousin came from the phone, accompanied by a rustling sound of turning over the contract.

Today is Monday and Wei Zexuan is very busy.

Han Ruowei said with a slobber, "I... I may have lost Xiaoxi." She said, while looking at the surrounding environment in a panic, her heartbeat was constantly accelerating and accelerating. Then he reiterated what he meant just now, "Brother, come here quickly! I can't find Xia Yuxi, what should I do!"

Wei Zexuan originally thought it was a joke, because Xia Yuxi could not be lost in his own home, but when he heard Han Ruowei's cry, he suddenly stood up from the conference room.


"Starbucks on Commercial Street."

The man closed his eyes with anxiety, his mood at this moment should be called cold.

In 20 minutes, Wei Zexuan rushed into Starbucks, and at a glance he saw the desperate cousin sitting in a chair. Infront of her, there were two people's coffee, and the glass opposite was not moved.

He stepped over and stood infront of his cousin. "What's going on?"

When Han Ruowei looked up, her eye was dizzy. She grabbed her cousin's arm and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't bring Xiaoxi out. The people here are too complicated. What will happen to her?"

With that said, she choked again.

Wei Zexuan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I don't blame you, she left alone."

Han Ruowei thought his words were cruel, she shook her head and refused to admit it, "Impossible, Xiaoxi can't lie to me, you can let your men look around."

She said to stop, because remembering what Yin Mojun said to her that day, 'Look at it, there will be something big between them in these two days!


Instantly, she her body softened and recognized the fact from the bottom of her heart.

Wei Zexuan knew what Han Ruowei was feeling at the moment, but he didn't have time to worry about it, and the man also called in a panic. "Hurry up and adjust the surveillance on the commercial street. I'm looking for someone."

Infront of her, Han Ruowei narrowed her eyes. "Brother, why did Xiaoxi lie to me? If she can't stay, she can tell me directly."

The man raised his hand and pinched his cousin's shoulder. "Don't go to your heart, this is probably not her intention."

Even though she was betrayed, Wei Zexuan still didn't want to say a bad word. He just regretted that he shouldn't had treated Xia Yuxi in such a fierce way, because he really felt that there was nothing he could do at that time.

At this moment, the phone in his hand rang, and Wei Zexuan quickly picked up and asked directly, "Did it come out? Did you see Xia Yuxi going in which direction?"

There was no voice over the phone. Wei Zexuan put the phone infront of him to see the number of the caller.

The man was irritable and just wanted to hang up, but he heard someone say, "We Zexuan, I left as you want, please don't look for me in the future, and don't come to miss me. This child, it seems that he have never been, you. Let's just... break up!"

Before Wei Zexuan had time to say the last sentence, a "beep" sound came from the phone.

Does she mean she hasn't moved to the house she bought? The man smashed his phone directly on the table, "Fuck!"