
Chapter 68: A Touch with You

Is Yin Mojun the same age as herself? But it looks like he has been half a year older. No wonder this kid thinks about things very well, his feelings are too extensive, and people become old!

"Cough!" Yin Mojun was a little embarrassed by her unscrupulous smile, and then he said coldly, "I want someone."

"Human, I just saw it, but it's a pity that Xia Yuxi can't go back to work now, because she is now under house arrest by my brother. They look so good together. If you still want her, unless you don't want to see them reconciled."

Yin Mojun was surprised when he heard the news. He looked down and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, I just came out from their house!"

This is a bit hard to understand. Although Yin Mojun and Xia Yuxi have not known each other, they spend a lot of time in an office every day.

He is a person who knows how to look at things very well. According to his understanding of Xia Yuxi, he definitely would not believe that the woman could return to Wei Zexuan so soon.

Something must have happened in the middle of this...

"Not right," the man said, "Xia Yuxi can go back to your brother, there are 10,000 ways, but you make me believe that they can be reconciled as before, this is not common sense."

Han Ruowei snorted, "Why don't you believe me, if not, you go and see for yourself?"

Yin Mojun doesn't disbelieve Han Ruowei, but under her powerful appearance, she is actually a very simple woman. In fact, he had been harassing the phone for the past two days, half of which was because those documents were really waiting for Xia Yuxi to sign them, and the other half was because of himself.

He found that she had already move in with Han Ruowei during that time.

Yin Mojun not only likes her carefree personality, but her decisive temperament is just like now, the simplicity shown by Han Ruowei and her optimistic attitude towards the marriage of the two people do not indicate that her enchanting appearance is wrapped up.

Just a woman who hasn't even talked about love so she doesn't understand relationship. She has been swimming in the muddy water.

Yin Mojun felt more and more towards this woman.

Thinking about this, he said solemnly, "If you are not busy right now, it is better to come to my office, otherwise I foresee that between Xia Yuxi and your brother, something will happen in these two days."


Han Ruowei was anxious, "What did you say? Why don't you look supportive to people?"

"Are you coming or are you not?"

Yin Mojun was a President, and the woman holding the steering wheel was a little confused.

An hour later, Han Ruowei stepped on the accelerator to Yin Mojun's office.

She didn't want to believe Yin Mojun's jinxed mouth, but this guy has always been careful. What if he is really right? So Han Ruowei was angry when she entered his office.

She put the bag in her hand on the man's desk, and then said very unconvincedly, "Say! What is your opinion President Yin?"

Yin Mojun was happy to see Han Ruowei coming.

Although he really had something to say, but thought that this person had come, instead of taking the opportunity to make a small difference, isn't she's the opportunity at hand?

The man stood up with a smirk on the corner of his lips, and then slowly bent his body, pushing a stack of files on his hand to Han Ruowei.

"Want to hear my opinion! Then you have to sign my documents for Xia Yuxi first."

Han Ruowei slightly thoughts she heard wrong?

Anyway, she is the second leader of Wei's company. Except for his brother who has to bend over infront of her with a smiling face, this Yin Mo can be daring, and dare to slap her.

"Do you dream?" Han Ruowei stunned directly.

Yin Mojun just likes to see her cute expression in rudeness. The man couldn't help but smile and corrected his expression. "Xia Yuxi won't stay with your brother for long, even if you feel they get along. It's good, but that's not necessarily with her heart."


In a word, Han Ruowei was aroused because this was a possibility she had never thought of.

So the woman leaned over and signed with seriousness on her face.

Unexpectedly, Yin Mojun sent the document forward again. "Miss Han, you have worked hard."

Why is this person so annoying?

As soon as the words broke out, she wouldn't ask any questions, but Han Ruowei, couldn't stand this, because she couldn't understand the meaning in Yin Mojun's words, and she was apprehended by listening to an analysis.

Anxiously, she sat down the chair at his desk, then banged over a document, "Is it signed here?"

Yin Mojun nodded with satisfaction. "Yeah, but it's best to pay attention when Miss Han signs it. Try to be the same as Xia Yuxi's pen. Those people under me are wicked, if those know me, one can't write a name, so they had to think about a ghost on the file."

Han Ruowei sighed silently twice, saying that Yin Mojun was really unyielding when he grew old, and this man was so attentive.

Signing is a very boring thing. Han Ruowei signed quickly, but she feels bored.

So she lowered her head and asked, "Well? I said Yin Mojun, if Xia Yuxi later regained her status as Mrs. Wei, and I can no longer provide you this labor. What should you do?"

"It's a change of person what people don't have."

She thought about it and nodded and continued to be busy with the things in her hand, but after signing over 20 documents, Han Ruowei was out of patience, she simply took the pen in her hand and put it on the table. Too much, she said, you can't go out and carve a famous seal? Why bother?

"The signature didn't fake?" Yin Mojun laughed at her simplicity, and then passed a glass of juice to the woman.

After taking a few sips, Han Ruowei hummed and lifted up the pen again, "That chapter is fake, and you can still fake this signature! The secretary can also sign, I can also sign, I think you are simply deceiving yourself."

"No, no. An artificial signature is only the first guarantee."

Yin Mojun shook his middle finger unpredictably, and then he bowed his head and touched something from his desk.

Han Ruowei looked up at him curiously, and saw that Yin Mojun had a needle in his hand.


The man spread her signed documents in front of her, and then pointed at the strokes she had written, and pierced the paper directly with the needle on the handwriting.

Yin Mojun lifted the file and gave Han Ruowei a glance at the light overhead.

The front side of this document can't see anything, but when a man unfolds the back side of the paper, the faint pinhole can be seen very clearly.


Han Ruowei exclaimed, then couldn't help but raise her thumb towards Yin Mojun.

Feelings he can't write, but he is more intelligent than people who can write.

First of all, the person he nominated signs it, which is difficult to imitate physically, which is the first guarantee he said. Secondly, even if someone really has a ghostbirth and wants to do something, he definitely wouldn't expect Yin Mojun to mark it again.

Han Ruowei grabbed the document in his hand, and when he touched the back with his small hand, he could feel that the eye of the needle was uneven. Unless anyone looks at this document carefully in front of his face, he will never find that there is much in the signature.

Therefore, as the President Yin, as long as he has a document in his hand, he doesn't even have to read any notes to know whether it is true or not.

Unexpectedly, he is still professional!

For the first time, Han Ruowei faced the man infront of him. He wasn't amazing, he had no advantage in height and figure, and he was so old, but this extraordinary wisdom was enough to make him look stunning.

Men, this species, is not enough to rely on their face value. Wisdom and vision are the foundation of their standing, if measured according to this condition.

Yin Mojun is definitely the best man to be comparable to Wei Zexuan.

Han Ruowei rolled her eyes with interest, and then suddenly asked, "Yin Mojun, this is your secret, isn't it?"

Nodded. "Ok."

"But why do you tell me? You're not afraid that one day I'll tamper with you on the cooperation document!"

This possibility is not without. For now, aren't Yin and Wei being partners?

However, the man smiled softly and stood slowly with his arms up. "Han Ruowei, you never thought that I would tell you this secret. Are you actually going to marry me? Why else would I make it so important? Don't you tell an outsider?"

Han Ruowei froze, then flushed, "Neurosis, you!"


Yin Mojun was so happy that the woman was shy.

Originally, today was a good chat. Han Ruowei also willingly worked for him as a staff, but this person kicked his nose and didn't know how to lift her face.

Han Ruowei immediately stood up with documents in her hand, and the expression on her face was saying, 'The old lady is not signing.'

But Yin Mojun's words are not over yet.

He raised his hand and pressed Han Ruowei's shoulder to sit down again, "Don't do this! Even if you think about it first, don't you think we are quite suitable? You see... Han Ruowei, you have a good personality, just like me. People are accustomed to seeing and are unwilling to say. Isn't this complementary?"

Seeing Han Ruowei struggling to get up, he went on to say, "But you are too stupid and simple, and you are stingy and hard. Unless you meet someone like me, you will definitely suffer a lot in the future."

"It's up to you?"

Han Ruowei laughed at him.

"What? You don't believe it? Do you women feel like you have a sense of security when you find a man with five big and three coarse men? But have you ever thought about it, a man with five big and three coarse men can protect you and fight for you. But for me, it 's different. You see, if we two fight in the future, I can fight you? And the sense of security is really not determined by physical and money, I will use my brain to make you even hurt in the future."

That makes sense, one by one.

Han Ruowei gave him a sideways glance, then flipped her hands and freed Yin Mojun directly.

When the woman stood up and patted her little hand, she also said half-ridiculously, "On fights, you really don't have to be my opponent. On the brain! I also believe that you, Yin Mojun is reliable, but I still don't look at you with my eyes! "


After seeing Han Ruowei carrying her bag, and as she was about to go out, and he quickly followed.

The woman is still charming, while stepping on her high heels elegantly with curling her long hair. She turned and smiled and said to Yin Mojun, "What else can you do? Because of you... eat ugly-ugly ugly!"

Followed her haha ​​laughed twice, and went out as soon as she pushed the door.

"Well! Han Ruowei, don't go!"

The door was closed as soon as Yin Mojun stood on the spot and pursed her lips. She said that this stupid woman was quite difficult to deal with. She just left like this and he didn't even ask Xia Yuxi from her?

Han Ruowei really forgot to ask Xia Yuxi, although she walked out of Yin Mojun's office with great chicness, but the little heart that had been provoked just now has been fluttering.

She has to admit that Yin Mojun is a charming man and has nothing to do with his appearance or money.

But whoever sees this sudden proposal is ridiculous, how did he say it casually?

Thinking of this, Han Ruowei pressed her own chest and speeded up her pace. It wasn't until the whole person was sitting in the car that she patted the steering wheel with both hands. "MD! forget."

Going back and asking clearly? Or is he still keeping his chic and gone now?

The woman rubbed her long hair frantically, then kicked the throttle and drove the car away.

What can happen to Xia Yuxi? I guess that guy was talking nonsense.

Since then, Han Ruowei comforted herself as she remembered this, because Yin Mojun had been defined in her heart as someone who could bad his mouth.

On the morning, three days later, Monday. Every Monday is the busiest day for the major units. Wei Zexuan plunged into the meeting room of the company from morning and did not come out. She heard that his schedule was very busy today.

And Han Ruowei couldn't be better. The cousin who was the President was in the conference room, so the senior executives who couldn't close a big deal or even couldn't get an idea, called her one by one.

At this time, Xia Yuxi also came to the phone. She just said lightly on the phone: "Can you come to me, please. I want to talk to someone."

Xia Yuxi's request didn't sound important at all, but for Han Ruowei, she looked more seriously than any work.

Therefore, she quickly handled several urgent tasks at hand, and after talking to the secretary, she drove directly to Wei's villa.

As soon as she entered the door, Han Ruowei sipped and said, "Xia Yuxi, I'm here. I didn't have a chance to talk well last time. Let's have a good chat today!"

Xia Yuxi came out of the living room, and then held her sister's arm affectionately. "It's Monday, aren't you busy?"

Han Ruowei said 'a haha', "Not busy! Not busy."

When two people were sitting on the sofa, they looked at each other for a few seconds.

Some people say that the feelings of sisters are sometimes stronger than those of lovers, which is probably the feeling.

"How's it going? Okay these days!"

Xia Yuxi's face was chilly with a smile, and then she sank down and said, "No, that's why I called you."