
Chapter 56: Softhearted

Wei Zexuan stopped and felt something was wrong. Although he has never taken a bus, the bus stop in the villa area is the only twice a day. 181 is the only route to the city, ending at Commercial Street and passing through St. Mary's Hospital.

Should he believe that Liu Zhiyan went out for fun or went to the hospital? After hesitating for a moment, he decisively shoved all the documents in the assistant's hands.

"Speak to the secretary, all of my schedule for today will be postponed for two hours."

Even if Liu Zhiyan goes to St. Mary Hospital is only one in a thousand thing, he can't allow Xia Yuxi to be hurt again. He hoped that he did not meet Liu Zhiyan in the hospital, and hoped that all his concerns were assumed.

But Liu Zhiyan had stepped on her dead point. The woman was standing infront of Xia Yuxi's ward. She put her side face on the door panel, and heard the faint voice of conversation in the ward, as if it were two women.

'Would you like to go in?' Obviously, the timing is not right now, and it is estimated that before she speaks, she will be bombarded by those loyal friends of Xia Yuxi. But Liu Zhiyan felt that she had no way out.

As soon as the little hand grabbed the doorknob, the woman went in abruptly.

To be precise, there are three women in the room. In addition to Xia Yuxi on the bed, there are Sister Joe and Han Ruowei. Xia Yuxi had just removed the plaster from her waist the day before. She was sitting against the bedside with the help of Sister Joe.

The appearance of Liu Zhiyan stopped these three women's movements. Just looking at their's faces expression, you know how much Liu Zhiyan is unwelcome here. Han Ruowei said first, "You still have face to be here? If I were you, I should go to the police station to surrender. Don't think my brother is protecting you, you're free."

Han Ruowei had said something wrong. Just as she finished this, her little hand covered her mouth and quickly turned to look at Xia Yuxi on the bed.

If not reminded by this good sisters, Xia Yuxi really forgot what had happened. She woke up from the pain that day, and her only thought was, "Will Liu Zhiyan get to be punished?

Yin Mojun had hold back his legal action, and Han Ruowei also said that she would not treat her kindly. However, this reality was infront of her, making her angry eyes moisten.

For more than a week, no one around her mentioned her pain. Wei Zexuan returned almost everyday, making Xia Yuxi mistakenly believe that Liu Zhiyan should be punished under the severe punishment, but she looked so great.

This feeling is like being betrayed by everyone around you for a while. Especially Wei Zexuan, what kind of mentality did he have to forgive this person who killed his own child, and at the same time he took care of her beside her sick bed.

Annoyed to find anyone to describe her depressed mood at the moment, Xia Yuxi looked at Liu Zhiyan's face, and slightly laughed.


"Xiaoxi, don't do this!" Han Ruowei came over, trying to calm her down. But Xia Yuxi shook her hands wildly and yelled to the two women around her.

"Why is she still here? All of you are lying to me, lying to me!" Xia Yuxi shouted hysterically, and finally sank her head into the quilt covering her head.

She has never been so emotionally before. Sister Joe was frightened. She hugged Xia Yuxi's body tightly and blocked her back of Liy Zhiyan."

"What's the reason? What's the reason you're here, tell me?" Sister Joe usually doesn't hear much about these things, she can guess a few points.

The clasped woman tore out a throat, "What about my child!"

Mess, everything is messed up. Han Ruowei was shocked, panic-stricken, and didn't know how to control the situation infront of her, but that man didn't come over during the day. Who can do this? She hurriedly walked towards Liu Zhiyan, raised her hand and rubbed her shoulder, "You get out of here. Are you be satisfied to see Xia Yuxi fall down again?"

Liu Zhiyan, who had not spoken, was judged the wrong way, but she still stood there embarrassed.

"Get out of here!" Han Ruowei drove that person infront out, and quickly pulled out her cellphone to called the security of the hospital. "Answer the phone, these unhelpful people. Where the hell are you guys?"

Just then, Liu Zhiyan moved her legs. She knelt down on the ground casually. Suddenly, the ward was quiet. No one had suspected of what she would do.

Liu Zhiyan stared at the ground, and they could not see any expression on her face. "Xia Yuxi, how long will you hate me? How long shall I kneel here?" Her unexpected performance made people dumbfounded.

Sister Joe squinted her face, then slowly released her arm, and turned to let Xia Yuxi see the woman kneeling on the ground. "Who asked you to kneel? Hurry up! Do you think you can get away kneeling to make up for the mistakes you have done before?" Han Ruowei also took a moment and yelled, "If it is not you, my brother can't have wasted five years. If it weren't for you, Xiaoxi would not have this situation today..."

Xia Yuxi suddenly spoke on the bed, "Han Ruowei, you let her finish."

Liu Zhiyan has a sense soften in her heart and felt that Han Ruowei's yelled are bluffs. She is a woman who can't hit herself because of her status. She is also Wei Zexuan 's cousin, so she can't handle this things. Liu Zhiyan just needs to see Xia Yuxi's complexion to listened to her words.

She raised her head slightly, glanced at Han Ruowei standing infront of her, and stared at Sister Joe. Then she said calmly, "Xia Yuxi, can I talk to you alone?"

How can that be? Besides, who knows how this vicious woman like her would secretly do anything horrible to Xia Yuxi.

"Don't even think about it." As soon as Han Ruowei's voiced out, Xia Yuxi on the hospital bed said, "Ruo Wei, Sister Joe, you two go out first."

Xia Yuxi's answer made Sister Joe wondering and wanted to persuade her. But seeing that she blinked at her, she seemed to be assured that she would be fine.

Then she beckoned and shouted Han Ruowei, Xia Yuxi was like a sister and didn't know what to say. The two women obediently left the ward. Han Ruowei pushed out the door and saw her cousin approaching here.

He walked a few steps up to them and asked, "Is Liu Zhiyan inside?"

Seeing his cousin nodded, he planned to rush in, but was blocked by a raised hand. Han Ruowei pushed a gap in the door of the ward with another hand, and then said coldly to Wei Zexuan, "Xiao Xi means that no one should go in right now. Then are you listening and protecting this evil had done!!"

In the room, Liu Zhiyan kneeled infront of the hospital bed with her back towards the door, and she looked up at Xia Yuxi slightly and humblely.

"I apologize to you, would you accept it?"

Xia Yuxi tilted her head and stared at a place without saying a word. If something could be done with an apology, why did Liu Zhiyan cut her wrists and anger her? So why let Xia Yuxi accept her apology?

In the past, this woman's worries were all because of Wei Zexuan. When that person watched her child killed, he wouldn't even ask? What else could she worry about now. Xia Yuxi can't get out of bed right now, otherwise she will definitely ask for compensation. The child killed is important than her own life. Does Liu Zhiyan knows?

Seeing that the person on the bed was silent, Liu Zhiyan asked again, "How can you.. you can forgive me?"

At this time, Xia Yuxi raised her head slightly, her eyes were still red, and her teeth creaked. "You owe me a life. What do you think you can be forgiven?"

Liu Zhiyan was not satisfied, but she didn't show it on her face. In her assumption, Xia Yuxi was serious. 'What she lost was not a living child, wasn't it just an egg?'

When she lowered her head, she felt something from her pocket, and she pressed it. A silver light stinged Xia Yuxi's eyes. When she blinked to see clearly, she saw that Liu Zhiyan held a spring knife in her hand and reached her wrist.

Liu Zhiyan's still look normal, as if she was good at cutting the wrist, she could not see a trace of emotional fluctuations on her face. "Can you do this?" She asked, "If you can't forgive me, I will die in your hand. Xia Yuxi, I did a lot of bad things to you before, but see I am kneeling infront of you. You say that your child is gone but I am a 30-year-old person dying to accompany your child, should you not take it."

Xia Yuxi has been completely stunned by her approach. She knew that Liu Zhiyan was cruel, but she did not expect her to be so cruel. Seeing Xia Yuxi staring at the knife in her hand in a panic, Liu Zhiyan laughed.

The movements under her hands began to slow down, as if on a slide that was deliberately stretched, the knife approached the aorta a little bit, and the cold light flashed constantly. The sharp blade was pressed into her skin, blood flows out.

At this moment, Xia Yuxi on the bed shook her body strongly, "Don't cut harder! I forgive you!"

Then she turned around in a panic motion on the bed, and leaned over to take a lot of paper towels from the bedside table, thrown all at Liu Zhiyan. "Wipe it quickly! See how big the wound is. Don't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

In the end, Xia Yuxi was still soft-hearted. Even if she hated that person infront of her, she just couldn't watch her hurt herself. The hatred in her heart gone in an instant. She knew she might regret it later, but if she didn't, Liu Zhiyan will still do it.

Liu Zhiyan took those paper-towels, threw the knife to the ground, and tightly pressed his wrist with them. Cutting the wrist is a matter of skill to her. Besides, does she need Xia Yuxi to remind her that there's a doctor? How many people who choose to commit suicide in the hospital? If Xia Yuxi really bears it, she will not stop it. She wants to kill a woman to apologize. Even if she has done so many wrong things before, she will be forgiven. Life-threatening is.....

Liu Zhiyan was blocked by Xia Yuxi's timidity and cowardice. She didn't expect to win so easily. Calm was restored in the ward again, Liu Zhiyan asked calmly, "Since you have forgiven me, can you talk to Wei Zexuan peacefully?"

That's the purpose of her coming today. Xia Yuxi hasn't gotten up from the scene of horror just now, her heart has been still pounding fast, and she said to that person, "Don't kneel on the ground, sit over there."

Does this mean she can continue talking Liu Zhiyan was not polite at all, she got up and walked towards the sofa.

Two or three minutes later, the cold sweat on Xia Yuxi's forehead finally stopped, and she raised her eyes and said to Liu Zhiyan, "We have nothing to talk about Wei Zexuan. I have signed the divorce agreement already. Now that there are no child involved, do you think I have anything to do with that person?"

Liu Zhiyan was aggressive, "What about your heart? What about your heart?"

The woman on the bed was speechless, and the outsider held his breath. It seems that at this moment, everyone is waiting for Xia Yuxi's answer silently.

For a long time, the struggling expression on the woman's face dissipated, and she calmly said to Liu Zhiyan, "Nothing."

This word made 'no-sense' at all. It says that people who once loved cannot hate or be friends, because love and hate are entangled in itself, but no-sense represents a state of mind, even though you are nearby. And thinking we have become a stranger. Always stood outside the door and watched them, the man never moved when heard those words calmly spoke out from Xia Yuxi's mouth. Wei Zexuan's shoulders shook violently. An that moment, he really understood her heart.