
Chapter 47: Everything You Do Is Acting

Xia Yuxi dropped her arms and her shoulders again. She looked lonely and couldn't handle it. She spit out a sentence gently, "Have you ever thought about it? If he really doesn't want it?"

Han Ruowei immediately extinguished all the anger in her heart. She raised her hand to touch the arm of a good friend, but was avoided.

"Xiao Xi.. Don't to say that." Han Ruowei is a person who requires a reason in everything, but she is really powerless in the face of Xia Yuxi's complex emotions.

She was right, even if she lost to her truth and was wronged, she really didn't want Xia Yuxi to be hurt a little more. It was embarrassing moment and she didn't know how to step down.

Han Ruowei gave Yin Mojun annoyed look, "Then you say.."

"I have an standpoint with you but I want to be fair to my assistant. I can't bear it to let him know."

Han Ruowei looked at Yin Mojun more, and said that the CEO was indeed different. He could protect himself, but seemed to be considerate in Xia Yuxi's feelings. The reason why he has been standing by indifferently, and finally agreed to stand on Xia Yuxi's, maybe he has the same reasonable assumption as her heart.

Silently, she felt that this man was pretty good, maybe he was really nice and treated her well, like what Xia Yuri said.

With this in mind, Han Ruowei shook her hands anxiously, "It's annoying. I really can't stand it. Do whatever you love!" After that, she stepped out of the office.

Ar the door, Yin Mojun asked in disbelief, "She just left like this, really won't run into Wei Zexuan and caused trouble?"

Xia Yuxi shook her head. "No, she is a woman who can't hide her mind. She has a temper and is directly on the surface. She wouldn't do it."

Her words made Yin Mojun look out of the door twice more. Han Ruowei's stubborn back went further and further away.

There were some strange expression in the man's eyes. He felt that Han Ruowei was great, she was very free and easy to love and hate.

Today, Monday was a very busy day because of Han Ruowei's arrival, the pressure in the office became gray. Yin Mojun would occasionally look up at her, and endured what he wanted to say.

Near the lunch break, Xia Yuxi still had a lot of work to do, she frowned and looked at the various documents of the president quickly, and her pen was constantly circulating on it.

At this point, the extension phone at the corner of the table rang. Xia Yuxi didn't even have time to free up a hand to hold the phone. She pressed it directly and asked, "Secretary Qian, is there anything? A sweet voice came over the phone. "Come over!" The front desk said, "There's a friend who wants to see you."

"No appointments made today." Xia Yuxi said that she was going to hang up, but she heard Secretary Qian mentioned a name. "She said her name was Liu Zhiyan."

After Xia Yuxi held her arms for a moment, she sat upright with her body. 'What did she do? What happened to Wei Zexuan?'

Just thinking, Yin Mojun not far away asked, "Who is that?"

"Uh....." Xia Yuxi said, looking for an excuse, "I don't need to see that person. I'm not familiar with her and I still have so much work to do."

Unexpectedly, Yin Mojun said, "Then you go downstairs and walk around for a bit. It's not good for a pregnant woman to sit at the desk for a long time. Would you like to invite that person to come to the office to talk?"

Xia Yuxi stood up quickly, "No need, I'll just go downstairs and talk to her."

When taking the elevator, Xia Yuxi looked down at the suit she was wearing, and she couldn't let her see her current situation. At the lobby, Xia Yuxi saw Liu Zhiyan sitting in the rest area from far away. Because she did not expect, Liu Zhiyan had already lost her artistic temperament.

Her face is well-groomed, compared with the last time. She now looks like five years younger, and she is wearing a beautiful dress. But even so, Xia Yuxi's looks much younger than her.

Walking slowly, the plain-looking woman had no makeup and was not gorgeous, but she was still alive. "Miss Liu, do you have anything to do with me?"

Liu Zhiyan got up from the sofa, shook her hand with Xia Yuxi with a smile, her eyebrows slightly narrowed when she looked at herself, more hurt than those ironic words.

The kind Xia Yuxi didn't want to be mean at her. Accidentally, she looked down at Liu Zhiyan's wrist, where there was a dark red mark. The person infront of her had a lonh cut around it.

"There is nothing to worry about. I heard Ze Xuan said that you are working at Yin's now. I happened to be shopping around here today, so I wanted to see you."

Xia Yuxi smiled and gave her a seat. But Liu Zhiyan didn't sit down. She looked around and saw that the people in the hall were a little noisy, so she took it for granted, "I don't like noise, can Miss Xia take me to a quiet place?"

Xia Yuxi was slightly hesitant, then nodded her head and agreed, "I know there is a place that is quite quiet, and there are no employees there."

Liu Zhiyan followed her to the top floor near the elevator. The top floor is a space that belongs to Yin Mojun alone. There are more than 20 people out of the secretary's office. The entire floor is very quiet. At this time, probably most employees have gone to lunch, and no one will see them. Next to the spiral staircase, there were only three people having some snacks on the table.

Xia Yuxi gathered the skirt behind her legs and sat down, giving way to Liu Zhiyan. Looking around at this top floor, her eyes were alighted.

"It's really nice here. It feels almost the same as Wei Zexuan's company. I heard that this Yin Mojun came back from Wall Street. It seems that his capital and connection are okay!"

Xia Yuxi smiled in her heart, how could she not know that, he had been doing it for so many years, there are more invisible riches in China. Although Wei Zexuan can call the wind and rain in this city, it is not in the circle to cover the sky with one hand. The so-called Liu Zhiyan looks a little bit stunned.

However, she didn't say such mean words, Xia Yuxi just greeted her and said, "Well, we are still very good."

"How is it better than Wei Zexuan?" Liu Zhiyan turned and asked.

Xia Yuxi thought for a moment and answered, "People are not comparable to each other. In different fields, everyone is first."

Now that she has let go of her relationship with Wei Zexuan, she is unguarded when chatting and is easily bypassed Wei Zexuan's topic.

Liu Zhihuan said nothing, her gaze was still eyeing the furnishings on this top floor, and she suddenly pointed in a direction and asked, "Where is that? That door looks pretty."

The vision was covered by this woman, and Xia Yuxi couldn't tell what she's talking about, so she had to stand up and walk with Liu Zhiyan. Two women put their hands on the railings of the stairs towards the same place.

Xia Yuxi pointed at the door with one hand, "You mean there? It's a conference room. If the company has an important meeting, it would be held there."

Liu Zhiyan tilted his head, "If Wei Zexuan comes, will he also have a meeting there?"

"U....." the woman hesitated. "Yes."

Liu Zhiyan nodded, turning around and leaning against the guardrail with ease, as if she's enjoying the environment infront of her.

As she slowly closed her eyes, she whispered, "It turns out that he will really come to you. I thought that only you would take the initiative to go to him."

'What does this mean?' Xia Yuxi immediately became aware that she knew she had signed a divorce agreement. Even if Liu Zhiyan was guilty, she should not mention the rotten past, but it was obviously not this way. "Ms. Liu, what does you mean? Business contacts are normal and there are no private meetings."

"Don't admit?" Liu Zhiyan snorted coldly, how she remember when she followed him that day, she saw Wei Zexuan pulled Xia Yuxi into the bathroom, and kissed her openly.

Wei Zexuan doesn't tell the truth, Xia Yuxi is not a good person, they may have secretly connected. Just thinking about it, Liu Zhiyan's heart was furious. When she turned around, Liu Zhiyan glanced up and down at the woman infront of her eyes, the expression on her face was no longer gentle and pleasant.

"When are you going to hide from me? Aren't you pregnant now? Xia Yuxi, did you know, when you called that day and mentioned the signed divorce agreement? I really thank you, but it seems that everything you do is Acting."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xia Yuxi really didn't understand. Even if she didn't like the person infront of her, she had never lost a point in politeness towards her. "Don't understand?"

Liu Zhiyan took a step forward, and place her small hand directly on Xia Yuxi's belly. "Do you dare to say that's not Wei Zexuan's child here? You don't know what you think. Obviously, you have divorced Wei Zexuan, but infact you use trick to pull that person back. So why didn't Wei Zexuan sign the divorce agreement yet! So you can bore him this child, Xia Yuxi, is your mind is really OK!"

Xia Yuxi did not listen to her mean words, because she was staring at her hand on the lower abdomen, for fear that Liu Zhiyan would hurt the child in her stomach. Should she admit it?

There is a mess in her mind. If you say that you are pregnant with his, you seem to have hit her irrationality. After she leaves, she will not sure if Liu Zhiyan will speak to Wei Zexuan.

With this in mind, Xia Yuxi took a step back, her steps were a slightly bigger towards the edge of the stairs.

She was a little flustered and insisted, "Miss Liu, although I can understand your feelings, I can't talk nonsense. Wei Zexuan and I have been divorced. How can this be his child!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyan has lost her former peace. She stepped forward and stood infront of Xia Yuxi, "Don't you dare say no. You think I don't know what you both did in the mountain more than two months ago. Ze Xuan spent one night with you. Remember that khaki trench coat! I threw it away!"

'No wonder!' Xia Yuxi was obsessed with words, she recalled the quarrel with Wei Zexuan again and again. She was sad that the man did not have a slight impression of their deeds, it turned out to be done by Liu Zhiyan.

But why did she want to know it? Isn't she already have Wei Zexuan's love. People are different. Xia Yuxi now noticed Liu Zhiyan's ill-intentions.

Then she felt that the situation infront of her seemed a bit dangerous. Behind it was the spiral staircase, which extended indefinitely downwards. In front of her was Liu Zhiyan. She was trapped in a small circle.

She moved to the side, trying to grab the stair railing on one side. But her hand was suddenly beaten by Liu Zhiyan. The woman put her face close to her, with a sly smile on her face, Xia Yuxi could not see through her thoughts.

Xia Yuxi said timidly, "What do you want?"

"I also want to ask what do you really want? You are still struggling here without love. You don't know how annoying your existence is. Do you think you can hide something about pregnancy? Even if it is not today, but you still have 7 months to go through, can you hide it from my eyes?"

She knew it. How did she know? Almost every sentence that Liu Zhiyan said today exceeded Xia Yuxi's imagination. Those words were mixed in her mind and she couldn't figure out the clue.

"I'm not pregnant, and I have nothing to do with Wei Zexuan." She said with a strong heart.

"No? Of course it's best you don't. If you really aren't pregnant, you won't care about falling on this stairs, right?"

Xia Yuxi opened her eyes wide and watched in horror when Liu Zhiyan grabbed her arm, and her mouth almost begged, "Miss Liu, don't..."

"Oh.." Liu Zhiyan sneered, "Don't blame me for being cruel. You should have to know that this child will steal away from me, so I should get it back."

After that, Liu Zhiysn violently raised her hand...

I am trying to post 2-4 chapters a-day as my sister who's on 1-month semester breaks is helping me with the translation. Her 'Mandarin' are better than me, so it's easier for her to translate faster. Original story consists of around 400 chapters.

*** Happy Reading***

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