
Chapter 42: I have no objection but to accept

Wei Zexuan suddenly realized that Xia Yuxi might be lying to herself on many things.

She once pointed to him and said, 'If you force me to divorce again, I will tell your parents about things, and they will never let Liu Zhizyan enter the house!'

The final result is that she quietly signed the divorce agreement, and even his parents didn't not know at all. He found that during the time he left home, Xia Yuxi lived in her world virtually every day.

The man frowned, his eyes a bit teary. At this time, Wei Zexuan's cell phone suddenly rang. He grabbed Xia Yuxi's arm with one hand and took out the phone from his suits pocket with another hand.

It was Liu Zhiyan. He should turn around to take the call, but after thinking Xia Yuxi would run away, he put the phone in his ear and said, "Well, is something wrong?"

He kept his eyes on Xia Yuxi's face, and watched her with a cold smile. "Ze Xuan, have you been on a business trip? I think you didn't come back last night, thinking that maybe the person you want to see is not in this city?"

Liu Zhiyan even make up some excuses to him the again and again. "Well, yes. I'm having a meeting now, and I'll go back later."

"But I have something very important to tell you, didn't you ask my child whereabout before..."

Wei Zexuan didn't care about it at all. He interrupted the other party's words in a perfunctory manner. After that, the phone was put back into his pocket again.

But in mfront of Xia Yuxi's small face, she had calmed down to the original look. There was a little embarrassment between the two.

Wei Zexuan's thoughts were messed up, but he didn't want to let go of the person in his hand, so he found a topic and said, "The divorce agreement involves the division of properties, when you have time, let's talk about it."

"Nothing to talk about, maybe you didn't know that your mother had asked me to sign a letter of notarization of the property before getting married."

Wei Zexuan really didn't know, Xia Yuxi's words surprised him, "You are willing to sign that kind of document? Do you know this means you can't get a penny?"

"I know. I don't mind." She said calmly. An instant realization made Wei Zexuan regret to ask this sentence.

He should have thought that Xia Yuxi sacrifice herself for love, but Wei Zexuan was defeated. The man pursed his lips and felt a bitterness in his throat. Xia Yuxi, you're really a woman stupid at this home.

"Anything else we have to talk about?"

Wei Zexuan said with a little husky, "You don't have to worry about it, the property set by the algorithm will not be given to you, but I am obliged to give you alimony. You can use the previous subcard."

Without mentioning the card, Xia Yuxi almost forgot. With so many problems before, she couldn't explain where the 100,000 yuan was spent, but now it's different. She doesn't want Wei Zexuan to think that she is greedy.

"I have used 100,000 yuan."

She raised her eyebrows to see that the man's expression was softer, and then Xia Yuxi said frankly, "When you were not around, a total of 5 women came to the house and one of them blackmailed me with your child in her stomach so I gave her 100,000 yuan inexchanged for a guarantee agreement. Those things are in the drawer in your room. Do remember to put it away before your mother see it."

Wei Zexuan felt that every word that uttered from Xia Yuxi's mouth hit his heart. After half an hour of stalemate between the two, Xia Yuxi looked down at her watch and said, "Mr. Wei, is there anything else? If I should go back, I'm afraid the meeting will end soon."

After that, she swayed away from Wei Zexuan and passed the man.

Wei Zexuan stood hesitating for two seconds, then strode out, and grabbed Xia Yuxi's arm about five meters away from the conference room.

Although there were no people around, Xia Yuxi could not panic, because there might be someone coming out of this conference room at any time.

She glanced at Wei Zexuan, "You let go of me."

The man clasped her wrists and tightened his hands again, "Xia Yuxi, why are you lying to yourself? You can't forget me at all."

Xia Yuxi thought he was crazy. After struggling twice, the woman said in a voice, "Don't make trouble unreasonably. It's your family who wants you to get married. It's was you who forced me to divorce. You come to ask me now, do I miss you. What exactly do you want?"

"I just want to hear you tell the truth!"

Xia Yuxi nodded, "Well, if you want to listen so much, I might as well tell you, I do miss you, I miss you day and night, but is it useful? Did you not sleep with others as usual? Just now the caller should be Liu Zhiyan, right. Why don't you tell her that you're with me? You are not afraid to hurt me, but her.."

These words have been lingering in her heart for too long, "Don't you think you are very selfish, Wei Zexuan? You gave me all the hurts and tempers, and you asked me if I would miss you."

The next second, Xia Yuxi threw Wei Zexuan's arm angrily, then turned away without hesitation.

Suddenly, he encountered a violent impact behind him. Before Xia Yuxi could reacted, she fell into Wei Zexuan's arms again.

He raised his small face close to himself with a big hand at the waist of the woman. His breath was strong and violent, making her stomach tumbling. At the moment, she used all her strength to pushed the man away.

Unprecedented discomfort from the stomach, she vomited everything out of her body. She vomited until her body became light, and until she could not vomit anything.

Xia Yuxi started to breathe weakly.

For a long time, she stood up slowly holding Wei Zexuan's body, but she saw the man's stinking face. "So disgusting to be kissed by me?"

Xia Yuxi felt she had no strength to argue with her. She shook her hand and wanted to say that she was really sick now. But Wei Zexuan did not intend to let it go.

She held up the woman's soft waist, and clung tightly in his arms, only to think that the woman's body was light and could not even resist him. There was a second suspicion in his heart, maybe she's now on her period.

He swallowed and watched the woman who disturbed his mind. Hate and another kind of unclear feelings are breeding, he gathered in the past and licked Xia Yuxi's soft lips, and then once again out of control. Before the unilateral entanglement begun, the door of the conference room not far away opened and he came out alone.

Yin Mojun knew that Xia Yuxi was going to the bathroom, and that Wei Zexuan chased out with an opportunity given by himself, but the two of them had left for too long.

He pushed the door and walked out, thinking about what would happen. But seeing Xia Yuxi's weakness hitting Wei Zexuan's body. They were...

Yin Mojun stepped forward and pulled the two people way. Xia Yuxi's body shook for a moment and she could hardly stand still. She swallowed hard, her face pale. This scene looks extremely resentful in the eyes of President Yin.

He suddenly blocked his body infront of Xia Yuxi and yelled at Wei Zexuan, "How can you do whatever you want? Do you know how to respect women?"

What respect? Wei Zexuan was just punched by this guy brutally, tearing the corners of his lips, he wiped off some blood stains with one finger, then tilted his head to look at Yin Mojun in front of him. Why does he and Xia Yuxi have something on each time, this guy will rush out. Didn't he know that he had ruined him?

"So what."

Today, Wei Zexuan stood on his own site and even talked a bit. "Respect for a woman from someone else's house, so it is untimely for you, Mr. Yin. Xia Yuxi used to be my wife. Why do you interfere?"

At this time, Xia Yuxi's body was weak, and Yin Mojun firmly supported her. Of course, he knew that there was something to talk about because of the divorce, and it was an opportunity, but Xia Yuxi was like this...

"Don't you see that she's sick?" If it was not for his reminder, Wei Zexuan had been stunned, and when he fixed his eyes, he found that Xia Yuxi was really weak at the moment.

When did this happen? Why did she suddenly become like this? Is it just disgusting to just kiss myself?

With this in mind, Wei Zexuan frowned tightly, "Even if you want to take care of you, it's not your turn."

He approached Xia Yuxi's arm, but was slapped by Yin Mojun.

Between the two men, the original etiquette no longer existed. They looked at each other with a chill in their eyes. Yin Mojun regretted that he give Wei Zexuan this opportunity. If Xia Yuxi was not coerced by him, she would not have reached the point where she is today. So, do they have anything to talk about?

The guilt caused him to look down at the woman next to him, and Xia Yuxi shook her head at her, then covered her lips with a small hand, a painful expression on her face.

Yin Mojun raised his head and said calmly, "Xia Yuxi's affairs are my Yin Mojun's affairs from now on. You have lose your turn, but I will keep mine."

"You guys?" Wei Zexuan heard his heart painful blow. He didn't want to believe it at first, but the fact was before him.

It turned out that the thoughts during this time were nothing more than his wishful thinking. It turned out that Xia Yuxi's indifference was not against his will but saying goodbye to him. What was he thinking? He was still worried about a lost marriage.

Wei Zexuan dropped her shoulders, "Okay, I don't object to Mr. Yin's willingness to make an offer. But it is best to ask Xia Yuxi later, her truth, who's heart did she want. She will still choose me."

He turned proudly away and walked quickly into the conference room. A figure flashed in the dark, and no one noticed.

It was Liu Zhiyan who came to the company early in the morning as she found out that her man had not returned home last night, something should be wrong.

The moment she saw Xia Yuxi appear on this top floor, Liu Zhiyan seemed to understand everything.

Wei Zexuan chose clothes for that woman. A new outfit that is unique but is not as good as his old shirt. He was afraid of being caught, so he used an excuse to block all her questions. It was all for Xia Yuxi alone.

When they entered the bathroom earlier, Liu Zhiyan really panicked, because behind the closing toilet door, she couldn't guess what would happen to those two people, and she didn't dare to guess. So she called Wei Zexuan and all she heard all his lie.

There was more panic than now, when Liu Zhiyan felt that she was only one step away from happiness, but she saw Wei Zexuan crazy with his ex-woman. Not far away, Yin Mojun lifted up shaky Xia Yuxi. He asked in a low voice with concern, "How are you doing now? Can you persist?"

Xia Yuxi wanted to give him a consoling smile, but the next second she covered her small mouth, and bent over and puked again.

Yin Mojun hurriedly took off the tie under from neck and handed it to the woman. Xia Yuxi took it and covered her mouth.

What's wrong with her today? Why is it so uncomfortable suddenly, and to such an extent, she should not be able to go back to the conference room.

It's okay to have Yin Mojun with or without her today. The man put Xia Yuxi's arm on his shoulder, and dragged her body toward the elevator.

"Mr. Yin ... I'm sorry."

"Stop talking, I'll take you to the hospital now."