
Chapter 41: Do You Miss Me

Although the old wiman was angry, her innate cultivation made her seem to have no strength to even scold others. Liu Zhiyan gave her a scornful look, and then walked into the living room.

"Nian Nian! Is Nian Nian in the room? Mom came to see you."

When the old wiman behind her saw the direction she was walking in, she hurried over a few steps, blocking Liu Zhiyan's way at the door of the room.

"Liu Zhiyan, don't see my grandson. When you divorced, you left your child with us. Did you look for him and took care of him just once? Do you know you have a son? We don't him remember you anymore what his mother look like." Isn't it difficult to deal with this old woman? It should be her luck today.

Liu Zhiyan stepped forward and pushed away the old woman away. "Mom, it's no use doing this. He's born of me, and my blood is flowing in his body. Even if he doesn't recognize me, it won't change us, Mother-son relationship."

The next second she pushed open the door and saw her son sitting on a thick carpet with a car toy in his hand.

Gu Nian was four years old this year. The figure is a bit chubby like his father, and his complexion is so white as Liu Zhiyan, so he looks very cute. He turned his head and looked at the two people at the door with big eyes.

Then the child cried out, "Grandma..." As an old woman, seeing her grandson crying and distressed, she quickly ran to Gu Nian's side and picked up the child on the ground.

Gu Nian's little finger pointed at Liu Zhiyan at the door, and then she cried even more.

You said that such a small child didn't know his mother, it was almost impossible, but no one knew why he was crying. The weak mind was strange. Seeing Gu Nian's appearance, Liu Zhiyan's heart was not untouched.

After all, it was her own child, and it was also the child who was breastfed and held by her in her arms for more than six months.

But this feeling was floating away because she didn't come to seek him. She told Wei Zexuan that the two had a child. After that day, he asked him where the child was more than once.

Liu Zhiyan has been dragging to know that Gu's family difficulty, but the indifference of Wei Zexuan these days makes her think that this matter can no longer be dragged on, otherwise she and that person cannot get married. They might part ways too. Walking slowly, Liu Zhiyan extended her arms towards her son. "Come, deary. Mother hugs."

The fat boy hugged his grandma's neck tightly, "No.."

This action stimulated Liu Zhiyan's heart. She couldn't help but rob the child from the old woman. "It's all your education. What did you usually say infront of him of me? Even make him not even know his own mother!"

The louder the child cried, the more flustered her mood became.

In addition, the old woman began to ask fiery: "Liu Zhiyan, don't do this, you will scared the child."

After she stunned the old woman, she glared at the child in her arms fiercely, but the child didn't look at her face at all, and the more he cried the more frustrated she is.

Liu Zhiyan's head was about to explode due to the crying, and she slap her directly on the son's ass. "You shut up now!"

Suddenly, the room became quiet. Both the old woman and the child were frightened.

She is a gentle and temperamental university teacher outside, but she is another kind of person in this in-law's house.

She gave all the patience and kindness to outsiders, except for the Gu family who once gave her honor to fulfilled her rich dreams. Unsettled, this is the day when she was divorced, her old principal's father-in-law gave her Jin Yuliang words.

Liu Zhiyan took her young son in her arms and sat on the small bed in the room. He smoothed the child's hair like a mother, and helped him organize his little clothes.

Gu Nian's fluttering little face kept tears on his face, he twitched but did not dare to make a sound. The old woman shouted and trembled in her voice.

"Liu Zhiyan, the child was awarded by the court to us when you divorced. It was because of your abandonment that you changed your sentence. It doesn't mean that you can take him away. You still have the law in mfront of you."

Legal? This is a very nasty thing for Liu Zhiyan.

She looked around the room, and said softly, "Why did the court decide not to give it to me? Isn't it because the family's financial doesn't allow it? My dad didn't retire normally, but was expelled from the university. Now, he has given the money back. Enough for you two of us to live? Besides, your son, if it weren't for the strong support I had at home, could he survive? Why can you give Nian Nian a good day? "


The old woman pushed over the glasses on the tip of table and walked over quickly. She pointed with one hand and said, "You still have a little conscience? If your father hadn't done your job for you, could you be in the field today? But you, where did you conscience go? After becoming a university teacher, you can't look after your family and just think about how to get to your Sugar Daddy."

If she didn't mention it, Liu Zhiyan would almost forget her original hatred. If it weren't for your son's fraud, I would have been married to the Wei family. It's been more than four years, and I have endured it for more than four years. What about that Gu Zaoran's bastard who made me pregnant? I will not die here with your family!" Her eyes and her heart was boiling.

After the appearance of Wei Zexuan, Liu Zhiyan proposed a divorce, which was well talked about, but Gu Zoaran lied to her and getting her pregnant, and the child leave behind her was her greatest regret.

If it wasn't for her and Wei Zexuan to need such a child, do you think Liu Zhiyan really wanted to come to this house and see this child who had shamed herself for many years?

Liu Zhiyan felt that there was no need to talk nonsense with this family, they could only let themselves fall into the abyss of old things over and over again.

She quickly picked up her son from the crib and hugged her in her arms. "I'll tell you the truth, I must take the child away. If you are not convinced, you can sue me. If you think you have the strength an capital, you can fight against me anytimes."

She said as she picked a thick envelope from her bag. As she pushed it to the old woman's arms, Liu Zhiyan sneered and said, "You held these tightly and you think carefully about it. Then, I will let you go."

Behind her, the old woman scolded indignantly:, "Liu Zhiyan, you are so mean!"

But she didn't think it mattered anymore. She looked down at the child in her arms and smiled with satisfaction.

 When returning to the villa by car, Liu Zhiyan told Gu Nian over and over again, he should be named Wei, Wei Nian. Why did his mother give him this name? Because everyday when she see him, she will think of his father.

She made up lies one by one infront of the child, and she didn't feel relieved until this little thoughts remembered everything.

Unfortunately, when she returned home with her child, Wei Zexuan was not there, and he did not return all night. At 9 o'clock the next morning, Xia Yuxi and Yin Mojun shared the same car to Wei Zexuan's company.

The staff's treatment from the elevator under the president's instruction, directly sent them to the conference hall on the top floor. Two executives had already been standing infront of the door to welcome them.

"President Yin, welcome." Wei Zexuan greeted him and shook his hands, while Xia Yuxi lowered her head slightly behind him. She did not intend to speak.

He did not expect Yin Mojun to bring her along, "Miss Xia was here, and we met again."

Due to etiquette, Xia Yuxi nodded and said hello, "General Wei." Then she stopped speaking.

Wei Zexuan posted a cold face, and his face was a little embarrassed. He looked at the woman up and down without feeling irritable again.

Thin, looks more petite. She wore the clothes from the last meeting, even if she hadn't prepared for them, but Wei Zexuan clearly remembered that she bought this dress as a gift when she got married.

He didn't understand. Why didn't he throw that affiliate credit card to her at first! Don't women all like to buy clothes and cosmetics? More than twenty people rushed into the conference room enthusiastically. Xia Yuxi was still sitting next to Yin Mojun, but this time there was no frightened expression on her face, like before.

Because the meeting was prepared, there is nothing to be afraid of. Even more, because the divorce agreement was handed over to him. She knew that her fate with Wei Zexuan had come to an end.

The meeting was boring and lengthy. It was nothing more than discussing specific implementation matters. Xia Yuxi did not understand why Yin Mojun came to participate because such a meeting that did not even require the president attendant at all. Even when she was sitting aside, she was bored, her eyes drifted away from those responsible for the specific project, until she and the other person inadvertently met.

Xia Yuxi found that her heart was surprisingly calm, less panic than before.

His face is no longer young, and he became more fatter than when he was married two years ago. Wei Zexuan's eyes already have light wrinkles, but he looks more mature now.

Xia Yuxi felt that she was tempted by this face that year, so she let herself live so embarrassingly. Fortunately, she put everything down and move on. Even though this face was still so indescribable, she didn't touch her heart at all.

When the harm is greater than love, she suddenly has relief herself from this happiness. With this in mind, Xia Yuxi smiled briefly at Wei Zexuan.

The movement of the man's pen tip on the table occasionally stopped, and then frowned tightly.

What Wei Zexuan hope for was to Xia Yuxi's scared expression. He even accepted the other person to avoid his own eyes. When facing her calm face, it seemed that something had struck his heart. Wei Zexuan understood her heart, 'it doesn't matter anymore.'

He calmly watching when Xia Yuxi whispered in Yin Mojun's ear, and then the woman stood up quietly and walked towards the door of the conference room.

A few steps away, Wei Zexuan also followed up. He is an important figure in this conference room but he can't ignore her, this catch everyone's attention. However, it was such a grandeur that Wei Zexuan chased out.

Xia Yuxi was really boring. She went to the bathroom to relax, and she applied some light makeup, and then carefully washed her hands. After washing the wet stains off her hands, she came out of the bathroom with her head lowered.

But she was blocked at the door by a tall figure. When she looked up, she saw Wei Zexuan. Xia Yuxi was not surprised. She pointed one direction with one hand. "General Wei, the men's bathroom is next door."

Why is she so calm? This is not the ex-wife he knew at all. Wei Zexuan hold her head, and then pushed Xia Yuxi's shoulders with his big hand, pushed her back to the women's bathroom again.

 Xia Yuxi thought this was a public place after all, and Wei Zexuan didn't dare to do anything. But she was wrong. This is the company of President Wei. Every floor tile has the name of his Wei family, let alone a small female toilet.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yuxi gave him a wary look. "I have already signed the divorce agreement, and I have nothing to do with you. President Wei, may I asks you to take care of yourself."

Does she think divorce is so easy? Wei Zexuan smiled slightly, because she finally saw her panic with satisfaction. "It is a pity that I have not signed the divorce agreement."

Xia Yuxi was confused, and the divorce procedure without the signature of the two parties will not take effect. What puzzled her was, 'Why didn't Wei Zexuan sign yet?'

Isn't he always looking forward to it? If this man acts faster, during the time she left home, he has enough time to marry Liu Zhiyan. Xia Yuxi's original thinking that she fell in love with this man for an instant when she was young, but now she wanted to forget it. However, it was harder than climbing the sky.

She was still stayed calm in her heart like just now, but she was so distracted by a word so easily.

"Why not sign it. You wanted it furiously before." She asked him a question.

Wei Zexuan then asked, "Did you miss me during this time?"

"No.." Xia Yuxi answered decisively, but did not dare to look into his eyes.

"You are lying."

"Why should I miss you? Isn't it enough not to miss you? Does it make you cry or vent your bestiality? Just say it, what's your right?"

Wei Zexuan accurately grasped her little neckline and stopped him from tearing her clothes. His heart began to twitch again, and it hurt inexplicably.

Then his voice softened, "I just want to ask you, do you missed me. You don't think you have."

Xia Yuxi choked her throat, staring at the ground for a long time and saying, "No.."

The woman still lied because Wei Zexuan clearly saw from the surveillance camera that she was crying while holding the wedding photos of them in the room.