
Chapter 32: Testing

In the ward, Liu Zhiyi looked at the soup bucket on the bedside table, thinking about something. Then she wrapped Wei Zexuan's big hand with her two small hands, rubbing her hands in the palm of her hand.

"It just a bucket of soup, why are you so upset? Your cousin is stubborn, but she is nice, and I do want to get along with her in the future!"

Wei Zexuan thought she didn't know anything, and she could speak so easily as she had a simple mind.

The man rubbed his eyebrows and calmed down, saying, "I'm not angry with Ruo Wei, I'm angry with you."

"I? "

 "Umm.." Wei Zexuan looked down at her bandaged wrist. "I'm angry that you are stupid. Only just a few words from my mother, why did you do such an absurd thing? I was nearby, otherwise..."

Some things can't be looked back on, and fear is the most difficult heart disease to cure. He trembled at the thought of the scene when he rescued his uncle.

Liu Zhiyan squinted at the expression on the man's face, then lowered her head and tightened her shoulders, looking helpless and fragile.

Speaking of this, Liu Zhiyan rubbed his face with both her hands, looking tired, "Actually, I shouldn't have go to the top of the mountain that night. I shouldn't be so happy because of your promise. But she made me give up now. I can't do it at all. If I really leave you, I think the only way is to die. So..."

Before she finished speaking, Wei Zexuan was held tightly in her arms. This strength makes people feel choked, but she understands that the more.., the more fragile, it represents the person's deficit.

"Don't say anything." Wei Zexuan was shocked. But when he knew that his feelings had surpassed life and death, all his emotions came to blame himself.

Actually these things are not obvious? He didn't know the deal between his parents and Xia Yuxi, but that woman used tears, used her patience, to moved her mother's heart to maintain the status Mrs. But he has been blinded to married her as arranged by his own mother. Now its too late to realized, that his mother had done things that hurt Liu Zhiyan.

Wei Zexuan gently hugged her thin shoulders and looked at her eyes for a long time.

"Well, rest assured that I will be with you anyway this time, but you have to believe me, promise me that you will stop doing such stupid things.

There was a layer of tears in Liu Zhiyan's eyes, and her throat was dry, then nodded her head frequently.

Suddenly, the woman choked her nose and asked, "Are you really going to abandon Xia Yuxi?" Wei Zexuan doesn't want to hear the name at all now. The three words of Xia Yuxi will only make him feel an inexplicable angry.

"She is also innocent!" Liu Zhiyan emphasized by a fake smile, "She said that she was very happy when she was Mrs. Wei. I think that's because you are her pride. She is so rude to me because she cares about you. For example, this time, your mother rushed over like this, I think she is really afraid of losing you, can you..."

Liu Zhiyan didn't dare to say anymore, because Wei Zexuan's face was already gloomy. It appears that he is restraining his emotions to the extreme, because of her words, it have penetrated into the hearts of his.

Liu Zhiyan bowed her head and stopped talking. The two were silently sitting on the bed, each with their own thoughts.

She believes that Wei Zexuan will give her a satisfactory result after divorcing her, and she also believes that she expected that day should come soon... her as Mrs Wei.

With this in her mind, she moved her body toward the bedside and raised her hand to take the soup bucket there.

"Don't think about it that much." Liu Zhiyan said tremblingly, "I'm a bit hurt, I always feel drowsy in my head. I drink some soup and sleep."

Wei Zexuan got up quickly and held the soup bucket with his big hand. He hesitated in his heart and said, "If you want to drink soup, I will cook it for you, so let this be."

Standing up and organize his shirt, Wei Zexuan took the soup bucket, "You sleep first, I'll come by later. I'll get people make you some side dishes and soup."

Liu Zhiyan gave him a strange look, but said nothing. Wei Zexuan walked towards the door quickly, but was yelled by her, "Ze Xuan, wait a minute."

He turned around and looked slowly, "Is there anything else you need? I'll bring it together."

 "No." Liu Zhiyan thought that after he was provoked by her words, he might not act impulsively to Xia Yuxi. Some things were true and some things were false but it might be troublesome if something false happened to be confronted. Unless, she have a way to help Wei Zexuan messed his mind, or else she will probably lose.

Thinking of this, she was inexplicably agitated. But her voice was soft and said, "Ze Xuan, do you remember the year we just met? Five years ago, we all drank a lot of alcohol during class meetings."

Suddenly mentioned five years ago, what did Liu Zhiyan wanted to say? Wei Zexuan glared at her and felt that she did not complete her sentence.

Liu Zhiyan nodded, her face was pale and rosy. She raised her eyebrows and looked a little timid when she came over. "Actually... I have never had the courage to tell you that I sent you to the hotel that night. If you remember, room 302."

Seeing Wei Zexuan opened his mouth slightly, his face was shocked. Liu Zhiyan was more certain about somethings, and she continued to say, "Do you know why I got a divorced later?"