
Chapter 31: Okay, I'll get out

The babysitter cleared up her thoughts, and then said very quickly, "She said that our lady is not as good as Xia Yuxi. Anyway, she is also a Qianjin, let her have a sense of pride and go away... then at that time, I heard the voice shouting, the lady cut her wrist.

It wasn't just Han Ruowei who was shocked, but Wei Zexuan who had never asked why.

Is there anything to say right now? If Xia Yuxi didn't say anything, why would his mother helped say a word for her? When he thought of the sentence, he closed his eyes as his chest seemed to be smashed hard.

"What else is there to explain? Han Ruowei, I told you before, even if you want to help someone, you have to see what is going on." Wei Zexuan said coldly.

As soon as Han Ruowei tilted her head, "I don't understand. It was Liu Zhiyan who was scolded by my aunt. What has it to do with Xia Yuxi, have you think..."

She spoke for a while and raised her hand to cover her mouth. Does Wei Zexuan suspect that Xia Yuxi called her aunt? But she suddenly remembered yesterday afternoon that when she walked out the door of Wei's house, she called her aunt angrily. She seemed to be arguing, you also forced Xiaoxi, so was your son. Now that Liu Zhiyan lives next door...

Immediately, her memory returned. Han Ruowei patted her forehead. She drank yesterday. Why did she slip this sentence out.

No wonder... Taking a step forward, Han Ruowei pulled her cousin's arm, "You thought wrong, I told my aunt that Liu Zhiyan live next door. If you want to blame, it will be on me. It has nothing to do with Xiaoxi."

Han Ruowei told the truth, because it was her who called her aunt before leaving Wei's house. Even if Xia Yuxi wanted to call, she wasn't as fast as her, let alone that girl was drunk yesterday.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zexuan snorted coldly, "Han Ruowei, I know you have been protecting that woman, but you should have a limit!"

"You do not believe me?"

The second before she fainted, she personally said, 'Your wife called your mother.' Only this sentence surfaced in his mind, over and over, and to the fact he finally believe it. This is him to blame, if ge can end the marriage with Xia Yuxi earlier, things will not happen today.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Han Ruowei sat opposite to Xia Yuxi and clutched the woman's small hand tightly. "Xiao Xi, I'm sorry, I trouble you."

There was not much pain in Xia Yuxi's face, and she raised her hand up. "It's okay, he doesn't believe that I am right." In a word, she was exhausted of this life, when Han Rouwei saw the transformation from her face instantly.

"Xiaoxi, don't do this, this is just a misunderstanding." Han Ruowei said guiltily, "Why not wait for that woman to be discharged from the hospital, and I will explain to him, and I will get my aunt too."

Mother-in-law would explain that? How could she have the heart to drag Han Ruowei into a dispute between the two? This the matter had to be taken care of by herself, it could only be herself.

After all, is it still her fault? Yesterday she did drank alcohol and poured her bitter life to Han Ruowei, but this was her own's mouth that spits out everything.

Wei Zexuan was right, it was her that caused Liu Zhiyan was pain. After swallowing her guilt, she got up from the sofa and slowly walked towards the kitchenette. She took a white steel soup bucket and handed it over. "If you want to help me, send this over. Anyway, Miss Liu is injured now, you should help me to atone for my sins and go for me!"

Han Ruowei pushed the soup bucket, "What are you guilty about? What if my aunt told her personally? After a few words of cursing, she committed suicide. Didn't she just want him to leave you alone? Besides, who forced her to cut her wrist? Are you sure that this is not a fraud? "

Xia Yuxi dropped her shoulder and lowered her head. "You don't understand that mood, but I can understand it, but I'm not as brave as Miss Liu, otherwise..."

She didn't say anything, afraid to scare Han Ruowei. She never think about death, but Xia Yuxi couldn't have imagine about it. If one day she fell into a pool of blood, would that person treat her like he treated Liu Zhiyan?

If the cut of the wrist could exchange her love of him back, she would have longed to do it.

"Go on."

"You sure? "

Xia Yuxi nodded hard, "It's just... just don't say that the soup is made by me, I'm afraid she won't drink it?"

On what grounds? Han Ruowei is not blaming her now, but she's not Xia Yuxi, she can't live her life, and she can only see her suffer it.

Standing up, Han Ruowei got on the soup bucket, she said angrily, "Just help you this time, but you should not be too stupid. Stupid people can only make people didn't take you seriously, not good."

In one day, Han Ruowei returned to the hospital twice, but I heard that Liu Zhiyan has been sent to the general ward now, which means that the woman is all right. She kicked the door open with her foot and walked in with the soup bucket .

I was seeing the woman lying pale on the hospital bed with a thick bandage on her wrist. And the diligence of his good brother, they are holding hands!

Han Ruowei hummed and walked over, slamming the soup bucket on the bedside table, "Pig's foot soup compliments her injury."

Wei Zexuan looked her up and down and said coldly, "Why are you back again?"

At this time, Liu Zhiyan pulled the side of her man's clothing, "Ze Xuan, don't talk like this. She even send the soup little so late, I should say thank you."

Does his cousin cook soup? And so kind? Wei Zexuan only glanced at the soup bucket to know who was behind the scenes, Xia Yuxi.

It happened that Han Ruowei didn't want to be reluctant. She glanced at Liu Zhiyan and said, "Don't thank me. It doesn't matter what you do with me. Don't forget to dig the well if you drink water. If you think the soup is favored, Thank you for the fake one. If you can discover it with your conscience, I will be very much in need."

Liu Zhiyan couldn't understand her words but Wei Zexuan could. "Han Ruowei, if you don't want to stay, get out now. By the way, take this thing away, I don't need it."

This is the task Xiao Xi entrusted to herself, and the delivery is complete. As for drinking or not, it is not her business.

She turned and said, "Okay! I'll get out. How much do you think I'd like to see such a disgusting scene!"