
Chapter 140: You Can't Get Married

The woman was stunned, and then pointed downstairs.

"Is it downstairs?" Xia Yuxi smiled and walked away. The secretary reacted and wanted to stop, "But, you can't..."

Xia Yuxi didn't hear the secretary's voice, so she walked toward the elevator. The secretary who was talking was dragged behind at the same time, "Why, what are you doing? Vice President Han explained when she came today. She only rested this morning. No one is accepted."

The other secretary who directly glanced at her, "I said, can you be such brainless. Does anyone include Mr. Wei? Does Mr. Wei include Mrs. Wei? You don't know who you stopped!"

Xia Yuxi didn't know, and went straight to Han Ruowei's office. Her office is located downstairs of Wei Zexuan, fully decorated. It can be seen that he valued and loved her. Xia Yuxi looked at the extremely solemn red door.

She walked straight over, and someone stood up and bowed to say hello. Just at the door was to be open, she was stopped by Han Ruowei's personal secretary: "Sorry, you can't go in now."

Xia Yuxi looked at the polite secretary. She felt the same as Han Ruowei. She thought that the other party might not understand her identity, so she explained, "I am also Wei Zexuan's cousin, and Han Ruowei's sister. Can I go in?"

The secretary's face was tight, and she didn't dare to refute it, but she leaned over and whispered a hint, "Don't go in now, Yin Mojun is inside!"

'Yin Mojun?' Hearing the name Xia Yuxi's eyes lit up, she really wanted to see Yin Mojun these two days!

Because he told her to express her feelings bravely last time. Xia Yuxi was still very worried, but she didn't expect that after she said it, the real thing would become like this. You have to say thank you to others anyway!

This is not a coincidence? When Xia Yuxi thought about it, she smiled and pushed the door, "That's right, I'll see you two together!"

She moved quickly, so that the secretary did not have time to react, but when she just wanted to stop, Xia Yuxi went swiftly. The secretary felt that this day would collapse.

Xia Yuxi pushed the door and entered. At this moment, the secretary realization was deeply intent, but it was too late.

Standing at the door, she saw the two people on the sofa not far away... It was a picture that could not be described. Xia Yuxi's face suddenly turned red to the roots of her ears.

"Um... that, cough." Awkward, do you want to say something? Still is...

Xia Yuxi turned around quickly, and her head directly touched the door panel. Then she spit out lightly in the mouth, "I'm sorry." She pulled her head over the door and went out instantly. The door was closed, "Boom!"

This is then Han Ruowei reacted, suddenly drove her body jump from the sofa. At the same moment, her face flushed, and she was collecting her clothes on the carpet with all her hands to put on.

Yin Mojun was a lot calmer. The man patted his forehead, closed his eyes, and mumbled in his mouth, "Why is she here? This thing..."

"Shut up!" Han Ruowei roared, and then put the last piece of clothing on her body, kicked Yin Mojun directly. "Gee, impatient! Anxious, what are you still doing here? Quickly put on!"

After a few minutes, the two people settled their heads and sat on the sofa. The atmosphere was breathless for a moment.

Han Ruowei was going crazy at the moment. She scratched her hair irritably. "You're saying something! Xiaoxi has seen it, she shouldn't tell her cousin!"

Yin Mojun is also troubled, not afraid that Wei Zexuan knows. Just bare ass in front of a woman, he, the president, deserves it, and fears that he will not face each other in the future.

A few days ago, he still pretended to have emotional problems with Xia Yuxi. Isn't that a face? Didn't it hit your face?


The man let out a long breath, but he was beaten by Han Ruowei again. "I don't care, you started this. You can't let me be a woman to say such things. You can talk to Xiaoxi."

Is this girl unreasonable? Before it was feminism, Yin Mojun was pushed up as soon as something went wrong. He dared not to speak, and the two stared at each other for a few seconds. Yin Mojun held his forehead. "Okay! "

Han Ruowei said that Wei Zexuan's itinerary today is still very full. He is usually in the conference room at this time, so Xia Yuxi is alone in the office and he can just go talk to her in private.

Han Ruowei is the deputy general manager here, and naturally understands the whereabouts of the president. Yin Mojun believed it and went.

But there was always an accident. For example, Wei Zexuan brought Xia Yuxi to the company today. He couldn't bear to throw her alone in the office, so today's meeting ended in haste. He just returned to the office at the moment.

Wei Zexuan first stepped into the office. When he entered the room, there were only two secretaries and NianNian. Xia Yuxi was no around.

"What about her?" He asked as he walked towards the sofa.

Xia Yuxi went out just now, so the secretary did not care. He said casually, "It should be at the bathroom."

Wei Zexuan tightened his eyebrows and looked back at his private bathroom. He said, why did he still can't find her? Just as Wei Zexuan was thinking, Xia Yuxi hurriedly walked in.

When she came in, her small face was flushed, and her hands and feet were as if she had lost her soul.

Wei Zexuan walked over and shoved her shoulders. "Where did you go?" The man turned his head and looked at the expression on her face just after a few words, feeling strange. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Xia Yuxi's mind was blurred, and she didn't ask when Wei Zexuan came back. She pushed the man away and went straight to the sofa. Afterwards, she drank a glass of water. If there was not enough, she took another drink. Then she collapsed into the sofa.

This girl's very strange, and made Wei Zexuan nervous. Wasn't a stunned employee telling her the identity of Mrs. Wei?

Some men walked over with anxiety, and the man's complexion became more and more ugly. But before Wei Zexuan had time to speak, another person rushed into the office again. It was Yin Mojun who hurriedly came over to discuss with Xia Yuxi.

Yin Mojun came in, suddenly stunned. Han Ruowei say that Wei Zexuan was not there? Why is he here? And not only him, but also the child and two secretaries!

"Why are you here?" Yin Mojun said to Wei Zexuan.

Wei Zexuan looked at Xia Yuxi, then turned back to deal with another trouble, "Well? My own office, why can't I be here? I want to ask you, why are you in my company at this time?"

Yin Mojun raised his forehead and smiled bitterly in his heart.

In Wei Zexuan's view, everything is strange. Yin Mojun's expression at the moment makes him a little confused, but this guy's frequent visits to his company are no longer new, but Xia Yuxi makes him more worried.

He simply ignored the guy and turned his head to look around, but at this time Xia Yuxi grabbed herself on the sofa and hid herself completely.

'What's wrong?' Wei Zexuan bypassed the sofa, watching her close her eyes and puff out her mouth to exhale. In an instant, he seemed to want to understand something, Yin Mojun rushed in without thinking, and Xia Yuxi was like this...

Wei Zexuan suddenly realized that he raised his hand and directly pointed to the person at the door. "You said, what happened to Xiaoxi?"

A good news and a bad news. The good news is that it seems that Xia Yuxi hasn't had time to talk to this guy just now. The bad news is that he may not be able to solve Wei Zexuan, and he has no chance to talk to Xia Yuxi. Known by Wei Zexuan, was it embarrassing to the extreme?

Yin Mojun regretted running over, but was there any way to come? Since you're here, you can't just ignore such a shameful thing! Therefore, decisions made after two or three seconds are often impulsive.

Yin Mojun is not very tall, but he has a good posture, "What can I do with Xiaoxi! But I happened to have something to do with you. I just went to see your sister, and we discussed with each other. This marriage should also be over, just right. I'm here saying hello to you."

If this news came from a press conference, Wei Zexuan might have watched the battle be prepared quietly, but it was so homely to say that shocked him.

"What are you talking about?" Wei Zexuan asked in a voice.

"Marry! What's the matter? I have discussed with Ruowei. Your cousin agreed. I just want to inform you." Yin Mojun felt that this is a best method.

First of all, there is no need to explained Xia Yuxi. The two have developed to the point of talking about marriage. Even if they do something in the office, it is reasonable. Moreover, he should indeed marry Han Ruowei. Is it always been so secretive? Sooner or later, it will be accepted by Wei Zexuan. Because in the Han family, the second parent is naturally an elder, and the weight of speech is still Wei Zexuan more like a parent. If he nodded, the whole family agreed.

It's strange that this thing happened suddenly, in terms of etiquette, it's really a little...

So it was normal for Wei Zexuan to be blinded, but his face changed suddenly after he reacted, and the man said quietly, "No, I object to this matter!"

Yin Mojun didn't expect it at all, so he was stunned. Although he always talked with Wei Zexuan, he had a lot of connections in private and intensive business, so they had been friends for long.

It stands to reason that as Yin Mojun, Wei Zexuan should be very happy. He used to care about and blame Han Ruowei in the past, but he was just afraid that the people of the two companies would talk nonsense. How could he object?

Yin Mojun walked over in surprise, always looking at Wei Zexuan, "Old Wei, what do you mean?"

Wei Zexuan raised his eyebrows and lowered his head slightly. He escaped Yin Mojun's eyes and looked elsewhere. He just said coldly, "Marriage is a big deal, it's not just the two of you who say yes, don't ask, anyway. This won't work. Just go back! "

Yin Mojun is a wise man. After thinking for a while, he closed his mouth, but he gave a soft exhalation.

At this time, Xia Yuxi, who was hiding on the sofa, did not know when she looked up. Her small face was still red, but she whispered, "You are just a cousin, why do you disagree with others getting married!"

This woman, after losing her memory, her temperament has also become a lot simpler, she should not intervene at this time.

Wei Zexuan glanced at Xia Yuxi and whispered, "Don't interrupt me, it's none of your business."

But Xia Yuxi didn't think so. He felt that Wei Zexuan was forcibly interfering with his cousin's affairs. Even if he controlled her, even Han Ruowei, he wouldn't let it go. Both Han Ruowei and Yin Mojun are already like that. Why not marry?

Xia Yuxi looked at Wei Zexuan's eyes, and then murmured, "Why do you object! Both of them have already..."

"Cough!" Yin Mojun blocked his fist and coughed dryly.

Xia Yuxi's face turned red, and she got into the sofa again. The two of them had a secret word and a hint, and they fell into Wei Zexuan's eyes.

Simply, he didn't have the mood to ask about the matter between these two people. He said to Yin Mojun, "Go back and find a time to sit down and talk. Let me tell you something about the Han family."

Yin Mojun nodded, turned and left, and glanced at the sofa over there before he went out. It's all chaos, how about love!

After Yin Mojun left, Wei Zexuan's complexion didn't improve. He even have the mood to ignore Xia Yuxi, so he turned back to his desk and seemed to be working hard on those documents, but his eyebrows were always wrinkled together, thinking.

Xia Yuxi came over and he didn't know it. What's wrong? In the morning, he also talked with himself proudly, why do this happen just now?

Xia Yuxi walked over and carefully pushed his arm down, "Did I just say the wrong thing?"

"Yep." The man hummed and ignored it.

But Xia Yuxi really doesn't know where she was wrong, should she be treated like this indifferently?

She felt hurts in her heart, and she didn't dare to ask. After a while, she looked at his work and sat in front of him again. Finally, she couldn't help but say, "Is it because of Han Ruowei's marriage? Why can't she marry Yin Mojun? "

The pen in Wei Zexuan's hand stopped, and the action stopped there. The man slowly raised his head after thinking for a while, and said with a heavy heart, "Han Ruowei, actually has a marriage contract on her."

"What?" Xia Yuxi opened her mouth in surprise, then she did say the wrong thing.

But what she didn't even understand was that even if she lost her memory, she didn't know that Han Ruowei had a marriage contract? Wouldn't Han Ruowei knew? What's she doing when she have a marriage contract? What about Yin Mojun? Is she crazy?