
Chapter 136: Why Did You Kiss Me?

"Have you heard? Your cousin asked you get out!" Liu Zhiyan said with a voice in her teeth.

Seeing that Xia Yuxi was motionless, she stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zexuan was furious again behind her, "Liu Zhiyan, you also step back on me, I have let her go, are you satisfied?"

Satisfaction! Liu Zhiyan raised her eyebrows to Wei Zexuan, of course she was satisfied.

Today, the scene was so big, she finally thought her mind, although Wei Zexuan has always been indifferent to her, but he can yell at Xia Yuxi, what is he dissatisfied? Turning around, Liu Zhiyan walked towards his son.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zexuan stopped and put NianNian behind him, "You go back and is banned in that villa from today. Without my permission, you can't step out!"

"Child, I bring him by myself. You are still not at ease."

Wei Zexuan hit Liu Zhiyan's body with his shoulder and hugged the child directly. "You! Stop thinking."

After a farce, many Wei employees were doing aftercare work. Wei Zexuan had left with the child and left Xia Yuxi alone.

Where should she go? A person with no memory, where can she go? Standing alone, Xia Yuxi walked on the road at three in the afternoon, watching hurried pedestrians and shuttle vehicles. At the crossroads, she stood still, not knowing which direction she should choose.

Han Ruowei went abroad, and that was the only one who could help her, and then He Yiwei. She tightened her eyebrows, and instinctively she didn't want to disturb the man unless it was a last resort.

Suddenly a nanny car stopped in front of her and Xia Yuxi took a step back to make way, but the person who came down from the car shouted her name, "Miss Xia, get in the car!"

Xia Yuxi didn't know this person, and looked back subconsciously, thinking that the other party was wrong.

The man came over with his lips closed, and stood slightly half a meter away from her. "Ms. Fang asked me to come. She knows that you have no place to go, so I found a place for you."

"Square?" Xia Yuxi patted her head, who could it be! The only thing missing her is her mother.

"She's okay!" Xia Yuxi meant to ask Wei Zexuan if he lost his temper on Fang Jinghua's body. The woman simply didn't lose her mind for his son.

The source said that Fang Jinghua asked her not to think about it, and staying outside, when Wei Zexuan cooled down, this matter was also passed.

Xia Yuxi smiled in her heart, 'Can it really pass? Some anger can be dissipated, but such a chill has already pulled the distance between the two far apart, isn't it?'

She's afraid that until that day, Wei Zexuan is no longer angry, and he has no way to forgive the person's mistrust! They haven't exchanged trust for so many years, what else can they say?

The car went all the way west to an unfamiliar community. The appearance and property looked pretty good. The house was small but neat. Xia Yuxi thought that this was probably the home where she and Fang Jinghua lived before she lost her memory, although everything in front of her looked strange.

When she was alone in the room, she turned around and didn't find anything left by her and her mother, or even a photo, but Xia Yuxi didn't think much, because at the moment she was still playing in the mind. That scene in the mall.

'Why?' So simple and lovely to lie?

Why do people who live together every day do not believe in themselves? Why is it that her life does not seem to be under her control at all, and she is completely in the hands of Wei Zexuan? He was happy. He was the eldest son of the Wei family. He was not happy.

Who would know Xia Yuxi place here? Taking a deep breath, Xia Yuxi felt that the sky was already dark when she felt a chill on her body.

She got up and turned on the light in the living room before touching her stomach and remembering that she had not eaten all day. This is not a matter of starving to death. She looked around and found the small kitchen, planning to make something for herself.

At this time, the doorbell rang not far away. Xia Yuxi leaned out of the kitchen and listened quietly for half a minute before she determined that the doorbell belonged to her own house.

Did your mother visit? She sorted out her image slightly and went to the door.

"Creak." The door opened, first a food bag was handed in, and then Wei Zexuan stood in front of Xia Yuxi with a bag in his arm.

"Why you?"

The man said nothing, walked in with a cold face, and went straight to the coffee table to put things down, "There should be no food here, I brought this for you."

Xia Yuxi trembled her upper body, she clenched her fist clenched on her side, "I ask you why you are here."

But Wei Zexuan didn't seem to hear it. He looked around the furnishings in the room, pushed the door to the bedroom, and checked the doors and windows.

Xia Yuxi always stood on the spot, she was trembling, she didn't understand what the man wanted.

"You go, I don't need you to be like this. Since you let me alone and ruin my heart, do you want to say, you believe me now?"

Wei Zexuan turned his head and said, "I don't want to open the door to anyone after I leave. Go to bed early after eating. I hope you don't think more about the things I miss."

"Huh." Xia Yuxi laughed silently. "Do I want to use it any more now? Haven't people been cast out?"

Wei Zexuan looked at the woman who was angry and tightened his eyebrows. He wanted to say it but endured it. Finally, he only asked lightly, "You are so angry with me? I don't want to drive you out, because Liu..."

Xia Yuxi raised her hand and directly retorted, "Wrong! Do you think I got angry of the Wei family? Wei Zexuan, I tells you that I am only angry with your attitude. Where can I live? You live with me everyday. My brother, under the same roof didn't believe me!"

Speaking of which, Xia Yuxi couldn't help shaking her body again. She watched Wei Zexuan open her mouth and close it. In fact, she wanted to say, 'if you think about it, it may be that the child said the wrong thing, or he lied? Why is it that I was killed, because in your heart I can't beat your son anyway.'

But she didn't say, because the words came out, it is estimated that the feelings of the brother and sister will be over from now on! After all, Xia Yuxi was still reluctant. She no longer looked at Wei Zexuan.

The man came slowly to stand behind her, and he flicked Xia Yuxi's shoulder away. He wanted to wrap Xia Yuxi's shoulders, and was forced to break free again.

"Don't touch me!" Xia Yuxi said with a cry.

"Xiaoxi, don't be capricious, I have my reason."

"What's the point of you!" Xia Yuxi turned around and shouted, "I know I can't compare with your son, who am I! I'm just a cousin of a different surname!"

"Xia Yuxi! You started making trouble unreasonably!" Her words hurts Wei Zexuan's heart. In her eyes, she was just a cousin, but in Wei Zexuan's heart, she was many times more important than him.

Of course, Wei Zexuan is not willing to do this, but some things Xia Yuxi can ignore, but Wei Zexuan can't. In a hurry, he yelled at the woman in front of him.

But how could Xia Yuxi understand at this moment, why did she make trouble unreasonably? A person who takes care of NianNian like a biological mother everyday is suddenly said to be a killer. The whole world does not believe that she does not matter, even Wei Zexuan let her go away...

Xia Yuxi anxiously rushed up, "I make trouble unreasonably? Just believe the wrong person, after I lost my memory. I think there is only you left in this world, you can understand me when you the only person I rely on. Do not believe in me? What's the mood? I said, I don't care where I was pushed, I only care about you... what I am in your eyes?"

Wei Zexuan frozed slightly, he opened his mouth, hesitating if he had heard something wrong or misunderstood her.

Xia Yuxi's emotions are too fierce, and this fierceness has exceeded the feeling of brother and sister.

"Xiaoxi... you..."

Xia Yuxi could not control her emotions completely. When that roar went out, she suddenly felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, she said everything. She didn't mind letting Wei Zexuan listen thoroughly.

After nodding frequently, Xia Yuxi raised his jaw and said, "Do you want to ask me why I care about these, yes, of course, cousin's words do not need to be so hypocritical, but in my eyes, you are not only a cousin, but also a man! Can this be blamed on me? When you were in the hospital, why did you kiss me like that..."

With a whimper, Xia Yuxi crouched down and cried. She still said verbally in her mouth, "I know this is wrong, but I can't control myself, and I want to know why I fell in love with my cousin, why..."

Wei Zexuan stood in front of her, shaking his body slightly twice. He couldn't believe this, and Xia Yuxi, who had revived once, really fell in love with him again.

Before, Wei Zexuan did not understand her, he escaped and refused, because he was not qualified to love, but also because of endless fear.

But such words came out of Xia Yuxi's mouth again. It turned out that the two had been so close together, but they endured each other. This feeling is not happiness, but painful pain.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wei Zexuan to want to be a simple cousin. He can control himself, but how can Xia Yuxi feel sad? Too messy.

Wei Zexuan raised his forehead and turned around. Xia Yuxi's crying still didn't stop, but he had walked out the door. Outside the building, Wei Zexuan shook his shoulders with the last trace of warmth after the sun went down.

He suddenly burst out laughing, only to understand the situation in front of him. Since you can't escape, you don't have to embarrass yourself.

The Wei Family Mansion seems to have become much empty in one day. When Wei Zexuan entered the door, Sister Joe came over quietly to pick up his clothes, and then she stood on the side without mentioning it.


"Sleep upstairs."

Wei Zexuan nodded, and in the large living room, his footsteps appeared alone. There was no sound in the living room until the door on the second floor was closed.

At eight o'clock in the evening. At this time in the past, Xia Yuxi was having fun playing on the carpet with NianNian. Wei Zexuan sometimes hid his face behind the newspaper and smiled faintly. Sometimes he went crazy with them, and Sister Joe and Fang Jinghua sat at the table He was chatting while picking up the odd jobs in his hand.

But this scene seemed to disappear suddenly. Successive silence continued for two days.

In these two days, Wei Zexuan still took care of his son's life and took him in and out of the company. NianNian has become somewhat different from before. He seemed to have been shocked after the loss, and there was no laughter at all, just like when he was just received, he looked at everything with a timid look, even when he was alone with Wei Zexuan.

Wei Zexuan saw the child's changes in his eyes, but never asked anything. The next night. Wei Zexuan went to his son's room after washing as usual. He wanted to bathe the children like a mother and told a fairy tale before he went to bed.

When entering the door, NianNian was sitting quietly in front of his small study desk, with French lessons playing audio next to it.

Wei Zexuan walked over, turned off his player, and then slowly turned his head away, and said softly, "Daddy."

"Aren't you saying that you don't have to learn this in the future? It's already very late, just play whatever you like!"

NianNian did not refute, nodded cleverly, but stood there silently. It has been two days since he has been in this state, and Wei Zexuan feels that he cannot always go on like this.

He had to squat down and give himself more patience, "NianNian tell dad, what will the auntie do with you at this time, when she is around?"

Speaking of "auntie", the little guy shrank back with the little hand held by his father. Wei Zexuan raised his eyebrows and continued to ask, "Does Auntie stuff small snacks for you at this time every day? And also Sister Joe bringing it in, like me carrying it now."

"How do you know..." NianNian's voice is very soft, but the child is the child, and the mind can't hide it at all.

Wei Zexuan smiled his lips and flicked the child's forehead lightly. "How come I don't know? Your auntie who is not around will only get used to you. How can she not have the heart to make you greedy at night?"

Suddenly, Niannian's head sank, and he stopped talking.

Wei Zexuan didn't continue with his interest, but touched a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into NianNian's hands. "Hold it, otherwise your auntie knows that you don't have any snacks now, and it will hurt her."

NianNian chewed the chocolate and was carried into the bathroom by Wei Zexuan. He was still very good and said nothing at all. Until this careless dad mistakenly used the conditioner as a shampoo for children. Niannian whispered, "Dad, wrong."

"Oh! It's really wrong."

"Moreover, my auntie said that I should use the children's set, which is for your adults, and should be distinguished."

Wei Zexuan looked down at the bottle in his hand and found out that Xia Yuxi had been so careful in taking care of NianNian before. She was really told that she couldn't do anything with the child.

At this moment, the nostalgia standing next to him suddenly pulled down the corner of his father's clothes. He tried to hold back what he wanted to say, and finally whispered, "Auntie, will she never come back?"

Wei Zexuan replied without thinking, "Yes! she will never come back."


"Because you misses her badly. You will never forgive her." NianNian bowed his head and said nothing.