
Chapter 04: May really be the wrong person.

Looking at this violent man who can't control himself, Xia Yuxi's holding on to her dizziness. His eyes are dark and very dark from the beginning. Can she really choose and love the wrong person?

"Why are you still here? Get out!" Seeing Xia Yuxi squatting in the same place as a doll, Wei Zexuan picked up the fruit on the coffee table next to him and directly throwed at her.

"Okay, let me go." The apple squatted on the abdomen. She was already feeling lots of pains spreading all over her body. Xia Yuxi never looked at the man infront of her, turned and walked outside. Wei's villa was built on the outskirts. After Xia Yuxi came out, the cold night wind blew on her body. The only material, was her thinly pajamas that was attached to her body. Her weak body slowly moved forward in the cold wind.

Due to the urgency to get out of there, Xia Yuxi rummaged through the whole body. Apart from a mobile phone, she found only a small amount of change on her whole body.

With frustration and walking forward, there's not even a taxi infront of her, but even then, where can she go? Xiajia is no longer the former Xiajia.

Walking unconsciously all the way, she don't know how long it took, Xia Yuxi faintly when she saw the neon flashing infront, maybe there is a convenience store, right?She is now in urgent need of a little alcohol to anesthetize herself as her heart was in pain.

When she walked into the convenience store, the night wind suddenly blew even cooler. Xia Yuxi looked up at the sky with a gloomy disappointment, maybe even the sky are tired of her? It's going to rain when she has nowhere to go...

In the convenience store, Xia Yuxi enjoys the warm air conditioning, while taking a dozen beers from the shelf and also took few cooked chicken legs when checking out. Xia Yuxi took out all of her money and paid the cashier. 'Good! Yes, just enough.' Out of the convenience store, Xia Yuxi looked around and there seemed to be no place to sit. After a period of psychological struggle, she chose to sit directly on the steps beside the convenience store.

Freely pulling a can of beer, opened and drank it. The nose that had been stuffed with a cold was feeling a lot better. When she was in Xiajia, she rarely touched such a wine, but now Xiajia was no more and with her current economic ability, she has no choice. The inner bitterness is felt through her heart. Xia Yuxi did not hesitate to drink half a can. One can't say that the beer is bitter, it makes her difficult to adapt but she drank it.

Irritability, she picked up the chicken legs next to her, regardless of the image of eating big, she took a big bite under the stimulation of alcohol. She felt a bit awkward infront of her eyes and saw some figures infront of her swayed, turning away. The rain's getting bigger and bigger, and the raindrops fells all on Xia Yuxi's body. She don't know if it is her tears. They flow to the ground together, mixing the rainwater and her tears flowing together onto the ground.

In the rain, Xia Yuxi finally could not restrain the emotions, from the beginning to her cried and the sound of the rain, she finally picked up the empty cans on the ground and threw it out.


He Yiwei, who was sitting in the car with his eyes closed, heard something hits the glass and stunned. After a moment of displeasure, he took the umbrella of his driver and walked out off the car. A casual sportswear appeared infront of Xia Yuxi, and a gentle and temperamental mood, made Xia Yuxi can't help but look up at him.

"Miss, did you just smash my car?" He Yiwei's warm voice was especially clear in the rain. He stretched his umbrella forward, just to cover Xia Yuxi sitting on the steps.

"Ah? I..." He waited for Xia Yuxi to explained but because of a cold wind blew over, she was already shivering as she only wore a thin pajamas. After shaking for a few seconds, she fell directly back on the steps behind.

"Miss..." Before their hello and her faints, Xia Yuxi could clearly saw the panicking in the man's eyes. How long has it been, no one is nervous for her before...

When she woke up, she was surrounded by white wall, and the strong disinfectant smell beat Xia Yuxi's consciousness back to herself.

'This is... hospital?' Slowly open her eyes, Xia Yuxi clearly reflected the appearance of the gentleman last night. 'Is he the one who sent her to the hospital?' She remembered that she dranks lot of beers on the side of the road last night, and then...

"You are?" Xia Yuxi asked in her small soft voice. But as soon as he opened his mouth, she was scared by his hoarse voice.

"When you used a can to smash my car last night, why didn't you feel frightened?" The man gently picked up something from the bedside table and winded Xia Yuxi's bed up, putting the exquisite breakfast infront of her, on the mobile table.

"Last night, did you send me here?" Xia Yuxi was nervous and didn't know how to reacts.

"Its such a big heavy rain last night, why are you alone by the roadside? Have you drinking a little? If I am not there, how would you think of yourself now?" "Sorry, I am causing trouble for you..." This is of course her own business, it wouldn't be nice to talk to outsiders about what happened?

"Do you know that if you are late to the hospital last night, you may get pneumonia?" He Yiwei opened the breakfast earlier, and the warm taste instantly filled the entire ward.

Xia Yuxi touched her empty stomach, and after carefully watching the man, she picked up the chopsticks on the table. She is really hungry now and is now penniless.

"Is there anythings wrong with your family? Or...?" He Yiwei sat at the bed of Xia Yuxi, with a clean sweater and soft short hair, his giving out a spring warmth. Xia Yuxi hesitated. "Nothing... It's nothing big." Her eyes were slightly blurry, and did not dare to look up at the man next to him.

'Last night's medical expenses, is he paying for her?' She thoughts while eating.

"Nothing is fine. If you don't want to say it, than don't say it. Hurry up, eat your breakfast first." He Yiwei can see Xia Yuxi's embarrassment. As a gentleman, he certainly won't be aggressive towards a lady.

"That... my cell phone?" She remembered that she took the phone last night.

"Here is this." He Yiwei took the mobile phone from the bedside table and handed it to her.

At this moment, the weight of the mobile phone in Xia Yuxi's hands is particularly heavy. Does she want to call that person, who is he now.. will she care about her life and death? If she don't call him, she really has nowhere to go.

After hesitating for a long while, Xia Yuxi decided to give it a try. It seems that she had made a major decision. She entered his number as remembered and dial. After a few seconds.. 'Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily out of service.'