
Chapter 03: I never love you.

What can she say now? When I first got married...

"No sound? If you voice out a sound, you will quickly disappear from my eyes, right away!" Wei Zexuan could hardly control his emotions. The more Xia Yuxi was like this, the more he had the urge to give her two slaps!

"I..." Xia Yuxi just wanted to continue to say something, but unexpectedly sneezed and some of her saliva splashed on Wei Zexuan trousers.

"Damn." Looking at the woman infront of him. Wei Zexuan really wanted to tear her apart but he forced himself to calm down and rushed to the bathroom. Sitting on the carpet, Xia Yuxi felt that her head was getting heavier and heavier, so when Wei Zexuan came out of the bathroom, she put her head on the sofa, her hands hanging weakly, like a dying person.

Walking towards Xia Yuxi, Wei Zexuan originally wanted to pick her up, but when his eyes saw her pale and paper-like face, the movement of his hand obviously freezed. 'Is she, really uncomfortable.. sick?'

Standing on the ground where he is, thinking about it, Wei Zexuan quickly picked up the inside intercom line.

"Young Master." After a short while, the butler walked up quickly, and stood behind Wei Zexuan with respect, but his eyes turned to Xia Yuxi sitting on the ground from time to time. "Take her to the hospital, don't let her die here at home!" He couldn't see these filthy things at all.

"Yes, young master." Although the butler didn't understand what happened to the young lady, but he still stepped forward and help Xia Yuxi, but when she touched Xia Yuxi, she shouted ruthlessly. "Don't touch me!"

This little shouts made Wei Zexuan and the housekeeper both stunned. They didn't know if she's unconscious or what, but she came out of it. They saw Xia Yuxi move a little, then opened her eyes and then settled on Wei Zexuan. "I don't want to go to the hospital." The hoarse voice that came out from her dry throat, she was shocked of herself. Then Xia Yuri held on the sofa with her hands and stood up.

"I said, I don't have to go to the hospital, I can't die, what are you doing here?" She especially hates this snobbery butler.

"Yes, my little lady." The housekeeper turned his head away as he walked out.

"Then, why you still don't go?" Wei Zexuan stood back, giving a hard and deep expression. Xia Yuxi took a special look at the back she once had loved and walked out the room. Out of the room, Xia Yuxi endured her headache and found a medicine box. After looking inside for a long time, she found a fever-reducing medicine and ate it with cold water.

After taking the medicine, Xia Yuxi obviously felt that her body's discomfort was much better than before. She went to the kitchen and first made the breakfast, and then started doing a whole day of housework.

After Xia Yuxi cleaned up the last sanitation, it was sun's set. She wiped her sweat from her forehead and looked out at the window, but when she glanced over the wall. The decorative painting on the wall is their wedding photo they took when they got married. In the picture, the two of them are like children, Xia Yuxi held Wei Zexuan's ear happily.

However, all these wedding photos was removed from Wei Zexuan's room after the wedding. Some were hanging in places that usually nobody visited or walk pass, and even some were directly thrown into the storeroom.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuxi couldn't help but felt that the heart ached. The dizziness that had just stopped was coming back, and she quickly reached out her hand to hold the wall next to it, but it still didn't help.

"You're back, young master." At the downstairs hallway where the guards who stood guards saw Wei Zexuan walk in, but at at moment, Xia Yuxi almost fainted.

As soon as Wei Zexuan entered his room, he immediately took off his suit jacket and pulled his tie down. The woman who came in with his new shirt untied several buttons, and her white chest were seen. Xia Yuxi, who stood on the upper floor looking down, saw this scene.

A blonde with a low-cut dress is sitting on Wei Zexuan's body, and Wei Zexuan was lazying on the sofa, holding a cigar in his hand, and looking at the beauty.

"Don't face..." After watching it over and over again, confirming that she had never seen this woman, Xia Yuxi walked down the stairs without hesitation, and stood in front of Wei Zexuan. "What are you doing?" Her legal wife is still here, what is Wei Zexuan doing?

"You don't have long eyes?" With a chuckle, Wei Zexuan reached out and gently touched the woman cheek, completely different from her last night's violent. Seeing his move on her, Xia Yuxi was filled with frustration. Her eyes stared at the two for a moment. She tried to calm herself, but in replaced with more irresistible anger.

'You better know where I stand. I'm Wei Zexuan's legal wife.' Thinking to herself, Xia Yuxi went straight ahead and pulled the woman down." It was Mr. Wei who called me. What are you doing?" The woman with bright red lips is glaring at Xia YuXi. She didn't want to tolerate longer, pulled the woman's arm directly and forced her out from here. "Go out."

"Wei, you see what she is doing? Who is she?" The voice of the woman is getting softer and softer. Wei Zexuan sitting on the sofa just sucking his cigar quietly, and the expression on his face does not showed any signs.

After successful driving the woman away, Xia Yuxi then walked out to the hall panting, standing a few meters away from Wei Zexuan, she was staring at him frustrated.

"How?" Looking at Xia Yuxi, who was suddenly daring, he was slightly surprised. However, he turned to think about it. A lonely Miss who had lost her family can barely go anywhere?

"You don't love me?" Xia Yuxi said quietly as she no longer has any hope for this man.

"You are not foolish? I have never.. I don't love you!" The last three words, he said it was particularly clear and proud.

"Then do you still love you? You don't think I don't know, the little name is Da Xue, it is your university tutor." Xia Yuxi is almost gnashing her teeth after hearing this. 'Why? Can he hurt her unscrupulously, and that she must bear it?'

"What do you say?" He did not expect this woman to suddenly say this, Wei Zexuan stood up directly from the sofa, looking at her from down to the top.

"What did I just say, didn't you hear it?" She didn't know his strictness for her opposite sex friend and she counter attacks. She only thought that this was the only thing that could hurt him. Then let him taste the heartbreak himself.

"Get out! Don't ever come back!" Wei Zexuan forcedly controlled the emotions and his voices was actually shaking.