
Chapter 453 - A Good Name is Better Than Riches

"What is going on? Where are we?" Hazel asked, tears in her eyes. She had expected to wake up in the comfort of her own bed, not in a strange place with no chairs.

The cubicle was so small that they wouldn't be able to sleep without lying on each other like they did when they woke up.

"Could it be Robin? I remember that agent hitting me, and then I couldn't remember anything anymore," the fake Robin said, pained to be defeated by Robin once again.

"He hit me too," Hazel recounted, still feeling pain on her face from the impact.

"Same here," Estelle added, not understanding why she was also in the glass cubicle or cage.

"I don't know how I got here. I was in a small room and fell asleep," Brea complained, fear in her eyes as she couldn't remember exactly when she was injected with a sedative and transported to this place.

If Robin was the one behind it, then Hazel had only one person to blame. "It's your fault, Martin," Hazel accused furiously.