
The Powerful Hybrid

PROLOGUE The powerful hybrid.... One thousand years ago there was a war between the werewolves ,vampires and witches...the witches had control of the dragons.The war was too much for the humans to watch so they fled.The dragons broke free and started a war of their own,the dragons fought against the werewolves and vampires,at the time a pregnant woman named Silver was too scared to partake in the war because she is a hybrid...half werewolf and half vampire.She got impregnated by her dragon husband James and is carrying their baby a dragon...James her husband is also scared for their unborn baby and took his pregnant wife to see a close friend of his by the name of Emily who is a very powerful witch. Silver spent months with Emily until it was time for her to give birth to their beautiful baby girl whom they named Jessica.Jessica is a very powerful and beautiful hybrid,she has a her mother’s DNA which is half werewolf,half vampire and also her father’s DNA which he is a dragon. James and Silver pleaded with Emily to take their daughter far away and train her so she can become strong and fend for her.”Emily run now!”Silver anxiously said.”Please take care of Jessica.” Those were Silver last words to Emily as she watched her husband being stabbed in the heart with an ancient weapon that’s called Scabula... the only weapon strong enough to kill a dragon,smile on his face James said to his wife.”I’m waiting for you my love...”Those were the last words Silver heard before she too got stabbed in the heart with the same weapon.......

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The Powerful Hybrid

*The Powerful hybrid*

**Chapter One**

**Present Day**

Emily had opened a portal and appeared in the middle of New York...the sound of Jessica's cries can be heard a mile away... Emily took Jessica and kept on moving until they appeared in front of what looked like an abandoned house.....

Upon seeing the house little six month old Jessica cried even louder because the sight of the house was frightening.Emily got to work in cleaning the house using her magic.Within two hours the house was already clean and spotless....due to using her magic she became weak.... using her powers too much weakens her... after entering the house with baby Jessica both of them immediately went to bed and fell asleep.......

Back at the war front......

Roger the leader of the dragon's signed a peace treaty with the werewolves and vampires.They all went into hiding not long after spreading out to different parts of the world ...After killing James and Silver they were going to go after Jessica but because of the peace treaty they have to wait a few years which that was enough time for Jessica to train and become stronger....

Back to New York....

Emily trained Jessica to be a warrior...she taught her how to control her powers and how to join all three powers together.....Jessica was beginning to turn into the fearless monster the Warlocks feared. Jessica was now a master even Emily was beginning to get scared of her in case she might turn against her So Emily binded her with a charm so she won't be able to use her full power until she's eighteen....so she can be harmless to others.....