
Chapter 3: The Powered Ones Are Back 2

Let's imagine you wake up one morning and find yourself in an entirely different planet, you'd probably be terrified that's exactly how Tyler felt right now. They were making their way to go find their supposedly long lost brother with an old friend of theirs. Sabrina Clarke who up till now they still thought was John's daughter but clearly she wasn't, it was like everything they knew to be true was all just wrong.

"We'll wait here while you two go get your brother" John said stopping by the side of Thomas research station. "Follow this ring it will lead you to him"

"Am sorry his a worker here no wonder you gave him up" Tyler said taking the ring from John

"Actually he owns this place" Sabrina said

"So when we find him what do we do??? Drag him out of there or punch his lights out" Troy asked

"Once you find him put that ring on his finger it bring back your memories, all your memories" John replied then sent them into the building. They were followed no surprise.

The ring led Tyler and Troy up a flight of stairs and up to the CEOs office. The looks of it only made Tyler eat his words. The ring then landed on the office table right next to a picture of their parents. For a second both Tyler and Troy felt awful not just because of the thought of their parent but because they had each other to help cope with the pain, their brother on the other hand had no one.

"Am sorry what are you doing in my office???" Asked a voice from behind them. It was their brother they didn't need any stupid spelled ring to tell them that they just knew plus the resemblance was uncanny.

"Okay I know this might sound a little crazy or on second thought alot crazy but.... We are your brothers" Tyler said

"Yeah right am calling security" Tom their brother said as he dialed security.

"Wait I can prove it out this ring on and it will magically all make sense" Troy said picking the ring from the table and handing it over to him.

"A strange ring with magical potential yeah I think I should call the hospital instead" Tom said.

Tyler could tell he wasn't going to believe them he was a man of science somehow 'geez could the apple have fallen further away from the tree' he thought.

"That picture you have it's of our parents I have one just like it you have to trust us" Troy said showing him the picture of their parents he had on his phone.

That wasn't going to do it he might just accuse them of thevies now. That ring had to go on his finger. Tyler slapped the ring on his finger before he could even react he had the same flashbacks they did and there was more their eyes glowed.

Tom's were green, Troy's yellow and Tyler's blue. The spell John cast to bind their powers must have been broken cause all of a sudden them felt invisible.

"I see you three have united good makes my job easier" said a demon from behind them and he wasn't alone suddenly demons appeared all over the office surrounding them. "Kill them now oh and the demon overlord says Hi"

"The who now???" Tyler said he had no memory of that name. But now they had bigger problems.

Grabbing Tom by the throat a demon was about to snap it when he cried out in pain and a green light came from inside him it was like his life force was being drained from him by Tom whose green eyes matched that of the light. Soon the demon couldn't move not dead just drained if power.

That was enough demonstration of power to scare the other demons they didn't back down but you could see the fear in their eyes. Soon another made a move on Troy but before he could even reach him he was flying out the window apparently Troy hit him with an invisible force so strong.

"What form of magic is this???" One of the demons asked noticing that not only were these three brothers power exceptional but their eyes glows were different from the rest of them.

"The powered ones are back the three kings of hell" another said

Sabrina and John came running in to the office. "Lewis" John called out shocked

"This isn't over powered ones" Lewis cries out as he and his crew teleported out.

Sure they fought together but did Tom really remember them it didn't take too long before that question was answered. When Tom smiled and hugged his brothers then noticed John and hugged him and Sabrina as well.

"You're not his daughter are you???" Tom asked Sabrina as he pulled out of the hug.

" No am not" Sabrina said

They took Tom back home where John taught them how to put up a boundary spell around the whole house so the demons couldn't get in. They were warlocks half witches and demons but from what he could gather both their demonic and witchcraft were both destructive and powerful compared to other warlocks.

He had a lot to tell them but the hardest one was that their parents were not killed in a car accident like they believed but were murdered by the demon overlord. His the same reason John had separate them and bind their powers and memories so they couldn't be tracked and killed, cause if they were all hope would be lost they alone can defeat him their the kings of hell.

"That man Lewis his one of the demon overlord top's Commander. I was tracking him all those years I was away trying to find answers to what the demon overlord is planning" John explained

"my company their going to have a million questions I have to get back" Tom said getting up and leaving.

" We took care of it Tom as far your workers are concerned you never came in to work today" Sabrina said stopping Tom from leaving." And by we I mean The Guardians, we are group of witches and demons concerned with the protection of the powered ones.

That left them with alot of questions which John answered by giving them a history lesson of demons and telling them everything.

"So that green light from inside the demon was my powered ability???" Tom asked once John was done.

" Yes and we will find out what thosegifts are tomorrow for now get some sleep" John said ushering them out of the study.

" You didn't tell them the whole story you know" Sabrina said on her way out referring to the curse of the third generation of the three crossed bloodlines which the brothers were.

Lewis gave his report to a very displeased demon overlord who ordered they send every demon at their disposal after the powered ones.

Hey guys I hope your enjoying the book so far. Listen if you have any questions just chat me up on my Instagram account. User name: Emmanuel Lyon. And first you have follow me. Lots of love guys.