
The power that made me

(This story won’t be continued) A world just like ours has been dealing with portals for around a century now. For the first time since these portals have been appearing they start to change. Structures that shouldn't be there pop-up. Labyrinths have strange texts written in them. One of the strangest things however is someone who wasn't supposed to ever get stronger getting stronger. Azure Nguyen who's an F- ranked delver has gained a special ability called "Copycat". He now has the navigate how the strange happenings in portals affect him while trying to use an ability that no one has ever heard of before. Will Azure survive the changes or will the pressure crush him instead.

Liana_Mayflower · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The labyrinth - Part 8

"Come on Azure. You don't understand how certain things work, do you? Rules are only there to protect the weak. People like you to be blunt. And even though you claim that we are around the same level but we aren't. I'm considered decent not weak." Russel claims as it seems that he has taken my previous claims not well. I didn't even mean it as an insult, I just wanted him to go and calm down his little brother. Who is probably still terrified and waiting for him. However, the statement of the rules only being there to protect the weak is not completely true. Since it's there to protect everyone. Even people who are too confident like him.

I can't help but hope that Russel will encounter Jeon who's an A rank. He might not listen to someone like me who's undeniably weaker than him but he might listen to someone stronger. "I was just saying that rules are there for a reason. But it's better that you go back now. Since there's someone who's way stronger than any of us in here. And I don't know how they would handle you." I reply as I hope that he get's the picture but instead he just snickers.

"Emily wouldn't do anything. She is a decent healer alright, but she's a scaredy cat too. Honestly, she probably could be more than decent if she wasn't so scared all the time." Russel comments as I realise that he doesn't know who I'm talking about. He thinks I'm talking about Emily even though I wasn't talking about her. This reminds me of one simple fact about this douchebag. Russel is one of those people who don't respect healers at all.

"I wasn't talking about Emily. You would know who I was talking about if you didn't come inside this portal early. Since I'm talking about someone who volunteered who could finish this portal by himself." I say as I realise that an F ranked portal which is a labyrinth could be finished by anyone alone. However, my statement seems to have fallen on deaf ears. But I do sincerely hope he encounters Jeon Changmin since that guy is strong. I'm pretty sure anyone who's around F rank could feel how strong that guy is.

"Let's state it in facts. Since you seem to love doing so, or at least claiming to do so. Compared to you, everyone is strong. And be honest Azure everyone can finish an F ranked portal given enough time. Why am I wasting my time talking to you even? There are still more rings to be found right now." Russel proclaims as I take a quick look at the counter. Which hasn't moved again so that's a relief.

"I think the people who are trapped inside here would appreciate you not doing that. Remember that there are civilians stuck here and that the association rather not have any casualties. Including kids which might I remind you brought some inside here on purpose. But let's be honest, you won't listen to me anyway." I respond as I look at Olive to get going. But she looks confused as to what I'm doing. "You should get back towards the start of the labyrinth. You will probably be allowed to help to get civilians out of here. Before idiots like him are going to make that completely impossible. Because even though there's someone strong helping us doesn't eliminate the fact that people need to be told where to go." I explain to her as I show her where she needs to go. I also managed to put a subtle dig in toward Russel. Okay, it probably wasn't that subtle but it was a dig either way. This encounter however makes me hope that I won't encounter any other delvers during this anymore. I don't mind seeing the people who didn't enter too early but I rather not encounter Russel's group. Dealing with one person who thinks like him is enough for one day.

"Well, I will see if that guy is truly strong then." Russel says as he walks to where me and Olive just came out. The path which I took the rope away from so I could check the hallways I skipped before to search for Olive. But honestly, that idea of his seems pretty idiotic. And it doesn't sound like he's just going to leave those rings alone. As he passes me, he just pushes me against the wall. It shows the difference in power as my left shoulder starts to hurt a bit.

"How strong is this guy? Because I'm honestly curious as to how strong this person is." Olive asks as she doesn't have a clue what's going on. I can't help but sigh about what happened earlier though. Not at her but at Russel and all the things he's doing wrong right now.

"In short he's an A ranked delver. So he's a bit too powerful to be in a portal like this. I think this portal is quite boring for him. But I do appreciate the help considering how much time has been wasted already. Just because of Russel and his friends." I explain to Olive as I hope she listens to me and goes to the start. We really do need the manpower to get everyone out of here. But as I'm thinking I realise something else. I can probably fix my shoulder because I still have Emily's ability copied. Which means when I'm alone I can maybe attempt to heal it. It seems my light training did pay off with being able to use actual spells now. So in theory I should be able to actually heal it.

"I will go but be careful. I doubt that I have to tell you that since you have a lot of experience. Also, you look like a cautious person. Also don't worry about it I'm going back towards the start. Since I'm not interested in being stuck here. Bye!" Olive says as she walks past me towards the entrance again. It's good to see that she at least listened to the part about being stuck inside here.

And with that, I'm alone again. For the first time, I didn't really mind all that much. Since I have some things to do that I rather not have anyone seeing. I quickly go to the left hallways since I don't want either of them to walk back again. I would love to try out this ability before it runs out again. But I think that my timer is longer now too. But I'm not sure about that fact yet.

"Okay, Azure stay calm. How do I do this?" I ask myself as I continue to walk down this long hallway. I try to remember the video that I watched yesterday night. I watched a video on healing abilities yesterday. But everyone's healing ability works differently which means that Emily's will work differently too. Abilities could be affected by people's personality I think. At least that's what I think from what I have seen.

I then decide that I should first do a few hallways. Just in case someone walks out and sees me using an ability. An ability that someone of my rank shouldn't be able to use. I then start up my routine again. I also don't want anyone to see since I would look like an idiot if I failed. But I'm immediately bored again. This routine might be decent but it doesn't really keep my mind busy. Which causes my mind to race and worry. How many people have gotten stuck here just because there were at the wrong place at the wrong time? How many people will get stuck here because some idiots decide to do what they want? I don't think all of them came up with this plan since Russel seemed to be the leader of the pack. I hope the others are as reasonable as Olive turned out to be.

As I cross another hallway on my left I see no one in it again. I think this might be a good moment to finally try out this power. It might just be a light bruise but that would mean a light healing spell should be able to heal it. Bruises should be easy enough to heal or at least they should be able to hurt a bit less. I try to remember what Emily usually does as I put my hand on my shoulder. From what I remember she puts her hand about the place that's hurt. It's not that easy to put my hand over my shoulder as I'm not used to this. I think some sort of energy comes out. I read the ability screen before but it didn't seem to have any instructions.

I can't even see if there's this aura coming out of my hand either. Like it's on my back which makes me unable to see it. I just try to focus on the fact that I want to relieve the pain in my shoulder. I'm as quiet as can be as I simply put my hand over my shoulder and focus on healing it. It takes about a minute but the pain in the shoulder seems to be relieved. I'm surprised to say that this has actually worked out. It seems like I was able to cast a weak healing spell. I'm still in shock that I got an ability that makes me copy other abilities.

I better not jinx myself though. What if it suddenly gets taken away from me the moment I'm used to it. I can't help but fear that as I'm suddenly feeling pretty unsure about this power I have. I'm happy that I have it yet don't know if it can go away as suddenly as I got it. I kind of overthink as I slip back into my simple and boring routine.

I honestly do quite tedious work every time I go into a portal. It's one of the reasons why collecting is seen as such a boring thing to do. But this is boring even for me. Before I realise it, I think the two hours are up already. I should be getting out of this labyrinth to see what's up with the others. I can also tell them that Russel is behind the group entering early. And how stubborn he's being about getting out of the labyrinth. Which could make them a bit more prepared to deal with someone who doesn't want to actually listen. Well, I still think he will only listen to one person that person being Jeon. I don't think we should tell Vincent about his brother yet. I rather not make the kid freak out even more. The kid was already freaked out enough before. I rather not freak him out more than is necessary.

I lay my rope down so I can just go back to where I was before. I don't want to lose all this progress I made inside here already just because I made a dumb mistake. As I walk back I remember that I'm all alone here. I can probably just run back to the entrance. I have cleared out all these paths already and haven't seen anyone yet. So I doubt that I will see anyone here. I have to say I wasted quite a lot of time already just talking to people. I could've spent that time finding people who needed to get out and wanted to get out without a doubt. But an asshole like Russel manages to waste twenty to thirty minutes of your time just by arguing.

As I run I realise something else. Would this count as training too? I hope it does since I don't like running for nothing. Yet as I run I can't help but notice how it has gotten easier yet again. I was never this good of a runner before. Has improved my stats just slightly already made a bit of a difference for me. I wonder what would happen if I did much more of this.

I was decent before but not close to being great. Like I could run for a bit but not for a long time like I did yesterday. However, my speed has increased a lot too. Normally this path should take around 30 minutes if I would walk it. However, running should take around twenty minutes. However, I quickly realise I might only have taken around fifteen minutes to get to the start again.

Once I see the ending I slow down. I don't want to make anyone suspicious about me being better at something than I actually was. I want to be as normal as possible and not raise suspicion. Since F ranked delvers aren't supposed to be really good at anything. I as an F- ranked delver shouldn't seem to get better at anything. I wouldn't be surprised if F+ ranked delvers could get better but F- ranked like me just don't.

As I finally walk out as calmly as I can, I notice people standing by the portal. It seems like I was pretty late getting there. It seemed that Olive was helf back from entering before we all talked. It seems like the portal observer didn't want her to miss the briefing. I also spot that Emily and Jeon are already here. It seems like I was one of the last people to arrive here. It seems however I'm not dead last though. Since the other two F ranks don't seem to be here right now. I also see already some civilians standing around here. Which makes it clear that others did manage to make some process already.

The labyrinth - Part 8


You got a class card:

Class: Fighter

Known users: Lake Westview, Azure Nguyen (???), Drake Lanley

Rank required: F rank

Most common rank: F rank