
4 dinner at the castle and the invasion

So Liang Yun, Xiang Bao, Zheng Yu, and Sun Jain, head back home. Why their Calvery is camped out on the beach. Sun Jain ride into the gates and the stables, " you are on my king, remember she needs a king to work beside her, not against her. Step 2. Talking, communicating is the key, he walks up the hallway. As she walked into the castle, " how it looks out there? He poured them a glass of wine. " we don't know what it looks like yet, how are the people? He walked up to her, " all is good here, I sorry about early Sun. I forgot that I am not a hunter anymore, she takes her glass. " we should try to get to know each other world more after all my husband is a hunter and he can take a group of hunters out on the hunting islands to hunt, I want to be a part of your world Cao, will you share it with me? Asked. Sun Jain, in the East Ding Yun, had the castle ready for Liang Yun, after all, they are still on their honeymoon, he walked into the castle. " what is all this? Asked. Liang Yun, " Dinner will be ready soon my king, would you care for some tea? Asked. Ding Yun, " yes my Queen I would love some tea. She pours him some tea in a teacup, " so how are we looking out there? Asked. Ding Yun, in the South, Zheng Yu ride into the gates, Hong Yu got everything set for dinner. She walked into the castle, " Dinner will be ready soon, wine my pet? Asked. Hong Yu, " that would be perfect, my king. He pours her some wine in a glass and walked up to her, and the North Wen Bao got everything ready for dinner when Xiang Bao walked inside of the castle. " the people is safe, and dinner is on the way, how does the beach looks? Asked. Wen Bao, " looks like settlers, and look like an invasion often, answered Xiang Bao, out on the beach, Hou Long, Hou Yu, Quan Ning, and Zhang Bo walked up to the ledge, the are getting mighty close to deck off on the beach." they are getting closer to land, said. Hou Long, " what we supposed to do to an invasion of ships, we are just Calvary? Asked. Hou Yu, " nothing now they not sure if it's an invasion or not. Said, Quan Ning. " there over ten husband ships out there, if that not invasion then what is. Said? Zhang Bo. On the lead ship, their king, king Wu Wuying walks up, " Calvary many twenty Legions of them. Said, his captain. " there are other kingdoms here, good they did mind leaving then and giving me this island. Said, Wu Wuying. " not so fast my king, these kingdoms are very powerful, Dragon of Fire, Bear of Wood, Cat of Earth, and Whale of water. They also have new rulers that can be reason with, if we meet on their terms many ask for the land of our own, we have our people with us we have to put first. Said, his advice. " invasion and settlement ships it's both, "(queen Sun,)-(yes.) She said, back at the castle, they are having dinner and talking, " ( it's both, invasion and settle ships, they going to see you both has inexperienced, may I make a suggestion my Queen and king?) " wait we being pushed of Yanying!? " we were here first and we are staying in the west, I need a king at my side, Cao, the people need a king and queen. (What are your suggestions, Hou?) Asked, Sun Jain. " I in love with you Sun, I love you, I am your king, Dai and Long going to have to do without me, what do we do my queen? Asked. Cao Jain, She looked at him with her red eyes, " (call the crowns of fire to the screen and see do they want to ride to war or meet this invader,) said. Hou Long, "I do that, keep watch for me, let me know if they land, it's both, my king we must go to the screen, (our lords and lady of fire we got a situation here, we need your help.) Said, Sun Jain, the screens surrounded them and they came on the screens, " ( what's wrong my great-great-great-great-great great-grandchildren?) Asked. Kang Jain, "( and invasion and settler ships is approaching Yanying, what should we do?) Asked. Sun Jain, " (they going to see us as inexperienced right?) Asked. Cao Jain, "(his or her advice from seeing you as powerful because Dragon of fire is powerful, we are more experienced as rulers and warriors Cao.) Said, Zhang Jain. " (if it's both, stand your ground as dragons, and queen and king, the west belongs to us, we are not giving it away. Meet but on your term Cao and Sun,) said. Kong Jain, " ( what if they attack, I have to think about our people.) Asked. Sun Jain, " ( ride to war, Sun you are a warrior queen, with twenty-five legions under you, while she is war Cao evacuated the villagers in the castle and put up the flame of protection Cao, you are not a village man anymore, you are not a hunter anymore. You are a warrior king, a dragon king, the flame of the south, but all sides become the king you mint to be, the people need both of you not one of you,) said. Dong Jain, " (who you have camped out there Sun?) Asked. * Zhong Jain, " ( the dragon Calvary great-great-great-great-grandfather,) answered. Sun Jain, "(have your other captians ready to march, Cao, get the people in the castle.) Said. Wang Jain, " (have they landed yet Sun?) Asked. Gao Jain, "(Hou have they landed yet,)-(our Captains get your legions ready to march to the beach,) said? Sun Jain. " ( good people of the west come to the castle for protection please, this is your king.) They opened up the doors and they went inside of the castle, he put up the flame of protection," (no but they are getting close to my queen. ) Answered, Hou Long. "(They are getting closer,) said. Sun Jain, " Cao what the h*ll is going on. Why you left us, man, " ( you must march Sun, remember meet on your terms. Cao addresses the people but in a fashion of calmness, ) said. Xai Jain, " (he listened to his advice and want to meet. ) said, Cao Jain. "( then if he doesn't get what he wants?)/ -(he attack right?) Asked. Cao Jain, " ( unfortunately he will have to put his people first, I wouldn't put it past him.) Said, Yao Jain. "(Be smart Sun let him make the first attack,) said. Shi Jain, " (got it, grandfather,) said. Sun Jain, "( and I got your back my queen just come back to me, ) said. Cao Jain, " ( report to us Cao when you hear from her, Sun do not submit, this land belongs to the Dragon clan.) Said, * Zhong Jain. "( d*mn straight it does, do not let them have it or give to the Sun you hear me!) Said. Wu Jain, she shakes her head yes. " ( i have no attention of giving what ours to them,) said. Sun Jain, " (good girl, join your legion and Cao go to the people.) Said, Yuan Jain, the screens disappeared from around them, her armor turns into war armor, her swords appeared on her back. " don't worry my king we shall see each other again, when I come back I have something to tell you, " you can tell me now, my love. Said, Cao Jain, they kissed each other and she told in his ear that he was going to be a father, she walked out of the castle, getting on her horse and they ride out of the gates. In the East, "(My king and my queen,) -(yes, Quan??) they both said, " (itś both invasion and settlers, this may be a time to call the claws to the screen,) said. Quan Ning, they looked at each other. " (on it, thank you. keep an eye on them for us,)-( Bears we need you advice on this, we got invasion of ships long with settlers approaching.) Said, Liang Yun. The screens appeared around them, and they show up on the screen, " (how many ships Liang, ) Asked. Zi Yun, " (you are not retreating the East to whoever it is you hear!) Said, Yang Yun. "(ten hundred, and I have no mind handing the East to the invader,) Said. Liang Yun, " (will the others fight with us?) Asked. Ding Yun, " (let this person know that there is no land for him or her, they can turn around or die invading.) Said, Mo Yun. " yes, all four will ride together and fight together,) said. Quan Yun, " (how you have at the beach Liang?) Asked. Zou Yun, " ( the Bear Calvery,) Answered. Liang Yun, " ( you are a warrior king more or less you are a bear king, lead your claws to victory, Ding call the people into the castle and put up the wooden of protection around the kingdom.) Said, Tain Yun. " (you have twenty-five legions under you Liang,) said Fu Yun. " ( all captians get your legions ready to march to the beach war is uppond us,) said. Liang Yun, " (this is your queen , I need everyone to come to the castle at once.) They open up the doors, and everyone entered the castle, confused and concerned to, she put up the wooden of protection. " (have they landed yet Laing,) Asked. Hao Yun, " (Quan have they landed yet?) Asked, Liang Yun. " (no, my king but they are getting closer,) Answered. Quan Ning, " (no, but they getting closer. ) Said, Liang Yun, " (protect your kingdom, protect your people Bear king and Bear queen.) Said, Huang Yun. " (go to war, and address the people what is going on,) said. Ye Yun, they have to do what they can for the people, " (the bear will fight with the great bear blessed him,) said. Liang Yun, " (the people will be safe until this invasion is over with, ) Said. Ding Yun, the great bear in the great woods let out a mighty roar, show that he blessed the new bear king. "(you heard him ride to war, and Ding you are sign of comfort to the people,) said. Tang Yun, " ( and we all proud you. both.) said, Xaihui Yun. " (we work to hard to preserving the East, you let this be true, you not giving it to know one,) said Zhao Yun, "( go our son.) said, Deng Yun. they went off the screen, and the screens, disappeared. " Be safe my king, his war armor appeared him, and his crossing axes appeared on his back. she told him in the ear that they are going to have a baby, they kissed each other and he walked out of the castle and they ride out of the gates. in the North inside of the castle, " (my queen Xiang and my king Wen,)-(yes, Hou) they both said. " (it's both, may I suggest something?) Asked. Hou Yu, " (what you want to suggest?) Asked. Xiang Bao, " (to call the Fur to screen.) Said, Hou Yu. " (we will do that, thank you.) Said, Wen Bao. the screens surrounded them, and they came on the screens, " (what is happening Xiang?) Asked, Zhu Bo. " ( we got a invasion of settler ships approaching Yanying beach, great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, " (do not give them North Xiang, we work to hard for this land!) Said. Xian Bo. " (I have no attention to let them have Yanying,) Said. Xiang Bao, " (call the Dragons, the Bears, and the Whales to the alliance, Xiang and Wen.) Said, Feng Heng. " (you are the sold protector of the land and this kingdom, who you have out there already?) Asked, He Heng. "(the Cat Calvery,) Answered. Xiang Bao, " (gather you legion and march to war Xiang, and Wen call the people into the castle and put up the earthof protection.) Said, Gao Heng. "(our captians mustard your legions and get ready to ride to war,) said. Xiang Bao, " (this is king Wen i need everyone to come inside of the castle at once.) they went inside of the castle, and he put the earth of protection up over the kingdom, everyone is puzzled. " ( you are a Cat Queen and you a Cat king, protect this land and people with everything that you are Xiang, ride to war.) Said, Gao Heng. " (you are a warrior queen and a Cat queen, it is time to show your claws Xiang,) said. Shao Meng, " (this is your age, your time, do what you shall,) said. Wen Meng, " (address the people Wen and Xiang join the others in war, ) said. Ju Heng, " ( make us proud go ride to war.) Said, Yan Heng. " (they want this land they have to die for it, make them bleed my great granddaughter!) Said, Jin Heng. " (hold nothing back unleash h*ll uppond them Xiang, ) said. Li Heng. " (time is uppond us we must fight for what's ours,) Said. Xu Heng, "( no one else is not going to when this war for us,) said.Du Heng. " ( go Xiang ride to battle,) Said. Chen Heng. "(win this war for us my daughter,) said. Xiao Heng, they went of the screen and the screens disappeared. Her war armor appeared and her long ax appeared on her back, she told Wen Bao he is going to be a father in his ear. she walked out of the castle and they ride out of the gates,