
2 Time to work

I go on to speak with the captains and legions, set up a training session. After go check on the people, said. Zheng Yu, " ill go with you, my queen. Said, one of the castle aids. In the kingdom of the Dragons, The Blue Marlins is navy blue and 12 foot long, six is enough to last them a long time, so far none hasn't bitten yet, Du starts to yawn out. " we catch something soon, son, when you old enough you be doing this. Said, Cao Jain, they gather around here. " today we are going to have a training session or class, so we can be ready for the attack or another attack, what do you want to be improved on? Asked, Sun Jain. " How our calvary skills and riding as a family as one. Said, Hou Long, they cleared the table and started to clean the kitchen for a light lunch, In the kingdom of the Cats, Geng Bao is getting board. " Nothing yet, how about you Cao? Asked. Wen Bao, " not yet how about you? Asked. Cao Jain, they gather around here. " what you want to work and as an army? Asked, Xiang Bao. " we could work on our archery skills, said her Archery captain, they clean up the table and the kitchen. In the kingdom of the Bears. They came up out of the water, to breathe. ¨ were is the fish at? Asked. Liang Yun, ¨ that is a good question Liang, said. Hong Yu surrounded her and she said. ¨ what do you wanna work on the most.¨ how about marching? Asked, his infantry captain. They pick up the dishes and wipes the table and cleaned the kitchen, They didn't catch any either, " this is not a good thing. What now, said. Hong Yu, they gather around her, " how would you like to upgrade the skills to be ready for anything, asked. Zheng Yu, " our Calvary skills need work, said, her Calvary Captain. They clean the tables and the kitchen, finally, the fish is active and they started to fish. In the kingdom Dragons. Inside of the kitchen, They didn't catch any either, " this is not a good thing. What now, said. Hong Yu, they gather around her, " how would you like to upgrade the skills to be ready for anything, asked. Zheng Yu, " our Calvary skills need work, said, her Calvary Captain. They clean the tables and the kitchen, finally, the fish is active and they started to fish. In the kingdom Dragons. Inside of the kitchen, " good what else do you want to approve on? They pull in the Blue marlins, they are 12 inches and blue, one at a time they went under the water spearfishing, " so what is light for lunch. Asked, Zhu Shi. " In the kingdom of the Cats, they finally got a bit the Red Barracudas into the boats. " we got then now, pull them in, Said. Wen Bao, the Red Barracuda is 9-5 inches and white with a black tail. " we can made, Shark fan soup and flatbread. Said, He-Shi. We can start with that, anything else you want to upgrade? Asked, Xiang Bao. " We could use upgrading in archery, Said, her archery captain. In the kingdom of the bears, they went back into the water after the White fan Tuna, " so is there anything else we want to learn on. Asked, Ding Yun. " we need to learn how to march as one, said. Her Infantry captain. " so what we are fixing for them. Asked, Peng Yating. " how about for the princess how some congee, and for everyone else Stewed fish. Said, Zhuan Wei, in the kingdom of the whales. They pulled in the Blacktail Basses into the boat, "get them into the boat now. We are doing real good, Said, Hong Yu. " so what are we fixing their dinner, asked. Shao Kang, " how about Mangosteens. Said, Shi Xai. It's been a busy day, the army is training, the calvaries, the infantry, the archers, the farmers are planting new crops, Hunter is on the hunting island hunting, Trappers is traping, and bird hunters I am bird hunting the fisherman is fishing. " ( where are your queen and king at?)-(the king is out fishing with his son and I seeing to the people mother.) She answered, they got the marlins and rowing back to the island with the fish. " ( we got six blue marlins, so that cut up and add up to one hundred percent, and Du needs a rag changed,) said. Cao Jain, " (change your son papa,) Said. Sun Jain, (Gah!) "( hi baby boy, did you have fun fishing?) he laughed. The bag appeared and he begins to change his son's rags, " (When you going to come here with my grandson?) Asked. Wu Jain, "( we are busy today, but, but we come to you tomorrow,) said. Cao Jain, " ( he will be with us too.) Said. Sun Jain, "(great we have family dinner,) said. Yuan Jain, in the kingdom Cat. They got the Red Barracudas and heading back home, " (Xiang, how is my grand boy?) Asked. Xiao Heng, " (that is it? Not hi Xiang and Wen.) Said, Xiang Bao. "( evening wen and Xiang, so when you are going to come this way.) Asked, Chen Heng. " ( it has been a busy morning, But, but we have a gathering tomorrow. ) said, Wen Bao. "(And he will be with us.)(Gahh) " ( hi son did you had a great time fishing with dad,) asked. Xiang Bao, "(that is wonderful and we have a family feast.) Said. Xiao Heng, in the kingdom of the Bears. They got the Blacktail Tuna and heading back home, " (Ding when you two going to come here with my granddaughter.) Said, Zhao Yun. "(Hi to you too, she is learning how to fish with her father's mom.) Said, Ding Yun. " (she needs to be changed,) said. Liang Yun, " (change your daughter Daddy.) Said, Ding Yun. The bag appeared, he begins to change her rags. In the kingdom of the Whales, they got the white fan tunas and heading back home, "( Zheng Yu when you going to bring my granddaughter, here.) Asked, Zhang Duyi. " (we are busy mom,) said. Zheng Yu, " (but once we have some free time we will.) Said, Hong Yu. In the Dragons kingdom, Cao Jain walked inside of the castle with their son. Du. " Momma, we home and hungry said, Cao Jain, they kiss each other. " how about a nap before lunch little one? How many marlins do we get? Asked. Sun Jain, "a total of six which add up to one hundred percent. And we are not tired, momma, I am full of energy. Said, Cao Jain. " and you both smell like salty fish and a bath, they looked at each other. In the kitchen, lunch is cooking, and the servants set the table, " serious mom that is a smell of two manly men, back from a hard day of work, Du Jain laugh. In the kingdom of the Cats Wen Bao and with their son Geng walked into the castle and the door, "mom we are back, Said. Wen Bao, " welcome back, how many Red Barracudas did you get? Asked. Xiang Bao, a total of seven which is one hundred percent. Let's eat, said. Wen Bao, " how about you two hit the bathroom first, you smell like stinky fish. Said, Xiang Bao. " women that are a man scent, the right son she wants us to get rid of our man smell. He laughed at his parents, in the kingdom of the Whales, " Ma we are home said. Hong Yu, " Gah. called, Bai Yun. " welcome back. How many white fan Cods did you get, hi baby girl did pa teach you how to fish? Asked. Zheng Yu, " yep. Now we are ready to eat, a total of eight which is one hundred percent. Said, Hong Yu. " That is right, you both stink like fish. Said, Zheng Yu. " Ma we do not smell, that the scent of a fisherman. Said, Hong Yu. In the kingdom of dragons, they walked into the bathroom to wash up. They walked up to her, " In the kingdom of dragons, they walked into the bathroom to wash up. They walked up to her, " yes. How is lunch coming along? Asked. Sun Jain, " lunch is going great, it is ready soon. We have a question, my queen. Said, Zhu Shi. In the kingdom of the Cats, Wen Bao takes him into the bathroom, they walked up to her. " my queen, lunch is on the way. And we have a question to ask you, said. Xiang Shu, in the kingdom of the Bears, Liang Yun, went into the bathroom. Peng Yating and Zhaun Wei walked up to Ding Yun, "lunch will be ready soon. And we have something to ask you, said. Peng Yating, in the kingdom of the whales, Hong Yu takes her into the bathroom for a bath. They walked up to her, " lunch is almost ready. We have a question to ask you, my queen. Said, Shao Kang. In the kingdom of the Dragons, inside of the castle. " what is your question? And thank you. In the bathroom, Cao and Du are getting clean up. Du is laughing and having fun, " you have the main cook, a soup cook, have you think of having a chef? Asked. Zhu Shi, " you have a super huge kitchen that can hold another, my queen. Said, He-Shi. In the kingdom of the Cats, inside of the castle. " What's wrong? Asked. Xiang Bao, " you have the main cook, a grill cook. Have you thought of having a sushi chef? Asked, Peng Yating. " you could use another cook, said. Zhuan Wei, in the kingdom of the Bears. Inside of the castle, " what can I do for you. Said, Ding Yun. " you have the main cook, and a gourmet cook, have you ever thought of a noodle cook? Asked. Xiang Shu, " we got the main and gourmet part. we got the main and gourmet part. You need a soup cook, said. Gou Shu, in the kingdom in the Whales. Inside the castle, Hong and Su are splashing in the tub. " what can we do for you and thank you, said? Zheng Yu. " so much we can do, you and the princess. Said, Shao Kang. " have you thought of having a grill cook? Asked. Shi Xai, in the kingdom of the Dragons. Cao dunks in the water and he started to cried, " aw that papa boy, he kissed him on his head. " another cook, you two do such a fine job already, Said. Sun Jain, " each cook different items main noodles, and rice dishes, sometimes fruits plates, sew chef soups, and a sushi chef fish. Said, Zhu Shi. " what do you think my queen. Said, He-Shi. " Let me ask the king first okay? Asked. Sun Jain, Cao Jain, walked out of the bathroom inside of the bedroom. He put a fresh rag on him, in the kingdom of the Cats. " yes we do have a big kitchen, you shouldn't want it packed with cooks, you need room to move around in. Said, Xiang Bao. " yes we do have a big kitchen, you shouldn't want it packed with cooks, you need room to move around in. Said, Xiang Bao. " you only have the main cook that does noodles and wontons, and a grill cooks for meat dishes. But no, Sufilla cook, said. Peng Yating, " okay, let me talk it over with Wen, we get back to you, wen Bao walked out of the bathroom and into the room, and put a fresh rag on him. They head back into the kitchen, in the kingdom of the Bears. " a third? Said? Ding Yun. " I am your rice and noodles cook, Gou is your gourmet cook. You need a Soup to cook my queen, said. Shao Kang, Liang Yun walked out of the bathroom and into the room to put a fresh rag on her. " I see what he said, said. Ding Yun, they walked back into the kitchen. In the kingdom of the Whales, "