
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

What is this Feeling?

"No bloody way."

"Well you did say if it were Daphne Greengrass…"

"Yeah, I did." Came the numb reply.

Daphne hated her new life. Absolutely hated it. She hated that she had to be kept in a safe house. She hated not knowing how her family was doing, having been conscripted as Death Eaters. Especially Astoria, she couldn't bare thinking of what she might be going through right now. She hated feeling like an animal, being something that she'd spent her life despising. She hated just how close her emotions were to the surface, how her primal urges seemed to dominate her these days. And she hated that she hated everything.

"Well, if I'm not too happy seeing you either, Weasley" She sniped back. She had no idea what the Professor was thinking with this. She could see why company would be nice, but she'd probably bite the head off of anyone. Let alone some… oaf like Ron Weasley. What did he even know about what she was going through? It's not like he'd been attacked…

Oh. Right. The massive, unsightly scar on his face should have been a reminder. She tried to rein herself in a bit. "But then again, I'm not probably not the most agreeable person to be around right now."

"I grew up with Ginny. I've seen things." Daphne didn't so much a snigger at his attempt at a joke. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of making her laugh so easily.

Remus cleared his throat "Well, you two can probably guess why I'm bringing you together. While you aren't going through the same thing, I know from experience it can help to have someone your age who understands, even a little bit. Now, I'm going to fix something up in the kitchen and I'll leave you two to it."

The was a long minute of awkward silence. Ron grinned faintly, prompting Daphne to respond defensively "What?"

"Oh, its just, you aren't the only Slytherin in our year who's come to us."

This piqued Daphne's curiosity. Who could it be? Tracy maybe? She was a half blood after all. She really couldn't imagine any of the others. "Is it Tracy?"

"Good guess, but no. Its Pansy."


"Oh yeah, she came to us with this sob story about how they tried to make her kill Malfoy, and how she wants to join to Order and fight Death Eaters." He grinned as he said this, telling her he was fully aware of how ridiculous this was.



And this time, Daphne let him have it. For the first time in over a month, she laughed, and laughed, and laughed.


Demelza found herself surprised at just how quickly things seemed to return to normal. Sometimes she even forgot her parents were dead, only to suddenly remember and feel a stab of guilt at having forgotten. She was constantly surrounded by her friends, and they were busy. Aside from the day after and the funeral, there just hadn't been time for her to be properly miserable.

Maybe that was a bad thing, but she figured it was better than being left alone, dumped in a place where no one liked you with nothing to do but wallow in your misery. No, she was happy to be immersed in reading her schoolbooks and beginning a physical training routine. Then there was the planning for Harry's birthday and for the avenues his coming of age would open for them.

There was one other thing, something Demelza had been a little surprised about. Harry wanted her to be the next to bond with him. She'd thought that he'd have chosen one of the others- maybe Fleur. She certainly didn't want him choosing her next out of pity, but he'd been insistent that she was the one he wanted. He had assured her that she would love what he had planned, and to let him take care of it. The sincerity in his voice and in his eyes made any further argument impossible.

The day of the ritual had gone… normally. Almost too normally. Harry's only acknowledgement of what was to come was to chuckle at her perhaps obvious anticipation, loop an arm around her waist to pull her close, and say in a low rumble "Patience, Dem."

Dinner didn't break from this pattern, at least not until Fleur excused Gabby, escorting her to bed. It was a clear indication that her time was coming.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Harry gestured for her to follow him. "Dem, we're going to take a few minutes to get everything set up down here. On your bed, I've laid out what I'd like you to wear tonight. I'd like you to come back wearing that, and only that. If its too much for you, I'd understand, but I have a feeling it won't be. I'll come get you when we're ready for you."

Demelza wasn't sure why he felt the need to qualify that. Asking her to wear negligee was hardly a problem, in fact, this was exactly the sort of thing she'd been hoping to see more of. Perhaps sensing her thoughts, he added, a little mischievously "You'll understand when you see it."

His cryptic behavior only increased her anticipation, to the point where she felt butterflies. It was a thrill, not just the loss of control, but not even knowing what was waiting for her on that bed. She took her time, partially to draw this feeling out, and partially to give the others time to set up whatever they needed for tonight. When she did finally make it back to her room, it took her a moment to process what she was seeing.

Wait, is that really…

Demelza clapped a hand to her mouth, actually feeling a little giddy. He'd… he'd gotten her a collar. It was a small and elegant, black leather studded with silver.

"Oh my god." She beamed as she picked it up, feeling the material- it was firm, but not unyielding. "Oh my god." She clutched it to her chest, she couldn't believe he went through with it!

It took her another moment to remember the second part of his request. I'd like you to come back wearing that, and only that.

The collar was the only thing on the bed.


Demelza didn't know how long she had sat on the bed, wearing nothing but her collar. It had been an excruciating wait, not the least because it was rather uncomfortably chilly. When Harry returned, Demelza realized why it had taken so long- she hadn't been the only one changing. Harry was wearing those deep purple dress robes she'd found so dashing, and Demelza was acutely aware of just unbalanced their level of dress was.

That was the point, of course.

"Master!" She shot to attention.

"At ease." Harry chuckled "How is the collar, is it comfortable?"

"I love it, sir. It's just…" She hesitated, not wanting to complain.

"What?" Harry asked, and when she continued to hesitate "Tell me."

"I'm a little, cold."

"Oh, er. Well, I suppose I should have been prepared for that." He fumbled a bit. "I'll have one of the others cast a warming charm on you."

This left Demelza with more questions than answers. The others? Was everyone going to be there? But she knew that if he had wanted her to know everything, he would have told her, so she dutifully followed him back downstairs. Instead of the dining room, he led her further back to what she vaguely remembered Susan describing as a sitting room. It had been altered- so that seven chairs were placed in a circle along with the runes needed for the ritual. Every member of the coven was waiting for them, and they'd all dressed for the part. Fleur had donned a sleek silver dress that hugged her curves, while Ginny was wearing a cobalt blue number that put her Yule Ball dress to shame. Even Luna had dressed for the part, even though her radish earrings didn't quite match the dress.

It all made Demelza acutely aware of her own nakedness.

"Katie, could you cast a warming charm on Demelza?" Harry asked.

Demelza shuddered in relief as warmth enveloped her. "Thank you, master."

"Wow, you're so very welcome Demelza." Katie quipped, drawing a few chuckles.

Harry cleared his throat "Anyway, we all know why we're here. But since we're all here together, I figured we should discuss our plans going forward. Would you mind serving us, Demelza?"

It was then that Demelza notices a tray of appetizers, small plates, a wine bottle, and glasses had been laid out on a table in the corner of the room. She shuddered again, but not because of the temperature. Truthfully, this- or something like it- had been a fantasy of hers for a while now. Something about being so vulnerable and exposed… on display. She just figured that public nudity would never be something she'd be comfortable with. But this wasn't public, not really, it was just her, Harry, and her closest friends.

And so Harry and the others talked. They talked about their plans once Harry came of age- how he'd meet with the minister and get the fidelius set up, how that would let them bring Pansy here without worrying about her giving away their location, and the trap they were planning on setting for her.

And Demelza? She waited on them hand and foot. She filled wine glasses, distributed and retrieved plates, and when she wasn't needed, she stood off to the side in plain view of all of them. Harry, Luna's, and even Fleur's eyes occasionally looked over her appraisingly. It mde her feel so exposed. Her growing arousal must be so obvious to them- how her nipples had hardened and her sex had become swollen- there was no way they didn't know.

At one point when she passed by Harry to retrieve Hermione's plate, his hand shot up to grope her breast. Demelza squeaked and froze, but Harry didn't even acknowledge it, hardly breaking his conversation with Susan about how best to win over the Minister. On her way back too, his hand came up to cop a feel of her arse, and again he barely acknowledged it, as if this were just a matter of course. Demelza got another surprise when Luna got in on the action- playfully slapping her arse as she passed by.

It drove her mad. The touches just drove home how exposed her body was. At any moment Harry could just… indulge himself. Her body was completely available to him. She was growing unbearably aroused; she could feel herself leaking onto her thighs and she knew they could all see it.

Eventually, Harry called her over, directing to stand in the center of the circle, between them all. She could feel every eye on her. "Have you enjoyed this evening, Dem?" He asked.

"Yes, Master."

"I can see that." Harry smiled. "Bend over."

Demelza knew what he wanted from her, and dutifully bent down to display her cunt to him.

"Is there anything you'd like, Dem?"

"I just want to please you."

"You sure? You don't want to rub your little clit until you cum right in front of everyone?"

Honestly, she hadn't even felt the urge to do so. It took a lot more than this to get her close to her breaking point these days. "No, master."

"When was the last time you made yourself cum?"

At this Demelza was a little proud and couldn't help but show it, despite being bent over and exposing herself to the entire room. "In the quidditch locker rooms, when you had to punish me for it."

"Impressive." Harry nodded in satisfaction, though Demelza couldn't see it.

Fleur, however, who had far less experience than the others with Demelza and Harry's dynamic, had a question of her own. "But… why?"

"My pussy- my entire body- belongs to Harry. It's meant for his pleasure, not mine." Her breath hitched as she said this. Verbalizing it to someone else made it all the more real to her. "If he wants, he can give me orgasms, or have others give me orgasms in his place. But only if he wants."

"You weren't exaggerating after all." Fleur remarked to Harry, impressed and more than a little turned on. "Incredible. What are you going to have her do?"

"That's a good question. Ginny, Luna, Hermione-" The brunette startled slightly at her name "What do you think? After all, you're going to be feeling this too."

"She can't cum yet." Ginny immediately put in. "Things tend to get out of hand once the ritual goes through."

"She should suck your cock." Luna agreed. "Blowjobs feel amazing."

"Hermione? What say you?" Harry prompted.

Hermione was a bit more hesitant to offer her input, but she agreed that 'A blowjob would be best.'

"Right then. Demelza. I want you to worship my cock until I tell you to stop. You aren't allowed to cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?"

"Yes master." Demelza crawled up to him, and began working at the parting his dress robes. Harry didn't move to help her, instead just observing her as she struggled to undress him. The robes were more complicated than they looked, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed at how long she was taking. Harry didn't complain however, and just stroked her head reassuringly.

Demelza hadn't seen any tenting in his robes, and so was surprised when upon finally opening then his cock sprung out at full attention, slapping her cheek. Not only had he not worn boxers, the robes must have had a charm on them to obscure his erection.

Demelza paused a moment, eyes wide, as she processed this new development, but only for a moment. Harry didn't even have time to prod her before she returned her attentions to him, pressing her lips to the base of his shaft and then kissing upwards. "Thank you, master." She breathed, looking up at him as she pressed a kiss to his cockhead.

Harry's hands gently guided her as she took him in her mouth- at first just the tip, but with each bob of her head going deeper. Harry's eyes drifted shut and she could tell that he was losing himself in the sensations. The press of his hands on her head became firmer, moving her head in time with the building motion of his hips. The hitching of Harry's breath and his small moans were accentuated by the gasps and sighs from Ginny and Luna.

"Fuck. That girl can suck cock." Ginny let out. The redhead was reclined in her chair, having already pushed her dress aside to palm her breasts with one hand with the other was stroking her thigh. "When are you going to fuck her mouth properly?"

"You're just impatient." Harry teased.

"Harry's right." Luna said breathily "He should take his time when using Demelza's mouth."

Hermione had been silent so far, though her hands were gripping the arms of her chair increasingly tightly. That changed when Harry pulled Demelza's mouth back up his shaft, so that she could focus on the head. Demelza dutifully sucked, while using her tongue to stimulate his frenulum. Harry let out a pleased moan while Hermione, her mouth open and face twisted in pleasure, whimpered.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Luna panted.

Hermione seemed to struggle for a moment, before finally bursting out "Fuck! He's getting close!"

"You can feel it." Ginny moaned in agreement "In his cock, it feels so good. Her mouth is so warm and wet around him, its perfect." The praise, hearing from them just how good she was making Harry (and by extension, them) feel was exactly what Demelza wanted, and it spurred her on. Harry pushed Demelza's mouth down, so that her lips were wrapped around the base of him, provoking four moans. "Yesss." Ginny hissed "He's gonna… fucking…"

Harry pressed her down into his crotch, and thrust upward sharply, his cockhead nearly making her gag. He thrust several more times, grunting as he did so until "…YES!" The cry came not from Harry, or even Ginny, but from Hermione, as Harry began to unload himself straight down Demelza's throat.

After Harry's orgasm had subsided and Demelza had given his cock a few final sucks, Harry's grip on her head relaxed and she released his cock with a pop. "Was that to your satisfaction, Master, or would you like another round?"

"Oh, don't think I'm finished with you yet." Harry grinned "I want you on your hands and knees." She knelt again, and he stroked her hair and her back along the column of her spine. "And Dem, I want you to hold off from coming for as long as possible."

"But… but…" Demelza stammered.

"Is that a problem?"

"No. It's just. I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I don't think I'll last very long."

"As long as you do your best, I won't be disappointed. You're strong, I think you'll last longer than you think."

After pausing to cast the contraceptive charm, Harry placed himself at her entrance, grinding against her labia and smearing his shaft with her arousal. "Ooooooh." Demelza moaned, already feeling a tad overwhelmed. She didn't need much to be taken to the limit when it came to Harry, and the buildup- from stripping down to nothing but her collar, serving everyone in such a state, and then servicing Harry- didn't help matters.

Demelza's breath hitched when his cockhead probed deeper. She tried to stifle herself in an attempt to maintain some sort of control, but she couldn't help but whimper as he eased himself in. He began to move, slowly burying himself deep and pulling back. Demelza bit her lip, locked her muscles, and gripped the cold tiled floor best she could, but to no avail. She was inexorably, quite rapidly, reaching the point of no return. "Master!" She broke "I'm getting close."

"Hold on. I know you can do better than that." Harry said with a certainty she didn't have. Did he know just how bad she had it? How her body reacted to his very presence? Did he have any idea what she felt when he penetrated her? It wasn't just the physical sensation of him parting her flesh and filling her. It was the sense of submission, that he was claiming her, conquering her most vulnerable region. She couldn't… she couldn't…

But she had to.

Harry gave her no quarter, picking up the pace. She wanted to beg him to let her cum, but he wasn't stopping her from coming. He was letting her cum, but challenging her to do more. She wanted to live up to his expectations.

So, despite the desperate neediness in her core, she held on. She bit down painfully on her lip as tears began to leak from her eyes. Her arms shook until they gave out from under her, ironically giving Harry even more leverage to drive himself into her. With each thrust, she spasmed, she felt as if she were going mad from it. "M-master." She sobbed.

"I'm close, Dem. Just a little bit…" Harry moaned. Demelza tried to hold on for him, just a little bit longer, but she couldn't. She came, and just seconds later so did he.

And both of their worlds were enveloped in light.