
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Sweet but Psycho

Dinner was particularly unbearable for Gabrielle. She had donned a formal, elegant dress in the vain hope that she could still turn her image around in Harry's eyes, yet she seemed to be almost invisible to him. She spent the entire meal in a high state of arousal- the point where even watching Harry eat was an erotic act. When she realized her mother was seducing Harry, she wanted to cry. How could she? Her mother knew, better than even Fleur, how much Harry meant to her, and yet she was trying to take him for herself. This had never even occurred to her as a possibility, that her mother would betray her like this and take the boy she loved.

That thought was quickly followed by an uncomfortable revelation- how would that been different to what she'd be doing to Fleur if she were ever successful in seducing Harry? In all her planning and fantasizing, she'd never once considered what she'd be doing to Fleur. How was she any better than her mother?

She was so absorbed in those revelations, that she almost missed Harry rejecting her mother. Fleur whisked him away soon after, leaving her mother in shock. Gabrielle had honestly just assumed that her mother, as experienced and beautiful as she was, would have been able to bed Harry as a matter of course. The fact that even she couldn't seduce him… well it made Gabby's failure sting a little less, but it also drove home how hopeless her situation was. Harry wasn't the boy she'd first met; he was a man. She'd probably have better luck begging him in tears to fuck her.

As Fleur whisked Harry off, their mother's shock began to morph into outrage… and something far uglier. Her mother did not linger in the room, and her father trailed supplicatingly after her. Gabby was alone. Lost within herself, she began a slow trek back to her room, resolving to stew in her misery until she drifted off to sleep.

Things wouldn't go according to plan.

Gabby had assumed that Fleur had taken Harry back to her room- she'd been wrong. No, her sister was with Harry in the hallway, literally tearing his clothes off his body in full view for Gabby's feasting eyes. Don't look, don't look, don't fucking look. She chanted to herself, but it was all for nothing. She just couldn't stop herself. All thoughts of her mother's betrayal, the hopelessness of her own cause, and her own self judgement were swept away with every scrap of skin exposed. And then, Fleur unveiled his cock.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god. She stated in helpless arousal as his cock twitched and twitched and somehow grew even more engorged than it had been earlier that day. Her mind could have never conjured something so appealing to her eyes as Harry in that moment. He was completely naked now, his lean, muscular body was accentuated by sparse body hair and dripped with sweat that Gabby found herself wanting to lick off him. His face was tinted with an expression of such lust, neediness, and desire that had it been directed at her, Gabby might have just cum on the spot. Then there was his cock- purpling with blood, thrumming with pent up energy, just barely restrained by Fleur's hand but clearly ready to explode at any moment. Precum was leaking from his slit in a steady stream, glistening as it trickled down his shaft and dripped into a small puddle on the floor.

She was going mad, losing her mind, even. Her cunt throbbed with boiling heat. Each pulse caused a corresponding throb in her needy clit and sent a cascade of heat through her body until it felt like her brain was cooking in her skull. She could hardly think, let alone control her body. Her mouth hung open, and drool began to trickle down her chin. This only outpaced by the drooling of her ravenous cunt- she'd been aroused the entire dinner, and so the new pair of panties she'd put on beforehand had already been damp, but she had now soaked through them and the moisture was now being absorbed by her dress.

Gabby managed to stumble back and found herself squatting behind a potted plan in an attempt to be partially obscured while still being able to see them. She didn't have the patience to take off the dress, no, she just rubbed herself through the sturdy fabric. Her hips ground back into her hand, and the friction was enough for her. She was forced to clap a hand to her mouth, biting down on her knuckle to muffle herself as she came.

She needn't have worried about alerting them, Fleur had taken his cock, and the two of them were in the midst of orgasms that Gabby envied. The look of pure, transcendental pleasure on Fleur's face and in her voice as she screamed out… she wanted that… more than anything she wanted to feel Harry's sexy body up against her, to have his throbbing cock inside her, to have him moaning and crying in relief and pleasure as he pumped himself into her.

There was now a wet stain on her dress, as her arousal dripped down her thighs and seeped through the fabric, but she honestly didn't care. Without thought, she bunched the dress up and slid a hand underneath it to her crotch, yanking down her panties in the process

Her fingers probed her soaking slit, honing onto her clit, and when they found it "Hhhnnn!" Even with her best efforts to muffle herself, her groan threated to alert them to her presence. "Hn! Hn! NHHH!"

Gabby could only curl herself up in her meager hiding spot as Fleur and Harry's orgasms trailed off. It was with equal parts arousal and dread that she peaked over the vase to see Fleur scoop Harry in her arms. With no small amount of relief, Gabby realized she wasn't going to get caught- Fleur had eyes for one thing, and one thing only.

Not that Gabby blamed her. Even now, the sight of him and the smell of him was taunting her. She couldn't help it, couldn't stop herself. Her fingers went back to her cunt as she bit down on her other hand in a desperate attempt to muffle herself.

Fleur took Harry back to their room, but it would be a while yet before Gabby would be able to muster the same.


Harry groaned as he awoke, feeling like he'd been run over by a Hippogriff. It seemed like every part of him was aching painfully, and nowhere was more painful than his cock. Oh god, what had Fleur done to him?

"Shh. It's okay, Harry." Fleur soothed "I didn't mean to wake you yet. I have something to help." Her hand went to cradle his manhood, which caused Harry to instinctively flinch away. Fleur persisted, and when her hand made contact, Harry shuddered as he breathed out a sigh of relief. She had lathered a cream (essence of murtlap?) onto her hands, which was cool and soothing on his raw skin.

Fleur proceeded to massage his entire body, her hands kneading at his muscles and rubbing the cream into his body- first his thighs, abdomen, and chest, but then she flipped him over and gave him a proper massage.

He couldn't help but moan at this novel experience- it felt good in a way that bordered on sexual, but wasn't quite. It was only when she leaned over to whisper in his ear- pressing her breasts into his back- that Harry felt the thrill of sexual pleasure. Harry shuddered as she pressed light kisses behind his ear and along his neck, and amazingly, his cock began to stir.

"Oh my god, Fleur. You're gonna kill me." He meant it as a joke, but he was, genuinely worried. He might have been able to keep up with her… if he didn't have six other women to please.

"Don't worry, Harry. Last night was an anomaly." Fleur chuckled "I was rather pent up. I just couldn't help myself." Her voice turned to a purr in his ear as her hands began wandering down his front- feeling up his chest, and the lower to his cock. "And you don't seem to mind it."

Harry groaned as she coaxed his cock to fullness, pleasure surging anew. He didn't resist as she flipped him onto his back. As she surveyed his body, he took in hers. Despite the fact that she hadn't showered or prepared for the day at all, she was still impossibly sexy, and she knew it. "In fact, I'd say you like it quite a lot." She continued "Now, are you going to be a good boy and let me have my way with you?"

"Wait, this is kinda stupid after last night, but what about protection?"

Fleur stopped in her tracks, her face paling. Harry's stomach sunk like an anchor. "Shit."

"So you didn't…" Harry couldn't finish the thought- already knowing the answer.

"No, I didn't." Fleur bemoaned "Idiot!"

"Sorry." Harry apologized instinctively, feeling properly terrible "I should have-"

"No… I should have." Fleur interrupted him "No one could blame you for getting caught in the moment, with the circumstances…"

"We both should have, then." Harry compromised "Look, how likely is it that, you know, you're pregnant."

"After last night?" Fleur said in a wry, defeated tone "Almost certain."

"Shit." He wasn't ready for this. He didn't know the first thing about raising a child. He couldn't bear the thought of bring a kid into the world during this war. What were they going to do?

Harry, luv, listen to me. Ginny interrupted the maelstrom in his mind. Its going to be okay.

I don't know how to be a dad, Gin. I'm just going to screw it all up.

Harry… I know you. You're going to be a bloody brilliant dad. You're going to take one look at that kid and you'll fall in love, move heaven and earth for them. That's who you are. Ginny thoughts were warm and glowing with her affection for him. The timing is terrible, utterly shite, but that kid's also gonna have a lot going for them.

Harry smiled faintly, a grim determination taking over. Let me guess, the best aunts in the world?

Damn straight. Now, go comfort your girlfriend.

Fleur was sitting at the edge of the bed, head in her hands, looking as troubled as Harry had felt moments ago. He put a hand on her shoulder, and she startled, looking over to him in momentary surprise as he moved to sit beside her.

Wordlessly, Fleur wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned into him, a faint smile curling on her face as she rested her head against his shoulder.


Fleur groaned in contentment as warm water cascaded down her body. The morning had been as much of a rollercoaster as yesterday had been. When she'd decided to help Harry recover using essence of murtlap and a massage, she truly hadn't been intending on using that as an opportunity to fuck him again. But naturally, that all went out the window as soon as she got her hands on him.

She cursed herself- that was exactly the problem. She'd let herself get out of control and look at where it had gotten them! She had wanted children- she and Bill had talked about it, something for after the war. Children with someone she could rely on, a long term partner sounded wonderful… but she and Harry had just gotten together. There was no way to know for sure if this would work out. She was even a little terrified that this might be it for them, that their newfound relationship wouldn't be able to handle the strain.

She felt so utterly guilty at the defeated look on Harry's face. He was even less prepared to face this than she was. He wasn't even seventeen, how could anyone his age be expected to take on that responsibility.

And yet… he surprised her again. She hadn't expected him to be the one to comfort her- wordlessly but with unmeasurable warmth and assurance. She could hear what he was saying loud and clear- he was there, for the long haul, through thick and thin.

She had briefly considered the morning after potion, or even an abortion, but those procedures would be risky for part Veela. Her magic could react badly and lead to her being infertile. But even then… if she were being totally, brutally honest with herself, she didn't want to.

Because she was reminded of everything that had led her to this point. Seeing Harry's strength, his kindness, his resolve… everything about him that had drawn her to him. This wasn't what she had wanted, it hadn't turned out at all how she had planned, but now that it happened Fleur had to admit to herself that having Harry's child… it gave her a thrill.

Her shower had started as an attempt to sort out these thoughts, but the exercise had quickly devolved into her playing with herself as she thought of Harry. She remembered all of their small interactions over the years- from the start he had treated her like few men had- not as an object of lust or affection, but as a person.

Merlin, had it only been a few weeks since she'd escorted him from King's Cross? It felt crazy to even be considering this, yet those few weeks had been a revelation. She was a different person now, and a lot of that was thanks to Harry and the people he loved.

Who was she fooling? After last night, she was hopeless. As Harry had a habit of doing, he had blown each and every expectation she'd had out of the water, and her fantasies had hyped Harry up quite a bit. "Ooooh, fuck." She moaned as her mind flashed to last night, images and sensations sweeping her from one moment to the next in no particular order.

Fleur began actively work herself up, one hand circling her areola, while she brought her other hand to her sex, dipping her fingers into her folds. "Hnnng, yesss." She hissed.

She could practically feel him inside of her- swollen and throbbing, ready to burst. She had wanted it- still did. She'd wanted him to cum, to spill his potent seed deep into her, impregnate her.

She felt like she'd been struck by lightning- so powerful was the surge of arousal that this thought triggered. She jammed her fingers deep into her cunt as her thumb pressed urgently against her clit, and she howled as she came.


Apolline fought to control her expression as she regarded Fleur and Harry. This was technically a casual evening tea on the patio, but she was treating this with all the seriousness of a high stakes business meeting. She and Fleur had never seen eye to eye. Even when she was a young girl, she'd been so resistant to her, so intent on doing things her own way instead of taking the advice from someone who had much more experience.

She hadn't been intending on stealing Harry away from her daughter, not at all. She'd just wanted to put her rebellious daughter in her place, just a bit. She'd seduce her new beau away from her- just for the night- and graciously give him back to her. It would have been good for her, maybe it would finally put to rest her dreams of romance and commitment.

But it hadn't worked out that way. Harry had rejected her. Her! How dare he! And now she had to deal with her brat of a daughter, strutting around, so damn arrogant, and seeing her hanging off Harry's arm, hanging onto his every word like a lovesick schoolgirl.

Apolline clenched, and then unclenched her fist. She wasn't about to let this stand. "Fleur, Harry, thank you for agreeing to speak with me." She greeted them politely. Fleur stiffened instantly, something in her tone must have tipped her daughter off. No matter.

"What would you like to speak about, mother?" Fleur said in a chilly, formal tone.

"I understand that you, Harry, and some of his friends are looking for… protection."

"Yes, you've told me that we could use the beach house…" Fleur trailed off, realizing where the conversation was going.

"Yes, I'm sure having a secluded house under the fidelious charm would be useful for you and your friends, Harry. It might even save their lives."

Harry had seemed content to let Fleur lead this conversation, but at this point he stepped in. "Mrs. Delecour, please get to the point. What do you want from us?"

She'd planned on building up to this, but if they wanted her to be blunt, she would be "I think you know what I want, Harry. You."

Harry blinked- once, twice, three times. "What?"

Fleur bristled in agitation "Absolutely not!"

Harry rose to his feet "No. I'm not doing this."

"I've heard a lot of interesting things about you, Harry." Apolline continued unperturbed "Apparently you've split ways with Dumbledore. Are you sure he's going to go out of his way to protect your friends? All I want is one night, Harry. And then you'll be free to chose who you want to be with."

Fleur looked like she wanted to gut her, but Apolline was more focused on Harry and the clear conflict in his eyes. Yes, his pride and loyalty wouldn't let him accept her advances, but his desire to protect his friends was perhaps even stronger.
