
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Shape of You

Pansy crossed the length of her room again, unable to settle herself down. She knew she was screwed. She'd been caught. She wasn't quite sure how, but they'd found her out.

Harry had been rather tense that morning, distracted and distant. She'd been curious about his behavior, but hadn't been prepared when in a flash he went from absently picking at his food to on his feet, hand pushed out towards her, fear and determination and rage in his eyes. She didn't have the time, the presence of mind to react before his stunner struck her.

And she woke up here, in her room.

They'd locked her in her room. Like she was a toddler.

But realistically, she was completely trapped. She didn't have a wand, and her attempts to pry or break open the window met no success- they must have charmed and warded the room. She hadn't seen anyone since she woke up, giving her mind the license to run wild.

Frankly she didn't think that Harry and his merry band of whores would do anything dreadful to her, they were too soft and noble for that sort of thing. No, what terrified her was what would happen if she were forced to return to the Dark Lord, having failed.

She'd be lying if that were the only thing occupying her mind, however. No, as much as she wanted to deny it, the way Harry had been right as he'd attacked her- radiating power and fury- had been hot.

She shook herself. She couldn't let him get to her. She had no idea what they knew or wanted, and she needed every bit of cunning she had to have any hope of getting out of this. She couldn't afford to be distracted by… that.

She jumped as the door banged open. "Harry!" She squeaked.

The black-haired teen who'd been the subject of too many of her fantasies regarded her coldly. "Pansy."

Behind him, she spotted Hermione and Susan. If Hermione was there… chances are the ambush failed. Based on how he quickly he reacted, they must have been expecting it. The blood drained from her face. Had she been played?

"We know you're working with the Death Eaters, we know they sent you to spy on us. We're fully prepared to hand you over to the aurors, but if you tell us everything you know…"

Pansy instinctively tensed. She was already in enough trouble with the Dark Lord as is, if she told them anything… "No! I won't! I can't!"

"I'm sorry to hear that." Harry said calmly, as if he was sure she would fold. He inclined his head to Hermione almost imperceptibly. "Well, I'll be checking on you in a bit, to see if you've changed your mind."

What the hell did that mean? Were they just expecting her to change her mind for no reason? But sure enough, Harry turned and left without another word, the door sealing shut behind him.

Time seemed to drag on, and Pansy found herself more and more agitated. God damn him, god damn him. Why did he have to be so… be so… So fucking attractive. Her brain provided. Pansy threw herself into her bed and screamed into her pillow, but when she flopped over, the frustration was still there. The past week might as well have been an elaborate form of sexual torture- with the scene she'd witness between Harry and Weasley being only the most blatant. Her core clenched almost instinctively as she recalled that scene, and it was accompanied by a pulse of heat.

With a frustrated groan, Pansy flipped back over onto her stomach, closed her eyes and buried her head into her sheets, hoping to block out the vision. But it was no use, it felt like every breath injected just a bit more heat into her veins. Her mind swerved from fantasy to fantasy, before latching onto her most recent interactions with Harry. She never considered how sexy anger could be, especially not anger directed at her, but she couldn't help but find the prospect of Harry taking his anger out on her sexually to be very appealing.

Finally, she just couldn't take it anymore. She flipped herself over once more and tugged her skirt and panties down. While she'd developed a technique that worked for her over the past week, it had had gone out the window in her fervor. She'd been driven back to frantic, fumbling motions, that nevertheless, because of her state, were still quite effective.

In her mind's eye, Harry barged into her room, catching her in her current state. His eyes would burn with anger and lust. He'd pull her out of bed, yell at her, and order her to strip. He'd push her down so that she couldn't see him, but she could hear him unzip his pants. She'd be shaking and yelling at him to stop, but her run his fingers along her dripping sex and tell her he knew she wanted this. Then, he'd take her, roughly shoving himself into her femininity. He'd fuck her hard, punishing her. He'd grab her hair, tugging on it to pull her head back. He'd hurl a string of abuse at her, calling her a slut and a bitch, his voice becoming heavier and rougher as his pace of thrusting picked up, until… until…

Pansy came, gasping and shuddering until she collapsed back into bed, her heart pounding in her ears and her chest was heaving even as the last aftershocks of that particularly powerful climax subsided. It didn't take long for her to realize, with a sinking pit in her stomach, that while her orgasm had been powerful, it hadn't satisfied the way previous sessions had.

No, her climax had left in its wake a yearning hunger in her core, one that couldn't be satisfied by fingers. The image of Harry, holding himself above her, his thick cock placed at her entrance, came unbidden, provoking a shiver that ran down her spine and to her cunt.

Pansy's fingers dipped into her folds and arched to hit her g-spot, her hips thrusting in concert with them as she imagined how Harry's cock would feel, how it would spread her folds with his cockhead, fill her in a way her fingers never could, and reach so much deeper than her fingers could hope to. She was so much more sensitive in the wake of her last climax, and the next came much quicker, but it too didn't satisfy. Neither did the next, or the next. When Pansy finally stopped, it wasn't from lack of arousal, it was from exhaustion.

Oh god. Oh god. I'm losing it. I'm going to go insane. I need it. I need his fucking cock. This can't go on.

It was at this low point that Harry returned. If Pansy had been more lucid, she might have been satisfied at the fact that he was clearly stunned by her state- and why wouldn't he? She was naked on the bed, dripping with both sweat and sexual fluids. His eyes went wide when they spotted her, and then he averted them.

Pansy, however, wasn't about to let this opportunity go to waste. This wasn't about politics, or pride, or survival, she wanted, no, needed him. "Harry!" She gasped, tumbling out of bed "Harry, oh my god. Please!"

"Please?" Harry said sceptically.

"I- I need it." Pansy stuttered as she clambered to him, only stopped when he grabbed her shoulders, holding her literally at arm's length.

"I can see that." He said succinctly, and Pansy remembered the reason she'd been locked in this room in the first place, and that he'd have very little reason to do anything she liked, let alone fuck her.

"I'll do anything!" She blurted out. "If you have sex with me, I'll tell you everything I know. You can do whatever you want to me, send me in as a spy, make me a slave, anything."

"You wouldn't be much use as a spy." Harry said dryly "We knew right away that you were a mole, I don't think you'd last a day if you returned to the death eaters."

Pansy paled "But- but-"

"I don't have any use for a slave, sex slave or otherwise." Harry continued "Have you seen my girlfriends? No, it seems to me that the only thing you have of value is information, which I'm sure we could get in other, unsavory ways." Veratiserum, legimancy, Pansy realized. If she weren't aroused out of her mind, she might have wondered why they hadn't used either of those methods on her yet. "And really, I don't think that's a bargain I'm willing to take."

He released her and turned to leave, and Pansy felt a surge of panic. "Wait!" She stumbled to her knees and clutched at his robe. "Wait, there's got to be something! Please, look at me!" He turned back to her and arched an eyebrow as he looked down at her. "Look at me, I'm so wet, I'm such a slut, don't you want to punish me?"

Pansy was utterly shocked when Harry gripped her upper arms in a painfully tight grip and hauled her back on her feet, a vicious expression on his face. "As a matter of fact, I do. You tried to kill Ginny, and that is something I'll never forgive or forget. I just don't think it'd be a punishment if you're begging for it."

While his words were harsh, they only inflamed her desire. The demonstration of his strength and his resolve caused something in her to just want to submit to him even more. Not to mention having him so close to her, with his masculine scent wafting to her senses. She was drenched, arousal pouring from her swollen and throbbing cunt, dripping down her thighs and to the floor beneath her. "You don't have to fuck me. Just, use my mouth, my arse, anything,"

There was a beat of silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity "Right. Here's what we'll do. I do whatever I want to you, but the instant you cum, its over, and you tell us everything."

"Deal." Pansy said immediately, not bothering to contemplate the details of such a deal, and the many ways it could end up with her getting essentially nothing.

Nevertheless things began promisingly enough. Harry released her, and Pansy fell unresistingly to her knees, squeezing her thighs together in anticipation. He began to undress, slowly and methodically shedding his robe and popping loose the buttons of the shirt underneath. It might have occurred to her that his attire was much more elaborate than it normally would have been, and with magic he could have removed it much more easily, but she was distracted, drool pooling in her mouth as loosened buttons revealed the musculature of his chest and then his abdomen.

"Hnnnggg." She managed when he shucked his shirt off, revealing his upper body in its entirety. Her eyes roamed over him, entranced by the definition of his muscles as they worked, and drawn to the trail of hair on his abdomen leading south below his waistline. She was clenching her thighs together rhythmically now, not even consciously. "Soooo sexy." She moaned, licking her lips liberally and letting a trickle of drool down her chin

Next, he removed his belt, and unlike with his robes and shirt, his actions here were forceful- popping it loose and whipping it off with concise, aggressive actions that did lovely things for the musculature of his chest and torso. His trousers were next, and Pansy's eyes were drawn to the prominent bulge in his boxers. She'd only gotten the briefest glimpse of his cock when she'd spied on him and Ginny, but that had been enough to fuel a dozen fantasies. She was trembling all over, her thighs clenching in anticipation. She was so close, sooo close.

And then he tugged his boxers down, and Pansy saw him. She was sure every detail would be imprinted into her mind. He was hard, jutting out and upwards proudly, as if asserting his sexuality. It was fitting, she thought, that she was kneeling, because in that moment he radiated control and power. He was stronger than her, more powerful than her, and he'd outplayed her even at her own game. He'd completely dominated her physically, mentally, and sexually, and she couldn't help but think that she should be on her knees before him. He was fit to be worshipped, and she… she was inferior to him in every way.

She clenched her thighs together and rocked back and forth as she imagined what he might do to her now. She imagined him shoving his cock into her mouth, forcing her to gag, choking her until he released his seed straight down her throat. It was too late that she realized that she'd gone too far, gotten to exuberant in her fantasies and self-stimulation. She'd never cum from just pressing her thighs together before, but that wasn't stopping her body now.

The implications of her failure crashed into her simultaneously with her orgasm, and she cried, tears streaming down her face as her body was consumed by the most powerful orgasm of her life. She doubled forward, clinging to his legs. Her face was mere inches from his manhood, but she lacked the strength to bridge the gap. Instead, she slumped to the ground as pulse after pulse of pleasure robbed her of her strength.

When her climax was finished, Harry was gone, and Pansy was broken.

She'd tell them everything.


"So, did Susan's plan work? Did that little bitch spill all her secrets?" Fleur's tone revealed her disdain of their prisoner, and Harry agreed with her assessment completely.

"Don't remind me." Harry said "She's telling Susan everything now. But… getting to that point was something I'd like to forget." It made him feel gross, being sexualized by someone so vile, having someone who'd tried to kill people he loved lusting after him, encouraging it, even. He would be happy to never see Pansy again.

"Yeah, fuck her." Ginny muttered drowsily "But just not literally." Both Fleur and Harry cracked smiles.

"How are you doing, Gin?" Harry moved to her side, tenderly cupping her cheek.

"Better, now." Ginny smiled back at him. Harry assessed her statement, and concluded that she was mostly telling the truth, but that she was still a little tired and sore.

"Well, Ms. Weasley. I think you should stay in bed for a little longer, just to be safe." Harry said in a tone that was half teasing-half serious.

"Oh, are you going to make it worth my while?" Ginny said hopefully.

"Fleur?" Harry said "I'd like to cash in one of my coupons. Oral sex. But here's the thing… I'd like you to do it for her."

Both Fleur and Ginny looked at him in surprise, before smiles grew on both their faces- Ginny's gob smacked and Fleur's devious. "Is that so?" Fleur's voice dipped low "Would you like that, little girl?"

"I- I uh, yeah. I mean, if you and Harry are okay with it then yeah." Ginny babbled, tilted by Harry's sudden suggestion and the predatory smile on Fleur's face.

"I don't know, Harry." Fleur turned to her partner "She doesn't seem very enthusiastic about it."

Harry sniggered, and Ginny tripped over herself to correct this. "Wait! No, I want it. I really want it. I just thought, this wouldn't be something we'd ever do, you know?"

"I think this is a special occasion. After what you've been through, I think you deserve a treat, no?" Fleur purred licking her lips deliberately, giving Ginny a fareway look in her eyes as she imagined what those lips and tongue would soon be doing to her. "Harry, would you help undress me?"

Harry happily complied with Fleur's request, and the two of them eagerly touched and kissed as they slowly divested each other of clothes. Ginny's hands absently went to her crotch, pressing down on her sex through her boyshorts. The sight before her was just too much, the sexiest man and the sexiest woman, snogging and stripping in front of her, she couldn't help herself. She was only rubbing for a few seconds when Fleur slapped her hand, chastising her.

"That isn't very polite, little girl." Fleur told her "You should savor what I'm about to give you, I will not have that experience diluted by the fact that you cannot resist getting off beforehand. Do you think you can do that?"

"Uhhuh." Ginny nodded, quite transfixed to the irate, naked woman before her. As striking as her facial features were, she couldn't help but dip her eyes to her exposed breasts.

"I think she'd do whatever you ask of her at this point, Fleur." Harry prodded. "But she's definitely impatient, don't keep her waiting for too long."

Fleur rolled her eyes "Don't I know it." It was not uncommon for Ginny to tell Harry and Fleur to 'bloody well hurry it up' whenever they savored a particular bit of foreplay too long for Ginny's tastes. Regardless, she followed Harry's suggestion, pulling down Ginny's undergarments and leaning in to breath on her slick sex.

Ginny whimpered at the feel of her breath on her, and her hands jerked forward, to hold Fleur's head, or maybe to cup her breasts. Either way, Fleur's hands slapped hers away once more. "No touching. The coupon was for oral sex, just oral sex." Fleur said definitively.

Ginny nodded, tucking her hands behind her back to avoid the temptation. Then, Fleur's mouth descended on her. Her breath hitched, the instant before she whimpered again, and again and again. Fleur wasn't nearly as talented at pleasuring a woman as Harry was, considering how much experience he had on her in that department. However, the sheer novelty of Fleur going down on her, pleasuring her with her mouth, was more than enough to make up for it.

Her mouth molded itself to Ginny's sex, lashing at her slit and then searching out her clit and sucking. Ginny writhed, her hips twitching upwards, only to be stopped by Fleur's hands pressing them back down onto the bed, allowing the blonde free reign to ravage her as she pleased.

"Fleur." Ginny grunted "Gonna cum, gonna cum!"

Fleur pulled back just a tad, so that she could still feel her breath against her sex. "Already?" Ginny could practically feel her smirk. Was she really going to draw this out, or was this just to tease her a bit? Ginny wondered, not quite sure if she could handle a long session of denial in her current state.

She'd never get an answer to that question, because Harry, perhaps mercifully, intervened. He'd been alternating between touching Fleur and Ginny, stroking and kissing their skin but not seeking the spotlight, but at this critical juncture he asserted himself. Fleur gasped, a soft oui as he entered her, and proceeded to push her downwards, onto the bed and onto Ginny.

In a flash Ginny realized that this was the fulfillment of a fantasy of hers, one that she'd held for as long as she realized she held some level of attraction for women. The earliest form of it had been her and Harry double teaming Hermione, but those had long since evolved (not the least because Hermione certainly didn't swing that way). Naturally, recent iterations of this fantasy had involved Fleur, her, and Harry in more or less this exact position.

And Harry knew it. Ginny could see clearly in that instant, that this had been his intention all along, to give her this, and to make her cum her brains out. Needless to say, at both goals, he'd utterly succeeded.