
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs

Rumor Has It

Hermione's work with her 'sight' was paying off. After two days of perfecting her technique in the room of requirement, with Luna as a convenient helper, she felt confident enough for a test run of sorts.

Wednesday evening, after classes, Hermione secluded herself in a corner of the common room with a book she could pretend to read. This was a habit of hers, and she was fairly confident she wouldn't be bothered- no one wanted to interrupt her study time.

Except reading was the last thing on her mind at this point. Instead, she propped her book open and closed her eyes, letting her senses flow out from her.

It had taken her a while to figure out that clearing her mind of all thoughts was not the way to go. In fact, it had ended up being counterproductive. On the contrary, Hermione found that if she succumbed to her baser desires, her sight became vastly more sensitive.

And with the link to Harry… well it was very easy to succumb. It was easy to stretch her awareness out to him. It was easy to remember her and Harry's last encounter that morning. How he'd taken her aside and snogged her senseless, lifting her up and pressing her against the wall of the broom cupboard, grinding his erection against her crotch…

The common room lit up with magic. Just as she'd expected, she could see the intricate weave of the common room's enchantments. But more than that she could see the magic of the other students, both female and male.

To the point, Hermione could see every penis and set of testicles in the room in exquisite detail, glowing like beacons. Blushing horribly, Hermione tried to tamp it down, but found that she couldn't. She was too turned on, to out of control to real herself in, and frankly she just couldn't look away.

It was fascinating, the sheer detail and variety before her. She could see the testes like burning coals, and the veins and ducts running up shafts. It varied based on age, with the first and second year boys who clearly had not sexually matured having significantly less magic in their sexual organs. It also depended a lot on their level of arousal. Limply hanging cocks were relatively dormant magically, while Seamus was glowing brightly as it twitched ardently in his pants… apparently whatever conversation he was having with Lavender was going well, because Hermione could tell she was turned on too. In fact, it seemed like Seamus and Lavender's magics were feeding into each other somehow- though it was hard to pinpoint exactly what was happening.

Merlin, she felt like such a pervert. She was a pervert. She shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't help herself!

Her attention was drawn to the opening of the portrait hole, which revealed what could only be Harry. His forehead was scarred with dark magic that disgustingly seemed to be leaching off of him. Meanwhile, his cock didn't just glow, it radiated like a miniature sun. Merlin, he was powerful- his entire body was laced with magic. It arced through the air in bands like a magnetic field, distorting the magic of the girls around him.

She was certain now that his magic was becoming more powerful. But she also wondered what the horcrux was doing to him. It had cast tendrils throughout his body, twisting strings of dark magic that burrowed down his spine and into his brain. Her heart twisted in worry and she felt a surge of protectiveness, that thing was hurting her best friend, her boyfriend, her… her Harry.

Aside from Harry, Ginny's magic was the most notable- partly because it was clear that she was the second most powerful person in the room, but also because Hermione could see Harry's magic flowing through her as well, intermingling with her own. Looking again, and Hermione thought she could see the same in Harry, some of Ginny's magic within him… as well as some of her own magic.

Of course, Ginny was turned on, if that wasn't obvious enough by the way her eyes were glued to his arse even as she made small talk with Katie, who also seemed to be quite affected by Harry. Demelza, however, was on another level, Hermione was surprised that she was even coherent, judging by how violently tangled her magic was, particularly in her groin. And again, now that she was looking for it, it was obvious by her stiff posture or the forced smile.

With a quick word and a shared kiss with Ginny, Harry turned and started making his way towards her. Hermione gulped, feeling the heat rising in both her cheeks and her core. As Harry approached her, she could feel his magic against hers like static electricity, becoming more intense with every step he took towards her. Her increasingly sensitized skin erupted in goosebumps and her nipples pebbled. She shouldn't have been surprised that he went to her. She knew he could sense her arousal, she was probably beaming it to him.

Having fun? He asked her, well aware of what she'd been doing, and amused by it. Never thought you'd be the type to ogle every bloke in Gryffindor tower at the same time.

Its not like that! She protested as she tried once again to turn off her sight, or at least ignore it. She failed, of course, which only undermined her point. Okay, it's not only that!

His cock was mere feet in front of her, and the magic radiating from it would not let her forget that fact. She struggled to draw her gaze away from it and meet Harry's eyes. "Hey 'Mione, we were going to study together today, right?" He asked her.

Oh yes, I want to study you.

While Harry didn't verbally react to that thought, his heart fluttered at her forwardness. She wanted him, she wanted him so much. In the past she'd have been embarrassed- blushing and averting her eyes. But now, she knew she wasn't going to get anywhere by being passive. She went after her goals aggressively in her studies and future career, why not in her personal life as well? "Well? Let's go."

The two of them left the common room, and Harry let Hermione lead the way. Almost instinctively, she set off towards the library, Harry in tow. It was courteous of him, but she also sensed his eyes trailing after her, lingering on her hips and arse.

She couldn't say she minded. In fact, she'd be a hypocrite if she did. Because though she wasn't facing him, she could see magic in every direction. That meant she had an unobstructed view of his penis. At this distance and with the intensity of her arousal and his magic, she could see everything. She could see every vein and vessel running up his shaft, all at capacity carrying the blood currently engorging it. She saw the intricate network of branching nerves, emphasizing how sensitive his organ was. She found herself identifying aspects of male anatomy- his vas deferens, his prostate. She could see every miniscule twitch and throb, the way it swayed slightly as he walked.

It was fascinating. So singular was her focus, that she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. She would have tripped down a staircase, if not for Harry's swift intervention- steadying her in his arms.

"Are you alright?" He asked, a sliver of worry in his voice.

She must have looked like a mess, but that was hardly the point. She was on the verge of a breakthrough!

"Err, why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asked, a tad unnerved.

"Like what?" Hermione uttered, her gaze unflinchingly on his cock as she pondered her next move.

"Like I'm a puzzle to be solved, or a piece of meat, or both maybe."

She didn't bother answering- she figured he knew the answer anyway, or Ginny would fill him in on the obvious. Instead, Hermione went with a more upfront approach, something she never would have considered doing mere weeks ago.

She groped him. She grabbed at the bulge in his trousers, and delighted in how the action set off a chain of magical fireworks inside of Harry- nerve endings firing, pulse quickening, cock twitching, magic flickering and rushing downwards, becoming even more concentrated in his shaft.

Harry squeaked adorably "'Mione! Not out here! We could- we could…" It was an unexpected role reversal. Harry being the voice of caution and Hermione wanting to act recklessly.

But did she not have the ability to be reckless when the situation called for it? She went after the Philospher's Stone with Harry in her first year. She brewed Polyjuice Potion in her second. She illegally used a time turner in her third. She prompted Harry to form the DA in her fifth year. And now she was going against Dumbledore to enact an untested magical ritual.

She lived so much of her life by the rules, but the things she was most proud of were the ones she'd done by breaking those rules. And she was tired of it.

So when Harry began to object, she silenced him. Not by placing a finger to his lips, but by dipping her hand past his waistband and wrapping it around his shaft. The words of protest died on his lips with a strained moan, and she pinned him with the most lecherous look she could manage. "Follow me."

Harry didn't resist as she led him by the cock to the nearest broom cupboard. With each step she took, she felt her arousal heighten. Holding him in her hand felt delicious and empowering in equal measure. Hermione forced herself to consider her options. She really wanted to explore her new sight further, but she knew if she let Harry, he'd overwhelm her. He was very focused on giving her pleasure and so very good at it, not to mention physically stronger and more magically powerful than her- it was easy for her to lose herself in him. But that wasn't what she wanted right now, she wanted to maintain her faculties which meant she needed to keep him at a distance, so to speak.

Thankfully, the nearest broom cupboard wasn't too far, and even more thankfully they didn't encounter anyone on the way there. Her plan in mind, Hermione closed the door on them and cast a silencing charm on it. The birth control charm was no longer necessary- she had looked up a longer-term charm that lasted an entire day that she and Ginny now both used.

Harry moved in and kissed her, and Hermione almost lost it at that point. Jesus, he was bloody good at that. He brought one hand to caress her breasts, and the other to her lower back to draw her closer. Arousal poured over her, her knickers were probably soaked through and she could feel the wetness running down her thighs. She was a hair's breadth from giving in, but somehow she pulled back.

Gently, she pushed on Harry's chest, and without a fight he withdrew, allowing her to push him to the wall. The hand that was still around his cock drifted lower, finding his scrotum and cupping it. "Harry." She practically purred as she inquisitively with one of his testicles. "I want you to do something for me."

Holding his penis felt empowering, but that was nothing compared to how she felt now, holding something so delicate in the palm of her hand. She could squeeze right now if she wanted to (though she'd never), and Harry trusted her implicitly not to.

He seemed all too aware of the position he was in, and she was almost surprised at his passivity. He'd opened his legs and angled his hips to give her the best access to him, but otherwise seemed completely compliant to her. His soft, vulnerable moans were nearly enough to drive her out of her mind with lust. Her baser instincts were screaming at her to just pin him to the wall and impale herself on him. Of course, she and any other girl who tried that would end up at the mercy of his hands, mouth, and cock. No, the way to maintain control with Harry was mental.

"Anything." He breathed, and internally, Hermione puffed with pride. Her fingers still fiddled with his testicles, and she regretted that she'd have to withdraw them for this.

"I want you to masturbate for me."

"Err, sure?" He seemed a little confused, she noted with fondness, but seemed more than willing to comply. So she brought her hand back up, giving his scrotum a gentle squeeze before trailing her hand up his shaft.

He let out another plaintive moan as she released him, and he paused, seemingly steeling himself before he took himself in hand. The way she'd left him, his cock was sticking awkwardly out of his boxers and unzipped pants. It was the perfect mixture of unkempt and vulnerable. Her mind leapt to an unexpected fantasy- Harry in the exact same position, except with his hands tied behind his back.

Merlin, that would be hot.

Hermione observed Harry, picking up the subtleties of his technique, how often he paused, where he lingered, how he squeezed himself gently on the upstroke. She could feel how he instinctively knew just how to work himself, his touch was unintentionally precise. His every touch seemed to almost perfectly stoke his pleasure higher without pushing him too far too fast. She was fascinated by how his magic reacted to every motion as his hand moved like a piston, ramping up like a well-oiled machine.

Her hand was stroking her inner thigh absently, but she didn't dare go any closer or she'd be in danger of losing it. Harry, ever thoughtful, picked up on it. "What about you?" He asked. Hermione just smiled, and after a moment's consideration, unbuttoned her top and unlatched her bra.

She was pleased to see it had an effect on him, if the glazed look in his eyes were any indication. Within ten seconds, he'd begun to tremble, and she could tell that his orgasm was imminent. It took a few moments more for Harry to admit it to her ""Mione, I'm close. I'm close." He warned breathlessly.

On an impulse, Hermione pushed her panties aside and dipped two fingers inside of herself, really her inner thighs were coated, so it was easy to cover her hand with her arousal. She dismissed Harry's hand and plunged down his length with one bold stroke. "Cum." She commanded.

Harry nearly choked at the unexpected stimulation, his control was shattered. "'Mione!" He cried. His cock leapt almost violently in her hands as Hermione drank in the inner workings of it through her sight- the intricate pump that was the male reproductive system. Simultaneously, she continued to move her hand, just as she'd seen Harry do it- squeezing and lingering in all of the right places, exploiting his weak points.

Finally, with her other hand, Hermione wordlessly swish and flicked her wand 'catching' his semen in the air with a simple levitation charm and drawing each additional volley of cum that she milked from him onto a floating orb.

Dazed and breathless, Harry stared wordlessly at the ejaculate Hermione had collected. With a trembling hand, Hermione transfigured one of the broom cupboard's brushes into a glass vial and siphoned Harry's semen into it. She wanted to study it later.

For her part, Hermione felt exalted. The mix of arousal, dominance, satisfaction, and the afterglow she felt from Harry was almost euphoric and it demanded to be acted on. So without further delay, she did. She surged forward, pressing Harry back into the wall and gripping his cock tightly so that she could angle it just so. With an animal grunt, she thrust her hips, engulfing his cock within her and driving downwards until he was up to the hilt.

After all of that, the self-imposed denial and teasing, Hermione had been hanging by a thread. The feel of him entering her, that primal satisfaction of taking him within her, was enough- more than enough. "Oh fuck yes!"

She came, grinding against him to push his cockhead against a sweet spot deep within her and gushing around him, staining his trousers would be with her arousal. Her eyes rolled back into her head, but she could still see every detail of Harry's body.


"Er, Ron, we need to talk."

Something about Lavender's voice, told Ron that something was up. Most obviously, she had used his real name, rather than that annoying nick-name. If that was all, Ron might have been relieved, but her voice was uncharacteristically serious.

That, and she'd intercepted him in a vacant hallway. She wanted him alone, and for once not for snogging.

"What is it, Lav?" He asked. He almost missed the subtle shake of her head at his pet name for her. What was up?

"I- I don't think this is gonna work."


"I just don't think we're right for each other."

No, she was lying. People didn't break up because they 'weren't right for each other', those were lies people told each other to make them feel better. "This is because of him isn't it!" He demanded. It was Harry, of course it was. She'd probably heard about how he'd become a sex god overnight, and wanted to join his fucking harem.

Lavender's mouth dropped open in shock "How did you- uh, I mean, of course not."

"Bloody typical." Ron growled "It's not enough for him to shag Ginny, Hermione, Katie, and Demelza! Now Harry fucking Potter's gotta steal my girlfriend too!"

"Harry? Where'd you get that idea from? I was interested in Seamus!" Lavender squawked. "Wait, Hermione? Katie Bell?"

"Seamus?" Ron squawked.

The two of them froze, each taking in the information the other had given them. Ron felt an anvil drop in his stomach as he realized he just spilled the beans.

"Oh my god, Pavarti is going to freak out. And Romilda's going to go in. If Harry Potter really is sleeping around…" Her eyes were sparkling with possibilities, as she swept away from him.

Ron gaped as he watched her leave. Honestly, he wasn't as upset as he thought he'd be. Like, it sucked that she dumped him, and for Seamus of all people, but he somehow wasn't that cut up about it.

Hm. Maybe he never was that into her.

Yet the weight in his gut didn't dissipate. He hadn't meant to spill Harry's secret. He'd been so angry… he just blurted it out!
